Deadpool Daily Quests reward list (past and future)



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 16 May 4 – May 8
    “Even” tokens given, which pull Daredevil/She-Hulk/Deadpool /Gamora/Black Widow
    “Odd” tokens stockpiled, which pull Magneto/Storm/Luke Cage /Rocket and Groot/Spider-Man
    Daredevil – 2015-05-04
    She-Hulk - 2015-05-05
    Deadpool – 2015-05-06
    Gamora - 2015-05-07
    Black Widow - 2015-05-08
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 17 May 9 – May 13
    “Odd” tokens given, which pull Loki/Daken/Squirrel Girl/Doctor Doom/Mystique
    “Even” tokens given, which pull Daredevil/She-Hulk/Deadpool /Gamora/Black Widow
    Loki – 2015-05-09
    Daken - 2015-05-10
    Squirrel Girl – 2015-05-11
    Doctor Doom - 2015-05-12
    Mystique - 2015-05-13
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    This is an awesome thread SnowcaTT, thank you for creating it and keeping it updated. I'm baffled that this thread is not stickied after almost three month of being constantly usefull to the community.
  • cydude808
    cydude808 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Thank you for this, should totally be stickied under guides!
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 18:
    “Even” tokens given, which pull Hulk/Falcon/Psylocke/Beast/Captain America
    “Odd” tokens stockpiled, which pull Loki/Daken/Squirrel Girl/Doctor Doom/Mystique
    Hulk - 2015-05-14
    Falcon - 2015-05-15
    Psylocke – 2015-05-16
    Beast - 2015-05-17
    Captain America - 2015-05-18[/spoiler]

    Thanks for pinning GothicKratos!
  • Really curious and hopeful that Rnd 22 will introduce Scarlet Witch, QS and Vision before starting the rotation over. I really want those SW covers! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Does anyone else find the DDQ tokens to be the most worthless pieces of garbage in the game.

    The last two months I've received 1 gold cover and 0 HP.

    The tokes are a joke and I see no point in them.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    KingSlamma wrote:
    Does anyone else find the DDQ tokens to be the most worthless pieces of garbage in the game.

    The last two months I've received 1 gold cover and 0 HP.

    The tokes are a joke and I see no point in them.

    I find it to be the most fun time I have in the game. In 15-30 minutes I get a couple thousand ISO (enough to pay for the boosts I'll need for the day) and an easy 3*.

    The tokens had (but no longer have, as heroics just increased dramatically) a much higher draw rate (~15% for something good) than the other ones in the game, which have always been a joke. Your draw rate seems incredibly unlucky if you received both tacos every day through that time.

    I've read where lots of folks go a week with no draws. Certainly it would be easy for anyone well covered to draw no gold covers they need. I saved up for IF and drew zero IF's from 50 tokens (2.2% said I should have gotten one....). I think this event is more about getting the guaranteed 3*, the tacos are just little bonus. I wouldn't mind seeing the draw rate go up a bit, like heroics did. 4% wouldn't be the end of the world.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I saved up for IF and drew zero IF's from 50 tokens (2.2% said I should have gotten one....).

    FWIW, it's about 1 in 3 (32.88%) to whiff on drawing IF in that situation (50 pulls, 2.2% draw rate).
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    KingSlamma wrote:
    Does anyone else find the DDQ tokens to be the most worthless pieces of garbage in the game.

    The last two months I've received 1 gold cover and 0 HP.

    The tokes are a joke and I see no point in them.

    Sometimes I feel that way.. when DDQ first started, I got all excited from hearing my alliance mates pull crazy 3*'s and 1000 HP.. I bought like 3 tokens.. nothing. I started waiting until I gathered the 10 tokens for the week, pulled nothing. So I switched it up so I would open after 3-4 tokens, started off well as I was pulling at least 1 Gold then nothing for several weeks. I returned back to gathering 10 tokens then opening, started winning 1 gold per week which is fine by me. A few times I have been fortunate enough to pull a few 250 HP in a row!

    Try switching up the amount of tacos you open from time to time. As SnowCaTT said, it's a nice little bonus on top of the "free" 3* and ISO.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    3 days til Blade green! My 4/3/0 Blade is so excited, he's been sharpening his sword all morning.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 19 May 19 – May 23
    “Odd” tokens given, which pull Sentry/Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch
    “Even” tokens stockpiled, which pull Hulk/Falcon/Psylocke/Beast/Captain America
    Sentry - 2015-05-19
    Punisher - 2015-05-20
    Blade – 2015-05-21
    Wolverine – 2015-05-22
    Human Torch - 2015-05-23

    - This is one of those great weeks for me; have been waiting an eternity for the 5th Punisher Red and 5th Blade green, then both characters will be finished.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 20 May 24 – May 28
    “Even” tokens given, which pull Colossus/Cyclops/Hood/Doctor Octopus/Thor
    “Odd” tokens stockpiled, which pull Sentry/Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch
    Colossus - 2015-05-24
    Cyclops - 2015-05-25
    Hood – 2015-05-26
    Doctor Octopus - 2015-05-27
    Thor - 2015-05-28

    [Next round is IF/Kamala - get ready to open those odd tokens next week!]
  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    [Next round is IF/Kamala - get ready to open those odd tokens next week!]

