**** Human Torch (Annihilus) ****



  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    So, the event dates are fast approaching and I guess we just get to find out?

    In the meantime, we get no indication of bug fixes on board, we get no real response around the timing issue, we get no confirmation on bugs, and we get a random and not great character thrown out that has nothing to do with any of the previous releases. Again, are we supposed to guess that this Torch indicates more Annihilus or Negative Zone characters? Would that be a new Affiliation? And what about the Light Brigade? They named dropped both of those things in his description but not on his character.

    I'm gonna rephrase what's been said: The new dev's have teased us with hopeful changes, and all they've really done is break the game. I've worked in software development, and it makes me want to apply to Broken Circle just to help whatever way I can, but then... Who really wants to get onto a sinking ship and try to fix it from the inside? I'd rather they take the ship to port, dry dock it, fix the issues, and then put her back to sea.

    Seriously, if they had a game plan for a maintainence schedule to fix the issues, I'd happily take the time off from the game to give them that chance, even if it was an hour a day for a month, I'd be happier to see them fixing things instead of just pumping out more characters. There's a lot more going on to this game that needs attention than releasing someone like this Torch right now.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't know if it's the same under BCS as it was under Demiurge, but under Demiurge the people who worked on new characters were not the people who worked on bugs, changes to the overall game, and other issues.

    Also (and, like, honestly I have no idea if this is good or bad news -- you pick!) new characters are how they make money. If they ever stop producing new characters, or fall off schedule, or whatever, that means less/no revenue, and it likely means the end of the game is getting near.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker

    does the "increase life %" get reduced by permanent damage ?
    let suppose he has 10k life and max lvl black power :

    • get perma damaged for 5k, 5k remaining
    • black repeater tick for +6% health -> does he gain 600 hitpoints or 300 hitpoints ?

    also his affiliation seems weird, he should be time displaced or multiversal or both, instead he is "team cap"

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I didn't know there's a rule where previous release must be related to the latest release. It happens when there are tie-ins. Other than that, I haven't heard of this rule before.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    @HoundofShadow said:
    I didn't know there's a rule where previous release must be related to the latest release. It happens when there are tie-ins. Other than that, I haven't heard of this rule before.

    I'm not asking for a full tie in, but when they rebalanced Magneto, they hinted at new Brotherhood characters. They released Jeff with Symbiote synergy, and no one to work well with. And this Annihilus version of Torch comes from a story arc with a wealth of characters they haven't introduced yet.

    I'm just saying that there's no consistency, and that there really could be, and it would be more enjoyable for a support release to tie into a new character, or for a new affiliation to have updates and new characters that go with it. SOMETHING synchronous. Clearly not their strong suite, though.

    PS: I never said there was a rule, or should be one, I'd rather you kept the verbage you quote me on to the actual verbage I've used. Thanks! XOXO

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    They sort of hinted one in the future but they didn't promise us a specific timeframe. You assume one is coming soon.

    Carbage/Carnage, Chasm, Venom (Eddie Brock all feed his green ability, which empowers him. Different players have different definitions of synergies. So, you might not agree with this.

    As for Supports, they did tie-in with new characters. It's just not as new as you want.
    Kamar-Taj: Wong
    Krakoa: Magik
    Hellfire Club: Emma

    As for Human Torch, unless you want the dev to release the entire crew simultaneously, else it's still too early to say anything.

    On top of that, if Marvel wants the dev to release Human Torch, what do you want them to do? Reject the one who are the owner of the IP you are using?

    The point is, you've an idea of how character releases should be done, and because they didn't do it the way you envision it to be, you said that this isn't their strongest suite.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    @HoundofShadow said: It's just not as new as you want.

    Rude. I never said anything about how those tied together, in fact Kamar Taj is a great point to what I was asking for, I just was hoping for that kind of connection between releases to continue, and they've hinted at other directions. This is a new one.

    As for Human Torch, unless you want the dev to release the entire crew simultaneously, else it's still too early to say anything.

    Simultaneously? What are you saying? This game doesn't function that way, why are you putting these words in my mouth?

    On top of that, if Marvel wants the dev to release Human Torch, what do you want them to do? Reject the one who are the owner of the IP you are using?

    Didn't suggest this, and in fact saying MARVEL (caps intended) wanted this Torch released is conjecture at best. Again, you're putting words in my mouth.

    The point is, you've an idea of how character releases should be done, and because they didn't do it the way you envision it to be, you said that this isn't their strongest suite.

    You entirely misunderstood what I meant by "not their strong suite". I meant that synchronicity wasn't the dev's strong suite as a comment about the failed timings recently, and how this character stands out with no connective tissue beyond being F4.

    I'd like to not disagree with you so much, you have good points some times, but you're actively trying to tear apart someone's discussion points for very little gain to the conversation, and I've taken up more space to respond.

    I still think there could have been some other presentation around new character releases.

