Professor X (Classic) *Updated (8/14/19)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited August 2019 in Character Details
Hi Everyone,

"An extraordinary telepath and veteran of the Korean War, Professor Charles Xavier makes a shrewd leader. Keenly aware of human and mutant-kind's capacity for evil, he is willing to take an underhanded approach to instill peace between all."

Check out the brand new 5-Star Professor X, and find out how you can recruit him onto your roster!

5-Star Rarity (Epic)
Heroes, X-Men
bluetilepng purpletilepng blacktilepng

(Abilities listed at level 450)
38,121 Health
bluetilepng 719 | purpletilepng 639 | blacktilepng 559 |  362 | yellowtilepng 91 | greentilepng 84 |  77 |  4.5x

Signal Boost
 - bluetilepng Passive
Xavier channels Cerebro to give his allies an extra edge. Whenever you make a Match-4 or greater, deal 3,538 damage and destroy an additional tile in that color.
  • Level 2: Whenever you make a Match-4 or greater, deal 4,073 damage and...
  • Level 3: Whenever you make a Match-4 or greater, deal 4,608 damage and...
  • Level 4: Whenever you make a Match-4 or greater, deal 5,678 damage and...
  • Level 5: Whenever you make a Match-4 or greater, deal 7,819 damage and...
To Me, My X-Men - 8 purpletilepng AP
Xavier deploys the X-Men's best and brightest. Choose a color to call in one of the X-Men for aid, then add 3 basic tiles of that color to the board. The chosen color determines who appears.

 (Level 5) - Choosing a Red basic tile calls in Wolverine, who rips the enemy to shreds, dealing 21,553 damage to the current target.
  • Level 1: ...dealing 11,420 damage to the current target.
  • Level 2: ...dealing 12,687 damage to the current target.
  • Level 3: ...dealing 13,953 damage to the current target.
  • Level 4: ...dealing 16,486 damage to the current target.
yellowtilepng (Level 5) - Choosing a Yellow basic tile calls in Beast, who gives allies a burst of 10,776 health.
  • Level 1: ...allies a burst of 5,710 health.
  • Level 2: ...allies a burst of 6,343 health.
  • Level 3: ...allies a burst of 6,977 health.
  • Level 4: ...allies a burst of 8,243 health.
greentilepng (Level 5) - Choosing a Green basic tile calls in Rogue, who flies headlong into battle with a punch that deals 10,776 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 1: 5,710 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 2: 6,343 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 3: 6,977 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 4: 8,243 damage to the enemy team.
bluetilepng (Level 5) - Choosing a Blue basic tile calls in Cyclops, who lets loose an optic blast, destroying the chosen tile's row and dealing 7,650 damage.
  • Level 1: ...destroying the chosen tile's row and dealing 272 damage.
  • Level 2: ...destroying the chosen tile's row and dealing 564 damage.
  • Level 3: ...destroying the chosen tile's row and dealing 1,577 damage.
  • Level 4: ...destroying the chosen tile's row and dealing 3,601 damage.
purpletilepng (Level 5) - Choosing a Purple basic tile calls in Jubilee, who unleashes a dramatic fireworks display to confuse her opponents, changing the colors of 40 tiles.
  • Level 1: ...changing the colors of 23 tiles.
  • Level 2: ...changing the colors of 25 tiles.
  • Level 3: ...changing the colors of 27 tiles.
  • Level 4: ...changing the colors of 31 tiles.
blacktilepng (Level 5) - Choosing a Black basic tile calls in Storm, who pelts the enemy with hailstones that convert 5 basic tiles into strength 862 Attack tiles.
  • Level 1: ...convert 5 basic tiles into strength 457 Attack tiles.
  • Level 2: ...convert 5 basic tiles into strength 508 Attack tiles.
  • Level 3: ...convert 5 basic tiles into strength 558 Attack tiles.
  • Level 4: ...convert 5 basic tiles into strength 660 Attack tiles.

Xavier Protocols
 - blacktilepng Passive
Professor X has a comprehensive file on your weaknesses. Xavier takes 12% less damage for each active X-Men member on his team and 5% less for each other active ally.

Red enemy powers cost 1 AP more for each active X-Men member on his team.
  • Level 2: Red and Green enemy powers cost 1 AP more...
  • Level 3: Xavier takes 18% less damage for each active X-Men...and 8% less for each other active ally.
  • Level 4: Xavier takes 22% less damage for each active X-Men...and 9% less for each other active ally.
  • Level 5: Xavier takes 25% less damage for each active X-Men...and 10% less for each other active ally. Red, Green, and Yellow enemy powers cost 1 AP more...
Character Release Details

Recruit Professor X!

Thick as Thieves - Event Store
For Professor X (Classic)'s introduction to Marvel Puzzle Quest, we're going to be trying something new this time around. In addition to the usual method for players to acquire 5-Star characters, we will also be extending the duration of the Thick as Thieves event store, because for the first time ever players can now use Hero Points, instead of Command Points, to earn a brand new 5-Star from this store.

