What's New MPQ: April 2023 (Updated 4/12/23)



  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    @ElectricVasting said:
    Thanks Wolvie - this is interesting info I wasn't aware of. But it doesn't seem to purely be a delayed schedule -- because I think MBaku has already had two events, even though he came after Colleen. Like - if it's true we're delayed, it seems like we should be cycling through Deathlok, Namora, and Abom now (or if only one of the slots is super-behind, then maybe Deathlok, Colleen and Mbaku?) -- not Deathlok, MBaku, and Clea, right?

    I think Colleen got a turn when she was first released. But then I think she only got 1 from the double Boss event, because C4ge was the reward in the first go-round.

    I suppose maybe since they shoe-horned that last Namora in, maybe they replaced Colleen with her, which could maybe make the numbers make more sense. Deathlok and MBaku both got double-rewarded from Enemy of the State, so that would seem an easy place to cut two turns from the backlog ...

    M'Baku was omitted. I've added his information to my original post. Thanks for the catch!

    Yes, Colleen did get a turn & based on the updated top post Deathlok will get one more in Cosmic Chaos. The others should rotate in more frequently after this event.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HoundofShadow said:
    It's not surprising. History repeats.
    On the other hand, this place is quite a hostile place towards dev. It's an easy choice between reddit and here.

    Personally, if I see they are doing their best and taking great decisions for the game I will support and back up them.
    However if it's the opposite I don't have any problem on parking the white horse and say it loud. Many times I claimed that I'm on the game's side. Anything for the game.
    If truly they aren't showing here because of the critics, well, bad luck.
    It's up to them to change my opinion about their charge.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker

    Is it customary to have that many 3* pvp during a month ? not complaining just curious

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @pepitedechocolat said:
    Is it customary to have that many 3* pvp during a month ? not complaining just curious

    We used to have like 90% 3* PVPs.
    More 4* PVPs are a bit of a recent development.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    Ummm, the in-game preview shows Cosmic Chaos PVE ending this Friday...

    Does this mean the next PVE after Cosmic Chaos starts on Friday? Or as the new release event for the next 4-star, will Fight For Wakanda start on Thursday and overlap with Cosmic Chaos? :#

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 927 Critical Contributor

    @Wolvie171 said:
    Ummm, the in-game preview shows Cosmic Chaos PVE ending this Friday...

    Does this mean the next PVE after Cosmic Chaos starts on Friday? Or as the new release event for the next 4-star, will Fight For Wakanda start on Thursday and overlap with Cosmic Chaos? :#

    I'm sure I speak for BCS when I say yes

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThisisClemFandango said:

    @Wolvie171 said:
    Ummm, the in-game preview shows Cosmic Chaos PVE ending this Friday...

    Does this mean the next PVE after Cosmic Chaos starts on Friday? Or as the new release event for the next 4-star, will Fight For Wakanda start on Thursday and overlap with Cosmic Chaos? :#

    I'm sure I speak for BCS when I say yes

    All I know is my gut says maybe.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    Going by the dates in the updated top post, Fight For Wakanda is slated to start on Friday.

    PVE Events
    4/13 - 4/18 Meet Rocket & Groot
    Placement Rewards: Magik (P5), Deathlok, Emma Frost (New X-Men), Storm (Classic)
    Progression Rewards: Black Panther (Civil War), M'Baku, Loki (DR), Bullseye (DA)

    4/17 - 4/22 Cosmic Chaos
    Placement Rewards: Wong, Hellcat, Jeffrey (Land Shark), Ms. Marvel
    Progression Rewards: Magik (P5), Deathlok, Emma Frost (New X-Men), Storm (Classic)

    4/21 - 4/25 Fight For Wakanda
    Placement Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares
    Progression Rewards: Wong, Hellcat, Jeffrey (Land Shark), Ms. Marvel

    4/24 - 4/29 Operation Spider Silk
    Placement Rewards: Knull, Miles Morales, Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Astonishing)
    Progression Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares

    The next release is expected on Thursday, April 20th. For as long as I can remember, new characters are always released on Thursdays every 2 weeks, with the next PVE starting on the same day. However, in this case, FFW won't start until Friday. This should be interesting lol

    Similarly, the schedule above shows Operation Spider Silk ending on Friday the following week... and overlapping (again) with what should be a Boss event starting on Thursday. :#

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    I don't think overlap with the Boss event is a big thing.
    But two regular PVEs should never, ever overlap, forcing people to go off slice.

  • EddieCL
    EddieCL Posts: 26 Just Dropped In

    @Wolvie171 said:

    4/21 - 4/25 Fight For Wakanda
    Placement Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares
    Progression Rewards: Wong, Hellcat, Jeffrey (Land Shark), Ms. Marvel

    4/24 - 4/29 Operation Spider Silk
    Placement Rewards: Knull, Miles Morales, Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Astonishing)
    Progression Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares

    The next release is expected on Thursday, April 20th. For as long as I can remember, new characters are always released on Thursdays every 2 weeks, with the next PVE starting on the same day. However, in this case, FFW won't start until Friday. This should be interesting lol

    Similarly, the schedule above shows Operation Spider Silk ending on Friday the following week... and overlapping (again) with what should be a Boss event starting on Thursday. :#

    What it's worse, FFW is scheduled as a 3-day event. As far as I know, there's no 3-day version of it, right?

