Guardians have taken over Milestones feedback



  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,763 Chairperson of the Boards
    I did not attempt it because...

    I did not really compete in this mainly because in week 1 my 5* guardians were not buffed. Bring a 5* player this completely eliminated PVP to achieve quests and at CL10 I still go for speed and not having the guardians buffed just made it not worth it. I started trying them the 2nd week, but didn’t get past the blue matches in tier 1 mainly because my 5* didn’t need blue.

    I like the concept and would like them to do more quests like this but some tweaks should be made

  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,950 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    Didn't complete as I had 4 Tier 4 quests left with only 2 open (make 100 purple matches and give 10 TUs), don't need any iso and spending 1K of HP to recall my TUs didn't seem like a good trade for 2 Mighty tokens.

    Would be happy to do this again if all quests can be seen in advance and more than a few would be open at the same time.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    I completed it and enjoyed it

    I enjoyed the challenge of using different characters to complete some of the rounds. However I could also have voted for did not enjoy as the final round was way too long and a big grind

    I’d be happy to do it again if they remove the requirement to ask people for team ups and make the requirement easier to follow

    It was 2 days in before I realised that destroy meant literally destroy it!!

  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I did not attempt it because...

    My love of this game comes from not having to grind away to make 100 matches (for example). I love this game because I can hit PVE for clearance, hit up PVP to get to certain level, then call it a day.

    Not opposed to the idea, and if people want to grind, more power to them. Just not for me.

  • Wilger
    Wilger Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I completed it and enjoyed it

    Always could use improvement but with a bit of management it was doable. The give use TU's are the ones you have little influence on and took the most time to complete. But over al cleared them with time to spare

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,046 Chairperson of the Boards
    I completed it and enjoyed it

    Had a lot of fun. Used puzzle gauntlet early so I was in tier 3 by the halfway mark and the ISO was a big help. I liked the gating and pacing.

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    Couldn't be arsed to complete it, although I could've.

    Went and played something else instead.

    Enjoy having this sort of thing though, would just like it too be more fun, and for loaners to be available for accounts that don't have the required toons.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    Anyone else 'finished' quests after the event ended?

    When it ended I was doing the Tier 4 'make 100 purple matches' quest.

    Today, I saw I had a completed quest when I was doing my PvE clear and so I looked and suddenly the 'event' tab was there and it showed I had completed the make 100 purple matches quest. So I claimed the reward and then the tab disappeared.


  • toecutter3095
    toecutter3095 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    @KGB said:
    Anyone else 'finished' quests after the event ended?

    When it ended I was doing the Tier 4 'make 100 purple matches' quest.

    Today, I saw I had a completed quest when I was doing my PvE clear and so I looked and suddenly the 'event' tab was there and it showed I had completed the make 100 purple matches quest. So I claimed the reward and then the tab disappeared.


    Yes, I got the 6M damage quest not long after it officially finished. I noticed it said I had ~2 days to claim so maybe they added the buffer to claim last minute achievements, but that also opened the window for completing quests after the fact.

  • Pottsie1980
    Pottsie1980 Posts: 54 Match Maker
    I completed it and enjoyed it

    A lot of milestones were too grindy, but I think this type of event should be tied up to each season. Stretch it out so it’s more natural, but you can still focus on using certain characters/powers.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    @KGB said:
    Anyone else 'finished' quests after the event ended?

    When it ended I was doing the Tier 4 'make 100 purple matches' quest.

    Today, I saw I had a completed quest when I was doing my PvE clear and so I looked and suddenly the 'event' tab was there and it showed I had completed the make 100 purple matches quest. So I claimed the reward and then the tab disappeared.


    I finished the 400 matches with a Guardian on your team a day after closure. The vault is still open, so I guess there was a bit of a tail to the event.

  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler

    Can somebody send the full list of tasks for all the four tiers it seems the task rewards are still coming out but the event button is not there

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    See pages 2-4 for screenshots of the tasks.


  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    It's positive because there are extra rewards and you are forced to use another characters.
    It's negative because of these many factors:

    • As mentioned above there wasn't a truly reliable info about the rewards except other than looking in the vault. The item I wanted the most was 250 5* shards and you had to scroll all the vault for to realize it! Are 250 5* shards worse than the others rewards?
    • the vault has a lot of days but milestone not! That gave me the wrong impression that there were a lot of days left and still I could achieve many tasks if choosing a gotg. Make a reminder of how many days are left in the main menu!
    • these milestone were great for 4* players whose playstyle is groket. Not for 5* players being gotg character versions totally meh!
    • I didn't pass to tier 2 but as mentioned there were many repetitions. There were 3 milestones and one of them just occuping space and renewing when achieving 10 of the others. Make at least 5 milestones for designing tactics to achieve many of them faster. That's a complete slog! I'd would feel totally miserable if I had to complete every one of them one after another without counting for nothing all the grind I already did.
    • 100 matches of a color multiple times? 50 powers with a specific character? Are you serious? There are really few rewards worthy of a huge grind! Reduce it by half next time.
  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler

    @KGB said:

    See pages 2-4 for screenshots of the tasks.


    Thank you KGB it was informative but I am stuck at 8 th quest of tier 1 and ther is no tier 1 data I got tier 2 3 and 4 lolz anyway thanks

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    Page 1 has that info. You are in the middle of 'make 100 matches of X color'. Not sure if you are on #8 or completed #8 but here's number 9. Number 8 was also a color one.


  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,067 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could not/will not be able to complete because...

    @mani82 said:

    @KGB said:

    See pages 2-4 for screenshots of the tasks.


    Thank you KGB it was informative but I am stuck at 8 th quest of tier 1 and ther is no tier 1 data I got tier 2 3 and 4 lolz anyway thanks

    Tier 1(in order of appearance):

    -Complete missions 25 times with GotG characters on your team(250 iso)
    -Make 100 Red matches with GotG characters on your team(125 iso)
    -Complete 10 Tier 1 Quests(Guardians Prize Vault Token)
    -Make 250 matches with GotG characters on your team(4 Elite tokens)
    -Make 100 Blue matches with GotG characters on your team(2 Elite tokens)
    -Use 10 Boosts(250 iso)
    -Play 15 Versus missions(4 Elite tokens)
    -Make 100 Yellow matches with GotG characters on your team(125 iso)
    -Make 100 Green matches with GotG characters on your team(2 Elite tokens)
    -Make 100 Black matches with GotG characters on your team(125 iso)
    -Make 100 Purple matches with GotG characters on your team(2 Elite tokens)
    -Make 100 Team-Up matches with GotG characters on your team(125 iso)

  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler

    Thank you kgb and William 1983 I am going to give it a shot to see if it works as the vault is still open have a great day