Your thoughts on the *now* 90 second timer.



  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    There's a better solution.
    I think my biggest issue with the LPS, aside from it even existing at all, is that it doesn't even let the current card resolve all actions if it runs out while the card is going off.

    If I cast Day's Undoing and the timer runs out during the re-draw of cards, none of the mana is gained. It doesn't even let the card finish it's own ability. I can understand it preventing any further cards from being cast but let the one that was cast finish it's **** actions.
  • Boogeyman
    Boogeyman Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    There's a better solution.
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Our team has recently been working on some future adjustments to the Loop Prevention System, where it will be changed to allow for players to decide if and when they want to end their loops.

    I don't have any specific details as of yet, but we hope to provide a blog post soon that explains this new system in further detail.
    That's good news as far as I can tell!  I have had both good and bad experiences in the current timer situation.  I have lost matches I should have won, but also have won matches that should have been stuck in an endless loop.  

    Hopefully, this new implementation allows me to win at both situations, ahah.  
  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2019
    Nope. No timer.
    After seeing enough Prism + Rishkar infinites and Naruplicate mess, I will say 90 seconds is pointlessly long to stop the loops. Oh sure, it prevents people from being forced to quit by Naruplicate griefers, but having to wait until she grows into 300/300 is stupidly annoying.

    If you insist on having this LPS, at the absolute least 90 seconds is way too long, and at most it should be 30 seconds. Besides, considering that many inifinites in the game (such as Mirror March), that 30 seconds is still more than enough for those infinite decks to score OTK, which means in the end it has no useful purpose.

    As I said before, we need a better anti-loop mechanism, and for now I stand by with my previous solution that the number of castable cards per turn should be given a hard limit (a.k.a, you cannot cast more than so and so cards per turn NO MATTER WHAT)
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's a better solution.
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Our team has recently been working on some future adjustments to the Loop Prevention System, where it will be changed to allow for players to decide if and when they want to end their loops.

    I don't have any specific details as of yet, but we hope to provide a blog post soon that explains this new system in further detail.

    Now they only need to balance the game to have a proper solution for this self made mess
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  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    Nope. No timer.
    starfall said:
    arNero said:
    Oh sure, it prevents people from being forced to quit by Naruplicate griefers, but having to wait until she grows into 300/300 is stupidly annoying.
    Important: People who play Naruplicate are not griefers. As players, the loop does not continue automatically, and they can quit the loop at any time. What these players are doing is playing decks that win them games, using the broken cards Oktagon have given them to do so.
    Oh, sure, actual players play Naruplicate to smack the AI in one fell swoop, but when AI gets hold of that Naruplicate deck, it becomes a waste of time.

    As annoying as Sarkhan loop decks are, at least their Beacon Bolts and such ensures that once the loop is over (if it is over), the player loses and thus his suffering ends. With Naruplicate, the game does NOT end after LPS stops Naruplicate, and this results in a player losing 90 seconds just waiting for Naru to grow lethal WITHOUT actually scoring lethal. If that is not griefing, I don't know what is.
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    While I'm happy Brigby & co are coming up with a better solution, I have to say the 90 second timer is not too troublesome. I've had some winning turns cut short, but I've never had Greg's turn broken this way. That said, I'm happy that I know that even if Greg comes up with some useless Naru shenanigans or the like (yet doesn't produce a win condition), I still have a way out.
  • Abracadavers
    Abracadavers Posts: 76 Match Maker
    There's a better solution.
    I'm in the situation where I have never won a game due to the timer, but I have lost many.  In addition to this, I have had some of my most fun decks completely invalidated by it.  I have multiple decks that are not infinite, but take time to build up enough to kill on one turn, and most of them seem to be a nail-biter as to whether or not they will even get there on that turn.  Add a timer and there is no hope whatsoever of them being able to win.  And it seems like even 10 seconds of the AI looping can feel like forever.  Hopefully the new solution they come up with will allow my fun decks to have a chance of winning again.  *Fingers crossed*
  • Unknown
    edited May 2019
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  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    I'm hesitant but willing to give it a try
    The useless extra swaps and full cards in hand being unable to be played (unless you create a new 5 swap) are highly annoying but, like Froggy and Brakkis have mentioned, the worst is when cards are cut off by the LPS.

    Several times when Heroic Reinforcements was at the end of LPS, it would give 2 soldier tokens but not give haste (to my Cyclops).

    Can't wait till there's either a choice OR the LPS only applying to Greg (preferred).
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    There's a better solution.
    I've come to the conclusion that the LPS was a veiled nerf to cards like BSZ without directly nerfing everyone's favorite toy. It was a misguided effort to fix the meta that just ended up angering people because it broke legitimate non-loop strategies. At 90 seconds, it is almost pointless to even have. I still prefer 90 seconds to 18 seconds but I would prefer no LPS and an actual balancing of the game instead. I find it interesting that with XLN they tried to reverse course on power creep but overdid it and took community feedback and turned XLN into a very good, balanced set. RIX and DOM were both pretty solid with nothing insanely OP (excluding StV). Then along came M19 with BSZ. I'm certain that cards like StV and BSZ are what get people spending real money on buying cards to chase these powerhouses and this is the real reason we get things like the LPS instead of things like better card balance.
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