***** Sersi (Eternals) *****

Neko Posts: 91 Site Admin
edited December 2021 in Character Details

Sersi (Eternals)
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes

"In the thousands of years they've been on Earth, most Eternals have found it difficult to live among mortals. Sersi, however, never had as much trouble pretending to be human. She claims her talent with transmutation lets her see how even the most ancient, unchanging things can become something else in an instant."

(Abilities listed at level 255, followed by 450)
16032 Health / 64438 Health

 186 | 26 | 31 | 238 | 212 | 29 | 118 | 3.0x
 743 | 103 | 121 | 955 | 849 | 112 | 472 | 3.0x

Cosmic Purpose - 3  AP
Sersi, with the other Eternals, is tasked with protecting and guiding the Earth as it awaits its destiny, but she determines for herself how to fulfill that task. Choose a color, Sersi converts 3 tiles of that color to other random colors and this power becomes Cosmic Path in the chosen color.
  • Level 2: No change.
  • Level 3: Converts 4 tiles to other colors.
  • Level 4: No change.
  • Level 5: Converts 5 tiles to other colors.
Cosmic Path -  PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Sersi has chosen her path. New tiles are 50% less likely to be in this power's color. At the start of turn, if there are fewer than 5 tiles of this color on the board, Sersi creates a 236 strength Strike, Attack, or Protect tile. (Max level 950 strength tile)

 or  : Attack tile
 or  : Strike tile
 or  : Protect tile
  • Level 2: Creates a tile with 261 strength. (Max level 1052 strength tile)
  • Level 3: Creates a tile with 287 strength. (Max level 1154 strength tile)
  • Level 4: Creates a tile with 333 strength. (Max level 1340 strength tile)
  • Level 5: Creates a tile with 426 strength. (Max level 1713 strength tile)
Gift of Transmutation - 9  AP
Sersi alters the basic nature of matter as easily as revising the words of a poem. Choose a color other than Green, Sersi converts 4 random tiles to that color. She fortifies up to 2 friendly special tiles in that color and increases their strength by 148. (Max level 594 strength)
  • Level 2: Increases strength of Fortified tiles by 190. (Max level 764 strength)
  • Level 3: Fortifies up to 3 tiles and increase their strength by 254. (Max level 1018 strength)
  • Level 4: Converts 5 tiles to the chosen color. Fortifies and strengthens all friendly special tiles of that color.
  • Level 5: Converts 6 tiles to the chosen color. Increases the strength of tiles by 296. (Max level 1188 strength)
Eternal Life -  PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Immortality means plenty of time for planning ahead. Whenever her team makes a Match-5 or greater, Sersi creates a 3-turn Fortified Countdown tile. When it expires, it deals 2953 damage to the enemy team. If Sersi becomes Downed while one or more of these tiles is on the board, remove one and revive Sersi with 30% health. (Max level 11870 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 3290 to the enemy team. Revives with 35% health. (Max level 13227 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 3628 to the enemy team. Revives with 40% health. (Max level 14583 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 4345 to the enemy team. Revives with 50% health. (Max level 17466 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 6159 to the enemy team. (Max level 24757 damage)

Release Schedule

Store Offerings

Sensational Sersi Cover Store - Nov 18-28

  • Chance to get Sersi (Eternals). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls

Sersi Limited Vault - Nov 18-23

  • 40 Items

    • 1x Ever Watchful Legendary Store Token

    • 1x 4-Star The Hydra Stomper (Steve Rogers) cover

    • 3x Random 3-Star covers

    • 6x Heroic tokens

    • 4x 2500 Iso

    • 6x 1000 Iso

    • 5x 500 Iso

    • 14x Two stars

Ever Watchful Legendary Store - Nov 25-30

  • 15% chance to get Sersi (Eternals), Heimdall (The Gatekeeper), Captain Marvel (MCU)

  • Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points

Release Debut:

Thick As Thieves - Nov 18-23

  • Sersi (Eternals) in placement rewards

Introducing… Sersi - Nov 18-25

Featured Event:

Lost In Time - Nov 22-26

  • Sersi (Eternals) as a progression reward

Versus Tournaments:

Fist Bump (Iron Fist) - Nov 18-22

  • Sersi (Eternals) shards as a placement reward

Sersi No Evil - Nov 21-24

  • Rewards tokens to the Sensational Sersi cover store



  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    another character with revive ability. Hmm…
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    The green seems less interesting than the others. I wonder if it still fortifies special tiles that aren’t strikes/attack/shields. 

