Deadpool Daily Quests reward list (past and future)



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 12 April 14 - April 18
    "Even” tokens given, which pull Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch/Colossus
    “Odd” tokens stockpiled, which pull Falcon/Psylocke/Beast/Captain America/Sentry
    Punisher - 2015-04-14
    Blade - 2015-04-15
    Wolverine - 2015-04-16
    Human Torch - 2015-04-17
    Colossus – 2015-04-18

    Token note: I can still stay the what the tokens you are getting this week give you, and what your stockpile from last week (10, if you kept them all) give you. But in round 11 D3 had some sort of error that removed half of your tokens, they then returned them, but the ones they gave you last week (round 11) did not apply to either stockpile. The ones this week are ALSO not going onto either stockpile; I'm not certain if stockpiles are "re-setting", or what the draw rate of the old stockpiles are. I've never opened a Taco, what I currently have:

    A) 50 stockpiled (used to be "even", no idea what these draw now, or if they'll update from whatever they are drawing)
    B) 50 stockpiled (used to be "odd", no idea what these draw now, or if they'll update from whatever they are drawing)
    C) 10 stockpiled (odd, stockpiled from round 11, draw Falcon/Psylocke/Beast/Captain America/Sentry)
    D) 2 active (even, from round 12, draw Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch/Colossus)

    Just like A&B, I have no idea right now what C&D are doing. My guess is after the problem, C&D are the new "even" and "odd", and will start to stack on top of each other and can be tracked. If not, I'm going to have lots of pages of stockpiled tokens pretty soon. What this means for A&B, I have no idea at this point, in two rounds this may become more clear.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am fairly sure that they noticed that people were stockpiling a large number of tokens. I believe this was contrary to their intent with DPDQ, so they took steps. Those steps are either -

    - They added to the number of "events" DPDQ takes up. Previously it was treated as if it was two events - so the tokens went to one or the other. Since the bugged tokens dissappeared then reappeared in their own stack rather than being added to last cycle's stack, I am assuming they are now on their own "event." Since this cycle's stack is completely new, that one probably is its own as well. This means there are probably at least 4 "events" for DPDQ. There is some margin for error here (the bugged tokens may be completely seperate, for example,) and of course there may be more. I'm going to leave stacks at different levels to track - for example if next cycle gets added to the bugged cycle, then it will be clear there are four.

    - It is also possible they changed the code so that taco tokens don't stack, period. That would mean that you can never accumulate more than ten for any particular cycle. This probably would involve actual code changes, so would be harder to impliment, so I believe this is less likely than them just adding new "events." Still, it is definitely a possibility. If I end up with too many stacks, I will probably assume this is the case.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards

    So it looks like going forward we have even/odd weeks again, possibly the ones collected before round 10 will continue to rotate with even/odd, but no more will be added to them.

    From previous example, that means in a few weeks you'll have
    Stockpile A : still 50, no way to differentiate from stockpile B. Will have "even" week draw percentage. (Rounds 2/4/6/8/10)
    Stockpile B : still 50, no way to differentiate from stockpile A. Will have "odd" week draw percentage. (Rounds 1/3/5/7/9)
    Stockpile C : 20 (continuing to grow), "odd" week draw percentage. (rounds 11/13/15....)
    Stockpile D : 20 (continuing to grow), "even" week draw percentage. (rounds 12/14/16...)
  • I feel like this thread should be stickied.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 13 April 19 – April 23
    “Odd” tokens given, which pull Cyclops/Hood/Doctor Octopus/Thor/Captain Marvel
    “Even” tokens stockpiled, which pull Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch/Colossus
    Cyclops - 2015-04-19
    Hood - 2015-04-20
    Doctor Octopus - 2015-04-21
    Thor - 2015-04-22
    Captain Marvel - 2015-04-23

    Even/Odd (round) rotation has indeed re-started with week 11, the week 13 tokens are stacking on top of week 11 (I have 12 active after picking up two today).
  • Sorry, I'm dense on this thing. My 3 piles are 13-18-20. 13 is the one I'm currently pulling into. I haven't cashed in any tokens since I started stockpiling. What are my draws for these? I want blade so which pile do I pull and when? Thanks!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    as a transitioner I'm saving but targeting certain groups to open tokens then open on a targeted group. with the confusion of the stacks, I opened everything in the patch/torch/Cyclops and Lthor/hood groups (last 2) so I'm starting fresh now. looking at things moving forward if the order holds true, round 19 is a monster round including patch, torch, Cyclops and hood. I imagine a ton of tokens will be cashed in that week. wonder what the stats are on which groups have had the most tokens cashed in... would be interesting to see. hood used to be with Lthor and I'm sure that was a popular group too.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    as a transitioner I'm saving but targeting certain groups to open tokens then open on a targeted group. with the confusion of the stacks, I opened everything in the patch/torch/Cyclops and Lthor/hood groups (last 2) so I'm starting fresh now. looking at things moving forward if the order holds true, round 19 is a monster round including patch, torch, Cyclops and hood. I imagine a ton of tokens will be cashed in that week. wonder what the stats are on which groups have had the most tokens cashed in... would be interesting to see. hood used to be with Lthor and I'm sure that was a popular group too.

    For older characters, I'm sure Hood and LThor had lots opened. I'm sort of guessing that most that held tokens and cashed them in already would want the newer characters - probably Cyclops would be 1st and Cage would be 2nd?
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like the Developers threw us a curve ball this cycle.

