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  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Clintman wrote:
    Ok, here goes.

    1. Is the development team happy right now with the way Sharding is impacting the game? Do you/they share the perceptions that mid range players are getting grouped with people way out of their league?

    2. I know I don't have to explain risk vs reward to you as you have a background with MMOs, is there any appetite for having a higher tier of rewards (ISO) for those of who with maxed rosters who have to fight other maxed roster folks?

    3. How does the Development team feel about players tanking in order to reap faster ISO rewards at the expense of obviously weaker team? Is there any thought to incentivizing us to grind harder fights rather than find ways to game the system so we can do faster fights for faster ISO? (note the tricky circular path back to the risk vs reward question)

    4. What is your opinion to a common sentiment among players that tying every event to seasons performance causes internal stress among alliances by overload? Do you feel this is a problem that the development team should address, or do you feel it is something players have to figure out for themselves.

    5. The game is maturing, as such, there is a veritable buttload of new characters which makes getting desired covers very difficult from heroic packs. Many suggestions, color coding packs, grouping 3*s in packs, removing 2*s from heroic tokens have been brought up, are any of these ideas likely to gain traction, or does the team not see the same problem many of us do see on the forums?
    1. In a very basic sense, yes. It helped the server load immensely and serves as a good bed for being able to further push our user count up without making things explode while offering most users from a basic standpoint little change. From a per user basis as you state, no. The grouping of users is a bit stronger than intended and we're tweaking things to make things more fair to everyone. There have always been death brackets and cakewalks before, that's just statistics doing its little song and dance. It's a bit pronounced with the sharding change though.

    2. It's definitely something that's being discussed, yes. One of the things is that the game isn't really currently set up for that kind of per user/group based reward structure. So it's a larger sea change to support that all correctly. Sure, we could probably hack something in to increase values by a percentage or something, but we when at all possible prefer to make changes the right way and make sure things are scalable and changeable as needed when we do so. On the downside, that means slower, more measured changes.

    3. Tanking is a necessary evil given how the game currently works. We're not fond of it since it means vets are beating up on newbies a bit unfairly, but they're not really exploiting anything. As you see, we've closed some of those loop holes and are aware of a few others. Our goal ultimately is to make it worthwhile to continue battling at all levels, and not to feel that the only way to compete is to beat on the little guy so that you get the big rewards and he doesn't. Especially since the little guy is probably a 2* team that needs those 3* covers as much as the 3* team does.

    4. It's a rough one. Do we feel that players will burn themselves out on trying to score top in Season play? Yes. But then, people will burn themselves out over anything that they see continued competition in. We have users that beat every Event node down to 1 point every single refresh to stay on top over multiple Events. They'll likely burn themselves out too. We make the rewards for the Seasons nice, but not absolutely amazing so that players feel they can play and push for it. But we don't want to put anything so amazing there that forces players to compete, since that will just force burnout. It's a rough balance between allowing players to work towards something over time (and thus possibly causing burnout) and telling players that continuing to play won't help (like before Seasons where a Tourney with no award that was interesting meant that players wouldn't touch the game for 2-3 days, or maybe ever).

    5. It's a looming problem, yes. Not quite an epidemic yet, but it's something we've been discussing.
  • Thanks for fielding questions, there are definite a lot of repeated themes on this forum and it's nice to see someone taking the time to address them. It's also nice to see that a lot of the frustrations are shared by the developer/players. I think the game has made alot I progress recently.

    Question: is there any chance for a large scale funbalancing. Say treating 8 characters slightly at once instead of one every few months, or do you all fear that you couldn't really balance it effectively that way.
  • Is there any chance of making the times the events end more fair for everyone? For me personally, midnight and noon work great, but guys in my alliance struggle trying to meet those times. I was thinking adding 6pm and 6 am that way it consistently rotates. I believe this would help people around the world much more.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    zulux21 wrote:
    So I have a few random questions.

    First off any plans to make a single cover give away the norm in future events? <Snip>

    Second, is there any way you can make the oldest member of an alliance (or the founder) the supreme commander? <Snip>

    Finally is there any plans to expand the rewards in the unbracketed stuff such as alliance rewards or lightning rounds. <Snip>
    just curious if you have any thoughts on these.

    edit: oh I remembered one more thing... any chance you can make it so you don't auto change characters when a passive triggers, it's rather annoying using the wrong move just because after I used one move black widow triggered her passive so she became the main character instead of the one I was using.
    1. It's possible. This is the second time we've done something like that (The Hulk being the first) so we have to see how the user base *actually* responds to this style of Episode reward. If it starts to become standard, it could actually have a negative effect on player participation since users will say "Well, I don't think I can make Top 100, so I'll just pull out my freebie and stop playing". Since a lot of the Events use things like the Mayhem meter in Prodigal Sun to unlock more subs or nodes, less points coming into the system means those are harder to reach. It also then means others can't rubber band as easily and the top end can't push towards Progression Rewards so simply. On the upside, everyone can participate in the next Essential nodes more easily, so that helps with points some. But if they're not playing because they don't feel they can win and just take their consolation prize, I'm not sure how useful that is.

