Upcoming Boss Event Info - High Evolutionary (Evolutionary Hayhem) Standard / Heroic

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin

Hey all, wanted to provide some info on the two versions of the upcoming Boss Event, along with an explanation on some of the changes to make them both a bit more diverse from one another.

Specific information is below, but here's a summary of the changes we've made from the last run:

  • Standard now has the same rewards as it did in previous Boss Battles at the previous paces. If you're looking for the "normal" rewards, they're all here.
  • Heroic now has alternate rewards, both in Personal Progression and Alliance Placement. These rewards are designed to be additional non-required things, but cool to have if you want to push for them
  • Heroic Alliance Placement reward bands have been opened up significantly, from 1-2 for first place to 1-10 for first place, with the other bands opened accordingly. So if you're going for the big stuff, there's a better chance of hitting those items. And even if you're not quite strong enough or the Alliance doesn't have the focus (or you just want a break) it'll be easier to hit the higher placement tiers and score some neat extras.
  • Resets for Heroic have been set to 12 hours instead of 8. Requiring 20 people to sacrifice sleep wasn't our intent, so hopefully this works a bit better.

Battle Nodes

Minion Nodes:

Node 1
Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 3* Star-Lord (Peter Quill) / 4* Drax (The Destroyer) / 5* Adam Warlock (Infinity Watch)

Node 2 -
Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 4* Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy) / 4* Mister Negative (Martin Li) / 4* Rocket & Groot (Awesome Mix Volume 2)
Yes, Mister Negative. It's his turn in the release rotation. Consider him an Honorary Guardian for the moment.

Node 3 -
Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 3* Rocket and Groot (Most Wanted) / 4* Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw) / 5* Gamora (Deadliest Woman)

Node 4 -
Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 3* Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) / 4* Mister Negative (Martin Li) / 5* Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Vol. 2)

Node 4 -
Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 4* Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw) / 4* Rocket & Groot (Awesome Mix Volume 2) / 4* Nova (Sam Alexander)

Boss Node - Fight High Evolutionary! Cannot be Stunned, sent Away, or sent Airborne

Required Character(s) Unrestricted / Guardians Of The Galaxy / Unrestricted
Heroic Required Character(s) GotG / GotG / GotG
Loaned Character(s) 3* Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) / 4* Cosmo (Space Dog) / 5* Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Vol. 2)


Standard (Progression)

Standard (Alliance Progression)

Heroic (Progression)

Heroic (Alliance Placement)

Boss Fight Vault

Give this new iteration of a Heroic Boss Event a run and let us know what you think!



  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 450 Mover and Shaker

    Looks good, I like the thematic GoTG matchup.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 557 Critical Contributor

    In the Heroic (alliance placement) does each player in a t100 alliance get to pick a 4* support from those 3 choices?

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    I’m hoping Adam Warlock can be used in the heroic event, since he’s the 5 loaner, despite not having the GotG affiliation

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    So we went from 5 5* covers to Supports?
    Why can't you do sensible testing for ONCE without changing 15 parameters.
    Just run the same event twice, with the same rewards, just expanded reward tiers.

    No, you have to change rewards, expand the reward tiers, AND make it heroic.
    Good luck comparing this with the first run in a meaningful way.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards

    Wow, roster slots are rewards for the first time ever! Hoping this trend continues because my casual alliance has ZERO shot at T25.

    I also like the 5* Support rewards (the 4* ones too) and all the master and advanced tokens!


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @KGB said:
    Wow, roster slots are rewards for the first time ever! Hoping this trend continues because my casual alliance has ZERO shot at T25.

    I also like the 5* Support rewards (the 4* ones too) and all the master and advanced tokens!


    I'd rather have 5* covers than the equivalent of 1200 HP.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @Bowgentle said:

    @KGB said:
    Wow, roster slots are rewards for the first time ever! Hoping this trend continues because my casual alliance has ZERO shot at T25.

    I also like the 5* Support rewards (the 4* ones too) and all the master and advanced tokens!


    I'd rather have 5* covers than the equivalent of 1200 HP.

    I understand. But is that because it's Omega Red, an upper tier 5* character or would you feel the same way about say an extra 5* Wasp cover that added 1 champ level to her?

