Roster progress report, and plans for your roster
After 411 days of playing I acheived my first long-term goal and championed the last 3*-character (Squirrel Girl).
From now on I am going to put the ISO in my pretty well covered but underleveled 4*-characters: Lady Thor (13 cover), Hulkbuster (12), Star-Lord (12), Jean Grey (11), X-Wolvie (11) and Ice-Man (10). Besides that I want to collect as much CPs as possible (587 at the moment). I will spend them when I have finally leveled up my 4*.0 -
Okay, here is how my roster stands at the moment. I have a few questions that I would appreciate advice on.
57/7. None higher than 270 (
), the rest at 255. Nowhere near enough covers to even consider championing any of them.
Missing:(Captain Peggy).
Have:(lvl 220, 5/5/3),
(lvl 200, 5/4/4),
(lvl 194, 4/5/4),
(lvl 188, 4/4/2),
(lvl 180, 3/5/5),
Level 168:(5/5/3),
(Flaptain, 4/5/1), :
Level 152:(5/3/2),
Level 135:(5/5/3),
Level 131:(5/1/0),
Level 111:(5/3/5),
Level 100:(5/5/3),
Level 94:(3/2/3),
Level 74:(1/0/1),
Level 70:(0/0/1),
Questions: Looking at my roster in total, should I be sticking to my current plan (championing my 3) or should I start pumping ISO into my fours? If I should start moving ISO into my 4s, who takes priority?
3: 40/40
Level 120: All remaining 3
Questions: Is my current plan (championing all of my 3as I gather the ISO) the appropriate course of action for me? If so, which of the remaining 3
should be a priority?
Max Championed:
Level 141:
Level 40:
Level 15:
Questions: I've been seeing a few folks talking about selling their Maxed Champions for the ISO/HP. Would this be a wise course of action for me or should I leave things as they are? While not a priority, would it be to my benefit to eventually pump ISO into the 2who are not champed yet?
Level 50:
Level 40:
Missing: All the rest0 -
DanBenZvi wrote:Okay, here is how my roster stands at the moment. I have a few questions that I would appreciate advice on.
57/7. None higher than 270 (
), the rest at 255. Nowhere near enough covers to even consider championing any of them.
The only character that might be worth putting some ISO into would be an OML if he has Yellow, but even then it might screw up your scaling and PVP MMR a lot if you level him too high. I had my OML at Level 270 for a long time, as that's the level of a maxed 4 Star, so not such a huge impact on scaling or MMR.
This is the long game...429/36.
Questions: Looking at my roster in total, should I be sticking to my current plan (championing my 3) or should I start pumping ISO into my fours? If I should start moving ISO into my 4s, who takes priority?
So, if you want to spend ISO in 4 Star land, level up any of these characters that are cover maxed or close to it.
So for you,&
I personally would do Cyclops first cause he doesn't have a self-damage power like Hulkbuster does. He has two super high single target attacks with his Red & Blue, and is potentially faster with his AP generating skills with Yellow and Blue (for gaining Red).
Then, maybe. He is in the next power tier IMO, and you have him cover maced. He is very useful in PVE with his Blue, and his Purple WRECKS if its trap tile survives even one or two turns.
can be fun, but these other three might soak up all your ISO. This guy is next up for 4DDQ though, so keep that in mind...
Terrible characters you should ignore for now =,
Do NOT, repeat DO NOT levelabove Level 165! It will break the Charlie's Angles combo that lets you power through PVE.
Another strategy is to save ISO until the next 4DDQ comes around.
Then, if it's a character that you have a decent number of covers for, give them a quick infusion of ISO to gain a few levels to make the fight a lot easier.
From my experience, a 4DDQ is winnable if your character has at least 7 or so covers and is about Level 170-180, depending on the matchup. Some are easy (any character that can turn invisible) some necessarily hard (Starlord, Mr. Fantastic), so it really depends. Even then, it can still sometimes take 2 or 3 attempts with damage & AP boosts due to random luck and starting board layout.
Yet another strategy is to see which of your championed 3 Stars are close to giving a 4 Star cover as their level up reward. If it's for a character that you have cover maxed or a "6th cover" of, it would suck to waste it. If you have, say, Human Torch close to Level 183, it might be an idea to champ Invisible Woman so that you don't waste that cover when you Champ Level Human Torch.
