Final Player Level Adjustment *Updated (6/18/19)



  • Unknown
    edited June 2019
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  • BeyKlaw
    BeyKlaw Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Julie71 said:
    It is what it is a game.  I'm not here to beat anyone elses level or experience. Just play a game have fun.  And chat with all the friends I have made along the way.  Ty @Brigby you are far under appreciated and valued.  You do a fabulous job. :smiley:

    I agree with the sentiments expressed here.  I don't think it is shameful how you play and enjoy the game with your friends.  I find the gameplay to be a relaxing break from RL and good brain exercise.  Competing doesn't have to be the primary focus for everyone.

    TY Brigby for following up on this issue.  Seems better than dumping the majority at level 80, but still treats old and new mastery differently if the above math is correct.  It doesn't seem fair to those veterans who like to compete for the highest level.  However, I don't yet understand the big picture of leveling, such as how else XP can be gained and how it really affects matchmaking and rewards.  Maybe it will made clearer with the next update.
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    @starfall - haven’t you mixed up the numbers? So we get more XP for mastering cards before the recalculation with v3.5?

    If I get 50 XP points per 1 colour mastering point, don’t I get 88x5x50 for all my common colourless, which equals 22k?
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  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    In that case why not make each type of card have different formula depending on color and rarity?
    This would more fair than a single formula for all

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  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2019
    @starfall - Again doesn’t that mean you have mixed up the numbers? so it is better to master BEFORE the final XP update.
  • Unknown
    edited June 2019
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  • Unknown
    edited June 2019
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  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2019
         All in all, I can get behind this final update to the player level.

         Using @starfall 's calculation above, it is clear that the *50 to my color mastery is generous, compared to what I'll get after the update. So even though I have a lot of partially mastered cards which I probably won't have time to completely master, and will be losing that XP, the *50 will cover most of it (if not all with a little bit of extra). Otherwise, it will look like I'm just being too greedy since they announced early enough, and I can still try to master as much colorless and multi-color cards as I can. Also, they didn't have to, but we're getting the rewards for all the levels we're getting after the adjustment!

         I have about 7K color mastery, which gives me 350,000 XP. According to the crowd-sourced level-up information, that puts me at level 82 (I can still probably improve that in the next few days). But some devoted players have reached an astounding 20K+ exp! Let's do a little bit of math .....

       20,000 * 50 = 1,000,000 - 350,000 (my exp) = 650,000 / 6,500 (exp per level) = 100 levels

         So that player will be at level 182 (or better). Is that fair? Heck, yeah, that player mastered 1,000+ more cards than I did!

         Remember when the developers said they wanted to avoid the situation where a few players would have such high levels that they would get all the rewards and end up playing only amongst themselves when player level is eventually activated for match-making? Well, they listened and finally gave these players what's fair, and whatever the future match-making system is going to be, I think it's going to be fine.

          Thanks @Brigby and D3Go/Oktagon.
  • Unknown
    edited June 2019
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  • BeyKlaw
    BeyKlaw Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    starfall said:
    Mastering all of the cards in the game now will make you 55 levels higher than someone who masters the same number of cards after the update.
    Maybe another yet-to-be implemented method of gaining XP will be winning matches or logging in.  This extra XP may be a kind of compensation for veterans' past hard work, since overall win/loss records or number of times logged in are not persisted.
  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    starfall said:
    Larz70 said:

         So that player will be at level 182 (or better). Is that fair? Heck, yeah, that player mastered 1,000+ more cards than I did!
    I think you might have misunderstood here...

    The thing about this system is not that I am 50levels higher than you because I have more cards.

    The thing is that if you master all your cards in the future, so you have the same number mastered as me, I am still 50 levels higher than you are.
    Interesting, I quoted 100 and it became 50 ....

    I didn't misunderstand, your point is quite clear and very easy to understand, but it's only considering the extreme scenario.  You won't be 50 levels higher because I have mastered some colorless and multi-color cards.  In the end, maybe I'll fall short by 10 levels.  10 levels is ok with me.

    I mentioned the extreme scenario, 50 levels only holds for players who will collect all the cards and will want to master every single one.  I think I remember Brigby posting a number here that it represents about 1.67% (or maybe even less than 1 percent? I don't remember exactly). What about those who will want to do all that but haven't started yet and will only start after 3.5?  These guys will take the full brunt of the 50 level gap.  I think that number is even closer to 0, but hopefully, there will be enough of them in the future, and they will realize they are not getting matched against the elite (if the future player-level based match-making system is staggered by 50 levels), then the devs will adjust the levels again - boo! (or implement a chess-like ELO rating - yay!). But we're talking about future players here, and one thing for sure about this game, you can never predict the future.

    What about the present then?  One thing current players will face that will prevent them from getting full levels is that their collection isn't at 100%.  I wonder what the average is (future contest maybe?).  Next, if they somehow manage 100% completion, they will need lots of patience and time to master every single one of them.

    So is the 50 level gap unfair?  You bet!  Is it going to be an issue?  I have a hard time seeing that it is going to be.  I mean, it screwed me of 10 levels but I won't complain about it.  Maybe some players who can prove they will be off by 20-30 levels can speak up here?

    Finally, I feel like I'm fighting with @starfall but I actually have a lot of respect for you @starfall because I think you were influential in making the developers do an about face and give the veterans the level they deserve.  Well they made an about face and kept going and still screwed something up, but I think you can relax about that.  You can rest, you deserved it.  And please, don't be mad at me.
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  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    starfall said:
    Larz70 said:

    You won't be 50 levels higher because I have mastered some colorless and multi-color cards.  In the end, maybe I'll fall short by 10 levels.  10 levels is ok with me.
    Looking at the leaderboards, I see I've mastered about 2 1/2 times as many cards as you have, so it'll be more like 30 levels.
    You got me curious what the exact number is going to be.  I wish there was a filter for multi-color, it was a pain counting them by hand.  Anyway, here it is ....

          123,600 XP lost after 3.5 for colorless + 82,300 XP lost for multi-color
           = 205,900 / 6,500 per level after 50 = 31.67 levels!

    I might be able to master 1.67 levels before 3.5 drops so in the end I will be behind by ....

    dang, 30 levels!

    I totally underestimated that didn't I?  And you totally nailed that one in the head.  That will be the last time I will do guesstimates then (until Brigby's next guess-the-number contest). 

    So, rewards-wise, that's about 150,000 runes, 150 jewels, 3 standard boosters, and 15 legacy boosters I'm not going to see if I choose to master every single card.  

    It's not a big loss for me.  I don't think I will be able to muster up the energy to master them all although I would like to get 100% card ownership eventually.

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  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    @starfall - Nice work compiling this information.

    I fully understand that currently we don’t have much new information about the matchmaking system to be, but I would be careful about making conclusions based on information that is about 2 month old.

    I expect the devs have developed their solution further, based partially on user feedback and partially on other sources. I think it is great that you continue to engage in dialog with the devs through Brigby, I hope that means more information will be available from D3 soon.

    How do you reckon that partially mastered cards loose their XP, doesn’t it just mean that partially mastered cards will not receive the same windfall? Won’t you still get XP (according to the new reckoning) when you master it later on?
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