***** Sersi (Eternals) *****



  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    LakeStone said:
    Just an update as it looks like the team does have the store planned for November 25 - 30 where you can purchase a token for 25 CP.  Sorry for the confusion.
    Thanks for the update, but come ON.

    Pro tip, if this solution was known at the time of the initial announcement, it should have been included. 

    If it wasn't known, you should have waited to make the initial announcement until it could have included this info. 

    That's, like, PR damage control 101. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2021
    DAZ0273 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    MegaBee said:
    talleman said:
    LakeStone said:
    Hi Everyone - 

    There was a bug in the Ever Watchful Legendary Store that did not make the store live and up for sale (only available via event reward).  Unfortunately this store will not be available in the future.  We apologize for the confusion that was created due to the bug.
    We are getting compensated right?...right?
    Compensated for what? Nobody lost anything. I'm very disappointed, but their error hasn't cost me anything.
    Lol, keep having that "Please, sir, may I have another?" attitude. If they aren't held accountable, this sort of thing will just continue to happen. 

    Here's a thought exercise: What If the store went live and instead the bug was that the draw rate for 5*s was 25%? Do you think their response would just be to throw their hands up and say, "Well, that sucks. Nothing we can do about it now,"?

    Or do you think they'd break a new land speed record logging in to take the store down, fix the bug, then put up the proper one with the correct odds?

    But since this bug only screws over the players and their chance at covering a new 5*, NBD.

    And it's not even that Sersi is particularly good. I just like having a chance to get a jump on covering a new 5*, because I like to champ them all. Now it would seem I don't even get that chance. 
    Are we up to DefCon slapintheface?
    Nah, I just guess that as a paying customer, I don't like to get jerked around. 

    And as a working adult, if I make a mistake at work, I'm professional enough to recognize the mistake and do the work to correct the mistake, and I don't clock out until the mistake is fixed. 

    Heck, even if it isn't my mistake, yet still falls under the umbrella of my responsibility. I stayed late at work on Friday about 45 minutes so we could wrap up a project that was on deadline.

    It wasn't my fault the project ran past the end of the day, but elements of the process still fell under my responsibility, so I stayed until it was finished, because I care about my job and want to see it done right. 
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    MegaBee said:
    talleman said:
    LakeStone said:
    Hi Everyone - 

    There was a bug in the Ever Watchful Legendary Store that did not make the store live and up for sale (only available via event reward).  Unfortunately this store will not be available in the future.  We apologize for the confusion that was created due to the bug.
    We are getting compensated right?...right?
    Compensated for what? Nobody lost anything. I'm very disappointed, but their error hasn't cost me anything.
    Lol, keep having that "Please, sir, may I have another?" attitude. If they aren't held accountable, this sort of thing will just continue to happen. 

    Here's a thought exercise: What If the store went live and instead the bug was that the draw rate for 5*s was 25%? Do you think their response would just be to throw their hands up and say, "Well, that sucks. Nothing we can do about it now,"?

    Or do you think they'd break a new land speed record logging in to take the store down, fix the bug, then put up the proper one with the correct odds?

    But since this bug only screws over the players and their chance at covering a new 5*, NBD.

    And it's not even that Sersi is particularly good. I just like having a chance to get a jump on covering a new 5*, because I like to champ them all. Now it would seem I don't even get that chance. 
    Are we up to DefCon slapintheface?
    Tony Harrison  P8ntballer Paintball Forums - Europes Largest Paintball  Forum
    Tony Harrison knows what's up.
  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    LakeStone said:
    Just an update as it looks like the team does have the store planned for November 25 - 30 where you can purchase a token for 25 CP.  Sorry for the confusion.
    Thanks for the quick update

    Now duck away from the bullets being fired at the messenger... 
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    MegaBee said:
    talleman said:
    LakeStone said:
    Hi Everyone - 

    There was a bug in the Ever Watchful Legendary Store that did not make the store live and up for sale (only available via event reward).  Unfortunately this store will not be available in the future.  We apologize for the confusion that was created due to the bug.
    We are getting compensated right?...right?
    Compensated for what? Nobody lost anything. I'm very disappointed, but their error hasn't cost me anything.
    Lol, keep having that "Please, sir, may I have another?" attitude. If they aren't held accountable, this sort of thing will just continue to happen. 

    Here's a thought exercise: What If the store went live and instead the bug was that the draw rate for 5*s was 25%? Do you think their response would just be to throw their hands up and say, "Well, that sucks. Nothing we can do about it now,"?

    Or do you think they'd break a new land speed record logging in to take the store down, fix the bug, then put up the proper one with the correct odds?

    But since this bug only screws over the players and their chance at covering a new 5*, NBD.

    And it's not even that Sersi is particularly good. I just like having a chance to get a jump on covering a new 5*, because I like to champ them all. Now it would seem I don't even get that chance. 
    Are we up to DefCon slapintheface?
    Nah, I just guess that as a paying customer, I don't like to get jerked around. 

    And as a working adult, if I make a mistake at work, I'm professional enough to recognize the mistake and do the work to correct the mistake, and I don't clock out until the mistake is fixed. 

    Heck, even if it isn't my mistake, yet still falls under the umbrella of my responsibility. I stayed late at work on Friday about 45 minutes so we could wrap up a project that was in deadline.

    It wasn't my fault the project ran past the end of the day, but elements of the process still fell under my responsibility, so I stayed until it was finished, because I care about my job and wasn't to see it done right. 

    As paying customers, we should all feel free to take our business elsewhere if we feel insulted or mistreated by any business. 

    If a restaurant serves good food but the staff is rude, I will choose to patronize a different restaurant.  I will not continue to visit that restaurant, complaining about their terrible service each time, and demanding free food in exchange.

