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  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Emeryt wrote:
    How do You plan to deal with the growing amount of spam on those forums?

    Can we have some more members (especially morning EU time) promoted to moderators? like this guy above me icon_e_wink.gif

    Other than that, how bout implementing some more anti-spam options, as suggested in a couple of threads already?
    More moderators are a possibility. More anti spam options are also possible, but harder to implement. The thing about this particular breed of spammers is that they are real live humans being paid peanuts. So normal options that would stop robots from registering does nothing. And options that stem the tide for real humans also slows new legitimate users from joining. It's a rather rough situation to be in.
  • This may be too off topic to ask, but can you give a few bullet point reasons why it makes sense to level up our characters if it only means we will face higher level opponents while the rewards stay exactly the same?

    See topic:

    You may not be able to answer for various reasons but figured it was worth a shot since you're kindly fielding questions and this has been bugging me for quite some time now.

    Thanks Ice!
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler

    Any idea when alliance chat will be fixed? I get the ! all the time and about 60% of the time get no new posts. Scrolling doesn't help either. It is impossible to converse when I don't get to see everything that posts. Support responded to a ticket but an ETA from your standpoint would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Also, when does the simulator start? The pop up says today but nothing yet.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    ZenBrillig wrote:
    What's the long range plan for dealing with the increasing number of characters? Clearly you can't stop adding characters, because that's what keeps people stuck to the game, but at the same point, it becomes increasingly difficult for new players to win enough covers of a single character to make it viable.
    We've got some nascent plans for that at the moment, but they're not nailed down quite yet. We've definitely envisioned the game to be more of a marathon than a sprint, so we're not worried so much about people being able to jump in and have a 40 character roster at day one. That being said, with current growth it's getting harder and harder to get any given 3* character any reasonable progress without being lucky enough to get them when they happen to pop up on the Versus Tournament reward roulette. It's definitely something we're looking at.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    IceIX wrote:
    Animations - Unlikely, but possible. Turning off animations means that in order to play efficiently, all players will do that and as a result, the amount of work that gets put into creating the animations goes largely to waste. We could do something snazzy where we turn them off after X uses, or after the first time in a battle or something, but that's a bit complex for a relatively small efficiency. With changes to characters removing a lot of the low AP abilities that create much of the ability animation spam, that sort of time factor gets removed to an extent anyhow.

    The animations don't bother me so much, but the amount of constant white flashing that they throw off does. Every swipe in this game produces some sort of white flash. I know you said previously you are within guidelines and such, but it's a bother to many people who have posted on the board and something I think you guys should seriously consider toning down or removing altogether.
  • Any plans on rethinking reward structure and tokens?
    Given the new flow of 1* and 2* covers from PvP matches and the evergrowing number of 3* characters, token odds and 2* rewards (600 points, Top 50-100) are getting pretty underwhelming.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Nemek wrote:
    One random one...

    It seems like a lot of effort/resources were put into creating the alliance structure/features, have we implemented all of the current slate of alliance features or is there more currently being looked at? Or...has the team moved on to a different yet-to-be-announced feature?
    Nope, not done on Alliances yet. We've got a few more maintenance features planned for them and we've got prototypes for several things that utilize the Alliances in a gameplay manner that could make it into more crystalline form. They're definitely not done at this point. icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    pasa_ wrote:
    When will the bracketing go back to flat time or luck without any nudges based on profile data?
    Possible but unlikely that it will go back to an unbucketed state. It's more likely that we'd poke at the heuristics to reduce clumping like people are seeing now to make things more steady overall.
  • Is there any plan to make PvP require more than the featured character plus your two best characters?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    pasa_ wrote:
    When will the long outstanding bugs (like Sunder) get fixed and the most frequent trivial UI requests (like turn off animations at least for passives, stop tab switches, which goon controls CD) will get implemented?
    This really comes purely down to implementation time. We've got a listing of minor improvements a mile and a half long and we work through them as we can (like the match 4s not breaking correctly you see in R54). It's just a matter of whether it's a better use of a person's time to fix and verify that Sunder is now working correctly for the small userbase that uses it or to have that same time taken up in verfying a fix on improving scoring for the entire userbase which cuts down on player confusion and CS requests as a whole.
  • Is there any update you can give us about the progress of X-Force Wolverine buff?
  • Ice,

    Will we have any pvp that are more themed, When i started 2 months ago there was a lone star tournament and a dark avengers tournament which i thought was fun. I think i read on forums there was a no mans land where you only played women characters too.


