Regarding the "News" "Response to Recent Changes"
chrisf wrote:Psykopathic wrote:I was just thinking about x-men who could fit into the utility / damage category.
I would put money down it's not a variant of any1 we have already.
Emma was a pretty good guess. There's quite a few new 1's who could fill the damage / utility slot.0 -
He never mentioned what * level the cover will be either. For all we know, it's a 1* cover of Iceman. Stunlock for the 1*'s now. Then again, it could be a 4* Xforce Cyclops.0
Raising boost price is fine. Raising enemy level is fine. Whats not fine... is both.
I enjoyed the fact that I could squeeze out 20-30 games before I needed to regen/heal. Playing so many games felt like an effortNow its more like 2-3 which to me is not effort its just a chore.
Its good there was a response but it was more "you find the game a chore because we didnt communicate properly". Nope. I find it a chore because the recent patch just stacks everything against you but offers the player no benefits.0 -
Well from my perspective this game went from exciting and fun to meh and ok in a month. I would of happily spent money a month ago, now i wont because if i spend it on characters i never know if the nerf hammer will drop on it. Rags for example was awesome fun and yes it needed changing and i would have been fine with a 1 or 2ap raise but you killed rags. I was going to buy covers for spidey but no way now. I used to be able to play and play till my hearts content, now its a few matches and wait for HP/regen.
Now this is a pop in and play if i have 10 mins to spare, otherwise im off playing other games. I dont see the logic in making people want to play other games.0 -
What I don't get is why the mid-level players are getting so boned with the current scaling mechanics. It seems like you have to have a super strong roster or a super weak roster to have a chance.
My most leveled characters are all either nerfed (Thor, Wolverine, Storm) or pretty useless without boosts (Ares). My 3-stars are useless without being super leveled. And even then, who cares if I have a L85 Spidey if I only have 2 blue and 1 yellow?
I simply can't compete because my scaling is all **** and my "good roster" isn't actually any good anymore. I don't want to sell my Thor and Wolverine because they still work, they're just not great. Certainly not good enough to get me past the 230's everywhere in Oscorp.
And I get the impression that I'm not the only one sitting here twiddling my thumbs. I can't compete in PvP because it's either a mirror match (beatable...eventually) or some team with L100+ 3* champs. I can't compete in PvE (see above). So my current plan is doing like one or two pvp fights, running out of health packs, and logging off. That's... not fun.
tl;dr - You may want to look into your assumptions when creating these dumb scaling algorithms. I feel like I'm being punished for building my team wrong, but it wasn't wrong when I was building it, so it just feels like being punished for no reason.0 -
IceIX wrote:kensterr wrote:They have no life or somehow use cheats.
Just took a look at the top 3: Lots and lots of playtime, long time players, fairly powerful rosters. Number 4 has a lowbie roster which didn't get hit by the monster scaling and has also put in equivalent playtimes to the top 3.
that might explain the pve progression rewards, but what abou the pvp progression rewards? When the shields were first introduced points soared and progression rewards were adjusted accordingly. But nowadays 700 is usually enough to win the bracket (at least in my brackets) and getting significantly higher than that almost impossible...yet the interesting progression rewards only start at > 1000 and go up to 2400. Is there any hope that this will get changed again? or are there any brackets where even the 1200 reward was reached recently?0 -
Stillhart wrote:What I don't get is why the mid-level players are getting so boned with the current scaling mechanics. It seems like you have to have a super strong roster or a super weak roster to have a chance.
My most leveled characters are all either nerfed (Thor, Wolverine, Storm) or pretty useless without boosts (Ares). My 3-stars are useless without being super leveled. And even then, who cares if I have a L85 Spidey if I only have 2 blue and 1 yellow?
I simply can't compete because my scaling is all tinykitty and my "good roster" isn't actually any good anymore. I don't want to sell my Thor and Wolverine because they still work, they're just not great. Certainly not good enough to get me past the 230's everywhere in Oscorp.
And I get the impression that I'm not the only one sitting here twiddling my thumbs. I can't compete in PvP because it's either a mirror match (beatable...eventually) or some team with L100+ 3* champs. I can't compete in PvE (see above). So my current plan is doing like one or two pvp fights, running out of health packs, and logging off. That's... not fun.
tl;dr - You may want to look into your assumptions when creating these dumb scaling algorithms. I feel like I'm being punished for building my team wrong, but it wasn't wrong when I was building it, so it just feels like being punished for no reason.
This is a VERY good post that nicely describes the pain I'm currently experiencing as well.0 -
if the developers think this is "a communication issue", they are as clueless as they seem.
Lying is not a "communication issue", is lying (where are the 100iso - 200iso rewards in PVP announced in R47 patch? the only positive change for users "forgotten" to leave place to sneak more negative ones?)
