**** Blob (Modern) ****



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bishop used to jump in front off of a basic match 3 from a 5*. The damage he dealt was trivial, but since every such match generated 4 blue AP, it was not just common but likely the opponent would have 30 blue AP by player turn 2. Not only that, but when run with BRB, he would absorb a bunch of the battle-start friendly protects on their turn to also generate blue. At the time, the only stun immune character was Silver Surfer, who was wildly outdated by then. By the tail end of his life Apocalypse was released, so he was pretty much on his way out as a real threat I think. I never liked running him offensively because all he did for me was run out into traffic and get hit by a car, but characters who have come out since then like Mr. Sinister and Ronan would be a lot more fun if we had a blue battery that effective still. 
    Doc Ock had stun immunity too but it was not effective against Bishop. As a 4* player at that time, Bishop was pretty essential to try and get through the wall of Gritty in SHIELD Sim but 5* players had a legit complaint and his nerf was probably inevitable. I actually found Worthy Cap to be far more obnoxious though.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Odin will work even better with him. Blob  tanks 2nd match damage onwards while Odin tanks power damage. For 4* players, it will be even easier with Odin since his trigger is 1441 damage @ 255.

    At the back, you can probably put:

    1) Deadpool behind to trigger his passive CD damage of 3406 @ 270

    2) Medusa, Silk or Throg at the back for healings. One advantage of Silk is that you can choose strike, protect or attack tiles with her blue power. Throg on the other hand can deal with special tiles and help allies get out of stunned mode.

    3) Vulture to feed aps and destroys special tiles.

    4) Lizard can be fun because he can help you move special tiles to the bottom passively.

    5) Agent Coulson to help you gain 2 random ap per cd that expires. All the aps of his active powers belong to him.

    6) The Thing to protect Blob and gives him opportunity to heal up.

    And many more possibilities. It really depends on what you want to do.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can do extremely unpleasant things with Blob + Hawkeye + a blue tilespammer once you get Blob's CDs down to 1 turn.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red is good too.

    War Machine/Blob/5* Hawkeye will be cool to watch. Blob and War Machine synergise with each other beautifully.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2021
    Odin will work even better with him. Blob  tanks 2nd match damage onwards while Odin tanks power damage. For 4* players, it will be even easier with Odin since his trigger is 1441 damage @ 255.

    Odin as a tank is just like all the others. The others like Rogue, Worthy, D3adpool, etc. You can avoid them jumping to the front. With Odin, you can just refrain yourself from firing up active powers until he is stunned. With Blob, it's a coin toss at best.

    In a way Blob even stops you from using powers that destroy tiles on the board since there's a chance they might cause a cascade as well.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    What happens to Blob’s defenses when he is stunned? Does the stuff he gets from those countdowns resolving stay applied permanently?
    His countdowns (if he has any) are stopped for as long as he is stunned, just like all other chars with countdowns. His passives are disabled for the stun duration so he stops jumping to the front or entrapping more ASP tiles at the bottom.

    The thing is that sometimes it's not so clear-cut as to "just stun Blob". Sometimes you really need to stun some of the OTHER heroes first. Like Polaris. Or Medusa. Or Juggernaut. Or... etc. That's when Blob starts being annoying. Lets say a Blob + Polaris + Grocket team. Who do you stun first? Assume you have only one single-target stun. If you stun Blob first, fine, Blob is disabled now so he stops tanking your blows, but now Polaris + Grocket is spawning strike tiles all over the board. etc etc. If you don't really have an AOE stun it really gets annoying. It's not "unwinnable" at this point yet, but get ready to eat lotsa health packs.
    Hope you guys see what I mean.

    It sounds like Peggy might be the ideal solution to this issue. She can stun both Polaris and R4G (or Medusa or Juggernaut) with her blue with Blob in front and she can use her red which ignores shield tiles to take down Blob. Otherwise I would use Riri - again her red hits behind Blob to damage the other two and you can always send Blob airbourne which makes me chuckle a bit imaging that and reminds me of the time Wolverine stabbed Blob in his behind:

  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    What happens to Blob’s defenses when he is stunned? Does the stuff he gets from those countdowns resolving stay applied permanently?
    His countdowns (if he has any) are stopped for as long as he is stunned, just like all other chars with countdowns. His passives are disabled for the stun duration so he stops jumping to the front or entrapping more ASP tiles at the bottom.

    The thing is that sometimes it's not so clear-cut as to "just stun Blob". Sometimes you really need to stun some of the OTHER heroes first. Like Polaris. Or Medusa. Or Juggernaut. Or... etc. That's when Blob starts being annoying. Lets say a Blob + Polaris + Grocket team. Who do you stun first? Assume you have only one single-target stun. If you stun Blob first, fine, Blob is disabled now so he stops tanking your blows, but now Polaris + Grocket is spawning strike tiles all over the board. etc etc. If you don't really have an AOE stun it really gets annoying. It's not "unwinnable" at this point yet, but get ready to eat lotsa health packs.
    Hope you guys see what I mean.
    For me, it depends on what team I'm using. If I'm running Polaris, then I would stun Blob first. Polaris doesn't care whether SAP tiles are friendly or not, she will do damage regardless. If I can stop enemy life gain, then I'm good. If the enemy is Medusa/Polaris/Blob, then I would stun Medusa first. Now, if I'm not running Polaris, I will always target Polaris first since she is the fuel of any Polaris-based team. Grocket is not that big of a deal without a shield. I often take him out last. With that said, Grocket is very dangerous behind Blob. If possible, I will always stun Blob while I focus on taking out Grocket. Hopefully, when Blob returns, Grocket will be downed and I will have enough AP to stun Blob again.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards
    After a bit more testing, I think Blob/Polaris/Hawkeye is the best "can literally beat anything" team.

    It's much more reliable and *significantly* faster than stuff like BRB/Polaris.  You don't need to have Blob championed, either.  All you need is 1 black cover, and probably 3 Hawkeye purple.  If you have 5 black covers for Blob it's twice as fast.  It's still too slow for competitive play, but it can beat enemies of an infinite level with almost no risk, no packs and no boosts.

    I'm really not sure how they keep letting stuff like this slip through.  Every guy who makes countdowns has to be playtested with Hawkeye, and anyone who messes with special tiles has to be tested with Polaris.  If they tried this out even once they'd easily see how problematic this interaction is.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blob is a legit monster that can be the center of any number of teams. I love the twinkie eating tank
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    They want Hawkeye to be useful while his Disney+ series runs :tongue:
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards
    Honestly Hawkeye is just broken, period.  He makes 5AP, passively, every time a CD tile goes off.  The fact that it's 3 blue AP, and all the stuns are blue, means that he can easily enable a stunlock team with anyone who can spam enough CDs. 

    With Polaris's insane ability to immediately turn the entire board into special tiles, once you get rolling, Blob is creating 10 or 12 1-turn CDs every turn.  Each CD also doubles Blob's match damage.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    In his tier, like I said before he is a legit monster.
    he really won’t punch up but as a tank in the 4* tier there is no better meat shield.
     When I put the iso into him I will try to find a way to work with him because honestly he is just fun
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just imagine the next time BOP runs and this team gets used with Blob/Polaris/Hawkeye all at L550.