Developers response

ThisisClemFandango Posts: 902 Critical Contributor

I think it would be a good idea for bcs to make a post here as I'm hearing that info is on reddit but nothing here.
After the EOTS scl 10 problem, kang going screwy with his wave nodes, and now with magik having a huge alteration (whether it is necessary or not) who could of been a Chasm counter but now seems to be neutered straight out of the gate.
Would be nice to hear from the team regarding any of the above.



  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 902 Critical Contributor

    @DevpoolMPQ_BCS said:
    Hi there! Dev here!

    The subject of the post is broad, but I'll do my best to span it.

    EotS: this was the debut of a retired event that previously did not have the SCL tiers that are currently present. We implemented them, but players have pointed out that the event's rewards need tuning. Players also discovered other bugs, most notably an issue with Kang's interaction with wave nodes within (and elsewhere). Notes on these issues have been made, some have already been corrected for future runs, and compensation is being calculated with a plan to roll out very soon.

    Kang: similarly to Chasm, Kang features interactions with the game that were laden with issues, requiring changes to the underlying engine to support. Wave nodes are a common occurrence in play and seem like obvious places to test thoroughly, but in the grand scheme of things are only a facet of all of the possible types of interactions in the game. Kang's issues have been sorted out and we're targeting a patch (likely later tonight as of this writing) to correct these issues. Compensation for these issues is being factored in with the EotS compensation.

    Magik: while Magik's stats update is a big jump, her initial stats fell far outside of the power budget of a normal character. As for Magik's position as an outright Chasm counter, this isn't entirely her intention. Since the release of Chasm, numerous tools have been implemented to help players overcome challenges with revive centric teams that Chasm makes all the more powerful. Hit Monkey, Wong, Kang, and now Magik all are part of that toolkit, allowing players to strategically deal with the Chasm threat. Over time we've seen players put these tools to good use and we're seeing Chasm as less and less of a dominant player in the PVP scene. We view the game fluidly and if Magik needs a numerical bump to better serve in her role of dishing out permanent damage, we'll definitely do that.

    Thanks for the post!

    Thank you for coming back to me, glad you guys are aware of the issues that alot of the player base are concerned about

  • DevpoolMPQ_BCS
    DevpoolMPQ_BCS ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 136 Tile Toppler

    @justsing I certainly wouldn’t say Chasm teams have gone extinct; far from it. Chasm is a character folks have invested some power into and these new answers are warming up for many. If they don’t do the trick we’ll likely pull the trigger on a revive cap nerf or something similar. We don’t consider it a done deal by any means.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,067 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've been using HM some matches against the revivals in the early goings of pvp when I'm just concerned with getting wins. That's usually when I play around with and try new things out.

    I have seen a handful of HM in the lighting rounds. It's always when I'm under 300 points, after that it's nothing but chasm/ihulk. I don't play the lightning rounds like I use to because of that.

    Wong, he is on a milk carton, nowhere to be seen.

  • StanleyBurrell
    StanleyBurrell Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2023

    @justsing said:
    I've stopped playing PVP aside from a few matches here and there thanks to Chasm. I'm clearly not seeing this "less and less of a dominant player in the PVP scene" thing that you guys are seeing.......

    Same here. I have 4 550’s and struggle to beat a pair of 460’s. It’s honestly a joke. Sign into my account and go find something without Chasm.

    Hint.. you won’t. Since I’m in 550 MMR it’s all I get to see though. PvP is a horrible experience and it seems with the recent run of EotS PvE is heading down that same path.

  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker

    her initial stats fell far outside of the power budget of a normal character

    This sounds like a really good thing, to be honest.
    Between boosted 5s in PvP and CNs in PvE, having high-damage characters that can get through these matches quickly is exactly what we need.

    The vast majority of 5stars, even boosted, can't put out big numbers fast enough or often enough to chew through these 200K-300K (or worse) health pools. So having anther character outside of the normal [low] numbers sounds pretty sweet.

    I'll keep an open mind, but if the changes aligned her with the status quo, then it means yet another character that just won't cut it in typical play.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Live by the sword, die by the sword. This sword is call the 550 meta chasing sword. Is it fair for 550 meta chasing players to dominate in pves with ease and then bail them out in pvps where things become difficult?

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Anything "decent" will be used by everyone in the forum or Line. People are changing the flavour of their grief.

  • Eirikr56
    Eirikr56 Posts: 31 Just Dropped In

    If her stats are outside of 'normal' and 'normal' characters never see play even when boosted, maybe that's a good thing?

  • StanleyBurrell
    StanleyBurrell Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2023

    @HoundofShadow said:
    Live by the sword, die by the sword. This sword is call the 550 meta chasing sword. Is it fair for 550 meta chasing players to dominate in pves with ease and then bail them out in pvps where things become difficult?

    What do you mean is it fair?? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Is it fair that people spend years getting characters and overnight they are basically obsolete. We’re not talking a difficult victory we’re talking neutered. Not only that, I personally have them all champed but it doesn’t matter, all I see are other 550’s. [redacted]

    Mod note: Removed inappropriate language. - fight4thedream

  • nycjonny
    nycjonny Posts: 59 Match Maker

    I don’t understand what troll you’re going with today sorry. Or I’d respond.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well, well.
    Chasm was released in september. On mid october I was saying here in the forums how broken he was and how pvp ranks threshold was decreasing.
    6 months after, and many characters trying to counter him after, we are exactly in the same point, or worst, in terms of pvp engagement.
    And chasm won't be less played because there is no other character doing more amount of broken things in the game.