Backstabbing is not a "communication issue", is backstabbing (nerfing Rags without notice, sneaking the Thorverine nerf and the Boost price rise and the "only 1 attempt in PVP" in the single worst moment, without warning any of them in the announcement... all of those were "honest oversights"? In any job in which you you incur in so much "honest oversights" you will be fired next day. It seems that even the "ISO tax" was going to sneak into R47...).
Excuses to incompetence are not a "communication issue", are excuses. After a broken PvE as it was "Thick as Thieves", you'll believe that some common sense developers will resort to one of the tested-and-trued past PvE until they make SURE that the next PvE was at least as good as pre-TaT, but no, we are their guinea pigs in another broken PvE. So, "we don't launch it until is perfect" philosophy only applies to the mythical "carrot" of the re-spec option that they are never going to give to us (you know, it has to be the pinnacle of perfection, god forbids the universe collapses).
Not to list again the bunch of trivially solvable annoyances that they don't want to solve.
The changes themselves can be debatable. They are, for me at least, by far, the least of the problems.
This developers have a proven track record of incompetence and lack of respect to us. Don't believe a word of what they say, they don't deserve it.
When they have a proven track record of competence and respect at least as long as the opposite, you can begin to hear to them. I'll wait even a lot longer.0 -
Oh great Boosts are here to help us to fight far too high level ennemies !
Oh great i have 3P in the first round, so i can hardly strike for a thousand damages one of the three 10k hitpoints ennemy who one shot me each time he can play !
Oh great your game is totally broken but you keep speaking about your damned boosts instead of solving real problems here !
Make your events playable to all, i'm sick of seeing lvl 230 ennemies in my game when i've got nothing to beat them.
Make your broken pvp playable to all, i'm sick of seeing Thorverine teams (still lads) and boosted high levels 3* heroes when mines are at best lvl 30 to counter them !
Balance your heroes (stop high hitpoints high damage heroes opposed to low hitpoints low damage heroes, stupidest way to balance a game ever), Patch your broken game, work on a real bracket system where everybody has to fight only equal opponents !0 -
bahamut685 wrote:IceIX wrote:Psykopathic wrote:If you can't do this it's ok. I understand your limited on what you can say.
Is it possible for you to give us 1 more hint about the new character? I was wondering if you might be able to tell us their supposed role, tank support attack etc etc?
Originally I was thinking cyclops or Emma leaning toward cyclops. With the lr swap I HOPE the pve swaps to villians now and therefore we get Emma frost (since she is with Osborn before flipping on his b**** a** with namor). Damage utility sounds like cyclops to me though. Cyclops should be red/yellow/blue with red being damage optic blast, yellow being something leadership based and the blue being either a stun or a special move (like doom's blue) as opposed to a stun.0 -
Psykopathic wrote:chrisf wrote:Psykopathic wrote:I was just thinking about x-men who could fit into the utility / damage category.
I would put money down it's not a variant of any1 we have already.
Emma was a pretty good guess. There's quite a few new 1's who could fill the damage / utility slot.0 -
Stillhart wrote:What I don't get is why the mid-level players are getting so boned with the current scaling mechanics. It seems like you have to have a super strong roster or a super weak roster to have a chance.
My most leveled characters are all either nerfed (Thor, Wolverine, Storm) or pretty useless without boosts (Ares). My 3-stars are useless without being super leveled. And even then, who cares if I have a L85 Spidey if I only have 2 blue and 1 yellow?
I simply can't compete because my scaling is all tinykitty and my "good roster" isn't actually any good anymore. I don't want to sell my Thor and Wolverine because they still work, they're just not great. Certainly not good enough to get me past the 230's everywhere in Oscorp.
And I get the impression that I'm not the only one sitting here twiddling my thumbs. I can't compete in PvP because it's either a mirror match (beatable...eventually) or some team with L100+ 3* champs. I can't compete in PvE (see above). So my current plan is doing like one or two pvp fights, running out of health packs, and logging off. That's... not fun.
tl;dr - You may want to look into your assumptions when creating these dumb scaling algorithms. I feel like I'm being punished for building my team wrong, but it wasn't wrong when I was building it, so it just feels like being punished for no reason.
I am in this exact position. My only "good" 3* is Hulk, level 90, and I get hammered by PvE with my 2* roster.
So if Monster Scaling is working as intended, this game doesn't want me to play.0 -
There was one word that was missing throughout that whole announcement.
It was "sorry."
