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TheHueyFreeman wrote:Whats the inspiration behind your name? Is it the Zero Escape series?
I think I asked him this forever ago, even referencing the same series. But I think he never responded. I had the EXACT same thought as you, though, when I first saw his name.0 -
DirigiblePilot wrote:TheHueyFreeman wrote:Whats the inspiration behind your name? Is it the Zero Escape series?
I think I asked him this forever ago, even referencing the same series. But I think he never responded. I had the EXACT same thought as you, though, when I first saw his name.
I think he's answered this question a couple of times. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3249&p=51028&view=show#p51009IceIX wrote:radiopy wrote:Ice9, quick question: your username IS a reference to Vonnegut, right? I mean, that's what we have always suspected, but CONFIRMATION FROM THE DEVS IS REQUIRED TO SATIATE OUR PALATE.
Also, thanks a lot for lurking on the message boards. I see you on a lot after-hours (or at least what most of us would deem normal hours), which tells me that you're probably jumping on the message boards when you get home. That says a lot about your passion for either the game or the players (both of them, I'd guess). So thank you.
- Need a username, don't want to use the same one as I use for every other board I'm on.
- Shouldn't be a name name, easier to remember if it's more of an identifier.
- Hmm... Maybe I should be lazy and just click a few times on a fantasy name generator.
- Nah. Wait, what is he talking about with his work? He's freezing liquids at different pressures and gravities? (My brother's friend is a chemist/researcher of some type) Wait, there are different types of Ice?! Heavy water I knew, but...
- (Some googling in between plays and being scored against) Wow. This is pretty cool. 15 types of ice with different structures.
- Wait, 15 types, Ice 9, I wonder if this is why Vonnegut named that stuff in Cat's Cradle what he did?
- Well, IceIX is type 9 of ice, works with Vonnegut's stuff too. Good enough for a handle!
So... serendipity.0 -
IceIX wrote:Nothing on Storm (Mohawk) yet, she's still going through final approvals so I don't want to count chickens before they're hatched.
Will that be her name? And will she be Black Panther's best friend?0 -
Will anything be done to address the problem where I can get almost 11k points in season one, but only place 129th in my bracket and get 4 heroic tokens, and then the bottom guy in my alliance can get only 3000 points, but place 9th in his bracket and get 2x 10 packs? He puts in less than one third the work I did but got 5 times the reward value.0
What about linking steam and mobile?
I would love to play in my PC when in home.0 -
FadeToOne wrote:Will anything be done to address the problem where I can get almost 11k points in season one, but only place 129th in my bracket and get 4 heroic tokens, and then the bottom guy in my alliance can get only 3000 points, but place 9th in his bracket and get 2x 10 packs? He puts in less than one third the work I did but got 5 times the reward value.0
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:
It could be done with a Maggia, Doombot, Hammer, or Shield tournament. The player would be given a choice of one of the five Maggia, and then they'd go into battle.
I like it. A tourney with a goon as the featured character.0 -
I see we're having server issues again, so a couple questions on that front:
1) When the servers have problems, one of the big issues is that many players can't get online to fight or shield but still get attacked so apparently other players are able to access the game, at least intermittently. When you're trying to fix the servers, why don't you take them offline to "level the playing field"?
2) A few tournaments ago, I was shielded for the last half hour of the tournament in a solid top ten. Near the end I checked my score on both the main page and ranking page to make sure I didn't need to make a last minute push and it showed me in good position on both pages. After the tournament ended, the "post - tournament" menu item showed me at 100 points less than I was at at the end of the tournament and no longer in top 10. I'm still pretty sore about losing that Daken cover.
The CS guy responded to my ticket with the "sorry, client-server lag, you were hit for those points before shielding, your final score is technically correct, we can't compensate you," and fair enough, but this wasn't a lag of 2 or 3 minutes, it was a full half hour of showing me the "wrong" score and making me think I had a good score.
Earlier you mentioned client chat as something "nonessential" that isn't a priority when the server is having trouble. What about client-side score display? Because I think that showing the players their accurate score in as close to real-time as possible, should be one of the highest priorities, possibly even more important than getting the game itself running!0 -
mohio wrote:FadeToOne wrote:Will anything be done to address the problem where I can get almost 11k points in season one, but only place 129th in my bracket and get 4 heroic tokens, and then the bottom guy in my alliance can get only 3000 points, but place 9th in his bracket and get 2x 10 packs? He puts in less than one third the work I did but got 5 times the reward value.
So, for a real life example, you think it would be fair if you worked 11 hours and made $40 and someone else came along late (whether he was hired late or just showed up late), worked for 3 hours and made $200? You must work for the government.