    An idea I'd like: Release of a new support followed by several characters that tie into it. Kamar Taj is a perfect example, I would have just reordered the releases so that the support came first, and basically free to everyone with a Puzzle Quest, then continue with tied in characters as we go. For Torch, here, they could release a "Control Rod" support, then hit us with Annihilus and other Negative Zone or Light Brigade characters. JUST A SUGGESTION.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards

    That kind of stuff has been a (potential?) problem for a very, very long time. In the early days of the game, releases were a big deal. Did you know the "Meet Rocket and Groot" event was the release event for 3* Rocket and Groot? They made a whole PvE to release a character! Almost all the PvEs have a story that's focused on one character, because they were created as a launch event for that character.

    I've been saying for years that they could do a few simple, low-effort things to make new characters look better (and thus, sell more of them). In the character's release event, boost their best partners. In the Shield Training and their first feature PvE, choose an event where the enemies are weak to their strengths.

    And, of course, what you said -- put the releases in an order where they thematically match up, and (maybe even more importantly) synergize with other recent releases.

    In the earlier years of the game they spent a lot more effort on this sort of thing. I don't know why it stopped...maybe they found that the extra effort didn't affect sales enough to make it worth doing.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,582 Chairperson of the Boards

    There never even used to be any way to even try out new 5's apart from actually obtaining one so the game has at least come that far along. I never understood that - you are pumping out regular 5* characters (even if the schedule was skewed towards 4* releases back then) and you don't want anybody to actually try them and want them?

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,475 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    That kind of stuff has been a (potential?) problem for a very, very long time. In the early days of the game, releases were a big deal. Did you know the "Meet Rocket and Groot" event was the release event for 3* Rocket and Groot? They made a whole PvE to release a character! Almost all the PvEs have a story that's focused on one character, because they were created as a launch event for that character.

    I've been saying for years that they could do a few simple, low-effort things to make new characters look better (and thus, sell more of them). In the character's release event, boost their best partners. In the Shield Training and their first feature PvE, choose an event where the enemies are weak to their strengths.

    And, of course, what you said -- put the releases in an order where they thematically match up, and (maybe even more importantly) synergize with other recent releases.

    In the earlier years of the game they spent a lot more effort on this sort of thing. I don't know why it stopped...maybe they found that the extra effort didn't affect sales enough to make it worth doing.

    Like re-doing Cap in Unstable Iso-8 to help launch Peggy Carter. Just a re-skin but it was a nice touch to celebrate the character release.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards

    Right...I mean...sell us on the new guy! Create some excitement! If a new character is part of a combo, then create a fight where the combo is essential/loaned for those who don't have them.

    Make the character seem good, so players will want to spend money on them. So many of these releases just get dumped out unceremoniously, and we don't even remember what they do. They can't all be winners, but, like, do you remember what Abomination does (besides feed Wong)? How about Black Knight? Hulkling?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Right...I mean...sell us on the new guy! Create some excitement! If a new character is part of a combo, then create a fight where the combo is essential/loaned for those who don't have them.

    Make the character seem good, so players will want to spend money on them. So many of these releases just get dumped out unceremoniously, and we don't even remember what they do. They can't all be winners, but, like, do you remember what Abomination does (besides feed Wong)? How about Black Knight? Hulkling?

    For a very long time, the one on one node in welcome to shield seemed intended to show how BAD the new character was.
    They put the worst imaginable match up in there.
    That always seemed pretty dumb if you want people to spend money on a new guy.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    They were intentionally putting a challenging character against the new one in Shield Training so you could see how that character handles a difficult match, but that doesn't mean it's well executed. I agree, there's so many times that its just a bore to do those matches.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards

    The part we don't/can't know is, "is that extra promotional work worth it for them?" Like I'd prefer to have these releases get a better introduction that makes them seem important and worthwhile, but I guess it's hard to fault them for not doing it if the extra effort doesn't affect the bottom line.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Surely it can't be more work to pick a good match up instead of a bad match up?
    Assuming it's manual work anyway.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    Well I think this is a great point, we aren't asking for a whole new PvE event like Rocket and Groot's, but something more organized than a "meh" set up for Welcome to SHIELD would be great.

    Besides the actual fact that a new event would be a huge boon to the game. If they were going to do a series of tied together releases, it would be great to come out with a new event that themes that storyline. That would help keep up the interest for those new characters.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,582 Chairperson of the Boards

    We have been teased with new stuff we just don't have a timeline. BCS certainly have taken a charge in head first approach to be fair and seem up for almost anything. Unfortunately the most recent charge seems to have smashed through a support wall causing part of the house to collapse and at the same time for unknown reasons the kitchen is also on fire. Grab those extinguishers and brace that wall is the order of the day but I think they are maybe just building a new house instead but the plans are all blurry.

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    I was told to get a comfy chair, I have brought my own fancy fainting chaise, I will be on my fancy fainting chaise, and I will be drinking a margarita while I wait for the fire fighters (whom I hope are handsome and single). And if you're in the kitchen, would you be a doll and mix another drink for me? Thanks! XOXO :kissing_heart:

    Meaning I'll complain about the bugs and the make suggestions, but I'm going to be where I have been, mildly entertained and more than mildly inebriated, on my fancy fainting chaise.

    (not me or my photo. Those shoes, though!)

  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    Play tested Johnny here some. His most interesting interactions for me are with him and other SAP booster's like Kitty or Nico or even Legion.


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