Chasm not healing



  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker

    I seem to be in the very random moments of healing category. also used chasm in welcome to shield to try and blitz through and the Thing node wiped me out. I don't ever use chasm so I just thought it was a misunderstanding of his powers when it came to healing but having read this I believe its just whatever this change is.
    Incidentally, ended up using Arcade, he racks up quite a lot of big quick damage with Okoye and has an element of puzzle play with matching traps that appeals to someone who thoroughly enjoys the Shang-Chi approach of having to actually think during matches.

  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 553 Critical Contributor

    I'm still having issues with Chasm not healing correctly. Very strange some say he's healing for them but others have experienced the same issues I have.

    Nothing more annoying than matching webs for a few turns in a row just to see no healing. To see his health just dwindle down, until the only way he actually heals sometimes is if he revives heh.

    When I pulled Chasm in the LL store back then, his healing worked as it normally should, so something is going on these days. When I first started using him, his healing at the time was his main draw. Reminded me a bit years ago in 3* tier, when I'd use Patch Wolverine simply because you could count on his healing which made things easier.

    When I first started using Chasm it was primarily for his healing for some tougher PVE SCL 10 nodes once a while. To let Chasm take a beating and preserve the health of my other 5*s. When when I read how much of a pain in PVP he was I started using him there also and he healed as his description states.

  • MrDupaTM
    MrDupaTM Posts: 64 Match Maker

    I wish he could also stop auto-stealing, auto-stunning and auto-sucking.

    Just nerf him.

  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 553 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2023

    Thought his healing got fixed. Used him one match and literally every web tile caused him to heal. Then next two matches his healing appeared to be broken again.