Most forgotten 5*



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,866 Chairperson of the Boards
    Write in candidate (other)
    Sorry - not sure where else to put this - hope it isn't considered thread drift. I just literally champed Thanos and was wondering about where to use him - not really interested in Panthos as my Panther is undercovered in his best power. Does Okoye boost Court Death (not sure how she could as she would be stunned?) so maybe a team with Apoc and a mutant if Apoc's yellow boosts?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    Sorry - not sure where else to put this - hope it isn't considered thread drift. I just literally champed Thanos and was wondering about where to use him - not really interested in Panthos as my Panther is undercovered in his best power. Does Okoye boost Court Death (not sure how she could as she would be stunned?) so maybe a team with Apoc and a mutant if Apoc's yellow boosts?
    You grill with him.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,866 Chairperson of the Boards
    Write in candidate (other)
    I use Juggs/R4G/GotG for easy clears and it is usually one match but sometimes might be two if it didn't quite finish off someone as the easy node levels get higher in SCL10.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 991 Critical Contributor
    No you just power through all the pick 3 nodes with this team I guess; the absolute fastest easy mode team even in SCL10 is still rocket/juggernaut/gaurdian because you can 4x clear those nodes in a single swipe. 
    Thanks. I was wondering about Rocket/Juggs/Guardian specifically since that team is hella fast.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I forgot about his ability that ties in with his health. Make his health less than 50% and he won't gain base match damage buff. In that case, he will tank only purple over 550 Okoye.

    I think they use Hulkoye + Th3nos instead of 5* Thanos. 5* Thano was used in SCL 9 before SCL 10 existed.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    DAZ0273 said:
    Sorry - not sure where else to put this - hope it isn't considered thread drift. I just literally champed Thanos and was wondering about where to use him - not really interested in Panthos as my Panther is undercovered in his best power. Does Okoye boost Court Death (not sure how she could as she would be stunned?) so maybe a team with Apoc and a mutant if Apoc's yellow boosts?
    Apocalypse + a Mutant can boost 5* court death. Onslaught works really well on that team.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,866 Chairperson of the Boards
    Write in candidate (other)
    DAZ0273 said:
    Sorry - not sure where else to put this - hope it isn't considered thread drift. I just literally champed Thanos and was wondering about where to use him - not really interested in Panthos as my Panther is undercovered in his best power. Does Okoye boost Court Death (not sure how she could as she would be stunned?) so maybe a team with Apoc and a mutant if Apoc's yellow boosts?
    Apocalypse + a Mutant can boost 5* court death. Onslaught works really well on that team.

    Cheers Dude, I'll take that for a spin.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    It works in Simulator, you may want to stack match damage boosts and target lowest health first
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    Write in candidate (other)
    If we're talking "forgotten", then Yelena Belova gets my vote.
    • I never see her in PvP (I see baby champs, boosted partial 5s, and boosted 4s mostly)
    • The Black Widow PvE always reminds me that I've forgotten her
    • Since she is not too bad or in need of a rework, no posters are clamoring for a redo
    • She has a feeder
    • No one is posting novel group synergies that include her
    • She isn't remembered for relevant forums polls
    I took down a partial Yelena today in a lightning round. Thanks for playing her! (Also, I'm vain enough to think that my post is the reason that they used her. :))
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    I forgot about his ability that ties in with his health. Make his health less than 50% and he won't gain base match damage buff. In that case, he will tank only purple over 550 Okoye.

    I think they use Hulkoye + Th3nos instead of 5* Thanos. 5* Thano was used in SCL 9 before SCL 10 existed.
    I confirmed that swapping his build to 3/5/5 still has a 452 warlock tanking all colors of note including team up over Okoye at 458. Keeping warlock at 50% health is a recipe for him to die if he isn’t boosted, I think this is a power team that is limited to high leveled Okoye havers rather than being a universally good team.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    I went in with 1/2 AW plus all the ap boosts, and it was working fine but like you said, it's meant for high levelled Okoye. 

    Alternatively, Adam Warlock is fully covered but still at 255. I've seen a few players with more 13 covered 5* than I do, but they are still playing in 4* land. So, for players who have the chance to keep Adam Warlock under levelled and don't have high level Okoye, this could work theoretically.