    That purple is very interesting. “New tiles are a % less likely to be in the chosen color”. You mean the new tiles that drop? Or the ones that are about to be changed? Also create a “high strength” tile. Not sure ive seen that adjective before in previews. It’s usually “low” or “moderate”

    and the yellow is obviously dependent on the numbers to find out how good it is. 

    Now that I think about it….. this seems to be a pretty decent character for the AI to autopilot. Even if it chooses a weird color with the purple, it’s getting something out of it. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2021
    Overall, this character's abilities look complex initially.

    There are three parts to the purple power.

    1) Active purple power is to convert x colour to other colours once per game. Against iHulk, choose green and it will starve him of green.

    2) Then, after firing this power, it becomes a passive power of the chosen colour. If you choose green, green is less likely to drop for the rest of the game. This is somewhat like a reversal of Domino's ability where she increases appearance of black tiles instead.

    3) Then, if there are fewer than x chosen colour on the board, it will create a certain special tile at the start of each turn. In this case, choosing green gives us attack tile.

    Green power costs 9 ap which does the opposite thing as the active purple power, except that you can't choose green. Also it fortifies and increases the strength of your special tiles.

    Yellow power: Creates match-5 and put a fortified 3-4 turn cd that does AoE to the team, or remove it to revive this character.

    Overall, she looks like a great partner for Shang Chi since he's the hottest thing in town. You need red, purple and green. So, you would deny yellow, blue or black, depending on who the other ally is.

    Other fun allies I can think of are

    1)Prof X and Onslaught looks good with those cascades. 

    2) Since she doesn't interfere with meta colour (yellow/red/black) Apocalypse would be good too. Choose blue to put protect tiles because no one is using it.

    2) Thor will drain the board of green, red and yellow. She would deny either blue, black or purple. Put these two with Adam Warlock and the choice is easy.

    3) Heimdall/Shuri probably?

    4) Yellowjacket to increase his invisibility turn.

    Killmonger/Jean Grey/Mockingbird would love dishing out those passive though.

    Against her, she could be irritating even though she will mess up badly on the AI's hand.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    (New character)  Looks like a bust. Guess I'll be opening for Gamora and Shang.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,304 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like a Puzzle Gauntlet all-star!

    We really need the numbers to judge anything else about this one, though.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2021
    The number for random colour conversion is pretty high in the game. It should be ~5 for her purple and 7-9 for her green.

    The revive has to be pretty close to Ikaris. The bare minimum is 60% at 5 cover. The CD seems to be a 3-5 turn cd, depending on the strength of AoE. High strength = high number of turns.

    She will be a fun, irritating and funny opponent. Imagine the AI choosing the wrong colour that messes up their own team synergy. On the flip side, it could mess up yours too.

    Since revive is the hit, iHulk and Jean Grey  will be in her store?
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the purple.
    The green seems cool but a little expensive.
    The revives conditional will make it a bit difficult to trigger unless you bring someone like Shang Chi, Killmonger, or America.

    Given my current roster, at a glance I don't think this is a character I would chase.
  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    With Ikaris and this character also having a revive. This is very likely to be Sersi. Most Marvel games have been adding both of them so it only makes sense. Not sure how to feel about the character, but I love the kit. Probably still won't keep her if I get her though sadly. 

    Kinda hoping on a 5 star I like to come around again. Last one I liked was Francine and I learned I liked her after she left Latest Legends. 
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Venomous said:
    With Ikaris and this character also having a revive. This is very likely to be Sersi. Most Marvel games have been adding both of them so it only makes sense. Not sure how to feel about the character, but I love the kit. Probably still won't keep her if I get her though sadly. 

    Kinda hoping on a 5 star I like to come around again. Last one I liked was Francine and I learned I liked her after she left Latest Legends. 

    So you don't like Shang-Chi?
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    The revive part would make her another eternal, possibly sersi. 
    I love this kit and having so many options to choose.
    Overall I think this character could fit in on the enhance special tiles meta, along with kitty and ultron. Green increasing power and fortifying it's greatly appreciated by them.
    In this case to match a 5 critical for to revive him could be negative for their sinergy.

    This character could also play on the cascade bros meta along PX and onslaugh(luckily for me).Then fortifyng a heavy strike tile should be really needed and the green turning color tiles could add more cascades. And alsothe match 5 for to revive him would be easier, or for the AoE.
    I think it's a funny character with a lot of sinergies to play, SC or colossus included, or his/her friend ikaris, and the fact that purple is cheap makes him a good partner for any color type team.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Interesting but also looks too complicated.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2021
    Sersi, Odin, and Shang-Chi would be insane together. Bring a Gamora TU. Hopefully you guys can get all three. Sersi will also serve as a SC counter, as if he needed one lol.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple seems to be the primary power for this character.  It looks like special tiles should be able to be produced frequently especially by reducing the chance of those tiles falling.

