Your thoughts on the *now* 90 second timer.



  • Snapple37
    Snapple37 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    It's like the devs don't even play this game.  I have a standard deck that can exceed 90 seconds a turn not because it's an endless loop, but because your stupid game design.  try running a token deck with path and Huatli's skill 1 support on the board.  why did you animate every point of loyalty individually so it takes 15 seconds everytime i make a match even when i have full loyalty?  why?

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  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm hesitant but willing to give it a try
    starfall said:
    Mburn7 said:
    I agree there is a better way but I'm willing to see how this timer thing goes for now.  90 sec should be plenty of time for most of my decks.
    Take a look around this thread, there are plenty of other players who have hit the timer limit.
    Oh I know, a couple of my coalition-mates have too.  And to be honest I haven't tested all my decks yet, I'm sure some will time out.

    But most of the ones here that seem to be getting stopped are Doom Loop decks and Harness the Playground-type decks, which are the ones the timer is supposed to be cutting off.  I haven't heard of or had any issues with BSZ/Sunbird loops yet, probably because those kill fast enough even with the loop for it to not matter.
    And I faced a Path of Discovery/Token Spam deck earlier and it completed its turns no problem with the timer, even though it took soooooo long to finish.

    I'm worried about Huatli Green loyalty animations, but haven't done anything nasty with her yet to test, so I can't vouch one way or the other.  And I've heard that they kind of fixed that issue anyway (turned off the animation once you hit 30 loyalty)
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Nope. No timer.
    Mburn7 said:
    starfall said:
    Mburn7 said:
    I agree there is a better way but I'm willing to see how this timer thing goes for now.  90 sec should be plenty of time for most of my decks.
    Take a look around this thread, there are plenty of other players who have hit the timer limit.
    Oh I know, a couple of my coalition-mates have too.  And to be honest I haven't tested all my decks yet, I'm sure some will time out.

    But most of the ones here that seem to be getting stopped are Doom Loop decks and Harness the Playground-type decks, which are the ones the timer is supposed to be cutting off.  I haven't heard of or had any issues with BSZ/Sunbird loops yet, probably because those kill fast enough even with the loop for it to not matter.
    And I faced a Path of Discovery/Token Spam deck earlier and it completed its turns no problem with the timer, even though it took soooooo long to finish.

    I'm worried about Huatli Green loyalty animations, but haven't done anything nasty with her yet to test, so I can't vouch one way or the other.  And I've heard that they kind of fixed that issue anyway (turned off the animation once you hit 30 loyalty)
    I'm using bsz/sun bird  decks. 90 secs is enough to kill but not enough for secondary objectives. When the timer ends and you didn't satisfy your secondaries you won't have enough turn to satisfy them since your creatures have grown too big already. It also doesn't help when you can't play any card olin hand with mana
  • Froggy
    Froggy Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    There's a better solution.
    So this subject has died down and I’m sure the devs don’t plan on doing anything about it.

    But this function destroys my trust in the devs. I mean - come on!!! Really???

    I just played a game in TotP and ran an Imminent Doom deck. (Sorry for being lazy, but it’s just something to get over with for pinkies). My timer ran out and the opponent had some 40 life left.

    However, I had a FULL hand or cards, mana-filled and ready for casting AND I had 4 extra swaps!

    But no!! How dare I try play another card! I literally had to swap 4 more times to get my turn “to end”. The cards in hand would not cast. I literally had to sit it out and wait another turn.

    This is gross programming!

    Fix it!
  • Elektrophorus
    Elektrophorus Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Will the loop prevention system stop us from looping to win against Azor’s Gateway? That fight is ridiculous.
    WiLDRAGE Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2019
    I'm okay with it
    I'll preface by saying I play with Card Visual Aid set to Off (if I really wonder what happened, I check the battle log).

    I have only hit the timer once and it involved casting:
    - March of the Multitudes
    - March of the Multitudes
    - Chord of Calling (fetching Trotsani)
    - Chord of Calling (fetching Trotsani)
    - Nissa's Revelation
    - Trotsani
    - Trotsani
    - Decree of Justice (drawn off Nissa's Revelation)
    - Other stuff (draw off Nissa's Revelation)

    While having a Path of Discovery and Huatli's Radiant Blessing (first ability) in play.

    I have NOT hit the timer in a deck that cast:
    - Hazoret's Undying Fury (free from Pyromancer's Goggles)
    - Hazroet's Undying Fury (free from Pyromancer's Goggles)
    - Deploy the Gatewatch x5 (that's 15 creatures from: Gisela, Bruna, Skysovereign and Decimator of Provinces)
    - Skysovereign, Consul Flagship (free from Crew ability).

