How has hoarding changed for you since vaulting?



  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    When you say "hoard" are you talking about withholding opening for a couple days, weeks, months, or all of the above?

    Are we talking about hoarding CP to help facilitate a 5* transition, or are you specifically talking about the 4* tier only?

    I think people have been chiming in across the entire problem set you mention...

    My contention is that vaulting is a short term speed bump for those that are focused on solely on 4*s and didn't hoard for 5*s pre-vaulting, but a substantial PITA for those who are in the practice of hoarding CP to more efficiently cover 5*s.

    With the addendum of: "I thought 5* progress was an area of concern before all this...  all vaulting did w.r.t. 5* progress was kick it in the nuts."

    I'm not convinced this is really something new created by vaulting so much as vaulting just REALLY quantifies it and brings it into the spotlight.

    There was a thread on 5* hoarding a while back where I think it was jobob that made a recommendation on the  amount of 4* champs you should have before you go through a hoard for 5*s basically thinking that you don't want to waste a ton of 4* covers when you pull for 5*s.  My take was that it really doesn't matter - it's the 5*s that are going to make you more competitive not the 4*s, and virtually any amount of 4* waste is acceptable if the end state is success at the 5* tier.  I think it's silly to stall 5* progress for fear of wasting 4* champ levels.  And that's really no different now except that now you know that you are going to pull covers for 12 and only 12 4*s, and you know exactly how much ISO you will need to make sure no cover for those goes to waste. 

    Most of us didn't have all the 4*s champed under the old system and so when we went through our hoards there was going to be some level of waste that had to be accepted unless we were willing to champ everyone.  Champing everyone was obviously viewed as a much longer term play and so we all accepted some level of waste.

    Now though "champing everyone" really means champing the latest 12 which is far more attainable and so it kind of feels like vaulting has created this massive ISO need for anyone hoarding when I don't think it really has.

    I can agree with that...  after a month or two of legendary token pulls I fully contemplated moving from 3* to 5* ignoring 4*s entirely, because I heard that 5*s dominated all of the play anyhow once you had two of em decently leveled.  If I could have kept softcapping my 3*s and the 4*s I got without issue along with keeping my PvE experience tweaked to minimize time it took to complete a cycle of nodes, I might have followed through with that.

    With championing as a mechanic fading out, it may just make the most sense to skip all the 4*s you can, if you intend to play at the 5* level, as they wont make a difference once you get there (featured 4* in pve and pvp notwithstanding) all the CP and LT spent maximizing 4* gain was wasted time you could have been maximizing 5* gain...  I don't like that but it may be the reality of the current state of the game...

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard less since vaulting has been implemented
    I'm currently hoarding less than I was before.  That's largely because before I was a massive hoarder saving up till I had thousands of CP and millions of ISO.  Have been hoarding less for 2 reasons:
    1.  I need to get to a point where I've champed enough of the current 12 that I have time to go back on my current hoard cycle (I'm about there now).
    2.  I keep getting to a point where my vaulted top tier characters have 12 covers and 1 dying on the vine.  So I keep trying to use BH to get that 13th cover to save me the 120 CP cost (2 for 2 right now)

    Once I get to a point where I have the next 4-6 of the that will drop off champed and most/all of my vaulted top tiers I expect I will start hording more than before.  My hoarding goals will be come to champ all 12, then hoard for 8 months so I can insta hoard once I'm back to a fresh 12.  Not sure I'll ever get to quite that point or I'll have that much patience, but that seems to be the most optimal play in the new systems (if you don't care about 5*s).

