**** She-Hulk (Origin) ****



  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could be misremembering, but I though in one of the dev q & a's they said moving forward every 4* would feed a 5* connection or not.  

    If I had to choose, strictly for selfish purposes, Odin or Sersi.  Help speed along the final 2 covers I need to champ them.  
  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    I think I'd want them to just simply go by release order, to establish a pattern.
    Since they said they won't need to have a connection, there's really no reason not to do just that.
    Simple enough, I like it.  
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,474 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    I think I'd want them to just simply go by release order, to establish a pattern.
    Since they said they won't need to have a connection, there's really no reason not to do just that.
    Good idea, but I get the sense they want to attempt to find a thematic link as a start, but if no link they'll do a feeder anyway.  Spidey Glidey is going to feed GhostPool, leaving out Havok and Wolverine SD from the oldest list. 

    My top 4 most logical are:
    Wolverine Daken (because of the Hulk-Wolverine history)
    Havok (he's oldest unfed, and she interacted with X Factor during secret invasion)
    Moon Knight (they worked together during AvX)
    Daredevil Elektra (because Daredevil and She Hulk were both lawyers? this is a stretch for sure)
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I would say Gamora and Big Wheel are my guesses.

    I think we can take Chasm, Dr. Thor, KK, Gargantos and Moon Knight out of the mix because they are too new to get a feeder.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I say Havok because the dev made a special shout-out to him in the dev Q&A(?) and they share the same colour scheme.
  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    I like Gamora, they're both green ladies... I know they've said that feeders no longer require logical reasoning, but that's a pretty clear easy one to tie to.
  • Gymp28
    Gymp28 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    9RMetal said:
    Now this is def She-Hulk, not impressed looks like a buff 3* She*Hulk. We need Abomination moreeeee
    I’m tempted to say that the next 5* release could be abomination on the grounds that She-Hulk isn’t one. 
    And people keep saying there need to be more 5* villains.
    Fingers crossed! 🤞
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    5* Titania confirmed?

    she starts with free 3/3 AP(on turn4) nice! But idealizing a situation that requires all of your matches to be blue to cast again is pipedreams. Using blue to battery it would take how many turns to make an impact?
    Why double her and BRB on a team? Hat on a hat. If you have a functional Clash- why include her? Once stunlocked: it’s all about speed of banner resolution. Hahaha if it doesn’t proc Polaris/Kamala; masterclass in dev trolling!
    Bank red, then nuke is lazy. Don’t gotta be innovative and confusing with every new chars but that was like the whole game for the first years. Also how many nukes you need on one char not known for raw power? 
    Keeping the forced releases together: she works with Rescue, I guess? Until she removes all the shields and you lose your free burst+ red overlap
    Green doesn’t stun or send airborne? Wasted opportunity. That spidervoid disable mechanic would have been perfect: Guilty: go to jail! That’s like her thing: she uses law(brains) not brawn to seek justice. Nah we get hulk smash for flavor on the one hulk who doesn’t…

    I am a fan of the comics: her sassy, real world observations and the 4th wall breaking side quips make her fun to read. She is sex positive and takes the tinykitty out of her colleagues and muscley villains who are dumb: she is as strong as them, doesn’t just rely on it as her contributions to the case or team. she portrays the balance of trying to be someone who built their life around what you want to be and having that taken away without agency and the struggles to accept, redefine and embrace the new powerful parts of herself, how that works and the feeling of failure when she can’t stick to her old ways, there is emotional turmoil over just punching someone in the face to solve crime; sometimes you just need to, or do you? Isn’t ideals of law and order mean more than a good uppercut? But then wrecking crew gonna wreck and theres times you need to shut up Creed! The power comes responsibility message: That resonated with a teenage lemur(especially since older bro took all the LoDK and Xmen comics) and now I am looking forward to the show since Disney/Marvel has decided slapstick (if only we got Slapstick as a playable:hint hint for next limited)) is the new way forward, this could be a perfect fit. Tatiana M is so full of charm; she will be a joy to watch eye-roll and barb w/ Bruce, Her look in the camera all deadpan before jumping in the fray: gold!