    With Card Visual Aid on, I assume neither of these decks would have been able to complete most of their actions.
  • Boogeyman
    Boogeyman Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2019
    There's a better solution.
    Also happened to me, but I lost to the computer....should have stopped before this, but I still would have lost arghh

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    WiLDRAGE said:
    I'll preface by saying I play with Card Visual Aid set to Off (if I really wonder what happened, I check the battle log).


    With Card Visual Aid on, I assume neither of these decks would have been able to complete most of their actions.
    With Card Visual Aid on, the timer would pause every time a card's artwork appears and then resume once the artwork disappears, therefore decks that are able to complete their actions with Card Visual Aid off will still be able to complete them with Card Visual Aid on.
  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    There's a better solution.
    Brigby said:
    WiLDRAGE said:
    I'll preface by saying I play with Card Visual Aid set to Off (if I really wonder what happened, I check the battle log).


    With Card Visual Aid on, I assume neither of these decks would have been able to complete most of their actions.
    With Card Visual Aid on, the timer would pause every time a card's artwork appears and then resume once the artwork disappears, therefore decks that are able to complete their actions with Card Visual Aid off will still be able to complete them with Card Visual Aid on.

    So few combo decks can complete all their actions though. Just left hanging with multiple extra swaps and cards with full mana in hand that wont cast.

    The timer is just bad and should never have been created, regardless of how long its made. The cards responsible for causing infinite loops shold have been altered and that would've been it.
  • Boogeyman
    Boogeyman Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    There's a better solution.
    I just lost a round in a team event due to not having a chance to play my hand, even with extra turns.  If played, the cards, that were full of mana, would have allowed me to win the game... Instead I accidentally killed myself, as the card that was supposed to protect me, could not be played. 

    I had a perfect score, I still would have, but now I cannot play that card anymore, because there is no guarantee the time won't run out before the protection card comes into play.  

    Thats a difference of 100 purples and however much gold in singles play... 

    This is not right.  There should be an option to keep going every 60 seconds or something.  A CHOICE..
  • Froggy
    Froggy Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    There's a better solution.
    Brigby said:
    WiLDRAGE said:
    I'll preface by saying I play with Card Visual Aid set to Off (if I really wonder what happened, I check the battle log).


    With Card Visual Aid on, I assume neither of these decks would have been able to complete most of their actions.
    With Card Visual Aid on, the timer would pause every time a card's artwork appears and then resume once the artwork disappears, therefore decks that are able to complete their actions with Card Visual Aid off will still be able to complete them with Card Visual Aid on.
    Please, please, please relays to the devs that 98.5% of the player base don’t want this timer. And 100% of the players never asked for it.

    It really needs to be REMOVED.

    As always, thanks for listening @Brigby.
  • Narcoticsagent
    Narcoticsagent Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    This is the icing on an already bad cake (3.2's level system)
    I have now lost 2 games thanks to this timer. Both times I had the win in my hand and another 15 seconds would have been the match. On one loss I had to make 17 worthless matches just so i could end my turn and lose. Feels real bad to have the win in your hand and 17 stored matches and to lose because of LPS. I've also lost 2 points in this weeks HOD event. Please get rid of LPS.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Nope. No timer.
    On the bright side there is no point on preventing copies to cast that turn. However 90 secs is somewhat not enough
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  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2019
    There's a better solution.
    Now that i have seen the softlocks caused by ingame prompts since 3.3 has been released ... I would rather vote "No bloody timer" ...
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  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    @starfall - Actually, LPS made old combos viable again, I consider that a huge impact!
        Is that a good thing? I fear it is not a benefit to the average player.

    It also restored some defunct cards to their original state.
        In some instances that is good, unless a card is OP. I think some of them are.

    As a bonus, It also introduced a new type of error, which have frustrated us all!
        Definitely, not healthy for the game.

  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm okay with it
    I've had it turn up a few times during a Sunbird loop and I've still won and it's still been fine and it reduced some of the annoyance where I used to have to walk away from the phone and come back a day later...

    90 seconds seems reasonablish... If they'd implemented the planned 18 seconds it would've been crazy and completely untenable. (I have multiple devices and they very very obviously do things at different speeds, a time based instead of a card based timer is very explicitly discriminatory towards the rich.)

    But 90 seconds has so far been ok for most of what I've done. It has made me take an extra turn sometimes but it's never gotten to the point of pushing me past even _7_ turns,. (Since there is a win in 7 turns objective in existance that's needs commenting.)
  • Grixis197
    Grixis197 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    I'm okay with it
    I swear the AI gets longer with this as lost a match to a troll deck in HoD and was watching for 3-4 minutes before timer showed up!