It's really a scale issue. A single PvP isn't a big deal, but it's exacerbated a lot over a one month period. There are a few things that could be done. Round Robin brackets. Reward multipliers based on how many days you played the event. Etc.
Being rewarded for showing up late is a horrible idea.0 -
FadeToOne wrote:mohio wrote:FadeToOne wrote:Will anything be done to address the problem where I can get almost 11k points in season one, but only place 129th in my bracket and get 4 heroic tokens, and then the bottom guy in my alliance can get only 3000 points, but place 9th in his bracket and get 2x 10 packs? He puts in less than one third the work I did but got 5 times the reward value.
So, for a real life example, you think it would be fair if you worked 11 hours and made $40 and someone else came along late (whether he was hired late or just showed up late), worked for 3 hours and made $200? You must work for the government.
It's really a scale issue. A single PvP isn't a big deal, but it's exacerbated a lot over a one month period. There are a few things that could be done. Round Robin brackets. Reward multipliers based on how many days you played the event. Etc.
Being rewarded for showing up late is a horrible idea.
A landowner went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.
He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’
‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.
He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’
When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”0 -
FadeToOne wrote:mohio wrote:FadeToOne wrote:Will anything be done to address the problem where I can get almost 11k points in season one, but only place 129th in my bracket and get 4 heroic tokens, and then the bottom guy in my alliance can get only 3000 points, but place 9th in his bracket and get 2x 10 packs? He puts in less than one third the work I did but got 5 times the reward value.
So, for a real life example, you think it would be fair if you worked 11 hours and made $40 and someone else came along late (whether he was hired late or just showed up late), worked for 3 hours and made $200? You must work for the government.
It's really a scale issue. A single PvP isn't a big deal, but it's exacerbated a lot over a one month period. There are a few things that could be done. Round Robin brackets. Reward multipliers based on how many days you played the event. Etc.
Being rewarded for showing up late is a horrible idea.
This is a game. Games are generally speaking competitions. Maybe it is a cultural thing, but I prefer my competitions to be fair. If I'm going to run in a 100m dash, I would at least like to be racing others of roughly equal skill level, not Maurice Green and Usain Bolt. If I have no chance of winning (or at least fighting for some decent placement or something), there really is no competition happening. So, to bring this back to MPQ events, they use (mostly) time-based bracketing, so that everyone competing for the rewards in a given bracket, have almost equal chance at winning the rewards.
Now, like I said, I feel bad for you. It sucks to seemingly dedicate a month of your time to playing this game and doing your best, only to see someone put in much less effort and reap better rewards. However, what has actually happened is that your alliance-mate outworked or outperformed all of the people that were fairly put there to compete with him and, frankly, you did not. Not that 129th out of 5000 is anything to sneeze at, that is quite a good placement. All I'm saying is that both you and your alliance-mate had equal opportunity to outscore your competition and perhaps cause he didn't have to do it for as long, but he did a little better job of it than you.
Also, silver lining time. You got the rewards of playing in all of those PvP while your alliance mate played in maybe 2 or 3 (or maybe a few more if he's really new and only getting like 500 max per PvP). You also got the 10-pack progression reward as well as some extra iso and HP he did not attain from only getting 3000 points. I know this doesn't directly address your complaint, but in the end, all you really missed out on was a bunch of bagmen and maybe 1 or 2 3* covers that are unlikely to be useful to you.
One final question/thought for you: Due to sheer luck of the bracket I was in, I placed something like 7th with 14k points. I played in every PvP from the beginning, so I'm only going to compare other brackets that had all competitors in the same situation. In some of the more hard-core brackets, this would not have been high enough for top 10, or others it may have even been top 5. Should I be punished cause I was in a slightly easier bracket than others who also played every PvP or is my situation ok because the point disparity is much smaller? Should we have final placement rewards just be completely point based and not ranked at all? This kind of eliminates the competition aspect of it, but I'm not 100% opposed.0 -
Short and simple - when will Daken (classic) be available from heroic tokens? Recently introduced characters made it there quickly. And junior is available in specialty tokens, but not yet in standard heroic0
Jathro wrote:Short and simple - when will Daken (classic) be available from heroic tokens? Recently introduced characters made it there quickly. And junior is available in specialty tokens, but not yet in standard heroic0
Ben Grimm wrote:FadeToOne wrote:So, for a real life example, you think it would be fair if you worked 11 hours and made $40 and someone else came along late (whether he was hired late or just showed up late), worked for 3 hours and made $200?
Sounds like every CEO ever.