    2. We have discussed adding something like a SupCom or Captain rank to Alliances, yes. I personally like the idea, not sure where it sits in terms of being something on the block.

    3. It's actually more likely that we'd bracket Alliances than just expand the unbracketed rewards. Which would accomplish the same thing as what you're talking about, but in a different manner.

    4. Sounds like a PC Master Race problem. icon_e_smile.gif Most definitely noted.
  • IceIX wrote:
    kermitk50 wrote:
    Jumping on this, are there any conversations going on right now over there to level out HP per Cover slot as hero count increases?

    And without "spoiling" naything, can you give a list of topics that the team over there are activly looking for solutions for? For example, are you all happy about the new sharding and bracketing system, or are you guys activly trying to find a solution to that issue (the issue of why a 15 day old player should be able to get the same rewards as a 150 day player but with less effort). Dont need details on what solutions you are discussing, just would be nice to know if you guys are actively working on a solution to certain things, or even consider things like that a problem.
    There are conversations, yes. No outright solutions that I can share at the moment though. It's currently tenable to continue to expand your roster through rewards at the rate new characters come out. That's not always going to be the case though with how the slots scale.

    There are a *ton* of things pinned up for active development work time when designs get worked though and ready for further implementation

    - Sharding/bracketing definitely, it's not where we want it to be
    - Matchmaking in general. MMR Hell is still a thing, and that's bad.
    - Scaling still isn't where we want it. Prodigal Sun was *much* better, but still not great for people on either end of the bell curve. Still too many people with either too easy or too difficult fights.
    - Character releases, ability gains for 3*s, etc are a looming problem that we need to get worked out before it becomes a huge thing.

    Awesome, thanks Ice! Just knowing how the team stands on/feels about things and what they are activly trying to solve is a huge relief to me. It at least shows that the concerns held by many players are also held by the devs, and I think thats what a lot of us are hoping to hear icon_e_smile.gif

    Now stop messing around on forums and go get stuff fixed!! (JK obviously icon_razz.gif)
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Could you do this more often?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    jozier wrote:
    Pats0132 wrote:
    Not sure if other people have had this issue but I been attacked by the same person a few times without fighting them once. This has caused me to move out of top 10 positions. Is this suppose to happen? I thought you could only beat someone once until you retaliate back.

    Thanks and I love the she hulk build. Can we get the storm build as well;)

    If you are part of someone's opponent queue you can show up there multiple times until a combination of points/MMR increase/queue refresh has occured to move you out. Otherwise if they skip around in their nodes you will pop up again and again.
    This, it's a result of how matchmaking works in general when players have a smaller selection of opponents due to their relation to you in MMR. And nothing on Storm yet, sorry. icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Alliances and Seasons have been two pretty huge additions to the game, are there any other tentative plans for anything else equally monumental in the future?
    Yep, we do! Nothing to announce right this second though. I do know of at least two other things that I would consider "Big Features" that are in the pipe at the moment.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Alliances and Seasons have been two pretty huge additions to the game, are there any other tentative plans for anything else equally monumental in the future?
    Yep, we do! Nothing to announce right this second though. I do know of at least two other things that I would consider "Big Features" that are in the pipe at the moment.
    Curious to know more about it yet !
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2014
    IceIX wrote:
    1. It's possible. This is the second time we've done something like that (The Hulk being the first) so we have to see how the user base *actually* responds to this style of Episode reward. If it starts to become standard, it could actually have a negative effect on player participation since users will say "Well, I don't think I can make Top 100, so I'll just pull out my freebie and stop playing". Since a lot of the Events use things like the Mayhem meter in Prodigal Sun to unlock more subs or nodes, less points coming into the system means those are harder to reach. It also then means others can't rubber band as easily and the top end can't push towards Progression Rewards so simply. On the upside, everyone can participate in the next Essential nodes more easily, so that helps with points some. But if they're not playing because they don't feel they can win and just take their consolation prize, I'm not sure how useful that is.

    2. We have discussed adding something like a SupCom or Captain rank to Alliances, yes. I personally like the idea, not sure where it sits in terms of being something on the block.

    3. It's actually more likely that we'd bracket Alliances than just expand the unbracketed rewards. Which would accomplish the same thing as what you're talking about, but in a different manner.

    4. Sounds like a PC Master Race problem. icon_e_smile.gif Most definitely noted.
    Ah I suppose I can see that for the first question, a supcom would be nice, brackets for alliances would be a great solution as well. and you are indeed correct I am part of the PC Master Race and it's great to hear you noted that because I kill myself at least once a week from passives changing what character I was using lol.
  • Are there plans to make it easier to share a single account across multiple devices? Preferably including Steam and without relying on Facebook? I play mostly on my phone but it would be nice to have the option to use my tablet or PC when I'm home, and I don't have an active FB account.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    ender wrote:
    Couple questions:

    Any update on when 2 skill characters may get a third ability? OR even any other character Buffs in the pipeline...
    Time frame for C Mags nerf? have the covers and ISO but to scared to spend any ISO until its clear how he will be changed
    Will we ever be able to trade covers within our alliance?
    Echoing a previous questions, Any chance we will get a color change fee to change the color of a given characters cover for HP?

