SOkun!! There are a lot of questions about the Seasonal Vault!



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,306 Chairperson of the Boards

    @LavaManLee said:

    @turbomoose said:
    Anyone notice that it says 56 days to complete the season quests??

    So are they going to be a season every 2 months now??

    This entire rollout has been communicated about as poorly as it possibly could have been communicated. So many questions.

    In one of the Q&As here (I forgot which) they straight-up told us that the season pass was only for special events, like the Rivals thing, and the vaults would be coming back as we knew them before.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    glad you cant clear out the vault cause it means you no longer have to play daily cause who even cares about the rewards anymore lol

    also its bugged as hell

    why does
    weekly missions say 37 days left
    seasonal missons say 56 days

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,975 Chairperson of the Boards

    @turbomoose said:
    Anyone notice that it says 56 days to complete the season quests??

    So are they going to be a season every 2 months now??

    We spent all last season with the quests starting an hour earlier than every other season before it. Snafus are par for the course nowadays.

    A blip that says you have extra time seems fine although I’m curious what happens if you don’t complete the quests and the pass ends. I think quests/points have carried forward to new seasons so in theory you could save the season quests for next season and get extra points there?

  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 639 Critical Contributor

    I'll need to voice my opinion here because when the devs include Godzillafan67's level of engagement, they won't see any changes because any form of boycotting on my part only impedes my progress.

    I like being able to earn more rewards through regular and extra play. As such, I like both the seasonal pass and seasonal vault. However, I don't like not being able to empty a vault, of which we saw quite a few during December (through play at least - extra tokens could be gained through select offer purchases). S0kun's post has really disheartened me since I have to rely on RNG to get the vault items I would like instead of my willingness to make 100 matches in my teams strongest color.

    My request list:

    • The seasonal pass and seasonal vault coexist
    • The vault is 100% emptyable through completing all quests (combination of SPX and directly earned tokens is fine)
    • The vault continues to have 3a4 characters (2a4's could be added/swapped) and costumes
    • The season pass has fun items that are directly related to the current season
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards

    Reading this thread I don't think there are a lot of questions about the Seasonal Vault beyond "Why can't we have all of it"? Which is of course a good question.

  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

    And the first bundle with Tokens is one of the most expensive bundles they’ve ever dropped & you get 2 Tokens & 2 Legendary with an ascended 2-Star Nightcrawler (who’s exactly like the 4-Star) & a Blackbird support.

    I’m not buying it.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Hammer3001 said:
    And the first bundle with Tokens is one of the most expensive bundles they’ve ever dropped & you get 2 Tokens & 2 Legendary with an ascended 2-Star Nightcrawler (who’s exactly like the 4-Star) & a Blackbird support.

    I’m not buying it.

    I second this.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,306 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 10 January 2025, 17:50

    @Hammer3001 said:
    And the first bundle with Tokens is one of the most expensive bundles they’ve ever dropped & you get 2 Tokens & 2 Legendary with an ascended 2-Star Nightcrawler (who’s exactly like the 4-Star) & a Blackbird support.

    I’m not buying it.

    2->5 Nightcrawler is actually really really strong -- I use him every time he's boosted. I think he's better than the 4* version at equivalent levels.

    $100 is a lot, though, and the Blackbird support is awful. I'd be looking for more value out of this bundle, for that much cash.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    Maybe if it was the person at 30 or 40 but 100 easy pass

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 818 Critical Contributor

    @S0kun said:
    Had to dig into the planned mechanics so here's some additional context:

    In addition to the tokens earned from the Season Pass, you'll also see tokens pop up in-game across different mechanics like login gifts, quest rewards, and bundles. This hybrid Season Pass and Vault mechanic was intended not to be completely cleared due to the sheer amount of rewards that can be earned and we're still balancing how they work together.
    We do know players are used to clearing previous season vaults so we'll continue to make adjustments based on feedback. These changes will likely come by way of smaller vaults and adjustments to the mechanics above to increase the chance of clearing most of the vault.

    No sign of any login gifts or quest rewards, only seen 1 in a bundle so far so is this coming next time ??

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards

    @turbomoose said:

    @S0kun said:
    Had to dig into the planned mechanics so here's some additional context:

    In addition to the tokens earned from the Season Pass, you'll also see tokens pop up in-game across different mechanics like login gifts, quest rewards, and bundles. This hybrid Season Pass and Vault mechanic was intended not to be completely cleared due to the sheer amount of rewards that can be earned and we're still balancing how they work together.
    We do know players are used to clearing previous season vaults so we'll continue to make adjustments based on feedback. These changes will likely come by way of smaller vaults and adjustments to the mechanics above to increase the chance of clearing most of the vault.

    No sign of any login gifts or quest rewards, only seen 1 in a bundle so far so is this coming next time ??

    Soon (TM).

