**** Drax (The Destroyer) ****
Yeah the opportunity cost of using that second power is pretty low, since you were probably going to fire at least one more power in the match anyways, and that power does its own thing which is independent of how good Secret Weapon is.
Unless it makes a whole tinykittyton of strike tiles, at which point, congrats, I guess you did it?
Oh, you only brought a 0/1/3 OML with you? Too bad. You'll win anyways, of course.0 -
Slice & Dice - 8
Level 5: Deals 4004 damage or 8009 damage if target has more then 90% of their total health.3.Let This be the okay one, I won't ask for change.
Red is great nice low cost good damage with the added bonus damage if over 90%
Couldn't disagree more.
Red is by far his worst power. 90% health? I cast one AoE and Slice & Dice is no longer worth using. Those numbers belong in the 3* tier, as does the character.0 -
For Drax to be decent he needed an ability to provide the three countdowns that conditionally might be worth destroying for the additional damage on
Either of the following would have been good;should have generated more than 1
, or been cheaper to cast for 1
, and have them go off on enemy power cast. That way you can choose to leave them out for higher damage as revenge, or sacrifice them to
for less if you weren't going to take a hit.
could have been a cheap ability with decent AP/Dmg ratio, like Razor's Edge, with the added benefit of generating a
that inflicted "bleed" damage every turn, lets say 500-600 (resets to 1 every turn like Torch
), possibly add AP drain at max covers. A cool feature would be to have the bleed tied to the enemy you attacked with
, so you could change the current target and still bleed out the other enemy/ies. Again conditionally you might want to sacrifice these to
0 -
KingDreadnaught wrote:At this stage, I must step in to this...
DRAX is a highly expected character that many have been waiting for a long while. His "Revenge" quote sounded so tempting and gave us hope for this character to be "badass" or at least very powerful to catch up with many powerful 4* releases lately such as PunMax (the best 4* imo), Quake (extremely useful), and Duckie Duck which is so good in many ways.
Drax DISAPPOINTED ME and many others real hard.
1. As I am Kingdreadnaught that people know I'd max new character asap to test out the abilities. This is one of the biggest time I feel like this is the most worthless investment ever..
2. Why? Because of his powers , all of them are WEAK.- Seems to be high dmg but up to 3 cds only. We all know that Cds gotta mean something, either to wait for it to do something for to work while it's still on. My question is , WHY on Earth Drax's black REMOVE them just for tiny more dmg adding to his average dmg and we lose the cds forever... The worst of worst is THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH DPX. I thought DPX purple CDS written clearly that "Whatever make these tiles goes away, it dmg the opponent!" (I might be wrong about actual text but that is how Drax SHOULD WORK...
- EXTREMELY USELESS. 3 turns CD... What can we do within 3 turns? Maybe something if it DOES NOT end the TURN...You are talking about 2 TURNS CD not 3. And it has to be ALLy not himself as well, so why have such a low ap RED if he can't fire purple and red right after? worthless....
- The only legit one I think might be a bit better than Deadpool 3*... How many times we gonna use this with the full health character? I tested this with the buffed one that almost 370 lv and it's... nehh almost like SilverSurf Maxed Champ 17k dmg but with 90% health condition... Okay?
I will understand if these ability are the standard of 4* if D3 haven't release such powerful 4* like Punmax and Quakes earlier. This is another level. I see Drax as a 3* toon that my SW or IF will be my 99% toons of choice more than Drax that I might never touch again.
This might sound impossible but To make it fair for this character.. I may suggest
1. Make hisDo more dmg or not limit the 3 cd tiles , give him ability to be more powerful with many Cds which will make him usable, not even close to overpower...
2. Hisis a real piece of poop.... Make this as "Create 3 turns 3 Countdown tiles" (If you want to link this with his black) and Make this ability Fireable not just ally but himself as well.... or worse case just Cut that "End turn" OUT!!!!
3.Let This be the okay one, I won't ask for change.
What do you think?
You are comparing a 4 power with a maxed champ 5 (even SS) and you say it is just ok? You have too many maxed champed chars
For purple I think it is better if you wait until you have the AP to cast another power, then you cast purple, you wait one turn and you just cast the other power. I have to say though that it is a bummer it can't be triggered by his own red. I guess it makes sense in the context of the power but it is not as good because of that... (in DDQ4 we will need a team up for triggering it).
I think he will settle as a 3/5/5 char, his red and purple are quite good (I don't know why the decided to set Drax in the loner node as 5/3/5), 7.5k for 8 AP (yeah he loses a turn) and 4k-8k for 8AP are quite good, just cast black without any countdowns for base damage if you dont have any other black powers AND he has A LOT of life too.jjfyahpowah wrote:
Red is by far his worst power. 90% health? I cast one AoE and Slice & Dice is no longer worth using. Those numbers belong in the 3* tier, as does the character.