    Green feels like Kamala Kahn purple might not be great.

    yellow will probably do decent damage and at level 5 will probably be good just need to make match 5’s.  2* Hawkeye power with AOE ability.  Question will be how long of a CD will it be.

    my guess build will be 5,3,5.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Finally the 2/3 Dakken counter!
    wow that first ability is CHEAP! T1match purps T2 cast for a cascade into a M5 that triggers AoE T3 your either pumping extra dam or (maybe depending on numbers) stopping that enemy5witch’s tick, Your T3 match with Shang-Chi could be a finisher; and if the aps from the cascade goes your way….  is more aggro than perhaps a board-state-check-and-effect kit would suggest
    I have full respect for Domino. She is one of the most useful 4*s. If the color drop rate is conversely affected but % increased due to 5*power then we could expect board to be deserted of one color. color-neutering can take out a powerful char: IM40 without Y. Okoye would not heal and ramp. Jessica would not find any clues. Adam could trap but not pulsenuke, once a color is severely limited you can flood those remaining with your own generated specials and outright prevent casting. Is it meta no, but color voiding on a control team is great! 
    Green; Expensive to try and fortify multiple colors a game. But if it considers CD and Repeaters as special that could be a nice synergy with the vulnerability in some chars that leave out expensive repeaters.
    Gotta be really careful about spitting into the wind about how easy it is to get a match 5; but a certain master of martial does pretty well at it, America, 3widow,bullseye, 1spidey every tier has a way to nudge. I think this char is going to be amazing for newbs& transitioners. This char is about time: extends the amount of session play time by having a self reviving tank: OML for 2022 , buys time for lower rank chars to get going, quickens the AP buildup by reducing unwanted colors.
    I think its cool that they will be playable at 1/0/1. I wouldn’t want to offer an opinion on where they land in the current LL metascale but I can see myself playing with them and having some fun with like Loki and Ikarus, or Domino and Doom, some silly mix of 5ice/mysterio/Namor, bamfing/5Hawkeye?, HHThor/Killmonger, I am even beginning to ponder if somehow Talos can get some screen time w/valkyrie if enemy’s strongest matches?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heimdall/Sersi/5* Storm could be cascade fun. Use Heimdall to lower green and yellow power to three aps. Depending on how Sersi's green goes, this would look like an winfinite team. It won't be as fast as Shang-Chi or Polaris, but it can work. Set Storm to 3/5/5 and deny purple.

    MCOC and Strike Force are releasing Ikaris and Sersi as the tie-in for Eternals. So, MPQ is going to release them as part of their contractual obligation. 
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    purplemur said:
    wow that first ability is CHEAP!
    It's the same as 5* Scarlet Witch's purple, a cheap one-way power.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2021
    I'm a little more intrigued by the yellow than most. If you team her with a crit-maker, she could be very difficult to kill. She would basically be impossible to kill if you only had to create the crit tile instead of actually making the match-5+.
    Beyond that, and obviously depending on the final numbers, she looks like a bit of a jack of all trades-master of none type. This is another support character.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    The yellow passive says clearly it must be a match 5 for her creating the cd. The AoE is moderate, possibly 20k at level 5. Possibly the cd will be shorter in turns at level 5 too, that means she has less time for to die and revive(it should be at full health at level 5).
    If at level 3 the cd has more turns, it could be a good option to play that altough she would revive with less health.
    And she could need a strategy like that because she only has 65k health, same as SW, but without protection.
  • mdreyer93
    mdreyer93 Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    Venomous said:
    With Ikaris and this character also having a revive. This is very likely to be Sersi. Most Marvel games have been adding both of them so it only makes sense. Not sure how to feel about the character, but I love the kit. Probably still won't keep her if I get her though sadly. 

    Kinda hoping on a 5 star I like to come around again. Last one I liked was Francine and I learned I liked her after she left Latest Legends. 
    What do you mean you won't keep her if you get her? You need at least one for essentials. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bad said:
    The yellow passive says clearly it must be a match 5 for her creating the cd. The AoE is moderate, possibly 20k at level 5. Possibly the cd will be shorter in turns at level 5 too, that means she has less time for to die and revive(it should be at full health at level 5).
    If at level 3 the cd has more turns, it could be a good option to play that altough she would revive with less health.
    And she could need a strategy like that because she only has 65k health, same as SW, but without protection.

    That's why I said she'd be impossible to kill IF you only had to create one.