I've quit MPQ

ROY84 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
I told my Alliance I was quitting. I left and I uninstalled the game. I'm done.

It would take YEARS to catch up to get to 5* land and have everyone championed that it would take YEARS to get that much ISO. And not only that, I couldn't even buy enough to do it within reason. Would take literally 10s of thousands of dollars to do it.

Honestly I was fine with that to a certain degree, it wasn't a race and I'm obviously not going to spend thousands of dollars on this game but with this recent surge of 4* and 5* characters, especially 5* covers...I realize now I will NEVER get enough. If this continues I will ALWAYS be behind the curve. I could get top 10 in every PVE event, top 50 in every PVP for all of eternity and I'd still be behind anyone who started before this escalation.

So I've been considering dropping this game for quite a few months now and it's done. 

Good luck everyone, have fun. 


  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,173 Chairperson of the Boards
    Take care
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good luck in your future endeavors! 
  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Boredom happens with all the games. It’s healthy, in a way. Happened to me with Pokemon Go (and I had ALL of the critters) before switching to this. I’m nearing year one and still far from bored (I have no intention of championing everything) but I can totally understand the loss of interest, the game has been there a while. Have a nice life !
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    This game is reaching its 7th year soon - 7 years of development or release schedule. If you expect to champ every characters within 2 or 3 years playing non-competitively, then it's unrealistic. 

    To reach 5★ land, it takes only ~360 in-game days of competitive playing to champ the latest 3 5★. 

    At the end of the day, it's still about expectation and priority. Anyway, good luck and hope you find a F2P mobile game that suits your requirements.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    This game is reaching its 7th year soon - 7 years of development or release schedule. If you expect to champ every characters within 2 or 3 years playing non-competitively, then it's unrealistic. 

    To reach 5★ land, it takes only ~360 in-game days of competitive playing to champ the latest 3 5★. 

    That’s not even close to true . It took me 3 years to champ just one 5* and if it hadn’t been for the new shard system and devoting ALL resources toward 1 chosen character I’d still be without a champed 5 after almost 4 years . It would take me almost 1 full year still to champ a second 5*. I finish top 50 in PvAI and top 20 in PvE so I am competitive , but unless you spend hundreds or thousands annually you aren’t catching up in the current game . Those starting in the beginning before the massive dilution had a much easier  path but for latecomers it’s a different reality 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was able to do it and I started in late Nov 2017 though. By competitive, you need to be at least:

    1) top 10 in PvEs SCL 6/7 
    2) top 10 in PvP SCL 6 
    3) top 50 in PvP SCL 9 
    4) play Lightning Rounds once in a while to get 1 or 2 Heroic Tokens

    This is what I did that would allow me to jump into 5 star-land by end of 2018. However, I chose to spend my CPs on classic because I want to play around with 4-star. 

    I could start a second account to prove this, but I don't see the point in doing so. Because people are going to say not everyone can play according to PvE schedules or not everyone have the time to spend 1 - 2 hours on the game everyday.

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards

    I could start a second account to prove this, but I don't see the point in doing so. Because people are going to say not everyone can play according to PvE schedules or not everyone have the time to spend 1 - 2 hours on the game everyday.

    If you don’t want or are unable to back up your outlandish claims, don’t make them in the first place.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm already 1 year late to prove this. Only the dev has access to my game account history to verify the total CP and LT resources I've gained in first year. I don't see the point of lying. 

    I understand that truth like this has to be suppressed because it affects the bargaining powers to request for more free resources or to reduce playtime.

    That's why statements like:

    "New players will take years to champ a 5 star."

    "New players will never catch up to rostering 4*."

    "Players need to champ 5* in order to get top 10 placement PvE SCL 6/7.

    continue to be repeated in this forum. I have debunked all of the above based on my playstyle. Unfortunately, players' experience like this need to be suppressed because it doesn't fit the mould.