Most times this can't be helped, but something to think about.3: 40/40
Questions: Is my current plan (championing all of my 3as I gather the ISO) the appropriate course of action for me? If so, which of the remaining 3
should be a priority?
As my roster stands, my only non-champed 3 Star iscause he's terrible and I would never voluntarily use him. I have him at Level 100, and he's only used when he's essential, which is super rare. The lesser To speed up your entry into 4 Star land, you could ignore the lesser 3 Star characters you don't already have champ'ed, especially if they don't give a top 5 4 Star cover.
Questions: I've been seeing a few folks talking about selling their Maxed Champions for the ISO/HP. Would this be a wise course of action for me or should I leave things as they are? While not a priority, would it be to my benefit to eventually pump ISO into the 2who are not champed yet?
At most, you really only need them for the essentials in PVE and at least 3 or 4 usable ones for DDQ.
FOr me personally, my DDQ team for the 2 star nodes is,
, &
Purple to
Blue does the deed most times, with a sprinkle of
Yellow or Green. For the cases where one of these three can't be used due to enemy setup, then it's either
(easy Match-5's with
Purple or
yellow), depending who can't be used.
I personally have about 6 or 6 champ'ed 2 stars, and the rest are cover maxed but at base level. This way I can still use them for PVE. The other two characters more than pull the weight, and the only time it hurts is when a 2 star character is required for a stupid overscaled Gauntlet node.13/8
, as he can most days solo the first node of DDQ all by himself, and you can cause trouble in Balance of power as well.
I personally do not have Venom or Yelena.0 -
DanBenZvi wrote:Okay, here is how my roster stands at the moment. I have a few questions that I would appreciate advice on.
5ignore them
Have:(lvl 220, 5/5/3),
(lvl 200, 5/4/4),
Level 168:(5/5/3)
Level 135:(5/5/3),
Consider champing HB, Cyclops and Thor.
I don't use antman much, so can't say how useful he is -try and see if he suits your playstyle.
HB goes well with almost everyone especially IF. Cyc and 4thor are powerhouses with im40 for both pvp and pve.
PX is not really usable for winfinite yet, ignore.
3: 40/40
It looks like you have most of the 3*s done already. Is there anyone else you use regularly?
However, if you want to try for 1k/1.3k progression in pvp go for the 4*s listed first. When they're done you can go back and champ more 3*s while you wait for more 4* covers.
Questions: I've been seeing a few folks talking about selling their Maxed Champions for the ISO/HP. Would this be a wise course of action for me or should I leave things as they are? While not a priority, would it be to my benefit to eventually pump ISO into the 2who are not champed yet?
No. You lose iso maxing and selling 2*s. Sell only if you urgently need iso.
You've got all you need. No need for more, sell one or two if you want to, just make sure you keep either juggs or im35.0 -
So sometime last season I gave up saving iso to champ my 5*s and sold off all my max champed 2*s except for my Bag-man. Maxed out OML and PHX, with I guess predictable results by now.
I've said multiple times I am not thrilled about the 5* game and the mmr or scaling or the lottery involved in gaining them in the first place. Still not thrilled, but at least I can be un-thrilled with much less effort to get to where I normally get in pvp and pve.
Saved up cp and LTs for the entire season and opened about a third - roughly 18 tokens worth for the new season additions, though most of the pulls were champ covers or unusable.... Got an IM46 and Yet Another Phoenix. I later opened another couple for solidarity with alliancemates and got my 2nd ever Goblin.
Over the last season and then some since I maxed out Bag-man, I managed to get exactly 3 Bag-covers. He continues to be my precious rarer-than-5* treasure. Got one more today which is always a thing that makes me happy.
Slowly, slowly rebuilding my 2*s. I will not be selling them again... it's too painful to feel like I've made no progress all season on my 4*s because I need the iso to rechamp the lot. 4 more 2*s to go. All covered, just lacking iso.0 -
I realized today that the only fourstars with 13 covers I have left to champion are Reed Richards and Amadeus Cho, and I am not in any hurry to champ either one. I decided to level up my remaining twostars to champ them (just need 60K more ISO for Moonstone and then I am done...).
Once that is done, I Think I'll start taking my not yet fully covered fourstars to level 180. That should be an adequate starting Point should I need to champ them on short notice.0 -
lukewin wrote:Previous post-GSBW and IF triple both need a purple to finish them at 5/3/5 and 3/5/5. HT dupe is at 4/3/4, going for 5/x/x, unsure of build. After these 3 are done, probably done with 3*. All my dupes/triples will be done, and no plans to start new ones. Will continue to start/develop 4* dupes/triples. (Still true.)