    Went 0 for 60 last time on those 2. This time, I have 85 ready to spend - hopefully will have better luck.

    As the unofficial expert on DP Daily, do you expect the same order for the first cover cycle starting June 5/6/7th (depending on whether they add Vision and Bullseye) or do you think they will shuffle it around?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    papa07 wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    [Next round is IF/Kamala - get ready to open those odd tokens next week!]

    Went 0 for 60 last time on those 2. This time, I have 85 ready to spend - hopefully will have better luck.

    As the unofficial expert on DP Daily, do you expect the same order for the first cover cycle starting June 5/6/7th (depending on whether they add Vision and Bullseye) or do you think they will shuffle it around?

    As a non expert, i think the new releases will have their own week, added to end of the cycle staring soon.

    New 3* released soon (maybe?)
  • Malcrof wrote:
    papa07 wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    [Next round is IF/Kamala - get ready to open those odd tokens next week!]

    Went 0 for 60 last time on those 2. This time, I have 85 ready to spend - hopefully will have better luck.

    As the unofficial expert on DP Daily, do you expect the same order for the first cover cycle starting June 5/6/7th (depending on whether they add Vision and Bullseye) or do you think they will shuffle it around?

    As a non expert, i think the new releases will have their own week, added to end of the cycle staring soon.

    New 3* released soon (maybe?)

    SW and QS - June 3rd and 4th
    Vision - 60% chance of addition
    Bullseye - 30% chance of addition
    Unreleased 3 star - 5% chance of addition.

    Those are my guesses, but they definitely seem to put a little delay before the new ones are added. With Bullseye PvP scheduled for May 29-31st, I don't think it is likely he will be in DP tokens 2 days later, but I could definitely be wrong.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    papa07 wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    papa07 wrote:
    As the unofficial expert on DP Daily, do you expect the same order for the first cover cycle starting June 5/6/7th (depending on whether they add Vision and Bullseye) or do you think they will shuffle it around?

    As a non expert, i think the new releases will have their own week, added to end of the cycle staring soon.

    New 3* released soon (maybe?)

    SW and QS - June 3rd and 4th
    Vision - 60% chance of addition
    Bullseye - 30% chance of addition
    Unreleased 3 star - 5% chance of addition.

    Those are my guesses, but they definitely seem to put a little delay before the new ones are added. With Bullseye PvP scheduled for May 29-31st, I don't think it is likely he will be in DP tokens 2 days later, but I could definitely be wrong.

    That sounds about right, I'm guessing they add through Vision.

    I think what is happening is you are getting the new covers stacked together (KK/IF, QS/SW) - so it makes it easy to horde and spend. I really don't know what they will do - for ease they would simply repeat, but to make the tokens spread out more (more sales/smarter?) they'll shuffle the character order the second time through.

    Wouldn't be overly shocked if we see these characters spread out more as well in the future, not all stacked together at the end of the cover run.

    They also might be trying to coordinate the DDQ rewards with other events. It seems that featured/buffed characters are often given out in DDQ a little after they are in PVP/PVE (like Colossus this week, right after you had a couple chances to already snag those black covers).
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    They also might be trying to coordinate the DDQ rewards with other events. It seems that featured/buffed characters are often given out in DDQ a little after they are in PVP/PVE (like Colossus this week, right after you had a couple chances to already snag those black covers).

    I think that would be awesome, but a lot more work than just recycling the same order again. Don't forget that any time spent reorganizing a list like this is time spent away from other projects like new content.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 21 May 29 – June 2
    “Odd” tokens given, which pull Captain Marvel/Iron Man/ Ragnarok/Kamala Khan/Iron Fist
    Even” tokens stockpiled, which pull Colossus/Cyclops/Hood/Doctor Octopus/Thor
    Captain Marvel – 2015-05-29
    Iron Man - 2015-05-30
    Iron Fist - 2015-06-31
    Ragnarok - 2015-06-01
    Kamala Khan -2015-06-02

    Opened 32 tacos this morning, needing IF and KK. Zero HP, four un-needed 3*'s....I drew one KK and one IF, both of course in the ONE color I have five covers in. Black, in IF's case, so once again no IF's this week - some of the worst luck ever, I pulled 50 tacos last time and no IF's then either. Eight more chances this week, I suppose.
  • Opened my ten stored tacos and two new ones; one gold (Green Rags (only need blue)), but I did pull a green 2* Bullseye, so I think that was literally the first usable cover I've ever pulled from a Taco Token.

    Not super concerned about this week - need a purple for Kamala, and a green and Purple for Iron Fist, and like four blues for Ragnarok, but I should get all of those but some of the Rags covers from the next two DDQ (big) cycles after this one, so 2-3 months tops, and IF is severely overdue for PVP rewards, so he may be done sooner. And Rags is terrible, so I don't care that much.

    I'm hoping they add the new people starting next round; have 30 tokens saved up for next week and most of the 3* covers I need now are for Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Vision (and Bullseye, but he won't be added).