  • Southside84
    Southside84 Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Took me 800 days to enter 5 star land, and that was after buying classics for the first 600 or so to get all the old 5 stars.  What hound says is possible, but even getting to the 5 star tier still leaves you way behind the curve.  I understand OP sentiment.  There really is no catch up.  I play competitively on PVP and sometimes optimally on PVE and even after 2.5 years of daily grind, which usually is 3-4 hours and can be as much as 6 sometimes, I'm still vastly outclassed by my alliance.  It's better in a good alliance, but those spots usually aren't available to young rosters.  Now, you shouldn't be able to download a game and compete immediately with 6 year mature rosters, but it's disheartening to see that 2.5 years of a heavy grind still leaves you so far behind.   
  • IIAlonditeII
    IIAlonditeII Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I'm already 1 year late to prove this. Only the dev has access to my game account history to verify the total CP and LT resources I've gained in first year. I don't see the point of lying. 

    I understand that truth like this has to be suppressed because it affects the bargaining powers to request for more free resources or to reduce playtime.

    That's why statements like:

    "New players will take years to champ a 5 star."

    "New players will never catch up to rostering 4*."

    "Players need to champ 5* in order to get top 10 placement PvE SCL 6/7.

    continue to be repeated in this forum. I have debunked all of the above based on my playstyle. Unfortunately, players' experience like this need to be suppressed because it doesn't fit the mould.

    Hmm, you definitely spent money then. 

    New players' limiting factors is their HP income for roster slots. They can't afford to use their CP / Legendary tokens until they can slot everything they pull. 

    I suppose you could cheat into 5* tier earlier by forgoing the 4* tier entirely, accruing 350 LT pulls while still in 3* Tier, and that would save a little time, but that's very dependent on the current Latest Three to be a valuable combination - not all "new players' have the luxury of that falling around their 1 year mark.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,728 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2020
    I started laying out the various scenarios of which 5s you want/need etc and what it takes to move into the tier.

    But ultimately it is up to each player to decide if the progress they are making is worth the effort and time required (what is the rate of return on effort?).

    If it's not good enough and you're not having enough fun (running the meta eternally gets boring) then leaving is 100% a reasonable choice.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    @bbigler documented his <1 year transition from new player to 5* champs.  Here's his summary:
    (he had a different threat for the transition itself: https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/73068/im-back-and-im-starting-over)

    So, yes, it's verified to be possible to keep the timeline @HoundofShadow describes, but there should be the caveat that to do so takes quite a bit of commitment, both in time and money, and that timeline is very much at the mercy of the available 5* store options...at least if you're differentiating between when you *could* and when you *should* make that jump.  Also, it really relies upon the player knowing ahead of time how things work, although for a speed guide, that probably goes without saying.

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    If you don't enjoy the game, you should quit, plain and simple. Some folks just aren't going to enjoy the game unless they can transition to the 5* tier in under a time/resource/spending threshold that the game does not allow for or that the player finds unacceptable. And that's okay, everyone has a different definition of enjoyment.

    For others (like myself), I enjoy the chase. I'm actually afraid that once I get to 5* land I'll be bored and feel like there's nothing left to play for. In the meantime, I found that the teams I needed to create to be successful changed, not just with every tier, but every transition between tiers, and with some new characters as they were released. I found it fun to use supports in ways that let me punch above my weight. I found it strategic to think about how the order I chased and leveled my characters and the choice of SCL level and slices I played in had a HUGE strategic impact on my progress, opponents and success rate, both in PvP and PvE. But that's me, and I'm not saying everyone should or will enjoy it. I'd just encourage folks to consider the ways you can enjoy the game without simply crossing the 5* finish line, and if even then it's not of interest to you, do find something you enjoy more. Life's too short.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax said:
    @bbigler documented his <1 year transition from new player to 5* champs.  Here's his summary:
    (he had a different threat for the transition itself: https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/73068/im-back-and-im-starting-over)

    So, yes, it's verified to be possible to keep the timeline @HoundofShadow describes, but there should be the caveat that to do so takes quite a bit of commitment, both in time and money, and that timeline is very much at the mercy of the available 5* store options...at least if you're differentiating between when you *could* and when you *should* make that jump.  Also, it really relies upon the player knowing ahead of time how things work, although for a speed guide, that probably goes without saying.