-No rush on X-23 to 200 any more. (Might change this, since OML/Nova/X-23 is great. Thought different when it was OML/XFDP/X-23)
-Will still tank PVEs in hopes of baby brackets for new releases. (Got baby bracket for Moon Knight, got 5 covers on release.)
-Still play DDQ every day (Check)
-Have plans for ISO now, so won't hoard.
-Add 15 levels for any OML covers that come in. (No covers came in)
-...otherwise I'd consider eliminating my 4* 140 tier and taking them all to 160. (Done, 140 tier gone, 4* at 200, 160, or 70. ISO influx from selling 2* champs helped boost 140s to 160s)
-PX blue, got it, now considering turning 1 of them into a 3/5/5, will probably be the 160 5/4/4 and take him to 200, have a yellow in the queue that will probably change him to 4/4/5 until last purple comes in. 5/3/5 dupe is currently at 140. 5/5/2 triple is at 70. (Changed 160 to 200 3/5/5, regretted it. Wish I had kept it at 5/4/4 or 5/3/5. Dupe is 160 5/3/5, triple is 70 5/5/2, quadruple is 70 1/0/0)
-GG to 285, to play around with his yellow. (Low on priority list, have not done, still true)
-Maybe start Rd 4 of championing 3*, but probably wouldn't do all 10. Rd 4 might be 4 3*; Human Torch, Sentry, Doc Ock, Ragnarok, Doom. That order b/c of usefulness to me, and ability to respec as needed. Rd 5, Falcon, Spidey, Squirrel Girl, Hulk and Punisher might never get done, since I don't see a need to respec any of them. (Used ISO from selling all 2* champs to start this too. Got Doom, Doc Ock and Sentry done. Only HT and Rags left.)
-(Took SS to 330 from 255, with help from ISO from 2* Champs sold. Regret doing that. Don't have enough ISO to champ 2* again. Their covers came in a lot faster this LR and I blew the ISO on other things, without saving it for the re-champ. 4 2* already champ'd again. 7 other 2* rostered, will champ as ISO comes in.)
(Update since last update)
-GSBW and IF triple both need a purple to finish them at 5/3/5 and 3/5/5. HT dupe is at 4/3/4, going for 5/x/x, unsure of build. After these 3 are done, probably done with 3*. All my dupes/triples will be done, and no plans to start new ones. Will continue to start/develop 4* dupes/triples. (GSBW purple came in, 5/3/5, took her to 94 to use in low level CA and still tank purple. HT finished at 5/3/5. Waiting on IF purple to be finished with 3* dupes/triples)
-No rush on X-23 to 200 any more. Might change this, since OML/Nova/X-23 is great. Thought different when it was OML/XFDP/X-23. (Still at 160, will probably get done, just no rush)
-Will still tank PVEs in hopes of baby brackets for new releases. (Got baby bracket for Peggy Carter, got 5 covers on release, 1 from Cap 75 vault, 2 from her PVP. 3/2/3. Got 2 free tokens in Cap 75 vault, had enough for 4 more pulls, got the red cover on final pull. Was considering buying HP to keep pulling if needed, thankfully, it wasn't)
-Still play DDQ every day (Check)
-Have plans for ISO now, so won't hoard.
-Add 15 levels for any OML covers that come in. (No covers came in)
-PX Changed 160 to 200 3/5/5, regretted it. Wish I had kept it at 5/4/4 or 5/3/5. Dupe is 160 5/3/5, triple is 70 5/5/2, quadruple is 70 1/0/0. (200 is now 4/4/5 going for 5/3/5. Accidentally used quad PX in Sim with low level CA, took 2 matches before I realized why CA wasn't working great)
-GG to 285, to play around with his yellow. (Low on priority list, have not done, still true)
-Maybe start Rd 4 of championing 3*, but probably wouldn't do all 10. Rd 4 might be 4 3*; Human Torch, Sentry, Doc Ock, Ragnarok, Doom. Used ISO from selling all 2* champs to start this too. Got Doom, Doc Ock and Sentry done. Only HT and Rags left. Rd 5, Falcon, Spidey, Squirrel Girl, Hulk and Punisher might never get done, since I don't see a need to respec any of them. (Got HT and Rags champ'd)
-Don't have enough ISO to champ 2* again. Their covers came in a lot faster this LR and I blew the ISO on other things, without saving it for the re-champ. 4 2* already champ'd again. 7 other 2* rostered, will champ as ISO comes in. (Last few LR have been low on 2*. All 14 2* rostered now. 8 champ'd already. Got 10 covers in the queue, for 4 different 2*, that have 5 covers in colors already, but not 13 total. Hopefully have all but Bagman champed by next update. Will definitely sell again, to start farming again. Wouldn't mind if some of the champs hit 144 so I can use their ISO to champ a 13 cover 2*.)