    This reminds me of Odin. Back then, I wanted to keep Odin unchamped to keep his fortify ability threshold low but I got a terrible build.

    Anyway, Colossus was released shortly after Adam Warlock was released. Generally, players run away from characters that do self-harm. More importantly, Colossus has higher match damage and reduces match damage for his allies as well. That probably explains why he isn't that popular among baby champed roster. However, AW and Carbage being boosted make pvps hellish. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    Only defensively, Warlock/Carbage is slow and unreliable on offense in my experience, particularly in a post Wanda/Electro roster. I would say that Warlock probably has one of the wider deltas between what his kit theorycrafts it is going to do on paper and how it actually behaves/performs in a real match of any of the 5*s. 
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    I use Juggs/R4G/GotG for easy clears and it is usually one match but sometimes might be two if it didn't quite finish off someone as the easy node levels get higher in SCL10.

    I think grocket + gotg + thanos is still faster as you are guaranteed a 1-match victory for all trivial nodes. Can chew through health packs though.
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Cable feels most forgettable to me.

    Whenever I have to use Yelena, I remember how much I love her. Her green power isn't great but if you partner her with someone with a good active green, then things are good. 
  • jsmjsmjsm00
    jsmjsmjsm00 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    I use Juggs/R4G/GotG for easy clears and it is usually one match but sometimes might be two if it didn't quite finish off someone as the easy node levels get higher in SCL10.

    I think grocket + gotg + thanos is still faster as you are guaranteed a 1-match victory for all trivial nodes. Can chew through health packs though.
    DAZ's team is better at guaranteeing clears for wave nodes though and avoids team damage. I can often clear DDQ wave node (6 enemies) in one match with that team.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    Funny to see Havok get so many mentions. I wrote this about him a long time ago in my rankings guide lol:

    In my opinion he [Havok] may be the character that has been released with the least amount of “noise”. The masses didn’t complain about how bad or rave about how good he was, nor did they speculate on how he’ll play fully covered.  Just... “on to the next one”. Reason being, while you usually expect a new 5* to be unique and creative, he’s a pretty bland character in terms of his power set. Despite this, his solid ranking is due to the fact that he is a cheap, hard-hitting character who will give you big damage in three active colors.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,066 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    I knew I was going to vote Havok even before the 1st time I read this thread way back when it was 1st posted.

    Not only do I forget he's in the game as a 5*, I also forget he's in X-Men 1st Class until I'm rewatching the movie and see him in it and go 'oh yeah, Havok is in this one'.

    I think the fact that Scott never ones references having a brother in the movies only contributes even more to him being forgotten.

  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Write in candidate (other)
    I suppose Wasp is in the 'DOA unusably terrible" tier, same for Banner Hulk.

    I think any 5-Star that is among the first 20 or so released doesn't really count because their HP, Match damage, and Power/Damage AP ratios are so terrible.  They are almost like "4.5 Star" characters given where power creep has taken us now (KK's & Might Thor's Match damage alone is a big jump from their release era cousins, let alone these early released 5-Stars).

    It's tough because there are so many that when I look at my 5-Stars I'm' like "oh, right forgot they were in the game".
    Magento is a good one.
    Deadpool as well (not having a feeder makes it even easier to forget about him).
    Heimdall is up for consideration too.

  • Dok12
    Dok12 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2022
    I voted Rescue because while I was excited for her after Endgame and the fact that she was my first five star due to the free shards I just just... Forgot she existed afterwards.

    Of the characters I know are in the game but would never use (which i think is sadder), my vote would go to Iron Man because of the team reliant powers that ensures he's never on any team I experiment with. 
  • BradUF
    BradUF Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Havok easily wins the race if we are talking about pvps and pves. For the rest of your poll, at least I see them being used by other players or other players posted their experience using them effectively in either forums. There isn't anything wrong with his abilities: damage/ap is fine and easy to use. His abilities are so bland that he's the oldest 5* without a feeder. 

    It's time to cry havoc!
    I don’t think I’ve see him at all since his release . Not in special stores, boosted. Nothing