    - With 2 star characters are being given out like candy, any chance we see the 600 point progression reward turn into a second event token.
    - With Death bracket more common in new shard system, any possibility of expanding the completion reward tiers to help players progression to 3*? Example top 20 or 25 get 2 3* covers.

    - 3rd abilities are back burnered. Still something we want to have happen, but we have bigger fish we would like to fry. Hawkeye and Magneto are next on the balancing list. No timeline for them yet other than that I wouldn't expect movement on them within this coming month.
    - See above.
    - Unlikely that we'd allow outright trading of covers as it opens the doors to possible exploits and the specter of Gold Farming. More likely that we'd offer something more like a rental/borrow system, but nothing at all solid there. It's always been an interesting talking point since it's pretty much the most direct social interaction you can get in a game (See: Clash of Clans)
    - You already get that effect through Respeccing for purchasing new covers. I get what you're getting at though, pulling cover 6 of a 5/1/1 character and having to sell it for Iso instead of use. I like the idea of such a system. Although, I can already imagine the forum threads popping up immediately after this would launch: "D3 is dropping duplicate covers just to milk us of HP!"
    - It's an interesting suggestion, although that Token is more likely to be another 2* in any case. icon_razz.gif
    - We've got a bunch of options on the table for improving the 2*->3* transition. Nothing has been decided there though.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2014
    With all the cutthroat competition that ensued at the end of s1. Are there any thoughts to add more friendly competition or interalliance cooperation

    For example have those top 3 trophies in each alliance get an added iso reward. Doesn't even have to be much.

    Or how about alliance progression rewards. Or alliance networks where alliances unit to reach a common goal and get a reward? There's a small % of us that actually like each other. It'd be nice to work together from time to time

    Oh. And let me pay for an iso multiplier! I give you hot sweaty cash, you give me twice as much iso til the end of times. Do you not want my money?!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    This came up earlier in the week, but why is ISO such a "bad" value? HP seems a little steep but reasonable, while ISO will give you, what, 5 or 6 character levels for 20 bucks? It seems kind of ridiculous. Is that just to act as a brake on people being able to rapidly level all their characters and then getting bored?

    Any thought to selling alternate costumes and hats? It's a gold mine, I'm telling you!
  • What happened to the covers from Daily Rewards? People report that after Daredevil Purple there are none on the day the new cover should appear.
  • Exce1sior
    Exce1sior Posts: 30
    Will anything be done about repetitive covers? I received 5 Ares in a row from my 2* or better tokens.
  • Before you go on and Nerf Classic Magneto... can you give hint on what is going to happen to him, so we can give our input for you guys?
  • IceIX wrote:
    ender wrote:
    Couple questions:

    Any update on when 2 skill characters may get a third ability? OR even any other character Buffs in the pipeline...
    Time frame for C Mags nerf? have the covers and ISO but to scared to spend any ISO until its clear how he will be changed
    Will we ever be able to trade covers within our alliance?
    Echoing a previous questions, Any chance we will get a color change fee to change the color of a given characters cover for HP?

    - With 2 star characters are being given out like candy, any chance we see the 600 point progression reward turn into a second event token.
    - With Death bracket more common in new shard system, any possibility of expanding the completion reward tiers to help players progression to 3*? Example top 20 or 25 get 2 3* covers.

    - 3rd abilities are back burnered. Still something we want to have happen, but we have bigger fish we would like to fry. Hawkeye and Magneto are next on the balancing list. No timeline for them yet other than that I wouldn't expect movement on them within this coming month.
    - See above.
    - Unlikely that we'd allow outright trading of covers as it opens the doors to possible exploits and the specter of Gold Farming. More likely that we'd offer something more like a rental/borrow system, but nothing at all solid there. It's always been an interesting talking point since it's pretty much the most direct social interaction you can get in a game (See: Clash of Clans)
    - You already get that effect through Respeccing for purchasing new covers. I get what you're getting at though, pulling cover 6 of a 5/1/1 character and having to sell it for Iso instead of use. I like the idea of such a system. Although, I can already imagine the forum threads popping up immediately after this would launch: "D3 is dropping duplicate covers just to milk us of HP!"
    - It's an interesting suggestion, although that Token is more likely to be another 2* in any case. icon_razz.gif
    - We've got a bunch of options on the table for improving the 2*->3* transition. Nothing has been decided there though.

    It's an interesting suggestion, although that Token is more likely to be another 2* in any case. icon_razz.gif

    - The Chance of a Three star pull is always better then just 250 ISO
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    How much playtesting goes into a new character?
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    So what happened that cause The Sentry to go from that teaser silhouette to his Fabio-ness?