My roster0 -
I'm at day 142. The last 45 days I've champed:
Thor,GSBW,IM40,Daken,Hulk and CMag
My next few have 10+ covers and will be champed soon:
Storm, Falcon, IF, Hood, R&G,Cap
Just below them at 8-9 covers are:
Patch, blade, Cage, qs, BP, Bullseye
I will champion evey 3 star before going to 4* so no covers are wasted and help me invest in the next tier.0 -
Feeling like I've hit a sweet spot recently; just a lot of stuff falling into place.
I've started cycling my 2*'s. Sold off Ares, Magneto, Storm, and OBW. Starting on Thor, Hawkeye, Cap, and a new Mags. I also bought a few new slots and have started gathering covers for Wolverine. I had a handful of Mystique covers that ended up in my queue, so I finally went and levelled/champed her. She's actually kinda fun to play with, and she'll deliver some Iceman covers in time. I have struggled with the last few PvP events (Beast and Doc Ock) since I don't have those characters champed - and the difference is noticeable. I'm putting a lot of thought towards champing all the 3*'s - for as long as the PvP format is "featured 3*", then there's a huge advantage to maxing them all out. Also - once champed - any 3* covers become increasingly useful. I think I need to bring my ISO reserve up to about 200K first, since I'll need about that much as the "emergency 4* levelling fund".
4* Progress
I finally - finally! - got a blue cover for JG. She's still not really useable (L192, 5/1/3), but it's good to finally have that cover. Thanks to Cap Vault and the great Peggy pvp reward format, I've got Carter at 1/1/1. I also managed to get Moon Knight to 0/2/2 with a lucky token draw, and got my sights set on the season SIM reward. I really like the kits for both Peg and MK, so I'm looking forward to any chance at improving them.
5* Progress
The last few 4* DDQ nodes have been good for me, as they've all been characters I have champed or high level. I had been cashing in the LTs immediately, but this week I've started saving tokens and CP again in preparation for the next 5* (since I get the feeling this will be a character that's "worth rostering").
I put a few more levels into OML (L315) and Phoenix (L300), mostly just for the little extra health so that they fit better alongside champed teammates in PvP.
For the most part right now, it feels like I'm on top of things - my queue is empty, and I don't have anything looming in my daily reward queue that I have to worry about (there's an LT and a Black GR cover in a few days, both are going to be good for me). Just hoarding ISO/HP and waiting for a reason to spend it.0 -
They did the boost to selling maxchamped 2*s since my last post here, so I have shifted my priorities a bit and rostered every 2*. I've been working on championing them (and the 3*s they feed into), which has given me my longest list of priorities for quite a while.
Current roster is in my sig.
My next champions are going to be:
2* Ares (5 covers in queue)
3* Spiderman (Getting 5-6 covers for him in the next week between PVE rewards and DDQ)
I still need to champion the following other characters to make the most out of 2* farming:
OBW (not max covered yet)
Bagman (not max covered yet)
Mixed in with all that, I have a bunch of 4*s that are below 140 but can be levelled that I'd like to put Iso into, but my current priorities should keep me busy for a few weeks.0 -
In the last week I have champed my last 3 star, I now have them all champed.
I sold off some of my max champed 2 stars, and am rebuilding several of them that feed 3 star covers I want more of.
I have three 4 stars champed IMHB, XPool and LadyThor. I will likely champ Ant Man or my nearly complete Iceman next.0 -
Got my first champ'd 4 star last week
hulk buster!
Over the weekend I recycled Moonstone and did some low leveling of Quake and Miles (got to 1,000 in PVP!!!).
