New Feature - Champions 2.0 (Live with R287)



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,855 Chairperson of the Boards

    @UakariCalvus85 said:
    To players who have already the rooster close to 300 pg, isn't this method too expensive? To buy a rooster space to put a 1* to ascend and then possible multiple copies of it for higher tiers is not worth it at 2000 hp per spot. Would it be possible to lower all new roster spot to 1000hp for above 300 pg spots?

    Roster slots over 300 are now 1200 - still expensive to do this!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,855 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Ultrace said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Well Karnak is in the first batch so we don't have too long to find out as I am sure somebody out there will be able to ascend him on this dropping even if it is just to a lower level that 550. But yeah - some scary 4*. Doesn't exactly excite you about monster face Miles, does it?

    Nothing about Carnage Miles is exciting to me. Not one aspect. I would normally say that's a discussion for another forum, but it's relevant here too. With a 5* being released that I absolutely do not care about one bit, the notion of taking my 1* Spidey that's been in my roster for eight years all the way to 5* is pretty cool.

    Yup. I mentioned it in another thread but I think this is going to put a little bit of pressure on new 5* moving forward - they are going to need to shine given the options this is now handing out.

  • Ultrace
    Ultrace Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    @DAZ0273 said:
    If this drops Monday then I guess we need to worry about anybody in Class of 2022 and Class of 2023 on that list as they will also be boosted.

    Enter eight matches, quit eight matches. Problem solved. That's how I handled Class of 2022 since I didn't really have a great synergistic team there. For people who are normally competitive in PvP, yeah, that's going to be a concern.

  • jsmjsmjsm00
    jsmjsmjsm00 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker

    The decreased HP from ascending compared to farming makes the roster slot demand for ascension even harder to swallow.

    Selling the farm is the only thing keeping me ahead of roster slot demand from regular character release.

  • Southside84
    Southside84 Posts: 93 Match Maker

    Is there any consideration to raising the shield level threshold over 300 given all the extra covers we'll be applying?

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,262 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    just went through the list of Batch 1, and the only day -1 convertible characters I have right now with appropriate dupes built are Medusa (290), Rogue (298), Sabretooth (274), and Valkyrie (285). I'll likely convert all but Sabretooth, who I am grinding for Omega Red shards right now. though my dupe is only at 274, so perhaps I'll get him to 280 and merge, then start a second dupe since that's about the same number of covers as just going all the way to 300. I think baby champ jump-ups are going to be interesting to play with, i'm not super worried about taking them all the way to 550 at the moment. I have incomplete duplicates of a lot of the others on the list (nothing below 4* since my farming strategy has historically been slash and burn rather than sustainable), and a lot of the rest are within a few covers of 370, so I may get to play with a decent number of these in reasonably short order.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,855 Chairperson of the Boards

    I am slightly surprised that Moondragon is in the first batch - is she still not part of the latest 4's or not? I dunno exactly what a 5* Moondragon could possibly look like as she is such a strange character anyway but with her being so new this is a bit unexpected she is good to go already. I guess maybe the thinking is people wont have her max champed? But then that also seems a strange decision to include her.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,262 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    Yeah Moon Dragon as a complete damage dodger could be really wild at 450 (i'm going to stop hyperbolizing 550s at this stage personally, since that's not my reality for some years for sure). Currently her only saving grace is that if you start a match with Chasm and stun her, she can be matched down very quickly.

    I'd love to see the roadmap on these character groups. I have a bunch of eligible 4s that weren't in this list like Vulture, Spider-Gwen, Shuri, Panther, Rocket,professor x,peggy, Cage, Lockjaw (lol), Kingpin, Kate Bishop, Juggernaut, Hulkbuster, Frost, Carol, and Chavez it would be good to know a timeline on.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,262 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @IceIX on story nodes inSCL10 that feature 1* characters scales to 650, is the plan to ascend them instead going forward? Also this feels like a great opportunity for some new story content to show this off. Maybe even a new prologue mission?

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Alligator Loki starting invisible might be surprisingly annoying; there are also a lot of killer stuns in the 4* tier, so 4* Gamora ascended to 5* could prove quite effective, also 4* Iceman. Really most of the 4* tier seem better designed than the 5* tier does.