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 11 January 2025, 18:22

    @Godzillafan67 said:
    I'll need to voice my opinion here because when the devs include Godzillafan67's level of engagement, they won't see any changes because any form of boycotting on my part only impedes my progress.

    I like being able to earn more rewards through regular and extra play. As such, I like both the seasonal pass and seasonal vault. However, I don't like not being able to empty a vault, of which we saw quite a few during December (through play at least - extra tokens could be gained through select offer purchases). S0kun's post has really disheartened me since I have to rely on RNG to get the vault items I would like instead of my willingness to make 100 matches in my teams strongest color.

    My request list:

    • The seasonal pass and seasonal vault coexist
    • The vault is 100% emptyable through completing all quests (combination of SPX and directly earned tokens is fine)
    • The vault continues to have 3a4 characters (2a4's could be added/swapped) and costumes
    • The season pass has fun items that are directly related to the current season

    got to wonder if they finally figured out

    What the hell we are given away 2 free 3 stars asended to 4 for free (slaps head) we could got the suckers to gave us cash for these

    i see no reason at all to make the vaults clearable for free... give out tokens in VIP there is away to make money monthly

    Am i nuts or isnt 3 star Gorgon old

  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 639 Critical Contributor

    @turbomoose said:

    @S0kun said:
    Had to dig into the planned mechanics so here's some additional context:

    In addition to the tokens earned from the Season Pass, you'll also see tokens pop up in-game across different mechanics like login gifts, quest rewards, and bundles. This hybrid Season Pass and Vault mechanic was intended not to be completely cleared due to the sheer amount of rewards that can be earned and we're still balancing how they work together.
    We do know players are used to clearing previous season vaults so we'll continue to make adjustments based on feedback. These changes will likely come by way of smaller vaults and adjustments to the mechanics above to increase the chance of clearing most of the vault.

    No sign of any login gifts or quest rewards, only seen 1 in a bundle so far so is this coming next time ??

    There are tokens in two offers right now. Neither of which is inexpensive nor for HP.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 818 Critical Contributor

    Yes I see the second one now £25 for 2 tokens and the other for £100 for 2 more tokens

  • toecutter3095
    toecutter3095 Posts: 64 Match Maker

    It looks like I have pulled 21 unique 3A4s from vaults and with Gorgon released as 3-star #75, that means there are 54 more unique 3A4s that could be in season vaults. At the rate of 2 per season, that is 27 seasons worth of vaults, or in other words over 2 years worth of vaults. In that time, more 3-stars will be released, adding 27 new 3A4s that could go in vaults, so another year's worth of vaults. During which time more 3s are released, and so on...

    I guess the point I'm making is that there is more than enough content to go into vaults that could be fully cleared for years to come without even re-running previous 3A4s, so why be so stingy?

  • Tac
    Tac Posts: 51 Match Maker

    if I didnt wasted 1500g on premium pass I would probably have dropped the game by now. Hell, I'm technically giving you ~25 days to radically improve but I'm already mentally checked out and looking for other games.

    Congrats on pissing the playerbase goodwill away

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 12 January 2025, 12:48

    man this topic really turned into a bunch a crying little **** lol

    i want this or that or i wont play... guess what they really dont care if you play or not . they got enough suckers i mean players who is more then willing to buy the items to get the tokens

    i might been one in the past but really i mostly just have thrown up my hands on this game and really no longer care were this or that falls

    like the post above mine saying they are giving them 25 days to make it better.. or what your will leave. Guess what do you really think they care you will leave cause they know 99.9 percent of these things are empty threats

    month from now they release a season pass where its all clearable for free they will all come running back playing think what they said made them change the game

    first off im shocked the vaults lasted as long as they did. i mean they were given out 2 free 3 star ascended to 4 for free. They could of very easy sold them for cash and i think they finally figured out they were given away too much stuff for free.

    Yes it could been handled better saying the vault will be coming back but to clear this you MUST SPEND money to clear the vault or the vault will be coming back but it will NOT be clear able

    Yes i know people will say they can afford to give out 2 3 stars ascended cause it will make people play more to get more covers meaning they will have to buy more health packs or sheilds to get the covers

    maybe its just me cause i finally figued out even if i did get those people for free it will take me months or even years before i can get them up to 5 star the way i play

    I Still say Best way to handle this and the company will make cash

    Lower the vault back to 80 items make it still not flipable
    Free side 10 free tokens
    HP Join side 30 Free tokens
    VIP 40 tokens

    this way If you just pay HP to join you have a 50 50 chance at the best item.. Join VIP you will get all in the vault and it will give the company money to keep running

    in closing like i said really dont care about this anymore its just funny anymore about people saying I want this or i will quit yet they come running back when something good is offerd

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 13 January 2025, 11:46

    @Tac said:
    if I didnt wasted 1500g on premium pass I would probably have dropped the game by now. Hell, I'm technically giving you ~25 days to radically improve but I'm already mentally checked out and looking for other games.

    Congrats on pissing the playerbase goodwill away

    Removed by request.