Next up, working on raising my covered four stars to level 200. Nice round number! (Need 360,000 ISO to take 14 chars up to 200). And/or saving up to champ Jean Grey and Cyclops. With secondary goals of Thoress and Sam Wilson. Would rather do Iceman, RULK, Quake or Xpool, but don't have the covers. Maybe I will by the time I finish JG and CYKE!!!0 -
Orion wrote:Orion wrote:Orion wrote:Orion wrote:Fully updated roster is in my signature below.
Champion 4*s:
33 out of 40 Champion 3*s. Only ones missing are:
I can't see myself championing them anytime soon. Just not enough ISO.
10 out of 14 Champion 2*s. Need Torch, Ms. Marvel, Bullseye and Bagman. Again, just not enough ISO to worry about them right now.
I have plenty of cover-maxed 4*s, but not enough ISO to get them even close to 270. But since my 5*s are at the point where they're better than any 4*, what's the point in leveling any of them? Sure, they're nice when they're boosted, but I'd need millions of ISO to get them all that good.
Basically the 4* transition is a joke. You only need to level up 2 or 3 top tier 4*s, then hope you get lucky enough to get your 5*s online. Once you get 7 covers in some 5*s, the rest of your 4* roster becomes irrelevant.
I haven't spent any ISO in the last few weeks on anybody that's not a 4* or 5*. There's no point. I did get X-23 up to champion level and I'm currently working on Cyclops. I want to get Cyclops, Red Hulk, Iceman and Deadpool up to 270, but none of the rest of the 4*s seem like a high priority after that. Maybe I'll bump up SS or Phoenix so I can run 2 5*s in PvP events. But then I'm worried about running into the big whales.
So it's been a month and I've championed Cyclops, Iceman and Rocket & Groot. That's pretty slow progress for a month's worth of effort. It's a little discouraging to only be able to bring up a single 4* every 2 weeks.
I did very recently get 2 more covers for OML to max him out at 5/4/4. I have a Kingpin cover waiting for me to champion him and then I'll work on bringing OML up to 450. That's a little more than 200k needed for both of those tasks so that's about the next 2 weeks worth of ISO spoken for.
OK, so wholesale changes on my roster this month. (current roster in sig below)
In the last month I maxed OML and the rest of my 3*s. I got tired of wasting covers for the last few 3*s that weren't champed. So now I have 9 champed 4*s () and all 40 champed 3*s.
I've decided to become the champion of turning over my 2* characters. So whenever I got a 2* cover for one of my level 144 champs, I sold it and replaced it with a 1-cover version. I ended up selling all 10 of my level 144 characters for 650k ISO. I used the ISO to level up the other 4 2*s that weren't champed yet (Bullseye, Bagman, Torch, Ms. Marvel) and dumped the rest of the ISO into my low-level 4*s. So now all of my 4*s are either soft-capped or level 165, whichever one was higher. Yup, even Cho and Star Lord. Now I'm not worried about any of their DDQ fights, except maybe Mr. F (can he win even if he's level 270?).
So I see this as a huge loan of 650k ISO that I've got to pay back down the road as my 2*s get cover maxed again. I want to got them all earning champ rewards as soon as possible.
In the meantime, I opened up a stash of 440 CP. I got 2 5*s (BSS and SS) and some 4* covers that were mostly sold. I did get 3 Ghost Riders, so he's my next champion target (level 226 currently). Then it's back to building up the 2*s.
So it's been a little over a month and I've champed 2 more 4*s - Ghost Rider and Antman. The rest of my ISO has gone to building back up all of the 2* champs that I sold the last time. I have 9 2* champs and 5 more waiting on ISO.
My goals for the next month are to champ Nova in anticipation of his cover coming up as a 1k reward very soon. Next up after that is Quake. With those 2 champed then I can go back to finishing up those 2*s.
If I get another 2* max champed then I'll sell him and apply the ISO to Nova or Quake. Then back to the 2* rebuilding.
A longer-term goal is to get 5* Spidey up and running. He's 5/1/4, but I'm worried about locking myself into all-5* MMR for eternity.0 -
After a horribly grindy 10 days, I have addedto champion status alongside
with 5 max covered
I took Deadpool up from about 200 to 270 in those aforementioned 10 days, and I've gotta promise myself never again. When I took Thor up, I sold off a couple of 2*s, which made the process much less stressful, as I didn't put myself under the same pressure. Next plan is to start bringing up some of the high cover higher tier characters (Cyclops and Red Hulk) so that they are in touching distance when I get their covers. Picked up a Winter Soldier token from Championing Deadpool, so I have all 4*s rostered again.