    What's exciting to me is that for years players have asked or wondered about earning roster slots via play or VIP only to be told or hinted at that selling roster slots is the bread and butter money maker for the game. So for roster slots to finally be available as a reward opens up a whole new paradigm of reward possibilities. That's way more exciting than 1 more 5* cover reward.


    P.S. If you are in a T25 alliance and don't want to push hard for this, I'll be more than happy to Merc in your spot for the event to earn the extra roster slot, support + support tokens.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Any 5* cover, really.
    1200 HP is nothing to the people capable of making t25 alliance in this.

  • bonny79
    bonny79 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    Can we play both events contemporaneous without compromising our alliance aim for the standard event?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    The events are independent.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    @Bowgentle said:
    So we went from 5 5* covers to Supports?
    Why can't you do sensible testing for ONCE without changing 15 parameters.
    Just run the same event twice, with the same rewards, just expanded reward tiers.

    No, you have to change rewards, expand the reward tiers, AND make it heroic.
    Good luck comparing this with the first run in a meaningful way.

    I mean, let’s be honest with ourselves, the amount of 5* they were giving out for the top placements in last boss event was rather ridiculous. Why are you so upset?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Because they'll base their future decisions on two completely independent events.
    I just dislike non-ceteris paribus testing lol.

  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 138 Tile Toppler

    Thank you for the 12 hour resets on the Heroic event!

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    Yeah, this looks good - both the event itself and the info posted.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    They already mentioned it in the answers thread that they missed the mark with the first rendition of how the boss event works now so I wouldn’t imagine they’re taking that data and placing a great weight on it in judging how things run in the future.

    I’m with Tony on this, I’m a lot newer to the game, only been around 2 years now, but obtaining 5* covers doesn’t seem like a tremendous burden whereas obtaining a high level support is until they roll out whatever new changes they’ve got planned for the supports, so anything that gives more opportunities for that to occur is something I’m in support of.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    Wow the Support rewards for alliances is super generous. This actually does a better job at getting us Supports than Puzzle Gauntlet.

    As for the 12hr reset, again the EST is screwed. Event opens at Noon, but I cannot do the next set until Midnight. 10hrs would had been more reasonable.

  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 138 Tile Toppler

    As for the 12hr reset, again the EST is screwed. Event opens at Noon, but I cannot do the next set until Midnight. 10hrs would had been more reasonable.

    I'm not sure I understand this. You have between midnight and noon to do the next set so that's a big window to complete it. Are you saying you always want to be able to play as soon as the reset happens? In the UK the 8-hour reset happens at 1am so I just make sure I fit in some time to play before 9am, it doesn't really seem an issue as long as you have some opportunity to play within each window.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @JimboJambo said:

    As for the 12hr reset, again the EST is screwed. Event opens at Noon, but I cannot do the next set until Midnight. 10hrs would had been more reasonable.

    I'm not sure I understand this. You have between midnight and noon to do the next set so that's a big window to complete it. Are you saying you always want to be able to play as soon as the reset happens? In the UK the 8-hour reset happens at 1am so I just make sure I fit in some time to play before 9am, it doesn't really seem an issue as long as you have some opportunity to play within each window.

    8hr Reset:

    • Event starts at 12pm EST. Complete nodes
    • Event resets at 8pm EST. Complete nodes. Go to bed.
    • Event resets at 4am EST. Complete nodes when I wake up around 5-6am. No real loss in pts
    • Event resets at 12pm and so on

    12hr Reset:

    • Event starts at 12pm EST. Complete nodes
    • Event resets at 12am EST. Complete nodes. Go to bed at 1230-1am if I can stay awake or do it when I wake up at 5-6am but I'll lose lost alot of points
    • Event resets at 12pm and so on

    Sure it's less grind, but it doesn't help my sleeping. 10hrs would have worked better.

    We'll see how it goes, but it affects the EST players players. The EST players have been requesting better timeslots for us, but it's ignored and now we have this to deal with.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    What points are you losing if you don’t do it until the morning? The free hits when the next round flips or…? I don’t seem to understand either. Cuz if you do it at 5AM as long as you can hit it again at 5PM or later on the next mission reset then you still get 6 hits on the boss