Other than the working for three hours part.0 -
This was a good idea. Do this more often
There are plenty of things to discuss with the game. My thoughts are generally based around the character buff/nerf. I can deal with season play or other changes but what I cant deal with is leveling up a character for a long time and having them changed a lot. No one was saying rag or SM didnt need an adjustment. But it was too much what you did. I'll just say that when you swing for the fences and wiff like with Spiderman recently it makes me not want to put money into this game ever again. (And I havent since those SM changes, not a cent).
Whatever nerfs you do in the future please make sure they are within reason. It sounds as though you are going to adjust magneto next. I'll be holding off on any google wallet until I see whats done with him. I dont think a nerf to any character means they should go from 1st to 12th.... it makes no sense at all. Please be reasonable with any changes for character in the future.
IMO you could make a lot more $ and people happy by buffing character like GS widow or DareDevil.0 -
Hey Ice, a lot of us are being attacked by an allianceless player called Watercat. In my opinion he must be cheating. He downed my maxed Sentry/Hulk/Lazy Daken team down twice in 3 mins. That s impossible. Do the math. Please look into this. You can see i spent some real cash to build my roster (some would call that cheating as well, but I joined this game late and wanted to compete) and if someone cheats...0
KakkoB wrote:Hey Ice, a lot of us are being attacked by an allianceless player called Watercat. In my opinion he must be cheating. He downed my maxed Sentry/Hulk/Lazy Daken team down twice in 3 mins. That s impossible. Do the math. Please look into this. You can see i spent some real cash to build my roster (some would call that cheating as well, but I joined this game late and wanted to compete) and if someone cheats...0
mohio wrote:I'm going to ignore the straw man argument you made and instead try to make my point a little more clearly.
This is a game. Games are generally speaking competitions. Maybe it is a cultural thing, but I prefer my competitions to be fair. If I'm going to run in a 100m dash, I would at least like to be racing others of roughly equal skill level, not Maurice Green and Usain Bolt. If I have no chance of winning (or at least fighting for some decent placement or something), there really is no competition happening. So, to bring this back to MPQ events, they use (mostly) time-based bracketing, so that everyone competing for the rewards in a given bracket, have almost equal chance at winning the rewards.
Now, like I said, I feel bad for you. It sucks to seemingly dedicate a month of your time to playing this game and doing your best, only to see someone put in much less effort and reap better rewards. However, what has actually happened is that your alliance-mate outworked or outperformed all of the people that were fairly put there to compete with him and, frankly, you did not. Not that 129th out of 5000 is anything to sneeze at, that is quite a good placement. All I'm saying is that both you and your alliance-mate had equal opportunity to outscore your competition and perhaps cause he didn't have to do it for as long, but he did a little better job of it than you.
Also, silver lining time. You got the rewards of playing in all of those PvP while your alliance mate played in maybe 2 or 3 (or maybe a few more if he's really new and only getting like 500 max per PvP). You also got the 10-pack progression reward as well as some extra iso and HP he did not attain from only getting 3000 points. I know this doesn't directly address your complaint, but in the end, all you really missed out on was a bunch of bagmen and maybe 1 or 2 3* covers that are unlikely to be useful to you.
One final question/thought for you: Due to sheer luck of the bracket I was in, I placed something like 7th with 14k points. I played in every PvP from the beginning, so I'm only going to compare other brackets that had all competitors in the same situation. In some of the more hard-core brackets, this would not have been high enough for top 10, or others it may have even been top 5. Should I be punished cause I was in a slightly easier bracket than others who also played every PvP or is my situation ok because the point disparity is much smaller? Should we have final placement rewards just be completely point based and not ranked at all? This kind of eliminates the competition aspect of it, but I'm not 100% opposed.
So are you from socialist France, a democrat or just myopic? "It's a game" is the battle cry of a generation of moms that have frustrated little kids who throw controllers. Yeah, it's a game, we get it. Guess what, this is a forum that the game's publisher reads (in theory) and games can be revised to work better!
My example was an extreme one. We also had a guy in my alliance who got 7000 and placed 24th, so he also got 20 heroic tokens. Whether or not they were all bag men, moonstone and mawkeyes is beside the point. It's also not like either of these players came in late and started nailing out 1000 point PvP events, because they didn't. They just got good brackets. I understand that it's largely a competition, but competitions don't generally reward people extra for showing up late and putting in less effort. Sure, give the newcomers something to compete for, but scale the rewards to account for the differences.
Based on your own argument, I should be placed in brackets with people my own level, not a bunch of people with 141 level guys (my highest level toons are 85)... not be compelled to wait to start playing the season later so I can hope to join with a bunch of newbies.0
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