Check out the details below, and let us know what you think!
  • Starts: August 15, 2019 at 7:00am ET
  • Ends: August 23, 2019, 2:00am ET
  • 1x Token
    • 1 in 250 chance to get a cover of Professor X (Classic)
    • ~1 in 13 chance to get a 4-Star
    • 1 in 4 chance to get a 3-Star
    • Remainder chance to get a 2-Star
  • 10x & 40x Tokens
    • 1 in 166 chance to get a cover of Professor X (Classic)
    • ~1 in 12 chance to get a 4-Star
    • 1 in 4 chance to get a 2-Star
Higher Learning - Special Legendary Store
  • Starts: August 22, 2019 at 12:00pm ET
  • Ends: August 26, 2019 at 11:59pm ET
  • 15% chance to get Professor X (Classic), The Hulk (Bruce Banner), or Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme)
  • Additional tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points
Charles XavierSpecial Legendary Vault
  • Starts: August 22, 2019 at 12:00pm ET
  • Ends: August 26, 2019 at 11:59pm ET
  • 40 Items
    • 1x Higher Learning Legendary Token
    • 1x Cyclops (Classic) Red Cover
    • 3x Random 3-Star Covers
    • 6x Heroic Tokens
    • 4x 2,500 Iso-8
    • 6x 1,000 Iso-8
    • 5x 500 Iso-8
    • 14x 2-Star Covers

Event Schedule

Thick as Thieves - Story Event
  • Starts: August 15, 2019 at 7:00am ET
  • Ends: August 20, 2019 at 2:00am ET
  • Professor X (Classic) is in tokens for event store.
Unstable Iso-8 - Story Event
  • Starts: August 19, 2019 at 7:00am ET
  • Ends: August 23, 2019 at 2:00am ET
  • Professor X (Classic) is in Heroes for Hire store.
The X-Men vs. Apocalypse - Alliance Event
  • Starts: August 22, 2019 at 12:00pm ET
  • Ends: August 25, 2019 at 11:59pm ET
  • Awards tokens to the Higher Learning Legendary Store.

Professor X (Classic) *Updated (8/14/19) 36 votes

poomermonYasuruzonatahuntStevO-Jrdvargas1MalcrofvinnygeckoPathmasterKGBNomad400captainheathABaker84jp1spidyjedi84MrEd95RazuhluiScuba193NeoktheoneOmegasedWhispered23 20 votes
UNC_SamuraiPongieWEBGASbonny79maguirenumber6Team_Jacobmdreyer93Palookavillejackpool1979KletvarMagnaofIllusionAZRAEL5 12 votes
Ishalan 1 vote
JackDeath666MirrorKnightjamesh 3 votes


  • Kingart813
    Kingart813 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Hero points!!?!?!?! YESS!!!!!!!!
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    Does Prof X himself increase AP costs as a member of the X-men?  Meaning 1-3 is the range of increase?  Or 0-2 and he needs at least one X-man teammate?
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2019
    Thanos said:
    RickOShay said:
    On a side note, Loving his purple. Please don't make it too expensive! And please don't "Lockjaw blue" it (far too low damage).
    Also, change beasts and Jubilees abilities, nobody wants burst health (especially in 5* tier) and 4* Jubilees purple ability is garbage so why include it here? 
    Actually quite curious about Jubilee's purple here. It could be more like Mystique blue which is OK. Got to agree though that it's hard to choose this over a damage ability. 

    I'm expecting Chuck's purple to be on the expensive side, but hope not. I realize everyone is choosing Rogue here anyway.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know what to think about any of this to be honest He's kind of impossible to evaluate without numbers, but he sort of feels like 5* Coulson in many ways. That' he is just a few days out and still in this much flux is kind of wild.

    As for the HP store, I guess that's a net positive for me since I don't spend into the pre-release stores anyway. 

  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    RickOShay said:
    Thanos said:
    RickOShay said:
    On a side note, Loving his purple. Please don't make it too expensive! And please don't "Lockjaw blue" it (far too low damage).
    Also, change beasts and Jubilees abilities, nobody wants burst health (especially in 5* tier) and 4* Jubilees purple ability is garbage so why include it here? 
    Actually quite curious about Jubilee's purple here. It could be more like Mystique blue which is OK. Got to agree though that it's hard to choose this over a damage ability. 

    I'm expecting Chuck's purple to be on the expensive side, but hope not. I realize everyone is choosing Rogue here anyway.
    Yeah, especially as 4* Jubilee’s purple, which has the same effect, had a solid damage component on top of the color change mechanic.  I guess we shall see...
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Don’t hold your breath for an answer @DarthDeVo, you’ll unfortunately pass out.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Once I saw two stars and three stars could be pulled, no thanks. I'm tired of constantly pulling 2 stars. Even if I wanted this new prof x ( which I don't) I wouldn't want to spend hero coins full knowing I will get a two star for every pull. 

    I've given up trying to cover 5 stars. It's impossible with the release schedule and dilution of classic 5s.
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Came back to the thread hoping for answers.... big **** shock that there aren’t any. I’d expect them all to hide for several days if not more at this point.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    zodiac339 said:
    Why Rogue for the AOE? should be Jean Grey. Her kit is literally to damage the enemy team. Sorry, I know the thread focus has been “HP instead of CP, WHAAAAT!” and “Required next event, WHAAAAT!” but that was a glaring thematic flaw.

    From the look of it, this character is meant to match the theme of 90s costume X-Men as featured in the cartoon. There is no "classic" variant of Jean Grey in the game, so that probably explains why she was skipped.

    As part of that theme, I suspect the power will reuse art from the 2* variants of Wolverine and Storm, and the 4* variant of Cyclops.

  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    "...for the first time ever players can now use Hero Points, instead of Command Points, to earn a brand new 5-Star from this store."

    Could this be why the rather expensive offer that came out today comes with 9,000 HP?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is terrible.....
    I agree. I also think it is so weird that I was writing a long post about how it seems the developers are actively making it harder for us to finish fives (quicker releases, less resources, no more pop up stores, less frequent feeders); and as I’m writing it, this news pops up. Terrible.