    If they do come out with SCL based scaling that may change that as that my finally drive me to be more agressive at get 5*s.  For now I feel no strong drive to max out any 5*s, I have a few at 6-8 covers and I'm fine with that, still have a lot of 4* ground to cover.  I do think that hoarding for 8 months will make it easier to max out 5*s if I choose from latest, which I probably will if they switch scaling.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    broll said:
    I'm currently hoarding less than I was before.  That's largely because before I was a massive hoarder saving up till I had thousands of CP and millions of ISO.  Have been hoarding less for 2 reasons:
    1.  I need to get to a point where I've champed enough of the current 12 that I have time to go back on my current hoard cycle (I'm about there now).
    2.  I keep getting to a point where my vaulted top tier characters have 12 covers and 1 dying on the vine.  So I keep trying to use BH to get that 13th cover to save me the 120 CP cost (2 for 2 right now)

    Once I get to a point where I have the next 4-6 of the that will drop off champed and most/all of my vaulted top tiers I expect I will start hording more than before.  My hoarding goals will be come to champ all 12, then hoard for 8 months so I can insta hoard once I'm back to a fresh 12.  Not sure I'll ever get to quite that point or I'll have that much patience, but that seems to be the most optimal play in the new systems (if you don't care about 5*s).

    If they do come out with SCL based scaling that may change that as that my finally drive me to be more agressive at get 5*s.  For now I feel no strong drive to max out any 5*s, I have a few at 6-8 covers and I'm fine with that, still have a lot of 4* ground to cover.  I do think that hoarding for 8 months will make it easier to max out 5*s if I choose from latest, which I probably will if they switch scaling.

    It wouldn't surprise me if that approach would serve you well, (provided you pull your hoard from latest instead of classics) in 5* progression as well...  depends how much CP/LT you can hoard in 8 months I guess...

    Seems like a long way off, and you'd have to snag that last hero before you started your 8 month hoard (the one that would have just been added to the tokens, C&D at the moment?)

  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I used to hoard about 120CP and a few LT's, but solely because it felt better to open a bigger stash than to open 1 every day or 2. Now, I hoard like it's my job. I stashed up to 1200 CP, spent a few on covers to prevent dying on the vine for characters I liked and wanted to champ anyways. I also seem to be pulling Gwenpool greens and Agent Venom reds and Mordos at an alarming pace, so I stopped pulling for a bit.

    I also hoard all tokens until I have over 150 total tokens. For whatever reason, I seem to pull bonus heroes more frequently (still low numbers though) when I open lots of tokens in a row. For instance, I opened maybe 5-10 tokens a day when BH's were first introduced. I received zero 4's and only 2 3's after 100 pulls. I now open around 50 tokens at a time, and I get maybe 5 bonus 3's. I have only gotten one bonus 4 from LT's and 2 more from 10 packs.

    I may be drawing conclusions from limited evidence, but I would rather get the results I see now, as bad as they are, than go back to getting no results at all.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I've had a hybrid hoarding approach since November because of the ISO bottleneck.  I hoard all LT, but spend some CP on Classics when I have ISO to spend on 4*s.  This has worked well I think.  Since November, I've champed 12 x 4*s and hoarded 78 LT and 1310 CP.  With vaulting, I have a plan to get most of the latest 12 champed, and then hoard all CP and 90% of my ISO for a few months, then open the hoard. 
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented

    I have the same view on hoarding - I basically only hoard LTs and cp for latests. and tacos for healthpacks.  tacos are unchanged.  LTs and cp are unchanged, but what I have to hoard more of when I approach a target pulling date is iso.  only having 12 in the pool when you pull really makes it critical to have the iso to champ all of the current 12.  because over 200-300 pulls, you'll get a ton of covers that you don't want to throw away.  so I guess slightly more overall, mainly just in iso in preparation for pulling day.

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard less since vaulting has been implemented
    broll said:
    I'm currently hoarding less than I was before.  That's largely because before I was a massive hoarder saving up till I had thousands of CP and millions of ISO.  Have been hoarding less for 2 reasons:
    1.  I need to get to a point where I've champed enough of the current 12 that I have time to go back on my current hoard cycle (I'm about there now).
    2.  I keep getting to a point where my vaulted top tier characters have 12 covers and 1 dying on the vine.  So I keep trying to use BH to get that 13th cover to save me the 120 CP cost (2 for 2 right now)

    Once I get to a point where I have the next 4-6 of the that will drop off champed and most/all of my vaulted top tiers I expect I will start hording more than before.  My hoarding goals will be come to champ all 12, then hoard for 8 months so I can insta hoard once I'm back to a fresh 12.  Not sure I'll ever get to quite that point or I'll have that much patience, but that seems to be the most optimal play in the new systems (if you don't care about 5*s).