Man red is just 8AP, which AoE are you going to cast before you get to 8 red? (10 is the cheapest one) And If you get the AP of the AoE in a lucky cascade or something like that, just wait a couple of turns until you get the 8 red and then cast red first and then the AoE !!! A part from Gwen's red which needs a lot of web tiles or Carnage red this is the fastest and hardest ability in 4 land, 8 AP for 8k is veeeery good (1000 damage/ap), and when buffed it is going to be 16k! Tell me which 3 does this damage for this cost. It is really easy to fire red for max damage, people complain just because....
Again, he has two abilities that are close or better than the 1000 damage/AP!
PS: I don't know, maybe I am wrong, everybody hates him, people is being really hard with him, but I still think he is probably x23/Gwen level good or even better. One of his biggest problem is that red is right now the strongest color in 4 land, and the other red/purple/black user is quite good.0 -
Much as people hate trap tiles, I have to ask why
isn't a trap? It fits the description of what Drax is doing better than a countdown does, and could give it some extra utility. Say, it's matched "uncovering the trap" and forcing Drax to regroup, stunning the enemy who matched and finding a new position (moving the trap to an available basic purple). Even an ally match should move it, as their actions before the attack force him to react. Maybe bring the damage down if it becomes unbalanced, but FFS no turn end! And Destroyer?... Kingpin is laughing at you Drax.
EDIT: Fixing black. I think an IM 40-style AP depletion would have been better. Combine with a Nick Fury idea. "If you have 5, deplete 5
to deal extra damage." Add more colors at later ranks. Still "leaving allies high and dry" but making the ability usable.
0 -
War Machine's Gatling Gun seems designed to go with Drax's black.0
Ozark Boatswain wrote:War Machine's Gatling Gun seems designed to go with Drax's black.
I have Bucky Barnes for mine.0 -
War Machine was teased along with Winter Soldier and the 5* variants of IM and Cap in the marvel.com article describing the upcoming Civil War event.0
With 4 new characters coming in the next few weeks everyone will have forgotten about Drax the Dud by the time the Civil War events end.
That might have been the plan all along once D3 realized he was a dud
KGB0 -
Polares, you think x-23 is about as good as spider Gwen?
Huh, i think Gwen is pretty bad and x-23 is pretty good. But I do value passive true healing very highly. The way I see it, x-2e has one awesome passive, and 2 not bad powers that need to be babied a bit to really work well. Gwen has a decent stun (but random, so not great), and a red that needs a bit of babying to work well, and a yellow that is only saved from being the worst 4* power by TA Hulk.
Draf looks to be on spider gwen's level to me. Red is decent, but crowded out by superior reds all across 4* land. Purple and black are both fairly hard to use effectively (especially black). At least he has good health.0 -
He is a very niche character who requires pretty specific teammates to be useful. And, when you give him those teammates, he becomes good, but not great.
I don't understand why they make "revenge" part of his theme, but enemy moves don't trigger his purple, and enemy CD can't be triggered by his black.
I think you would make him way, way more useful, and fit the "revenge" theme better if you let him work off the enemies moves, instead of just allies'.
This is the first character in a long time that I am not going to drop enough HP on to get fully covered by the end of the PVP.0 -
I dunno, this guy is fun.
I mean I'm using him in the 3*-4* brackets, and I have him at 0/2/4 right now. One more red and I'd be able to one-shot pretty much any non-boosted 3* enemy I come across.
Against other 4* characters though, he seems like an odd fit. If I had some black covers I'd be rolling in it probably since I'm also adding in Ant Man and, honestly, I don't mind losing out on the bit of damage.
But anyways, man as a transition character he is baller. I like it.0 -
Vhailorx wrote:Polares, you think x-23 is about as good as spider Gwen?
Huh, i think Gwen is pretty bad and x-23 is pretty good. But I do value passive true healing very highly. The way I see it, x-2e has one awesome passive, and 2 not bad powers that need to be babied a bit to really work well. Gwen has a decent stun (but random, so not great), and a red that needs a bit of babying to work well, and a yellow that is only saved from being the worst 4* power by TA Hulk.
Draf looks to be on spider gwen's level to me. Red is decent, but crowded out by superior reds all across 4* land. Purple and black are both fairly hard to use effectively (especially black). At least he has good health.
Gwen needs some setup but if played properly you can fairly easy fire her red with 6AP, which makes it very good, purple is also good because is also very cheap, yellow is terrible. X-23 has a good green and self-healing, then purple is a little bit unreliable. The problem also of x23 is that for healing her she needs to be the one matching her colors, so that limits her the same way Gwen is limited, and this is why I put them in the same group of chars, chars that can be very good but need setup. BUT I have to say I dont have a covered Gwen so regarding her take my opinions with a grain of salt.
Funny thing is that if you play a 3/5/5 Drax, he doesnt need any setup at all, purple and red work great on their own. I think that when people start covering/leveling him and see how fast and the ton of life he has he will be more appreciated (or maybe not), specially when buffed.
0 -
Polares wrote:
Gwen needs some setup but if played properly you can fairly easy fire her red with 6AP, which makes it very good, purple is also good because is also very cheap, yellow is terrible. X-23 has a good green and self-healing, then purple is a little bit unreliable. The problem also of x23 is that for healing her she needs to be the one matching her colors, so that limits her the same way Gwen is limited, and this is why I put them in the same group of chars, chars that can be very good but need setup. BUT I have to say I dont have a covered Gwen so regarding her take my opinions with a grain of salt.