    Rags, Khan, & IF.

    All this work predicting what comes next is now up in the air.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2015
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Looks like the Developers threw us a curve ball this cycle.

    Rags, Khan, & IF.

    All this work predicting what comes next is now up in the air.

    Nah, just inserted new characters. This round was predicted to have IM and BP as the first 3rd abilities to repeat...they are there, just the others shift down a round. Once we know the order of this week, I'll be able to run predictions out to the 3rd cover.

    Rewards this week confirmed: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=27695&p=342889#p342889

    “Even” tokens given, which pull IRON FIST, KAMALA KHAN, Ragnarock (also new to DDQ), Iron Man, Black Panther.
    “Odd” tokens stockpiled, which pull Cyclops/Hood/Doctor Octopus/Thor/Captain Marvel

    Here was my token order and pulls:

    10 active (newer "even" rounds) - purple KK
    50 stockpiled (older "odd" rounds) - Green, black doc ock, yellow cyclops, yellow LT, black hood, 250 HP, 1K HP
    20 stockpiled (newer "odd" rates) - 2x Yellow hood, 250 HP
    49 stockpiled (older "even" rounds) - Red, Blue IM, blue Panther, Yellow KK, 500 HP. [didn't need any of these 3* covers, didn't get IF]
  • john1620b
    john1620b Posts: 367
    I can confirm SnowcaTT's findings: my stockpiled token pages went odd / odd / even (with "even" being today's set of IF/KK/Rags/IM40/BP).
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Projected cover release/date updated through 3rd cover; new characters cover and exact dates are the only part that isn't known.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    IF 2nd cover in, so probably 2nd cover run over three days and then Black Panther on Monday to start the 3rd round. June 1st and you'll see IF again.

    For token hoarders: that's an odd round (21), we're currently on an even round (14). IF is the third reward in that odd round, if they add three rewards during the 3* run (SW/QS/next 3*), it would bump IF to an odd round again. However, IF was ready to go early in round one and they waited until the end of round 2: looks like they really wait before inserting more - your remaining tokens may draw IF in two months.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    SnowcaTT please help me.

    I have:
    12 tokens, which are active these rotation (IF rotation)

    4 tokens, which D3 gave me after that bug when tacos have disapeared.
    20 tokens,
    10 tokens.
    In this order.
    Which should I open - where can be IF ?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phillipes wrote:
    SnowcaTT please help me.

    I have:
    12 tokens, which are active these rotation (IF rotation)

    4 tokens, which D3 gave me after that bug when tacos have disapeared.
    20 tokens,
    10 tokens.
    In this order.
    Which should I open - where can be IF ?

    On "Even" round weeks
    Active, newer even rounds
    Stockpile, older odd rounds
    Stockpile, newer odd rounds
    Stockpile, older even rounds

    If you have three stockpiles (4/20/10), the last pile (10) should be the IF pile. The 4 would make sense here as one of the old rounds, returned to you.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Phillipes wrote:
    SnowcaTT please help me.

    I have:
    12 tokens, which are active these rotation (IF rotation)

    4 tokens, which D3 gave me after that bug when tacos have disapeared.
    20 tokens,
    10 tokens.
    In this order.
    Which should I open - where can be IF ?

    On "Even" round weeks
    Active, newer even rounds
    Stockpile, older odd rounds
    Stockpile, newer odd rounds
    Stockpile, older even rounds

    If you have three stockpiles (4/20/10), the last pile (10) should be the IF pile. The 4 would make sense here as one of the old rounds, returned to you.

    Thank you very much !
    I did as you wrote:
    I opened all "even" tokens (12 + 10). I have 250 HP, 1000 HP, purple IF icon_e_smile.gif

    Thank you again !
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 15 April 29 – May 3
    “Odd” tokens given, which pull Magneto/Storm/Luke Cage /Rocket and Groot/Spider-Man
    “Even” tokens stockpiled, which pull Iron Man/Ragnarok/Kamala Khan/Iron Fist/Black Panther
    Magneto - 2015-04-29
    Storm - 2015-04-30
    Luke Cage – 2015-05-01
    Rocket and Groot - 2015-05-02
    Spider-Man - 2015-05-03
  • May has 31 days, you jumped 31th , from 30th to June 1st.

    Also I can't remember for sure but I don't recall IF/Rags/KK on the list before they were handed out (no way to be sure when they would be on rotation) but the Lcap blue was alredy May 18th (the last cover for me to respec). Maybe it is now May 21th?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    May has 31 days, you jumped 31th , from 30th to June 1st.

    Also I can't remember for sure but I don't recall IF/Rags/KK on the list before they were handed out (no way to be sure when they would be on rotation) but the Lcap blue was alredy May 18th (the last cover for me to respec). Maybe it is now May 21th?

    Thanks! Fixed May to 31 days.

    They haven't handed out LCap blue yet, it's the third cover/color and the third color rotation just started last week with BP. Maybe you drew your fifth blue with a taco?
  • No, I mean, before IF/Rags/KK were introduced to DDQ I checked your list and knew lcap blue would be handed over on May 18th, was looking forward to it to respec him to 355. After they joined in the middle of the rotation I thought that everything else would be pushed 3 days foward, so instead of May 18 it would be May 21. But I could have just messed up in my head and the dates are right.