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  • Pjoe0211 wrote:

    Will we have any pvp that are more themed, When i started 2 months ago there was a lone star tournament and a dark avengers tournament which i thought was fun. I think i read on forums there was a no mans land where you only played women characters too.



    Would also like to know if we are going to get any more of the themed ones be it the divine ones no holds barred or fearless defenders.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    As a network consultant IRL, is there any information that you can share about what the cause of the server issues are? Possibly share symptoms that you're seeing on the back-end? I'm not sure how much I would be able to help but I'm curious.
    Can't go into it in detail, mostly because I'm *not* a server tech and I'd likely mix up the jargon. From what I know though, it's a matter of overall server loads being created through momentary spikes and things not degrading gracefully. So the servers will be humming along just fine one second, get a spike of data that doesn't resolve itself quite properly, more data piles up behind while the first is resolving, and within a minute or so there are cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. We've got a bunch of resources to pull from to fix the issue though, so we're confident we'll get it all locked down.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    Please, for the love of God, any time frame for x-forces buff? I've got this here iso burning a hole in my pocket. If it's not coming anytime soon i'll just start spending it on other characters.

    Just curious, why didn't you give 2* Daken the same third ability you gave Lazy Daken?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    pasa_ wrote:
    When will the PVE game stop punishing good play (minimum time, turns, health loss) by adding 10-20 levels every 5-8 games?
    If you noticed in Prodigal Sun, this effect was much less pronounced than earlier, and we're continually making more tweaks to make things fair without being punishing. We want people to be challenged, not beaten into submission for being successful.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    Ok, here goes.

    1. Is the development team happy right now with the way Sharding is impacting the game? Do you/they share the perceptions that mid range players are getting grouped with people way out of their league?

    2. I know I don't have to explain risk vs reward to you as you have a background with MMOs, is there any appetite for having a higher tier of rewards (ISO) for those of who with maxed rosters who have to fight other maxed roster folks?

    3. How does the Development team feel about players tanking in order to reap faster ISO rewards at the expense of obviously weaker team? Is there any thought to incentivizing us to grind harder fights rather than find ways to game the system so we can do faster fights for faster ISO? (note the tricky circular path back to the risk vs reward question)

    4. What is your opinion to a common sentiment among players that tying every event to seasons performance causes internal stress among alliances by overload? Do you feel this is a problem that the development team should address, or do you feel it is something players have to figure out for themselves.

    5. The game is maturing, as such, there is a veritable buttload of new characters which makes getting desired covers very difficult from heroic packs. Many suggestions, color coding packs, grouping 3*s in packs, removing 2*s from heroic tokens have been brought up, are any of these ideas likely to gain traction, or does the team not see the same problem many of us do see on the forums?
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Not sure if other people have had this issue but I been attacked by the same person a few times without fighting them once. This has caused me to move out of top 10 positions. Is this suppose to happen? I thought you could only beat someone once until you retaliate back.

    Thanks and I love the she hulk build. Can we get the storm build as well;)
  • Emeryt wrote:
    How do You plan to deal with the growing amount of spam on those forums?

    Can we have some more members (especially morning EU time) promoted to moderators? like this guy above me icon_e_wink.gif

    Other than that, how bout implementing some more anti-spam options, as suggested in a couple of threads already?

    I already said that I'd be happy to be the Spaminator. icon_lol.gif

    But thank you for the endorsement!! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Alliances and Seasons have been two pretty huge additions to the game, are there any other tentative plans for anything else equally monumental in the future?
  • Pats0132 wrote:
    Not sure if other people have had this issue but I been attacked by the same person a few times without fighting them once. This has caused me to move out of top 10 positions. Is this suppose to happen? I thought you could only beat someone once until you retaliate back.

    Thanks and I love the she hulk build. Can we get the storm build as well;)

    If you are part of someone's opponent queue you can show up there multiple times until a combination of points/MMR increase/queue refresh has occured to move you out. Otherwise if they skip around in their nodes you will pop up again and again.
  • Ice,

    The addition of seasons and the alliance rewards have created a system where everyone HAS to participate in almost every event. Is there any discussion about burn out and ways to reduce it? Either by changing the way alliance scores are tabulated, or making less of the PVP season based?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    kermitk50 wrote:
    Jumping on this, are there any conversations going on right now over there to level out HP per Cover slot as hero count increases?

    And without "spoiling" naything, can you give a list of topics that the team over there are activly looking for solutions for? For example, are you all happy about the new sharding and bracketing system, or are you guys activly trying to find a solution to that issue (the issue of why a 15 day old player should be able to get the same rewards as a 150 day player but with less effort). Dont need details on what solutions you are discussing, just would be nice to know if you guys are actively working on a solution to certain things, or even consider things like that a problem.
    There are conversations, yes. No outright solutions that I can share at the moment though. It's currently tenable to continue to expand your roster through rewards at the rate new characters come out. That's not always going to be the case though with how the slots scale.

    There are a *ton* of things pinned up for active development work time when designs get worked though and ready for further implementation

    - Sharding/bracketing definitely, it's not where we want it to be
    - Matchmaking in general. MMR Hell is still a thing, and that's bad.
    - Scaling still isn't where we want it. Prodigal Sun was *much* better, but still not great for people on either end of the bell curve. Still too many people with either too easy or too difficult fights.
    - Character releases, ability gains for 3*s, etc are a looming problem that we need to get worked out before it becomes a huge thing.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Duffman85 wrote:
    This may be too off topic to ask, but can you give a few bullet point reasons why it makes sense to level up our characters if it only means we will face higher level opponents while the rewards stay exactly the same?