  • _M4ru_
    _M4ru_ Posts: 91 Match Maker
    edited May 2014
    IceIX wrote:
    Animations - Unlikely, but possible. Turning off animations means that in order to play efficiently, all players will do that and as a result, the amount of work that gets put into creating the animations goes largely to waste. We could do something snazzy where we turn them off after X uses, or after the first time in a battle or something, but that's a bit complex for a relatively small efficiency. With changes to characters removing a lot of the low AP abilities that create much of the ability animation spam, that sort of time factor gets removed to an extent anyhow.

    How about removing/reducing just these extremly bright flashes of light that lit up the room at night and burn our eyes out (title screen, tokens/rewards, leveling characters up, moder storm's "Lightning Strike" and many many others)? Leave all the character animations be, just PLEASE make them less flashy/super-duper bright icon_e_geek.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Is there any merit to my suggestion regarding Alliance season progression rewards or other ideas that would specifically help the casual base in the game, or is the overwhelming majority of the game's focus going to continue to be based on increasing levels of competition?
    As I said to another related post on 3* progression, it's something on the list of things that we're looking more heavily into. As the user base matures and we stabilize the thread from 1*-2*, it becomes apparent that the next link in that chain is more of an issue.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    (on spam) So normal options that would stop robots from registering does nothing.

    Not true. Here are the normal options that haven't been investigated.
    1. Seconds ago, crystal7411 posted spam from IP address in Pakistan. Blacklist Check shows this IP address listed at spamhaus and other spam-control sites.
    2. If crystal7411 had been put on a 24 hour delay next to her IP address, a moderator could check the IP address if there was some reason it couldn't be done automatically.
    3. Some spammers will open 10+ spam threads within a matter of seconds. Limit the number of threads a person can start in 1 minute.
    4. Don't allow links for people with a 0 reputation.

    At What I do as a moderator I show just how bad the spam has gotten.
  • _M4ru_ wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Animations - Unlikely, but possible. Turning off animations means that in order to play efficiently, all players will do that and as a result, the amount of work that gets put into creating the animations goes largely to waste. We could do something snazzy where we turn them off after X uses, or after the first time in a battle or something, but that's a bit complex for a relatively small efficiency. With changes to characters removing a lot of the low AP abilities that create much of the ability animation spam, that sort of time factor gets removed to an extent anyhow.

    How about removing/reducing just these extremly bright flashes of light that lit up the room at night and burn our eyes out (title screen, tokens/rewards, leveling characters up, moder storm's "Lightning Strike" and many many others)? Leave all the character animations be, just PLEASE make them less flashy icon_e_geek.gif

    Or add a nighttime mode that tones everything down a bit icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    kigoral wrote:

    I am a little unsure exactly about the link you posted.
    Does this mean, that if we are missing rewards due to a server crash (in the middle of receiving rewards), that we need to forget about them and move on, because of this blanket reward?

    I, personally, am referring to this thread: A few of us experienced this, and none of us have received any communication from CS regarding it in the last few days.
    Nope, this is completely separate from any missing rewards. Those requests can and should go through the CS process. If you haven't heard anything back on an active ticket that's over 48 hours old, please PM me with the ticket number. I'll round up the PMs and send them off as a concentrated blast to CS to get it handled.
  • With the amazing skill set that appears to be coming with the Nick Fury rollout, any update on character buffs? Mainly making 4* Wolverine a little more.... Legendary?
  • Is there any plan to update the balance equation that you guys build from? We got a peak when the Rags changes went in and the subsequent list of characters in need of some kind of balance, but it would be really helpful to see what you guys consider balanced or unbalanced and what drives those decisions.

    That might be a little inside baseball, but it would help tremendously. Also if you have already answered this, feel free to link slap me so I can go read it lol.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    When devs read the forums, which does it result in more?
    A) crying
    B) laughing
    C) head shaking
    D) face palming