    Continuing to play the game means you're accepting, even endorsing, this insulting behavior.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    We had a restaurant here in Florida where there gimmick was that the staff were rude; it made it a few years but ultimately shut down after the novelty wore off.
  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards
    We had a restaurant here in Florida where there gimmick was that the staff were rude; it made it a few years but ultimately shut down after the novelty wore off.
    There's a place like that in Illinois too.  It's funny to read the reviews from people who go in unaware of the gimmick and take it personal.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    MegaBee said:
    talleman said:
    LakeStone said:
    Hi Everyone - 

    There was a bug in the Ever Watchful Legendary Store that did not make the store live and up for sale (only available via event reward).  Unfortunately this store will not be available in the future.  We apologize for the confusion that was created due to the bug.
    We are getting compensated right?...right?
    Compensated for what? Nobody lost anything. I'm very disappointed, but their error hasn't cost me anything.
    Lol, keep having that "Please, sir, may I have another?" attitude. If they aren't held accountable, this sort of thing will just continue to happen. 

    Here's a thought exercise: What If the store went live and instead the bug was that the draw rate for 5*s was 25%? Do you think their response would just be to throw their hands up and say, "Well, that sucks. Nothing we can do about it now,"?

    Or do you think they'd break a new land speed record logging in to take the store down, fix the bug, then put up the proper one with the correct odds?

    But since this bug only screws over the players and their chance at covering a new 5*, NBD.

    And it's not even that Sersi is particularly good. I just like having a chance to get a jump on covering a new 5*, because I like to champ them all. Now it would seem I don't even get that chance. 
    Are we up to DefCon slapintheface?
    Nah, I just guess that as a paying customer, I don't like to get jerked around. 

    And as a working adult, if I make a mistake at work, I'm professional enough to recognize the mistake and do the work to correct the mistake, and I don't clock out until the mistake is fixed. 

    Heck, even if it isn't my mistake, yet still falls under the umbrella of my responsibility. I stayed late at work on Friday about 45 minutes so we could wrap up a project that was in deadline.

    It wasn't my fault the project ran past the end of the day, but elements of the process still fell under my responsibility, so I stayed until it was finished, because I care about my job and wasn't to see it done right. 
    So you are absolutely sure that none of that happened in this case? You have it on complete authority that this was the result of lazy unprofessional behaviour and not some situation outside of control? And what does being a paying customer have to do with anything? You didn't pay to have access to this specific store, which I hope they rename "The Lazy Git Dev" store on relaunch. 
    I'm not sure of anything. I just know how I'm expected to do my job; or at least the standard I hold myself to in order to do my job. 

    I don't tell my boss there's a problem without also having a solution or potential solutions to the problem in place. 

    A good conversation would have been: 

    "Hey boss, there's a bug with that Sersi CP release store."
    "OK, can we fix it? Is there a solution?"
    "We can't fix it, but we'll just put up a different store that runs the same time."
    "OK, I'll make an announcement in the forums."
    An even better conversation would be: 
    "Hey boss, there's a bug with that Sersi CP store. We can't fix it in time, so we're gonna run another store at the same time so players can still pull for her."
    "OK, sounds like you've got it figured out, I'll make an announcement."

    Look, people don't really care *that* there's a problem; they care if there's a *solution* or not. People don't care *how* you fix the problem, just as long as the problem gets *fixed.*

    But you tell people that there's a problem while heavily implying you're not bothering to fix it, well, you just gave yourself another problem, one that was entirely preventable.

    It's really pretty simple. Don't tell people there's a problem until you can also tell them what you're gonna do to fix it. So long as you can tell them how the problem is gonna be fixed when you tell them there's a problem, most people will say, "OK, thanks for keeping us posted," and that'll be that. Even if you just say, "We're looking into how we can fix this and will let you know what the fix is as soon as we figure it out," you'll get the benefit of the doubt. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder if the bug is that Gamora is in the store at the same time she is in latest? Is that the first time we have seen that situation? Feels odd 
  • toecutter3095
    toecutter3095 Posts: 64 Match Maker
    Cue the second wave of outrage at the announcement to correct what I would imagine most sensible people saw as a mistake in the first place.  :lol:

    A release store for new 5 that also includes the last 5 that is still in latest? Seemed an obvious mistake without an additional announcement with fanfare for a new style of release store. At first thought to be just a typo in the forum announcement which later showed in-game, but even then it still seemed like a mistake that would be corrected (to me at least).
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was missing the famous slap in the face. Not even an hour past by since the announcement and already appeared the first slapped, firing devs without sitting on a executive chair. Anyone would think the guy was scammed to buy starks for to prepare cps for that store!
    Personally I found it so odd... but I thought nobody wanted ultron and devs were giving gamora because they were feeling generous thanks to cristmas spirit.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Previously, there was a bug for some latest new 5* store and there were 4 5* in it. What's interesting is the odds for that store was 1:6. It was fixed after it was launched, so some players managed to enjoy this 16.67% pull rate.

    Anyway, I'm glad to see Captain Marvel back in, even though she's not meta. Gamora will be in Latest until next year 8 February, so I'm not sure if there's some misunderstanding. 
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    LakeStone said:
    One more update from the team and it will be Captain Marvel MCU (not Gamora) that will be available.  What's currently shown in-game is incorrect and will be fixed once the store goes live on 11/25.  I'll fix the main post now to show this updated info.
    Aw, more disappointment. 
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    Wait. So I’m not getting it at all? Or even A chance? Unless I finish top 5 in Lost In Time/Top 10 in alliance?
    It is hilariously+nauseatingly apt that the event in question is "Lost in Time."
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:

    Nah, I just guess that as a paying customer, I don't like to get jerked around. 

    What if your a customer paying to get jerked around? Not that *I* myself have payed for that service... I just read about it.