    See topic:

    You may not be able to answer for various reasons but figured it was worth a shot since you're kindly fielding questions and this has been bugging me for quite some time now.

    Thanks Ice!
    From an Event standpoint, leveling up your characters *should* mean that you face harder, but not equal to before challenges and can likely push further than someone lower leveled. That's more been the case with Prodigal Sun and moving forward, so that's good. But it's still not where we want it.

    From a Versus standpoint, Players get a kind of free ride for their first couple tournaments and can sneak out some high placement victories and pull a couple 3* covers down. They can't keep that up though as they'll start to hit 2*'d opponents and will need to build their roster. Once you hit the full 85 level, you need those 3*s as much as the 141 3* players themselves do, and it's hard to say that the 2* players should be locked out of that race due to simply not having been developed that far yet. While there is an element of disparity of risk/reward in Versus Tournies, it's not something we've (yet) pushed towards actively fixing since much of it is self regulating as it is and any changes could have farther reaching results than we would otherwise intend.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    Couple questions:

    Any update on when 2 skill characters may get a third ability? OR even any other character Buffs in the pipeline...
    Time frame for C Mags nerf? have the covers and ISO but to scared to spend any ISO until its clear how he will be changed
    Will we ever be able to trade covers within our alliance?
    Echoing a previous questions, Any chance we will get a color change fee to change the color of a given characters cover for HP?


    interested to know if you are looking to update PVP rewards.

    - With 2 star characters are being given out like candy, any chance we see the 600 point progression reward turn into a second event token.
    - With Death bracket more common in new shard system, any possibility of expanding the completion reward tiers to help players progression to 3*? Example top 20 or 25 get 2 3* covers.
  • Xeonic-Ice
    Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
    Will you guys be adding a "News" button any time soon?

    I appreciate the pop up but would definitely like a more manual way to get information that doesn't involve heading to the forums. It could be used for things like server issues/patch notes/etc. With the newfangled scroll-tech I'm sure that would be very helpful.
  • When will there be a cooldown period preventing one to attack the same victim over and over and over? (possibly producing 2-3 losses for him while he plays a single game and more coming his way) Being harvested by a group is bad enough, by the same guy goes over the top.
  • IceIX,

    Can you or another employee with knowledge about the game host a thread like this on a semi regular basis? I know you often go thread to thread answering various questions, but it would be nice to know if there is one thread that we as users know will get your or another employee's attention on a regular basis (weekly would be awesome, but I'd be happy with once every two weeks or once a month). I've enjoyed this thread so far and have learned a lot.

  • IceIX wrote:
    kermitk50 wrote:
    Jumping on this, are there any conversations going on right now over there to level out HP per Cover slot as hero count increases?

    And without "spoiling" naything, can you give a list of topics that the team over there are activly looking for solutions for? For example, are you all happy about the new sharding and bracketing system, or are you guys activly trying to find a solution to that issue (the issue of why a 15 day old player should be able to get the same rewards as a 150 day player but with less effort). Dont need details on what solutions you are discussing, just would be nice to know if you guys are actively working on a solution to certain things, or even consider things like that a problem.
    There are conversations, yes. No outright solutions that I can share at the moment though. It's currently tenable to continue to expand your roster through rewards at the rate new characters come out. That's not always going to be the case though with how the slots scale.

    There are a *ton* of things pinned up for active development work time when designs get worked though and ready for further implementation

    - Sharding/bracketing definitely, it's not where we want it to be
    - Matchmaking in general. MMR Hell is still a thing, and that's bad.
    - Scaling still isn't where we want it. Prodigal Sun was *much* better, but still not great for people on either end of the bell curve. Still too many people with either too easy or too difficult fights.
    - Character releases, ability gains for 3*s, etc are a looming problem that we need to get worked out before it becomes a huge thing.

    Just to toss this out there in regards to Roster Slots (Not to be mistaken for Rooster Slots icon_lol.gif ).
    Could they be added to the daily SHIELD Resupply? Or to event/progression rewards some how? Or would this kitty things up?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Jdberia wrote:
    Any idea when alliance chat will be fixed? I get the ! all the time and about 60% of the time get no new posts. Scrolling doesn't help either. It is impossible to converse when I don't get to see everything that posts. Support responded to a ticket but an ETA from your standpoint would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Also, when does the simulator start? The pop up says today but nothing yet.
    This is one of those things highly related to the general server issues. Alliance chat is one of the first things sacrificed as a nonessential service when things start exploding, and one of the last thing to come back fully on line once we make sure things aren't going to pop again. We've made some tweaks to make things more responsive and for chat to eat itself less often, but obviously we're not quite there on having it on an even keel yet. So, in answer, it's an ongoing thing to get it back up and fully running.

    Sim Challenge (and Starfall) - Think we're looking at tomorrow on both of those at this point.
  • Mrazy
    Mrazy Posts: 46
    About roster slots:

    Are you guys gonna move forward no matter what regarding the bulk purchases of roster slots?

    Are single roster slot purchases out of the question permanently?
  • Regarding animations:

    I generally don't have a problem with them, however; could we do away with the boost animations at the beginning of matches. They are time consuming when making a push and especially in LR. I know what boosts I used, the reminder seems redundant