**** Misty Knight (Heroes For Hire) ****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited August 2020 in Character Details

Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire)

4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
Affiliations: Heroes, Defenders, Team Iron Man

"Misty Knight is New York City's protector and the woman behind the curtain at the the Heroes for Hire. In the field, she's a master of martial arts with a bionic powered punch. As a leader, she is a skilled tactician who uses her large network of heroes to pull off complex operations. No matter how dangerous the mission, Misty Knight is an unstoppable force of justice."

(Abilities listed at level 70, followed by 270)
3779 Health / 13035 Health
 37 | 10 | 8 | 42 | 33 | 9 | 23 | 3.8x
 74 | 13 | 65 | 11 | 85 | 12 | 43 | 4.0x

Bionic Beatdown - 8  AP
When wielded by a master martial artist, Stark tech and Adamantium pack a powerful punch. Deals 834 damage to the target. Then deals an additional 120 damage for each Fortified tile on the board and removes their fortifications, removing enemy tile fortifications first (up to a max of 5 tiles). (Max level 1624 / 235 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 1109 damage, and an additional 157 damage for each Fortified tile. (Max level 2160 / 307 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 1390 damage, and an additional 203 damage for each Fortified tile. (Max level 2707 / 398 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 1927 damage, and an additional 286 damage for each Fortified tile. (Max level 3753 / 560 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 3030 damage, and an additional 452 damage for each Fortified tile. (Max level 5901 / 886 damage)
Saturday Knight Specialist - 7 AP
Knight always makes sure her team has the right equipment for the job. Convert 1 random basic tile to her team's strongest color, then fortify and improve 2 random friendly special tiles by 12.

(PASSIVE) When a Fortified tile is matched or destroyed, Misty Knight heals her allies for a burst of 74 health. If any allies are a Defender, Misty Knight is also healed. (Max level 23 improvement, 144 health)
  • Level 2: Converts 2 tiles, improves special tiles by 14, and heals allies for 102 health. (Max level 27 improvement, 198 health)
  • Level 3: Improves 3 special tiles and heals allies for 139 health. (Max level 27 improvement, 270 health)
  • Level 4: Converts 3 tiles and heals allies for a burst of 185 health. (Max level 27 improvement, 360 health)
  • Level 5: Improves 4 special tiles by 24 and heals allies for 305 health. (Max level 46 improvement, 594 health)
This is Control - 6 AP
Hello, hero. Are you for hire tonight? Misty Knight coordinates her assets to pull off a tactical strike. Deal 232 damage to the target and create 3 strength 15 Attack tiles on random basic tiles in a chosen row. For each Attack tile created on either team's strongest color, fortify that tile and deal 46 damage. (Max level 451/90 damage, strength 29 tiles)
  • Level 2: Deal 371 damage and create 3 strength 18 Attack tiles. Deal an additional 138 damage. (Max level 722/270 damage, strength 34 tiles)
  • Level 3: Create 4 strength 20 Attack tiles. (Max level 722/270 damage, strength 38 tiles)
  • Level 4: Deal 696 damage to the target and create 5 strength 20 Attack tiles. (Max level 1353/270 damage, strength 38 tiles)
  • Level 5: Deal 1225 damage and create 6 strength 23 Attack tiles. Deal an additional 230 damage. (Max level 2381/450 damage, strength 45 tiles)

Release Schedule

Store Offerings

Misty Knight & Friends - July 19 - 25

  • 80 Item Vault
    • 3x 4-Stars
      • 1x Random Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) cover
      • 1x Random Shuri (Master Engineer) cover
      • 1x Random 4-Star cover
  • 7x Tokens
    • 1x Legendary token
    • 1x Mighty Token
    • 2x Heroic Tokens
    • 3x Beginner Support tokens
  • 6x Iso-8
    • 1x 5,000 Iso-8
    • 2x 2,500 Iso-8
    • 3x 1,000 Iso-8
  • 15x 3-Stars
    • 3x Iron Fist (The Immortal Weapon)
    • 12x Random 3-Star covers
  • 49x 2-Stars
    • 10x Black Widow (Original)
    • 39x Random 2-Star covers

Release Debut:

Webbed Wonder - July 16 - 21

  • Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) In placement rewards

Introducing… Misty Knight - July 16 - 23

  • Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) Shards

Featured Event:

Cosmic Chaos - July 20 - 24

  • Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) as a progression reward

Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - July 19 - 24

  • Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) Shards
  • Tokens to the Misty Knight & Friends Vault

Versus Tournament:

Knight Shift - July 19 - 22

  • Misty Knight (Heroes for Hire) as a progression reward
  • Rewards tokens to the Misty Knight & Friends Vault


  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    Extremis Pepper? Team Iron Man, a woman, fist definitely not iron, and ignored fortifications.

