How terrified are you of the "new leveling system"?



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's just calm down, Chicken Little, and see what it's about before we break out the pitchforks.

    @NMANOZ1 said:
    My guess is when you max levelled a 1, 2, 3 and 4 star character, you will get an option to champ them up to the next star tier.

    I've seen this speculated about the most, but it breaks so many in-game systems that it'd almost require a new game.

    Like, how do you do PvP matchmaking in this world? You'd have to completely redo the algorithm. What does this do to essential-character PvE fights? How do boss event essentials work, or DDQ?

    I guess it's possible that this is what they're doing, and it's possible that either they did the massive amount of work it would require to make it ok, or that they're willing to just drop this out there and let it break everything, but I think either of those things are pretty unlikely.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think this feature will either entirely kill the game or take it to the next level. Very interested to see which way it goes.

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor
    SO terrified. Beyond terrified. Afraid. Don't destroy my game!

    It just hit me... Balance of power doesn't break the game... If they're making it possible to raise levels relative to how it happens in that sub event it might not break anything.

    But that's just me trying to find a way for it to work.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Terrified? Nah. I bet it'll be interesting and the game needs interesting.

    Maybe it's a new way to use supports especially since they said they are coming to PvP.

    The higher the character level, the better the support (non-champed, L1 power only, champed L1&2 powers all the way to L5 at max champed).


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's just calm down, Chicken Little, and see what it's about before we break out the pitchforks.

    @Blackstone said:
    It just hit me... Balance of power doesn't break the game... If they're making it possible to raise levels relative to how it happens in that sub event it might not break anything.

    But that's just me trying to find a way for it to work.

    The Balance of Power PvP (when it's run correctly -- they used to screw it up all the time) turns off the roster-based parts of matchmaking. If they ran all PvP like that it would be a huge change, with some...complications for everybody but the highest-level players.

    The PvE sub still requires certain characters of certain star levels in the essentials, but maybe that's an easier problem to solve?

  • Riguez
    Riguez Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    edited September 2023

    At the end... all of us are just breaking our heads with a lot of speculation because they released a teaser when they shouldn't have, and have said nothing since... I really really really hope they give more details soon, until then, I'll hold off on any (more) comments / opinions.

  • Mrcl25
    Mrcl25 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    Let's just calm down, Chicken Little, and see what it's about before we break out the pitchforks.

    I'm curious to see if this new system will change their policy on cover swaps when pulling 3x550s from latest.

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor
    SO terrified. Beyond terrified. Afraid. Don't destroy my game!

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Blackstone said:
    It just hit me... Balance of power doesn't break the game... If they're making it possible to raise levels relative to how it happens in that sub event it might not break anything.

    But that's just me trying to find a way for it to work.

    The Balance of Power PvP (when it's run correctly -- they used to screw it up all the time) turns off the roster-based parts of matchmaking. If they ran all PvP like that it would be a huge change, with some...complications for everybody but the highest-level players.

    The PvE sub still requires certain characters of certain star levels in the essentials, but maybe that's an easier problem to solve?

    Yeah... I'm just trying to find any basis to connect the picture in the teaser to something that makes sense.

    I actually forgot about the PVP version... Not sure how I managed that...I agree that would mean complications.

    Honestly, I rotate lower star level characters so fast I can't imagine the devs allowing them to reach the same power level as actual 5*s.

    Why bother with hoarding/saving/sharding/etc to champ a new 5* I'll never use (I will still do it to collect... This statement is hypothetical) if I can max champ a few 1/2*s very quickly and they have power sets that'll be more useful than the hard to get 5's?

    Anyway... Anything I think of, there's a good reason to not do it. Hopefully, they have whatever it is figured out... The teaser with no info might do more harm than good though.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's just calm down, Chicken Little, and see what it's about before we break out the pitchforks.

    @Blackstone said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Blackstone said:
    It just hit me... Balance of power doesn't break the game... If they're making it possible to raise levels relative to how it happens in that sub event it might not break anything.

    But that's just me trying to find a way for it to work.

    The Balance of Power PvP (when it's run correctly -- they used to screw it up all the time) turns off the roster-based parts of matchmaking. If they ran all PvP like that it would be a huge change, with some...complications for everybody but the highest-level players.