Only champedin the last month, leaving me
to go. She Hulk will be next probably by next weekend
In other levels, still not much to talk about in 5 land, 5 in Phoenix, 5 in Surfer (2xthis month), 1 in OML, Bssm, GG.
2 starare all championed again and working their way back to 144
0 -
I now have all 2* championed so I can harvest the champion rewards as needed. I quite enjoy not having to sell 2* covers.
My immediate plan is still to get more well-covered 4* characters to level 180. At the moment, that means War Machine, Drax and Miles Morales. After that, I guess it depends on what new covers I get. I am up to 12 OML covers now, so I suppose saving up ISO until the 13th OML/Phoenix cover drops isn't a bad idea either.0 -
I started to actually think... I have so many useless championed characters... Why not sell championed 3*s which aren't that used and invest iso to four stars instead? Would get also roster spots, no need to invest in them anymore and start to opening my LT's and heroic packs starting to build up 4* and 5* lands... Maybe later. Now I need to champion Scarlet Witch and Wolv patch as they are the only ones I still need to champ. Then I go for plan above.. Perhaps. Problem just is, you get so little iso8 from selling even champed 3*s0
mckauhu wrote:I started to actually think... I have so many useless championed characters... Why not sell championed 3*s which aren't that used and invest iso to four stars instead? Would get also roster spots, no need to invest in them anymore and start to opening my LT's and heroic packs starting to build up 4* and 5* lands... Maybe later. Now I need to champion Scarlet Witch and Wolv patch as they are the only ones I still need to champ. Then I go for plan above.. Perhaps. Problem just is, you get so little iso8 from selling even champed 3*s
2* are a lot easier to farm since they are easier to come by and only need 50 champion levels.
Also, it's Worth mentioning that the HP flow stabilizes somewhat once you have most characters rostered. Hanging on to tokens until you can roster someone else is the best way to handle it.0 -
The issue I am starting to run into is that the 3* champion rewards are giving me 4* covers that I can't use. I am close to getting Storm to 183 but the blue Thor is already at 5. Same with 3* Deadpool and XFDeadpool red. Should I stop leveling the 3* champions or just sell the 4* covers?0
Straycat wrote:The issue I am starting to run into is that the 3* champion rewards are giving me 4* covers that I can't use. I am close to getting Storm to 183 but the blue Thor is already at 5. Same with 3* Deadpool and XFDeadpool red. Should I stop leveling the 3* champions or just sell the 4* covers?
Well, that's what I used to do at least. Now all my 3* are past level 183 and it will be a while Before I get new 4* cover rewards that way.0 -
5th biweekly updateDTStump wrote:Objectives:- to champion 10 good
- To unlock more roster slots for 4*/5*s.
Last update:- Championedand two less important chars, number of 3* champions increased from 14 to 20
- Added 2 roster slots (64 -> 66 )
- Rostered 3 new 4*:, but had to sacrifice two chars:
. number of rostered 4*s from 19 to 20
Roster slots
Managed to add two new slots in the last two weeks (N = 68 now). I have been getting top 50 in PvE subs very regularly, so that's a steady source of.
Out of my list of top priority 3*, I managed to champ another one since last time:. In addition, I championed
because too many covers would go to waste otherwise, and... Jean Grey.
Only two are left on my list:(12 covers)
It's looking like I need to get lucky to get these guys fully covered in the next month, so it may still take a while until I get to this milestone. At least they're already somewhat useful and all the other good 3*s are already championed. I need to set aside 100kto champion these two - the rest is going to lower priority 3*s and probably a fifth 2*.
I finally managed to catch up with my list of expiring covers! Since the last update, I rostered three new 4*s:
This increases the number of 4*s from 20 to 23. Hopefully now I can allocate my next roster slot to a new 2*, in order to increaseproduction. It'd also be important for DDQ purposes, since I only have 4 2* characters right now.
Once I add this fifth 2*, I'll probably start opening my LTs. The idea is to open LTs until I get a cover that I cannot immediately roster; then I stop and work on adding a new slot for that character before it expires. Right now I have 8 LTs and 910, which could mean more than 50 LTs to open! I'm looking forward to that.
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