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    @EddieCL said:
    What it's worse, FFW is scheduled as a 3-day event. As far as I know, there's no 3-day version of it, right?

    Correct, FFW only exists as a 4-day version. So either the end date is off by 1 day, and it should end on 4/26, or we're in for another treat on Tuesday. :D

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,312 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:

    @LavaManLee said:

    @DJ47057 said:

    @LavaManLee said:

    @Bowgentle said:
    Guess we'll know when stuff shows up in game.
    It would be so easy to write a two-liner, and build so much goodwill.

    Agreed. But, for whatever reason, communication has really fallen off the cliff the past 3 -4 months.

    I'm not sure it's less communication. But it's more to talk about because of the fails they produced

    It's definitely less communication than when they first started. They were on these forums all the time in the early days letting us know what's up. Nowadays we get a few bones thrown here and there but nothing like when BCS first took over MPQ.

    Sounds like Demiurge, TBH.
    Massive constant communication to build a community, then - they stopped.

    Guess it's standard practice for these mature F2P games with skeleton live ops crews.

    Remember it's two companies, D3/Demiurge and now 505/Broken Circle. There's a publisher and a developer.

    In the early days of the forum, we heard a lot from D3, and rarely/almost never from Demiurge. Demiurge folks ended up joining the Discord chat eventually.

    Today we seem to hear mostly from 505 (IceIX and...I think S0kun works for 505?). The Q&As are from BCS, and I think devpool works for BCS. Dunno about whoever is on Discord or Reddit these days and who they work for.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    @Bowgentle said:
    I don't think overlap with the Boss event is a big thing.
    But two regular PVEs should never, ever overlap, forcing people to go off slice.

    It's a concern for alliances that move players around, e.g, if they cannot fill a Boss team or a PVE team without mercs. The overlapping events would mean more work for teams and their commanders. With PVEs ending on Fridays, this also creates dual event endings with PVP which end 1 hour after PVE.

  • _TrashPanda
    _TrashPanda Posts: 101 Tile Toppler

    @Wolvie171 said:
    Going by the dates in the updated top post, Fight For Wakanda is slated to start on Friday.

    PVE Events
    4/13 - 4/18 Meet Rocket & Groot
    Placement Rewards: Magik (P5), Deathlok, Emma Frost (New X-Men), Storm (Classic)
    Progression Rewards: Black Panther (Civil War), M'Baku, Loki (DR), Bullseye (DA)

    4/17 - 4/22 Cosmic Chaos
    Placement Rewards: Wong, Hellcat, Jeffrey (Land Shark), Ms. Marvel
    Progression Rewards: Magik (P5), Deathlok, Emma Frost (New X-Men), Storm (Classic)

    4/21 - 4/25 Fight For Wakanda
    Placement Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares
    Progression Rewards: Wong, Hellcat, Jeffrey (Land Shark), Ms. Marvel

    4/24 - 4/29 Operation Spider Silk
    Placement Rewards: Knull, Miles Morales, Thor (Modern), Wolverine (Astonishing)
    Progression Rewards: Kang (The Conqueror), New Character (4*), Hulk (Indestructible), Ares

    The next release is expected on Thursday, April 20th. For as long as I can remember, new characters are always released on Thursdays every 2 weeks, with the next PVE starting on the same day. However, in this case, FFW won't start until Friday. This should be interesting lol

    Similarly, the schedule above shows Operation Spider Silk ending on Friday the following week... and overlapping (again) with what should be a Boss event starting on Thursday. :#

    @IceIX @S0kun - Can you please clarify this.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    If OSS starts on Monday, it will also overlap with FFW which runs through next week.

    All of these things could be avoided, but they continue to happen. I am genuinely curious why. It creates unnecessary hardship for the players, and a schedule that is arduous and overcomplicated. Can anyone from BCS or D3 please explain?

  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 435 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2023

    FFW was a three day event when it was first released. The fourth sub, the one without a mini boss node, wasn’t added until later. The three day version hasn’t been run since the additional sub was added as far as I can remember.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    @Ptahhotep said:
    FFW was a three day event when it was first released. The fourth sub, the one without a mini boss node, wasn’t added until later. The three day version hasn’t been run since the additional sub was added as far as I can remember.

    None of the subs for FFW have a mini Boss node. FFW is a straightforward event, with 4x 24-hour subs. No wave nodes, no mini Boss nodes, just single nodes all the way to the end.

    If the 3-day version is brought back, then it will be the first time in a very long time. What could possibly go wrong? :D

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    FFW started as a 3-day event.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    @HoundofShadow said:
    FFW started as a 3-day event.

    Yes, when FFW was first introduced it was a 3-day event. Back on 2/08/18.

    Ever since then, it's been a 4-day event.