    But bbigler was not a "new player"...
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    PiMacleod said:
    I only just got my first 5* champ... about a year ago?  And I'm around day 2450 now (i post it in the shield daily resupply thing, but I don't ever recall myself without looking).

    So what took ME so long?

    A )  I never spent a dime until about a year or two in, when I spent $20 because I wanted some HP for slots, and I figured after a year of time, they deserved a little cash for my entertainment.

    B )  After that point, I still didn't spend until right after they took away the pop-up ads.  I used those ads for bonuses, so when they took that away, I noticed how many resources I lost from that alone.  $2 a month seems a trifle to keep that going, and after a year, $24 isn't bad for how much I play this versus a "AAA" title.

    C )  I've NEVER played competitively.  I mean, I tried in PvP a few times earlier on when I was more naive, but then I learned that there's a whole population of people who study the metrics, do things with Line, Discord, and what-not, and that was when I was like -- yeah, I'm not competing for cash prizes, so I'm not going that deep.  I've practiced for RL game tourneys, and I never had to use so many outside 'things' beyond the game to be competitive.  (I've never even learned how to properly do a "shield flip", and I'm not about to start now)

    D ) I only started playing to full progression PvE within the last 2 years (maybe 3...?).  Which is basically when I had champed 4*s, and felt that I was actually flexing some muscle.  

    E )  This is probably the biggest thing -- I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO HOARD OR SPEND PROPERLY ...until about a few months before I got my first 5* champ.  When I learned the strategy (that I still use today), I started seeing definite improvement in my roster.  Since then, I now have 10 5* champs, and 1 more that I CAN champ when I get the ISO  (I'm still not post ISO by FAR!).

    In conclusion, from my personal experience, there are PLENTY of factors that could cause someone to fall behind the curve.  In order to pull optimally and not waste resources, you need to manage things appropriately.  Competitive play and spending are two prime factors, and if you don't participate in both, you're behind someone else for sure.  If you dont do progression, you're behind even more.  Every single thing you don't do "correctly" leaves you a little further back.

    And add that into the point that NONE OF THIS is documented in the game.  It's all from our experiences, documented here on these forums.    

    I'll leave this with the thought that I know I'm not a huge player of mobile games... I only have a few under my belt.  However, if this is how they all are, I'd be hard-pressed to ever play another, unless it's MPQ2.  :tongue:

    All of your points are pretty much how my experience had been as well (Day 2261, myself).  I think I certainly have had an easier time than others, since I started not too long after release, but there was just so much that I missed from not playing "correctly" since I didn't know the forums here were a thing until at least a couple of years later.  If I never learned tips from here that make playing much more effective, I probably would have given up too.  As it's been pointed out, the game does absolutely nothing to promote "smart" playing or any way to grow your roster.  Even paid bundles don't do this, which seems a little odd.  I'm guessing they just count on people buying a few packages until they eventually move on to something else since they never learn the "proper" way to play, which I'm sure the mobile gaming industry as a whole is built on.

    I've taken a break from the game a couple times for a few weeks, mostly when I was going through health issues and another time after a very bad run of token pulls, getting stuck trying to get into 4* land.  I think another reason for my lack of progress compared to others with the same amount of time is my alliance since day one was just my real life friends and I up until about two or three months ago.  Most had dropped out and only three to four of us played daily, even though they mostly just did DDQ each day and that was it.  Things did change when I joined an alliance with more serious players, but I still joined a "casual" offshoot group of the more hardcore alliance family, but I did have fun talking with my friends in person about it and stuff we learned.

    I do feel I've been making better progress, but I just don't have the time to devote to MPQ to be a serious meta and competitive player.  I'm still having fun, but I'm finally getting to the point where dilution among the 4* characters is becoming a serious problem and I can absolutely see why many have been quitting now.
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