There was little to no remorse in the entire announcement, just the typical "we'll fix that sooner or later, no worries" approach that wore on my nerves a while ago. Not a single mention of compensation for time and enjoyment lost was to be found as well. Scapegoating the boosts as the "major offender" other than, I don't know, two PVE events consecutively screwed up? And even IceIX had the gall to be appalled when he found out that some people were angry about having no publisher/developer accountability for the past 5 days?? This announcement, as well as the responses afterward, reduced my faith in this game far more than Thick as Thieves and Heroic Oscorp ever did, and that's saying something.
We had a good thing going, you know? D3/Demiurge had all of the player's trust just two months ago. It was a time of promise growth, and an age where a community grew together and shared their joy and suggestions with glee. As for today... well, don't count on getting that trust back.0 -
NighteyesGrisu wrote:IceIX wrote:kensterr wrote:They have no life or somehow use cheats.
Just took a look at the top 3: Lots and lots of playtime, long time players, fairly powerful rosters. Number 4 has a lowbie roster which didn't get hit by the monster scaling and has also put in equivalent playtimes to the top 3.
that might explain the pve progression rewards, but what abou the pvp progression rewards? When the shields were first introduced points soared and progression rewards were adjusted accordingly. But nowadays 700 is usually enough to win the bracket (at least in my brackets) and getting significantly higher than that almost impossible...yet the interesting progression rewards only start at > 1000 and go up to 2400. Is there any hope that this will get changed again? or are there any brackets where even the 1200 reward was reached recently?
He's probably got some data in his *** that shows a bunch of people are hitting the 2400 rewards.0 -
Am I the only one seeing the potential from this? They've basically admitted "yep, we done goofed dis pve" and are future proofing the next pve event? I see little issue with one pve event being screwed up if it means future events are fair to the majority.
Seems to be an awful lot of people screaming p2w given how few people happily invest in the quantity of boosts people seem to think are selling...
Edit: also, to those screaming "I got screwed! Compensation nao pl0x!!!!11!!" They said in the announcement contact player support...0 -
IceIX wrote:bahamut685 wrote:D3PCS LITERALLY said that the 230s issue was INTENTIONAL. And still no comment on the points/unattainable progression prizes for the PVE event?
If you're honestly defending the scaling on this event, then I am done playing this game for good, and I say that as someone who defended the devs vehemently after the disaster of the previous event. Demolish the missions? That's hilarious. I cleared all of the missions once when they appeared for me at minimum level, some of them 2-3 times, and then the next refresh they were all level 230. I attempted some of those missions, lost twice fairly convincingly, and deemed the event unplayable. 200 people in my bracket and they've all given up on playing the game. You're right, amazing system, nice assessment of the situation you've got there.0 -
I think you might be reading a fair bit more into his statement than it actually says. The far end is supposed to be scaling up to 230. But it is not where it should be, it's accelerated beyond distortion.0
You're right, I think I misread parts of the statement, but I'll reiterate: It is not okay to defend any part of this event. This event has been a disaster, much worse than the previous one. You cannot justify any part of it by saying that the progression rewards are obtainable. I would've happily grinded all day for those rewards, but it's simply not possible for me to get them, and my roster is not that bad. It's not even possible for me to get to 10k for a single cover. Rather than come to these forums and give any sort of defense, you should be apologizing to everybody and giving out compensation.0
IceIX wrote:Just ran a quick couple sets of numbers. Overall Iso gain has increased per user, Level Ups per user is relatively steady even after filtering out level ups below 50 so we get rid of the newbies and required IM35 and Storm levels. They've been on a very slow upturn over the past month or so. Naturally, I'd have to dig deeper to see precisely which characters are being leveled. But from a brief view everything looks to be going fairly well as a pure statistical sample.
I was thinking about this post last night and totally forgot to ask you if 'time played per user' has also increased in this same time frame you examined? Because ISO acquisition is almost purely a function of total playtime.0 -
On a positive note I do like the change in PvP where if I successfully fend off an attack I earn appropriate points. It's nice to finally see a + sign when I open the app and not -150pts because I went to bed.
I also don't mind the boost cost increase. I just use them less and they're a bigger reward when I earn them from battles. Although, to balance that they really need to completely drop the 200+ lvl matches or at least limit them to "boss" levels and give us decent rewards for completing them. It's an insult to spend 15 minutes fighting a difficult match without boosts only to get the same reward as fighting 3 lvl20 assassins.
My biggest worry right now is if/when they nerf Spidey, it will significantly reduce my success rate for higher matches. The game will then be reduced to luck and the reliance on a decent board. And more importantly, not fun. It's a simple fact that sometimes it is not possible to destroy a countdown tile and and I can't think of a single character that can deal out 9000+ damage in 4-6 turns.
And lastly, since they crippled Wolvie's healing factor can they tone back Daken's? At high levels he's healing for over 250 each turn basically making him impossible to hurt unless you use AP. And by the time you build up enough to do a second big attack he's back at full health with 47 strike tiles on the board.0
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