    If they do come out with SCL based scaling that may change that as that my finally drive me to be more agressive at get 5*s.  For now I feel no strong drive to max out any 5*s, I have a few at 6-8 covers and I'm fine with that, still have a lot of 4* ground to cover.  I do think that hoarding for 8 months will make it easier to max out 5*s if I choose from latest, which I probably will if they switch scaling.

    It wouldn't surprise me if that approach would serve you well, (provided you pull your hoard from latest instead of classics) in 5* progression as well...  depends how much CP/LT you can hoard in 8 months I guess...

    Seems like a long way off, and you'd have to snag that last hero before you started your 8 month hoard (the one that would have just been added to the tokens, C&D at the moment?)

    If it wasn't for ISO requirements it wouldn't be that long. I have 6/12 champed now and a 7th at 13. The remaining:
    Blade 5/4/1 (10)
    Venom 1/5/5 (11)
    Mordo 5/4/1 (10)
    Agent Coleson 3/4/5 (12)
    Iron Fist 5/4/2 (11)

    So for now I'm micro hoarding till I get caught up. I have Nova, Hulkbuster, and Medusa on deck for immediate champing then I plan to get caught up on ISO before I pull anymore, but that should only be a month at absolute most. 
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I hoard more. Not by choice, but that's where my resources currently sit. Also, now I have to hoard for characters that are chosen for me, which takes a lot of fun out of progressing.
  • Pogo
    Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I feel obligated to hoard because the majority of my roster is vaulted. If they want to give me 12 free roster slots I'll go crazy with Heroics, LTs, and CP. Right now it seems like I won't have the resources to justify opening tokens until probably after Rocket & Groot get vaulted (unless I get incredibly lucky with tacos).

    Working as intended, though, right?
  • Twl7569
    Twl7569 Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    In fairness, the thought/ concept of hoarding didn't really occur to me until vaulting started, but I feel like I'll be hoarding more than I would be and for longer. I don't like wasting covers- and I'm just finishing my 3*, and still planting my 2* farm. With none of the current 4* champed, and my ISO resources to be spread thin in getting all of my 13 covered characters to champ, it'll be a few months before I consider using my CP and tokens. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard the same amount as I always have since vaulting has been implemented

    I was already hoarding Before vaulting hit, and I kept doing it afterwards, so I guess "no change" is the best answer for me.

    Now I have opened my hoard and am opening as soon as I can, FWIW.

  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I am hoarding more. Now that I have 7 of the latest 4 championed and the rest not maxed covered I will hoard the CP for couple of season to let some rotate out (i don't care for early champion rewards and I'd rather have covers for Rocket and Groot then taking Cage from 274 to 279). When there are 4-5 4* that I have limited number of covers (under 6) then I will be back to the original strategy of hoarding till I have iso to champion somebody. 

    Meanwhile I keep hoarding LT in case I decide to jump to 5* land (I would jump there if I could cover Thanos and Hawkey but I didn't have enough... now I don't expect this move till Star-Lord rotates out - so another 5-6 months). 
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    I hoard the same amount as I always have since vaulting has been implemented
    I don't like hoarding, so I still don't really hoard, though I made the decision to abandon older characters in the 12 if they come up and someone newer is ready to be champed, a strategy I was using pre vaulting with weaker characters anyway.
    Wasp left unchanged, Spider Woman will too, maybe Riri, but I'll be on top of the newer ones as they come through plus I've been able to cover 5 Thanos and have a shot at doing so with Panther, so it feels like real progress there too. Cage and Blade are at 290, ready to overtake Hulkbuster as highest level at 292, and I look forward to Carol et al joining them at that level and beyond
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    I hoard the same amount as I always have since vaulting has been implemented
    Brendover said:
    I never hoarded before. I was happy with my slow, diluted 4* progression.

