List of Powers Chasm Broke (or, things you didn't know were start-of-game abilities) FIXED!

AdeptusRevolt Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
edited August 2022 in MPQ General Discussion
Started by this post:

This is a running list of powers that -intentionally or otherwise - do not work in matches against Chasm. 

Shang Chi - does not earn combo points 
Big Wheel - does not earn combo points (may be happening outside of matches with Chasm, as if the update changed something)
Okoye - Team Up no longer boosts power damage
Karnak - never places protect tiles, and never switches to Exploit the Flaw (boosting match damage and making crit tiles)
Juggernaut (4star) - does not get boosted match damage. However, Colossus (5 star) does. 
Hydra Stomper - Can be stunned, as can Captain Carter (Moon Knight and Silver Surfer resist stun)
Apocalypse - can be stunned, even with a mutant on his team. (Moon Knight and Silver Surfer resist stun)
Adam Warlock - Boosted match damage does not occur until he drops below 50% health and heals back up. 
Yellowjacket - Extra Damage from Yellowjacket's Cross Your Heart doesn't work

Beta Ray Bill - does not place tiles (confirmed, working as intended)
Rocket and Groot (4 star) - does not place strike tales (confirmed, working as intended)

Other Oddities:
Main Event Hulk still gets to destroy random tiles once he comes out of stun. 
Carnage (5 star) places 2 attack tiles coming out of stun 

It was stated that Chasm's stun was coded to take place before all other "beginning of game" powers, and BRB and Grocket were called out specifically as being countered. It seems that some other powers, such as Combo points for Shang and Big Wheel, and Okoye's TU adding to power damage also have a "beginning of game" component that is being blocked by Chasm's stun. 

Illuminates that the characters are coded individually, and not always in the same way (e.g. Juggernaut and Colossus). 

Update: yes, the dev team is aware:

Update again: Fixes on the way!

Update: Shang started making combos for me. Seems to be fixed mostly. 


  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 644 Critical Contributor
    To add to the oddities, Carbage immediately places two attack tiles as soon as the stun is done.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    This seems like a passive killer , which if true the outrage will be off the charts here . Imagine if Valkyrie, Polaris and Switch also get passives nullified . I’m sure a full list will be charted by someone shortly as to all his effects on each character.
  • Dok12
    Dok12 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I don't know how difficult it is to change how characters like SC or Big Wheel works. If those character abilities are tied to start of turn passives, it seems like the devs would have to choose to change how many character powers work or change how Chasm works, and I hope that doesn't result in a Chasm nerf because he honestly looks real interesting, if a little overpowered now because of this happening. 
  • HawkGuy616
    HawkGuy616 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    My Big Wheel seems broken. Was just in a few matches in Shield simulator, and the only time he'd start accumulating combo points is after firing an ability. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s always interesting how powers seem to be implemented when something like this happens.
  • Beefhammer69
    Beefhammer69 Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Borking Shang Chi is a feature, not a bug. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m curious about the Apocalypse stun situation - that feels like a bug to me. Does it happen also to Silver Surfer?
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,436 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    Silver surfer did not get stunned according to an alliance mate that tested it.

    I think the difference is that surfer has a constant passive where as apocalypse checks for a mutant team mate at the beginning of the turn.  That's why if you knock out his mutant team mate and then try to stun him in the same turn it doesn't work. 
  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having a training mode sounds pretty good right about now...
  • obikenobi12
    obikenobi12 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I'm not accumulating speed pointed at all with Big Wheel and he's not even up against Chasm. He's just broken right now since Chasm got added. The devs need to fix this asap! Wheelhouse keeps resetting at 0 each found and it does 0 damage and doesn't even rotate the board. I have his Wheelhouse ability at level 5, so it should be doing a  lot of damage and resetting at 3 speed points. 
  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just played a match in the Chasm pvp using Morbius.  His blue power, hematology, has no effect on the abyss tiles.  Will try 4* Doc Ock next, but I expect more of the same.  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just played a match in the Chasm pvp using Morbius.  His blue power, hematology, has no effect on the abyss tiles.  Will try 4* Doc Ock next, but I expect more of the same.  
    This is something else I was getting at in the Q&A thread about introducing loads of bespoke special tiles being an unintended nerf to existing characters.

    I tested surfer in the Chasm PVP and he is immune. I think Apocalypse needs to get fixed - that feels like a bug to me.
  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2022
    Apocalypse getting stunned could work as intended. His power description says "If any of this character's active allies are Mutants, this character cannot be Stunned." The other mutant isn't active at the start of the match since he's also stunned.  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    “Active” is “not downed” in the context of that power everywhere else. He doesn’t lose it when they get stunned across a match.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chasm tile is a character tile, not special tile. So, it's immune to Morbius' passive. Mantis, Medusa, and whomever you can think of won't work on him.

    As for Apocalypse's immunity to stun, I've tested two variations of rendering his allies inactive (down them or send them airborne) and then stun him on the same turn, but he still retains the immunity.

    Loki was actually stunned by Chasm.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chasm so OP he broke the game when he isn't even in the match.  :D

    But really though, it would be nice to hear from the devs on whether they know about this yet. Whether they actually tested this character before his release. What they plan to do now that he is out in the wild, and has essentially broken the game for a number of characters. And, how long it will take for a fix to come rolling out.

    I'm not too sure how far I will even push into his PvP if all of this isn't resolved before it finishes.
  • AdeptusRevolt
    AdeptusRevolt Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    It is the weekend, and devs are people too. IceIX commented on Discord that he has heard us and will relay the information. 
  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 89 Match Maker
    It is the weekend, and devs are people too. IceIX commented on Discord that he has heard us and will relay the information. 
    That's why I tag him even it's weekend,sorry IceX my bad
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2022
    There is a section of the player base that welcomes change , and another that resists it. The next few weeks should be exciting to read . 
      Also , I’m curious as to how I’m seeing players with a 454 Chasm already in Simulator .
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    There is a section of the player base that welcomes change , and another that resists it. The next few weeks should be exciting to read . 
      Also , I’m curious as to how I’m seeing players with a 454 Chasm already in Simulator .
    They got his covers from his HP store.