Funny thing is that if you play a 3/5/5 Drax, he doesnt need any setup at all, purple and red work great on their own. I think that when people start covering/leveling him and see how fast and the ton of life he has he will be more appreciated (or maybe not), specially when buffed.
0 -
zodiac339 wrote:Polares wrote:
Gwen needs some setup but if played properly you can fairly easy fire her red with 6AP, which makes it very good, purple is also good because is also very cheap, yellow is terrible. X-23 has a good green and self-healing, then purple is a little bit unreliable. The problem also of x23 is that for healing her she needs to be the one matching her colors, so that limits her the same way Gwen is limited, and this is why I put them in the same group of chars, chars that can be very good but need setup. BUT I have to say I dont have a covered Gwen so regarding her take my opinions with a grain of salt.
Funny thing is that if you play a 3/5/5 Drax, he doesnt need any setup at all, purple and red work great on their own. I think that when people start covering/leveling him and see how fast and the ton of life he has he will be more appreciated (or maybe not), specially when buffed.
Well it is even worse than that because the only way of triggering purple in DDQ4 is with a team up, his own powers doesnt trigger it :S You are casting purple so you can have a countdown so you can launch black doing more damage, but that's it. Then because you are fighting just one enemy, red probably wont do max damage. Drax is really bad for solo battles, we all agree on that.
He should be able to trigger purple with his other abilities, devs should really change this.
This game was not desgined for solo battles and it shows sometimes, gwen yellow is almost useless, at least it creates web tiles, so it will help its red, but yeah, super good in a solo battle.0 -
Yes, he will kick **** in 4* ddq, provided you can collect 12 black, 16 purple (to charge the black), and 8 red all before match damage drops the enemy below 90% health. . .0
Polares wrote:zodiac339 wrote:The thing is, purple isn't great on its own. You can pair up with someone with low cost abilities and should be able to trigger it, but on its own, and more to the point, on his own, purple is next to useless. When he's up in the Deadpool solo mission, purple will lose you a turn and 5865 damage to power up his black. If you have him championed, respeccing to 5/3/5 only loses 1730 damage from the purple, but that Deadpool mission will really drive home the flaw (like Spider Gwen's lack of self-healing will. I guess the point they were making was "You'll use yellow to accelerate your red, even if it kills you!")
Well it is even worse than that because the only way of triggering purple in DDQ4 is with a team up, his own powers doesnt trigger it :S You are casting purple so you can have a countdown so you can launch black doing more damage, but that's it. Then because you are fighting just one enemy, red probably wont do max damage. Drax is really bad for solo battles, we all agree on that.
He should be able to trigger purple with his other abilities, devs should really change this.
This game was not desgined for solo battles and it shows sometimes, gwen yellow is almost useless, at least it creates web tiles, so it will help its red, but yeah, super good in a solo battle.
"Drax places countdown and X traps. Ally uses ability while countdown active, detonates all three traps. If enemy matches trap, generates another 3-turn Secret Weapon countdown"
The countdowns still wouldn't do anything on their own other than provide fodder for black, and the damage goes down for each trap lost. It might even not be too overpowered if the traps could be matched by either side to make another countdown. Damn it, I want to redesign powers!0 -
I have a team planned for this guy...
Jean Grey
Ant Man
As I see it, Drax suffers from 3 things: Needs set-up to be effective, lacks AoE damage, and doesn't have consistent damage. He feels very bursty.
Ant Man gives him delicious tiles to eat and plays great into the long game. Drax covers his lack of quick damage.
Jean provides the chance for a juicy set-up (with her blue team stun) and covers the lack of AoE damage.
Could be fun in theory.
Also prevents some of the better team types:
Winfinite gets denied by Jean
IF/LC get denied by Ant Man
Assuming you're getting bracketed like me, of course.0 -
So Drax is boosted for the first time since his release. I have to say, given the loaner War Machine and all, he feels so strong.
Like... Something about one-shotting or two-shotting OML with having Ant Man to steal his tiles just feels right.
Being able to **** out folks like IM40 and boosted patch, outright demolish Loki, and all of that business.
I'm not even optimally covered, only having mine at I think 4/3/4, but he still pumps out a 10250 damage nuke every couple of black matches, just thinking what I could do if he had 5 in pretty much any color is exciting.
This isn't saying he isn't bad overall, he still leaves a lot to be desires, but I can't even begin to explain just how fun this character is to use.0 -
Blahahah wrote:This isn't saying he isn't bad overall, he still leaves a lot to be desires, but I can't even begin to explain just how fun this character is to use.
Good to hear, Blahahah!
(or, "BHH", for short?)
(I guess something can't be "for short" if it takes just as many syllables to say)
Anyway, I'm curious to eventually build him up as well -- I like his damage output, but my frustration with the character stems purely from how irksome it is to fit him into a sensible group. It's almost MORE frustrating when a character is like that, and less so when they're just unanimously agreed as terrible, like Cho.0
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