Grand Experiment 2: Treading Water in the SCL 10 Post-Shardpocalypse



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a red for Apocalypse right after posting that.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got an organic Frost pull from the crash token yesterday, putting her at 300. Kitty is now 3/3/0. I've been riding my new 5/0/2 Thor/Okoye/Profe$$or team up through Simulator, and having a much better time of it this season as well. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Apocalypse hot streak - 1/2/2 with shards on deck.

    got a 300th kate bishop, s0 hawkeye is 4/5/3
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Been on an ultra hot hot streak, and managed to get the last Hulk I needed for a 5/4/4 distribution. I'll be sitting tight until he leaves latest at least, which is probably only going to be good for 1-3 pulls, but still. Current crop of latest:

    iHulk: 5/4/4 (165 shards with more left in the current story)
    Yelena: 2/3/1 (455 shards)
    Apocalypse: 3/2/2 (705/500 shards, holding out until he leaves to burn those)

    Onslaught: 0/0/0 (380 shards)

    Current Favorite Hero progress:
    Hawkeye: 4/5/3 (133 shards)
    Kate Bishop: lvl 301 (45 shards)
    Hawk3y3: 0/0/1 (59 shards, just flipped him today)

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congrats on Hulk. Super big fan of his, so I’m interested in your thoughts on him. 

    Why do you have 5* Hawkeye and his feeders targeted if you only need one cover? Wouldn’t it make sense to either target Kate/Hawkguy for 19 covers or target 5* Barton until you hit 500 shards? I had the Rescue feeder chain all targeted, but once you get down to the last cover it makes sense to move one of the targets (either the 5 or the 3/4) to whoever is next in the queue. So I’m continuing to pursue Rescue as my 5* target but switched the 3/4 over to Black Widow just in case they think about reworking her with the big movie coming out. She’s my next project. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, that's a good point, I'm glad you brought it up. The metrics are pretty murky for me right now on how often I'm getting 4* shard-targets. Pre- SCL10 when shards only came from Legendary pulls, you were unequivocally correct. Now though, with Mighty Tokens and SCL10 in play, I'm not entirely certain it remains like that. So in the past, it was

    4* cover for every ~27 pulls
    5* cover for every ~167 pulls
    Depending on where you are in the build on that 4*, that's anywhere from 270->540 pulls to get to the next 5* cover. But now that shards are dropping all over the place in SCL10, it isn't taking anything like that long. Also bonus shards are very unpredictable. Additionally, the way they broke up the shards means that I will get 100 shards at 315. So my rationale is that focusing fire will get me the cover a little sooner, and I'll be on my way. But it's also still possible that direct-sharding a single 5* is still better - i'm going to have to calculate my pulls/day and 4* growth/day again, see how it stacks up.

    As for iHulk, He isn't actually bought up yet on iso, but even now, he is a nightmare with Okoye, and he is a perfect scarecrow in this current PVP behind Bishop. I've not had any defensive notifications of any kind since i left him out, and my bishop is just a 280-ish build and hulk is clearly unchamped in the low 300s. This just tells me that team is massively skippable. In PVE, it's hard to really evaluate since he's boosted, but he seems to be the perfect 5* version of Juggernaut to truck through the hard nodes with Okoye. I've been running Profe$$or X in the middle on pick-3, since Hulk cascades as often as not. I'll re-evaluate once he's champed.

    So speaking next-in-queue, IS kitty going from 3/3/0 to champ worth it over say Danver5, who is much nearer to champ (5/2/3) and can hide out from iHulk? or maybe Hela (5/2/4) to punish them for stealing my green? Loki is 4/4/2, OML is 4/1/4, DD5 is 5/2/1, and Phoenix is 3/2/1. I'm just thinking that the long road to champ Kitty won't be worth it in the end. I'll have to go back through the rankings and see how it feels. Current 5* champs are:
    iHulk (waiting on iso)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2020
    So i'm still averaging ~2.41 latest pulls/day over the last 70 days (the last time i thought to enter a date in my tracker sheet). That means i'm earning 7.23 5* shards directly from Latest Legends pulls/day on average (not factoring in bonus shards or progression shards). So finishing Hawkeye directly right now is 50 days of direct sharding. 

    Since moving my 4* shard target over to Kate Bishop, my Kate Bishop Cover Per DAy number is just under half a cover per day it seems. She was 295 when I started 14 days ago, and she's at 301 now. I don't know if she was featuered in an event or something, that seems like an awfully high rate. But projecting that forward, 19 more covers for her should take me 41 days. So slightly faster to go this route it seems. 

    BUT. If we factor in that I'll get 100 shards of Hawkeye at Kate Bishop lvl 315, that means I can direct-shard Hawkeye up to 400 instead of 500 if I focus fire on him. It saves me...21 days? Is that math right? 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was more feeling like Hulk is going to be my new meta, so who makes a good third, or alternate for Okoye as a second. So that last block of characters were either the revivers or true healers I had with decent coverage, or as in the case of Danver5 who can go airborne here and there to avoid the hit. 