    Now that vaulting is a thing, I'm just going to hoard until I can fully cover some 5* characters.

    Vaulting has been an awful change that has sucked a lot of joy out of my daily play.
    Well, if you think vaulting sucked the joy out of daily play, just wait until you level those fully covered 5*s. :)
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I never hoarded prior to vaulting. Now it is all I do and have been doing so since it was implemented. It doesn't make sense not to. Im still earning iso to level my toons I have left but im not earning enough to champ several toons that I will pull from the current pool. I consider myself to be in a fortunate position being a longer term player and having the vaulted toons already champed. However it still makes no sense to have covers dying on the vine when I can hold them till appropriate.

  • MpqTron
    MpqTron Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I've never hoarded until Vaulting came into place, and to start with I didn't hoard. Now I have so many of the 12 at 13 covers that I have been forced to hoard not to waste covers. 
    I've champed Spiderwoman, c4ge, wasp, medusa & agent venom, and now have another race to champ Carol and Teen Jean before the covers on the vine expire. I also have bl4de and gwenpoole at 13 covers, with Coulson at 12 so I've had to stop spending CP. I now have nearly 200 CP which is far and beyond what I would usually keep, but I can;t see me spending any CP this season as I try to catch up on my ISO needs. 

    I do still open LL tokens though, as this either gives me a 5 I can use, a champ lvl on the 4's I do have champed, or lets me focus on the next one to champ if I have a cover on the vine. 
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    After a few legendary token opens, finding I was getting covers for characters quicker and then finding I'd hit 13 covers sooner than ever and needing to champ that character once a 14th arrived, I came to realise hoarding was the way to go.

    I have only ever hoarded taco tokens before, waiting for a 4* I really want before spending them. I kept 120CP in case a 12 cover 4* got a cover I didn't need, so I could buy that last cover if it didn't show up within 2 weeks while I worked on champing them.

    Now though it seems daft using legendaries while working on a character. I've got 15 legendaries saved and nearly 400CP. My plan is to champ a character I get a spare cover of and hold on until that's done. Once they're done I'll open legendaries until I get another character with a spare cover and then start working on them. Fewer wasted covers that way.
  • Halleck
    Halleck Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I hoard less since vaulting has been implemented
    I probably fit the demographics of a player the developers were trying to target with the change. I wasn't hoarding for any super-strategic reason before. It was just that with the dilution and doing the rough math of my situation - spending CP seemed rather pointless.

    With the vaulting, I partially depleted my stash and now spend CP as I get it. I'm still curious to see how things turn out, but I'm seeing 4* results that meet my definition of meaningful.
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Won't answer to the poll as I'm not hoarding more than a day worth.

    But as my 4* roaster is growing, I would say that at some point I will need to hoard LT. If I already have more than 50% of current vaulted 4* in 12-13 covers, I won't pull, avoiding to sell covers.

    I really want to be able to choose which 12 4* can be found inside the vault to avoid this situation.
  • Cactus_Jack_87
    Cactus_Jack_87 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2017
    I hoard more since vaulting has been implemented
    I'm currently up to 2200CP, and I've still managed to champ Cage, Wasp, Carol, Agent Venom, Gwenpool, Fist, Blade, Medusa, and Mordo (in the next few days). I started hoarding on Feb. 1st because I wanted to fully cover a new 5* when their vault rolls around. I passed on Star Lord, and now I'm looking forward to the next when the Spidey movie comes around. This vaulting system has complicated things as far as encouraging me to champ somewhat lame characters (Riri and Mordo) over awesome classics that I have fully covered (Rulk, Xavier, Nova), but it's also helped me to champ some incredible characters in record time.