    The PvE sub still requires certain characters of certain star levels in the essentials, but maybe that's an easier problem to solve?

    Yeah... I'm just trying to find any basis to connect the picture in the teaser to something that makes sense.

    I actually forgot about the PVP version... Not sure how I managed that...I agree that would mean complications.

    Honestly, I rotate lower star level characters so fast I can't imagine the devs allowing them to reach the same power level as actual 5*s.

    Why bother with hoarding/saving/sharding/etc to champ a new 5* I'll never use (I will still do it to collect... This statement is hypothetical) if I can max champ a few 1/2*s very quickly and they have power sets that'll be more useful than the hard to get 5's?

    Anyway... Anything I think of, there's a good reason to not do it. Hopefully, they have whatever it is figured out... The teaser with no info might do more harm than good though.

    That's where I'm at. Everything that people have speculated about, and everything I can think of, has massive knock-on effects all over the game, in all different areas.

    So there's 3 options:

    1 - It's something nobody here has thought of yet.
    2 - It's something that's been mentioned here, and the devs have rebuilt huge parts of the game to support it.
    3 - It's something that's been mentioned here, they haven't made any other changes, and it's going to break all kinds of stuff.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't think option 2 is very likely, considering it took them a week of dev time to put in Omega into the required nodes in one PVE.
    But maybe that took so long because they're actually working full time on option 2, who knows.
    I sure hope that it's option 1 though, because option 3 would mean a very, very quick rollback of whatever it is they've built.

  • ShionSinX
    ShionSinX Posts: 63 Match Maker
    edited September 2023

    My expectation on this is that will end the dupe roster shenanigans.

    "Should I get a dupe of this 4* because I might get retro rewards? Or save this other 3* because its a somewhat useful char here and there? Should I wait until it comes up as essential before flipping it?"

    If we stop selling them and just keep improving said char the slot crunch problem is lessened and roster micromanagement disappears, which is a huge plus. Yeah this isnt an issue when you have 400+ slots and hundred thousands of spare HP, but most players arent on that level.

    And while I could be very wrong here, if we can get everyone to 5* it kinda opens up the way for 6* tier. When 5*s came out they shifted the meta completely, overshadowing the lower tiers by more than a step, comparatively (the jump in health and damage from 4->5 is bigger than it is for lower tiers).

    BUT if we can turn 5*s into 6*s suddenly the new tier would be a lot less threatening.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Terrified? Nah. I bet it'll be interesting and the game needs interesting.

    @ShionSinX said:
    My expectation on this is that will end the dupe roster shenanigans.

    "Should I get a dupe of this 4* because I might get retro rewards? Or save this other 3* because its a somewhat useful char here and there? Should I wait until it comes up as essential before flipping it?"

    If we stop selling them and just keep improving said char the slot crunch problem is lessened and roster micromanagement disappears, which is a huge plus. Yeah this isnt an issue when you have 400+ slots and hundred thousands of spare HP, but most players arent on that level.

    I want to agree with this, but the Devs have stated that Roster Slots is their biggest source of revenue. Unless all the recurring Offers have been earning the game enough revenue where slots sales aren't as essential, for dups at least, then yes that would be great to reduce the roster of dups!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    I mean this sounds like the exact opposite of reducing roster slots required. Hope I am wrong.

  • Riguez
    Riguez Posts: 22 Just Dropped In

    Or maybe they'll push us to have even more dupes and roster slots if it works like: if you want to upgrade a 4* to a 5*, you need to have TWO MAXED OUT copies of the same 4* and then "fuse" the two into a 5*... so for any character you need to have a copy to max out and then fuse... that would definitely push the need for extra roster slots

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    That would instantly free up a lot of slots for people farming 3s and 4s, I don't think this will happen.

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Let's just calm down, Chicken Little, and see what it's about before we break out the pitchforks.

    It'd be odd to simply raise the characters to the next star tier, considering the 3/5 releases of characters that are almost exactly the same.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just saw the writeup of the new 2.0. And I am definitely terrified. I think they have opened pandora's box and have no idea how it will turn out.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I read all of that and still have no info what it means for all the systems.

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay, I admit, just a little nervous about it.

    I guess i will be creating some 5 star 4 stars with my current set of duplicates.

    Which me luck when this goes live, im sure I'll regret something lol