    Agreed, the design is much more obvious and they are alot easier to play well. I personally don't enjoy Legion like complexity, so all things equal, the 4* version is much easier to use effectively

  • Hilk
    Hilk Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2023

    @IceIX said:
    Gonna want to open this one in a new tab, but here's Iron Man at max level per Ascension for various comparisons.

    When /how are all the normal “new character” stats for each ascension level for each character going to be released?

    Or does the community have to get together and discover/document it somewhere…

  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker

    Echoing a lot of the thread but my two cents
    I’ll probably ascend my 1s in order to gain champion rewards for all those covers that are currently sold.
    I might do 2
    s again to take advantage of all those covers
    But that’s probably it at this stage. I have 1 max 4* in about 7 years of play

    Anyone thought about 5* Deadpool with whales??

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Captain_Trips88 said:
    Echoing a lot of the thread but my two cents
    I’ll probably ascend my 1s in order to gain champion rewards for all those covers that are currently sold.
    I might do 2
    s again to take advantage of all those covers
    But that’s probably it at this stage. I have 1 max 4* in about 7 years of play

    Anyone thought about 5* Deadpool with whales??

    and Ascended version of dp will be be fine. The jump in front power is super useful. but the main caveats are. dp whales is super expensive. In level 500+ pvp, you rarely see matches that last enough for those powers to be viable.

  • ElectricVasting
    ElectricVasting Posts: 23 Just Dropped In

    Just want to point out that in the most recent Q&A, the devs also said that SCL10 and SCL9 have the most players in them, and the player pool steadily declines till you reach SCL1. So as Bowgentle mentioned, the 3% is pretty misleading. If you're looking at the players who are actually playing the game, it is not only a tiny minority that's in the advanced stages.

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    It should qualified though that we don't know the total amount of players that the 3% applies to. If it is 1 million total players, then 30,000 of them have a 450...

    The specific number doesn't matter as much as the general direction. We are a tiny minority, that's what matters.

  • Ultrace
    Ultrace Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    @Bad said:

    (i'm going to stop hyperbolizing 550s at this stage personally, since that's not my reality for some years for sure).

    This is one of the most realistic comments in this thread.
    Did you care much on getting 550 level 5s on many years? Probably not.
    Do you see a lot of 550 players in your MMR? Probably not.
    Are you going to ascend many characters over your most advanced characters in roster? Probably not.
    Are you going to fight the few ascended 3
    you could see in a pvp in your MMR or just skip it? Probably the last option.
    Then, why are you panicking so much, blaming devs, capitalism or advanced players?
    Good question here :D

    I don't think 550s are going to be the reality for many players for quite a long time. However, 370s in 4* land and 450s in 5* land are going to be a reality, and the interplay between some of those characters could be quite concerning.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @Bad said:

    (i'm going to stop hyperbolizing 550s at this stage personally, since that's not my reality for some years for sure).


    Are you going to fight the few ascended 3* you could see in a pvp in your MMR or just skip it? Probably the last option.

    Actually, probably yes. Very few 3 stars have game-breaking powers or scale particularly well. I'll beat up (3)Hulks 5 stars all day -- sure they'll spam out green tiles but their powers kind of suck. Sure if IM40 gets out his yellow it could suck when the other toon blasts me, but 2 turn CDs that late in the game aren't going to be that threatening.

    I think people are right to be concerned about a few of the better 4 stars (like Polaris or America Chavez,) but in general 5 star powers are just plain better.

  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker

    Advice question. I have a 2 star Thor I could ascend Monday. Given that he’s functionally a carbon copy of 3 star Thor, would the rewards be better or worse between farming and ascending?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,194 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ElectricVasting said:
    Just want to point out that in the most recent Q&A, the devs also said that SCL10 and SCL9 have the most players in them, and the player pool steadily declines till you reach SCL1. So as Bowgentle mentioned, the 3% is pretty misleading. If you're looking at the players who are actually playing the game, it is not only a tiny minority that's in the advanced stages.

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    It should qualified though that we don't know the total amount of players that the 3% applies to. If it is 1 million total players, then 30,000 of them have a 450...

    The specific number doesn't matter as much as the general direction. We are a tiny minority, that's what matters.

    Yes, if you disregard all the non-5* players, then 5* players make up 100% of what's left. It's just simple math!

    Likewise, if you disregard all the players who don't play every single event, or who play at a level you'd consider "casual" (whatever that is), then the remainder will all be hardcore players.

    All the players you handwave away continue to exist, and they're customers just as much as we are.