    Here is the shape of my 5* roster now minus current champs with associated feeders:
    CHaracter:                                 - Feeder lvl:
    Hawkeye: 4/5/3                                 301   
    Lumbercap: 3/4/4                             301
    Loki: 4/4/2                                          301
    Star-Lord: 5/1/3                                 285
    Thano5: 5/2/2                                    310
    Thor: 5/0/2                                         320
    DD5: 5/2/1                                          313
    Kitty: 3/3/0                                          301
    BB: 4/2/1                                             314
    5trange: 4/2/1                                    309
    OML: 4/1/4                                         297
    Gambit: 2/4/3                                     311
    FA Cap: 5/0/1                                      297
    SS: 2/2/3                                             300
    Jean Grey: 3/2/1                                291
    BAnner: 1/3/2                                     293
    Archangel: 2/2/2                               302
    Panther: 2/1/2                                    297
    BSSM: 4/2/0                                       288
    Nata5ha: 4/0/1                                   300
    SMPP: 1/1/3                                       307
    Doc Oc: 2/0/2                                     296
    Cable: 3/4/5                                        300
    Hela: 5/2/4                                         286
    Danver5: 5/2/3                                  309
    Havok: 5/2/3                                     N/F
    Apocalypse: 3/2/2                           N/F
    Green Goblin: 2/2/2                         302
    Wa5p: 3/2/2                                     305
    Iron Man: 3/2/1                                290
    Yelena: 2/3/1                                    N/F

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was more feeling like Hulk is going to be my new meta, so who makes a good third, or alternate for Okoye as a second. So that last block of characters were either the revivers or true healers I had with decent coverage, or as in the case of Danver5 who can go airborne here and there to avoid the hit. 

    Here is the shape of my 5* roster now minus current champs with associated feeders:
    CHaracter:                                 - Feeder lvl:
    Hawkeye: 4/5/3                                 301   
    Lumbercap: 3/4/4                             301
    Loki: 4/4/2                                          301
    Star-Lord: 5/1/3                                 285
    Thano5: 5/2/2                                    310
    Thor: 5/0/2                                         320
    DD5: 5/2/1                                          313
    Kitty: 3/3/0                                          301
    BB: 4/2/1                                             314
    5trange: 4/2/1                                    309
    OML: 4/1/4                                         297
    Gambit: 2/4/3                                     311
    FA Cap: 5/0/1                                      297
    SS: 2/2/3                                             300
    Jean Grey: 3/2/1                                291
    BAnner: 1/3/2                                     293
    Archangel: 2/2/2                               302
    Panther: 2/1/2                                    297
    BSSM: 4/2/0                                       288
    Nata5ha: 4/0/1                                   300
    SMPP: 1/1/3                                       307
    Doc Oc: 2/0/2                                     296
    Cable: 3/4/5                                        300
    Hela: 5/2/4                                         286
    Danver5: 5/2/3                                  309
    Havok: 5/2/3                                     N/F
    Apocalypse: 3/2/2                           N/F
    Green Goblin: 2/2/2                         302
    Wa5p: 3/2/2                                     305
    Iron Man: 3/2/1                                290
    Yelena: 2/3/1                                    N/F

    If you’re just talking to pair with Hulk, Daredevil is my favorite non-Okoye partner. Reason is he can tank yellow/purple a couple turns and heal (plus place strikes) before you go back to matching Hulk’s colors. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've long wanted a better DD5, so that's pretty interesting. I guess I'm pretty open to the "correct" choice for who should be next really. I'm still torn between chasing characters that are 1-2 covers away just to finish them vs chasing "important" characters like Kitty. It's just that Kitty is SO far back on covers that it's going to be a really long road. Which I guess is fine - as a force multiplier I think she's going to stay relevant barring a nerf for quite some time.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also like ProfX the best with Hulk-Oko. 
    - he ranks blue and purple. 
    - his purple can be used to generate green for AOE (buff by Oko passive) or for healing (which can keep hulk alive for several turns).
    - PX passive are likely to trigger with hulk generating green on the board. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    that's my standard hulk pvp team right there on pick-3 nodes. I will say that Bishop-Hulkoye is the new meta i'm seeing in PVP.

    Popped my 7-8 Latest draws today, pulled a yelena, apocalypse, and an Onslaught. Current latest crop:
    Yelena: 3/3/1 (455 shards)
    Apocalypse: 3/2/3 (705 shards)
    Onslaught: 1/0/0 (380 shards)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    IHulk is a monster champed. It’s made SCL10 way faster with Okoye and Professor X. 

    I’m not sure I’ll get Yelena finished, current crop:
    Yelena: 3/3/1 (455 shards)
    Apocalypse: 3/3/3 (705 shards)
    Onslaught: 1/1/1 (380 shards)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2020
    Another Red for Apocalypse off today’s crash token. 3/4/3 with 1.5 shard covers on deck. I’m curious if Yelena will rally or not the way Hulk did
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2020
    Managed to hit 1200 without shielding in the Killmonger pvp using Okoye/Hulk. There’s still 20 ish hours left in the event, but I shielded out anyway since there are Hawkeye shards in placement.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple Yelena today, for a 3/4/1. Has the rally begun?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pulled a black apocalypse, so I spent my shards to bring him up to triple 4s with 205 shards remaining.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Took a look at my shard target distribution and realized that i'm going to finish Hawkeye faster directly than trying to hybrid climb Kate Bishop 11 more covers simultaneously - by the time I earn the 200 shards on Hawkeye, I'll ony have picked up 2-3 more Kate Bishops. Definitely not earning those as fast as I thought. @Daredevil217 I definitely confirmed that it's inefficient to go all-in on that final cover. So I moved 3 and 4 over to Cyclops and Frost respectively; I figure I'll thank myself later for finishing up that other meta force multiplier rather than thickening up my roster of benchwarmers by chasing Hela/Lumbercap/Cable. Though depending on how this goes, I may end up with a Cable anyway. 

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pulled a red for Apocalypse, 4/5/4 now. I probably should give up on Yelena and start saving up for Apocalypse to leave, but I hate not trying for her. I’ll think about it as I work on iso for Apocalypse.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've opted to pull Latest till Yelena leaves; i need 3 more covers to finish her up assuming she's featured once more for shards. So far i just have a 14th cover for Apocalypse lol.