    Might be a good kit, but could be very awkward to use. AI will be terrible with this.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Does green's fortification removal trigger yellow's passive?
  • JangoLore
    JangoLore Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    Seems like this character would be very interesting to play with Shuri and BP-KOW
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    JangoLore said:
    Seems like this character would be very interesting to play with Shuri and BP-KOW
    I was thinking about those 2.  Another would be prowler to fortify enemy special tiles.

    in the 5* tier it is only Hawkeye and GG that fortify a lot of tiles and those are CD or repeaters.  BRB fortifies his CD but that is only one tile
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe it's another Runaway? what's his name with those Fistagons?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2020
    wymtime said:
    JangoLore said:
    Seems like this character would be very interesting to play with Shuri and BP-KOW
    I was thinking about those 2.  Another would be prowler to fortify enemy special tiles.

    in the 5* tier it is only Hawkeye and GG that fortify a lot of tiles and those are CD or repeaters.  BRB fortifies his CD but that is only one tile
    Doesn't cable also fortify tiles?
    As for this character: I note that the trend of squishy 4*s with cheap powers continues.  cheap powers are nice. And there seem to be a lot of fortification and special tile shenanigans going on.  Those aren't bad things in general, but with so many moving parts I am not confident I can predict how this character will play (or maybe I am just sleep deprived and off my theorycrafting game).
    And as always with new 4*s: I will point out that the 4* tier is dead and continued dev/ player time/money/effort spent on 4* land is basically wasted, even if the new 4*s are good.
  • MrBowers
    MrBowers Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Misty with her team affiliation being the defenders?
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Maybe it's another Runaway? what's his name with those Fistagons?
    It's been a while since I read Runaways, but I think his name was Chase.

    Not sure how useful he would be as one of the Runaways though, since he has the same color combination as Karolina.
  • lvsmr2
    lvsmr2 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Has to be female by this line "Converts 2 basic tiles to her team's strongest color". Going with Pepper considering Iron Man VR's release
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker
    Wouldn’t C4ge be better than Prowler for tile fortification?
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    lvsmr2 said:
    Has to be female by this line "Converts 2 basic tiles to her team's strongest color". Going with Pepper considering Iron Man VR's release
    Ah, good catch.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe it's another Runaway? what's his name with those Fistagons?
    Not sure how useful he would be[...]
    That's never stopped them before...also he's the 100th 4*, so...
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2020
    Nice ability set, cant wait to see the numbers. 
    May pair well with Wolfsbane, who has opposite colors, vreates strikes, and has low health which may benefit from this characters healing. 
    Lots of other pair-up options as well of course. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,851 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2020
    Oh, good, more cheap powers so the character will be annoying in it's PvP when Okoye or Kitty play boost-a-boom.
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Borstock said:
    Oh, good, more cheap powers so the character will be annoying in it's PvP when Okoye or Kitty play boost-a-boom.
    Or... awesome. 
    Its 2.5 days long, at worst. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,851 Chairperson of the Boards
    RickOShay said:
    Borstock said:
    Oh, good, more cheap powers so the character will be annoying in it's PvP when Okoye or Kitty play boost-a-boom.
    Or... awesome. 
    Its 2.5 days long, at worst. 

    Yes, and after that 2.5 days I get to forget what the character even does.
    I find characters like this one dull. Cheap cheap cheap powers that probably do piddly on their own because every new release has to hit like a kitten or else it'll be OP when boosted by the characters that matter. But let's definitely have them do something every other turn or else they'll just be downed before they can do anything whatsoever.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The colour code is totally off, except for yellow, and it's a female. So, Klaw is totally out. 

    It's an automatic 5/3/5 for me now.  B)

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    wymtime said:
    JangoLore said:
    Seems like this character would be very interesting to play with Shuri and BP-KOW
    I was thinking about those 2.  Another would be prowler to fortify enemy special tiles.

    in the 5* tier it is only Hawkeye and GG that fortify a lot of tiles and those are CD or repeaters.  BRB fortifies his CD but that is only one tile
    Doesn't cable also fortify tiles?
    As for this character: I note that the trend of squishy 4*s with cheap powers continues.  cheap powers are nice. And there seem to be a lot of fortification and special tile shenanigans going on.  Those aren't bad things in general, but with so many moving parts I am not confident I can predict how this character will play (or maybe I am just sleep deprived and off my theorycrafting game).
    And as always with new 4*s: I will point out that the 4* tier is dead and continued dev/ player time/money/effort spent on 4* land is basically wasted, even if the new 4*s are good.
    Yes I forgot Cable will fortify CD or repeater tiles when making a yellow match.  I don’t know if he would be a great pair since he only puts out 1 CD.