    So even though cgi looks like Shrek eyes and this kit is some trash and extra burden on the wallet, I am still behind BCdevs and the direction the game is taking, I am still watching the MCU P4 failures and looking forward to the next. So until Meryl gets cast as Callie Ryan in Master’s of Evil 2: Purpleman boogaloo; make mine Marvel! 
  • Davidk777
    Davidk777 Posts: 76 Match Maker
    If this is a 4* she-hulk then hopefully the 5 is Wong. He'll be a welcome to the game. Personally would prefer She-hulk in that slot, but I'll take Wong as a strong second. 
  • Wolframite74
    Wolframite74 Posts: 2 Just Dropped In

    Davidk777 said:
    If this is a 4* she-hulk then hopefully the 5 is Wong. He'll be a welcome to the game. Personally would prefer She-hulk in that slot, but I'll take Wong as a strong second. 
    Agreed. I would definitely prefer She-Hulk as the 5 star (i've been saving up for a theoretical 5-star She-Hulk for months lol).
  • TriSentinel
    TriSentinel Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Definitely Jennifer Walters, still wish she was a five star but still very happy she’s not stuck in 3* land. 

    Also, devs, can we PLEASE get a Fantastic Four costume for her?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Info on our newest character, She-Hulk (Origin) now posted! Also reiterating the info at the bottom of the character post for easier reading.

    Additional info:

    - We'll be giving out a free cover of She-Hulk (Origin) to celebrate her release! This gift will go out soon after her normal release timing.
    - She-Hulk (Origin) will *not* initially feed anyone with Champion rewards. She *will* however, be feeding the next 5-Star release and will be updated soon after that character's release. There will *not* be retroactive rewards for this changeover, so if you're planning on waiting for rewards before you push her levels, we'd recommend using the Saved Cover system till she updates.
    - She-Hulk (Origin) will *not* be entering pack rotation at the end of this Versus season, while Spider-Man (Oscorp) will be as normal. This is because She-Hulk will still be in the middle of her new release events. She will enter pack with the end of the next Versus season.
    - Not *directly* related to She-Hulk (Origin), but She-Hulk in general: Additional daily tokens for the "Holding Court" Vault are available starting TODAY (8/16) through 8/21 for playing with the following characters: She-Hulk (Modern), Black Widow (Any), Medusa, Scarlet Witch (Any), Storm (Any), Hellcat, Spider-Woman, Invisible Woman, Valkyrie.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,423 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2022
    "- She-Hulk (Origin) will *not* initially feed anyone with Champion rewards. She *will* however, be feeding the next 5-Star release and will be updated soon after that character's release. There will *not* be retroactive rewards for this changeover, so if you're planning on waiting for rewards before you push her levels, we'd recommend using the Saved Cover system till she updates."

    If only the new Dev team had been in place a few months earlier Ikaris could have fed Sersi :'(


    P.S. The extra damage from her Red isn't a good deal. If you have 18 Red, you get 9*9=81% extra damage but lose the extra 9 Red. That's a worse deal that just being able to fire Red 2x in a row. It's only a good deal if you are desperate for extra damage 'now' but in general you should fire the power as soon as you reach 9 Red.
  • AdeptusRevolt
    AdeptusRevolt Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    Nice but no way she survives more than 3 moves to activate the countdown tile . She has to be prime target since her ability activates only if an ALLY takes damage . Can be used offensively but easy retaliation on her defense .
    Ally = character and allies, if consistent with Collossu5' wording. 
  • ShionSinX
    ShionSinX Posts: 63 Match Maker
    edited August 2022
    IceIX said:
    - She-Hulk (Origin) will *not* initially feed anyone with Champion rewards. She *will* however, be feeding the next 5-Star release and will be updated soon after that character's release. There will *not* be retroactive rewards for this changeover, so if you're planning on waiting for rewards before you push her levels, we'd recommend using the Saved Cover system till she updates.
    Just throwing out an idea: give "Mystery Shards" as champ rewards, that get revealed once the character is released/undisclosed, until then they are unkown.

    This removes the hassle to have to postpone the champ proccess to not lose those shards, as not everyone will be reading such notices to know ahead of time to NOT do it and anyone would be bummed on losing it.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,430 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm gonna guess the next 5 star is either Titania or abomination since she-hulk will be the feeder.
  • AdeptusRevolt
    AdeptusRevolt Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    I'm gonna guess Abomination since he's explicitly named in She-hulk's character description. 
  • Scorpion201
    Scorpion201 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Hopefully that the last of the hulks being added, maybe just to close it up with 3 Star abomination, 4 star The World Breaker Hulk and 5 star Maestro hulk.