MPQ Developer Q&A August 2023 (QUESTIONS)



  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 798 Critical Contributor

    @Zarqa said:
    Can you share some clear expectations on what you want to communicate with the player base about in advance or as a response to questions, and what are more ‘nice to haves’ that we shouldn’t necessarily always expect?

    Recently in just the past weeks we saw these changes in communication:

    • No more ‘What’s New’ forum posts or event calendars.
    • No announcement of Elsa’s rework. No follow up on you stating that Archangel’s rework will be announced on 8/17 (it was not). No response to questions about other character reworks.
    • No prior announcement of the new Boss/Alliance event format.
    • No comments on many bug reports, especially the very frequently mentioned ‘multiple TUs are fired by the AI’
    • Lackluster response to large confusion about a community event (the Fan Favorites TU one), failing to clarify what the rules were and multiple Devs giving conflicting responses.

    Not too long ago all the above things would have had fairly rapid responses. Now it’s crickets. Can you please elaborate on why and what we can/should expect going forward?

    Much more articulate than I managed, but yes this

  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler

    @Bowgentle said:

    @SolidQ said:
    Where new content? Almost 10 year playing this game. But PVP is still same as 10 years ago.
    Need special pvp like, 1 week running with limited characters, something like no blue/no passive/no heals, only 3* and below, only 4* and below characters etc

    Like the class of PVPs that they're running for 11 weeks now, maybe?

    Almost, but class attached to anniversary, and you can do more intereesting pvp's.
    Games also lack Alliances Wars, 4* rebalance like Health/Match damage, because too big gap between 4 and 5*. I'm playing other match 3 games, there between 4 and 5* not big difference.

  • rene020223
    rene020223 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    There are many characters, they could create something to be able to select by affiliation when choosing the team

  • Thoooooor
    Thoooooor Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

    Thanks for the quality of life updates recently, I look forward to further announcements on the upcoming ones soon.

    My question this month is of there are any plans to update or rebalance feeders? There are still a good number of 4s in particular that have no and feed no characters yet. Would you consider making all 4s double feeders as well, akin to last year's 2* and 3* balances?

  • illusionist_KA
    illusionist_KA Posts: 137 Tile Toppler

    AI match is getting a little crazy lately. insane cascades, powers fired over and over. article Enemy Cascade Limiting (6/12/18) what broke? why is this not the case anymore?

    Basically adding, critical falling from top is happening more often now? this was the case a few month's ago.

  • nycjonny
    nycjonny Posts: 59 Match Maker
    edited August 2023

    @Daredevil217 said:
    Can you speak at all to the idea behind Archangel’s rework? Specifically the significant health decrease and decision not to boost match damage to modern levels? Also, do I have to wait for Born Again for 5* Daredevil to get his much needed buff?

    (I know I know, 2 questions. But I haven’t asked anything in a few months)

    Seems like Archangel been adjusted since. Both health and match damage went up.

  • ElectricVasting
    ElectricVasting Posts: 24 Just Dropped In

    Are odds boosted for new supports in support stores? It further dilutes the stores for newer players still trying to get R3-R4 versions of older supports. Any consideration for separating new supports into separate LL-style store?

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 313 Mover and Shaker

    @ElectricVasting said:
    Are odds boosted for new supports in support stores? It further dilutes the stores for newer players still trying to get R3-R4 versions of older supports. Any consideration for separating new supports into separate LL-style store?

    What makes you think so? They are legally required to show odds beforehand, and as far as I can see odds are the same for each support in the stores.

  • ElectricVasting
    ElectricVasting Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2023

    I could certainly be wrong, that's why I was asking. I pulled 10 support tokens and drew 4 skrulluminati and 2 battleworlds. And I don't have the exact numbers, but I had similar distribution last month. I don't have hundreds of pulls to experiment, so I could easily be the victim of poor RNG, but it's been frustrating.

    I wanted to add much more nuance to my question, but I was limited to 250 characters in the Google Form. I appreciated the question you posted, but not sure how you submitted it all?

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 313 Mover and Shaker

    @ElectricVasting said:
    I could certainly be wrong, that's why I was asking. I pulled 10 support tokens and drew 4 skrulluminati and 2 battleworlds. And I don't have the exact numbers, but I had similar distribution last month. I don't have hundreds of pulls to experiment, so I could easily be the victim of poor RNG, but it's been frustrating.

    I wanted to add much more nuance to my question, but I was limited to 250 characters in the Google Form. I appreciated the question you posted, but not sure how you submitted it all?

    Yeah, I submitted a much shorter version in the Google form and in the notes said I had posted a more elaborate version on the forum 🤷🏻‍♂️

    As for your question, I just know that at least in Europe the gambling laws are very strict and you have to share odds in advance. So simply based on that, I don’t think there is an increased odds for latest supports since it’s not mentioned in the store. But I could definitely be wrong about that too of course.

  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker

    Do you test the text boxes on a PC in-game before you settle on a power's description? Because many of the newer characters, you can't read them on a PC. Like this:

    That's Garganto's Green power.

    My display is set at 1440x900 for my 17" monitor, and yet unreadable unless i'm trying to get a magnifying glass out.

  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2023

    A majority of characters seem to draw from the MCU or main comics continuity. What are the chances of us getting characters from other media (e.g. Insomnia Spider-Man, X-Men the animated series) or continuities (e.g. Marvel 1602, Zombies, House of M)?

  • rene020223
    rene020223 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    Please come back what's new

  • bigcaktus
    bigcaktus Posts: 4 Just Dropped In

    My question is : will the roster's selection screen be improved, by adding some filters like tags (as there is more and more in the game), to allow us to filter on the teams (X-Men,...) or others (Gamma Mutates, etc.) ?

  • nbperp
    nbperp Posts: 112 Tile Toppler

    Can the facebook prompt please go away until you've fixed whatever is wrong with PQ connecting to Facebook? Of all the things we have to click through, it's one that is a constant reminder of an error, not a reward.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,962 Chairperson of the Boards

    As a fan of the big A, I am happy to see the Horsemen make their way into MPQ. Any chance we will be seeing War and Famine in the near future?

  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker

    My question:

    Can you please resume giving Supports a power at tier 2 and 4? Even "increase black match damage" would be nice.

    (My additional note to devs was to please be mindful of the tiny, tiny text in the Supports and power descriptions for those of us with failing eyesight...)

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2023

    Here I helped update:

    @rainkingucd said:
    3* health was uniform (Colossus, Rags, Sentry have identical health pools). New releases (since Emma) have massively higher health pools relative to a fixed 3* tier. What is the driving factor for new 3* characters to have such high health pools?

    3* @ 266 (except the newest where noted)
    39,336 - Spider-Rex
    36,526 - High Evolutionary
    33,716 - Omega Red, Kang
    28,659 - Emma Frost, Spider-Gwen, Magik, Jeffrey
    26,692 - Arcade, Vulture
    25,006 - Hit-Monkey
    19,591 - Thanos
    18,240 - Hulk
    17,024 - Colossus, Ragnarok, R&G, Sentry, She-Hulk
    16,213 - Thor
    15,402 - Black Panther, Cap, Cap Marvel, DOOM, Gamora, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Vision
    14,727 - Cyclops, Hawkeye, Star-Lord
    13,781 - Angel, Beast, Blade, DD, DP, Doc Ock, Elektra, Gambit, KK, Magneto, Pyslocke, Punisher, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Squirrel Girl,
    12,835 - GSBW, Human Torch, Mystique, Falcon
    12,160 - Iron Fist
    12,025 - Bullseye, Storm
    10,809 - Daken, Strange, Patch
    9,458 - Loki
    8,106 - Hood

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards

    @helix72 said:
    Here I helped update:

    Thank you. It's funny, because they're (nearly) exactly double the old ranges. So I guess the new "bands" of 3* health are just 2x the old bands.

    Spider-Rex = 2x Thanos
    Hevo = 2x Hulk
    OR/Kang = 2x Colossus & co (okay, not exactly 2x)
    Emma, Gwen, Magik, Jefferey = 2x Cyclops & co (this 2x thing is not holding up anymore)
    Arcade/Vulture = 2x Angel & co (maybe if you round to the nearest thousand, it works)
    Hit-Monkey = 2x GSBW & co (this works better again)

  • _TrashPanda
    _TrashPanda Posts: 97 Match Maker

    Why do the new offers always come through during s2 pve? Can you please stop having the new offers pop up within at least 30min before and after any of the pve end times?

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