Which "weak" character do you love?



  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    Bullseye 3*. I love downing characters with him and covering the board with specials. 

    Miles. I like that he gains AP when webbed tiles are matched. 
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    tiomono said:
    I'm loving all the doc ock praise in here. He has been my bonus hero for a while. I think his countdown stun would be fun with 5* daredevil.
    It is, its quite good and with Ock's unique stun you'll always get a bunch of damage because even if a target dies due to sonar strike, you can target someone else after.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor

    Besides the fact that he'll always be the first 5* I champed, he pairs well with 5* 1/2 Thor. At roughly the same level, he tanks Black, Blue, Purple, and team-ups. This lets Thor gather his colors without exposing himself by making matches while AA gathers the others.

    His abilities are quite versatile too.
    Opponent close to enough ap to do something you don't want? Use his black ability to slow them down and do some damage.
    Opponent has enough ap already? Stun him with blue and do some damage.
    Down to 1 opponent? Use his green instead of Thors. Or just stun them for a couple turns.
    I've gone from dreading Vultre to seeking him out. I laugh at Colossus' Fastball special team-ups.

    End of most fights, only AA took damage, so just toss him a health pack and move on.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spider Woman. I like to throw her in with Medusa and Carnage. With how much purple Medusa can generate by the end of the match the board is completely filled with a land mine of traps and attack tiles. And her black is solid for avoiding attacks for a few turns plus I love its animation. To love and fear. Indeed.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    People have already mentioned Elektra, Kraven and Squirrel Girl, so I’ll skip them and add Mystique and 3* Star Lord.  I’m not sure either is truly “trash tier”, but neither is ever recommended to developing rosters, either. 

    Mystique’s shapeshift combines the novelty of changing the character’s annimation (including morphing to Galactus in his boss fight) with a solid stun/AP steal combo.  Combining it with master stroke is a very solid nuke.  Her blue never recovered from it’s nerf, but it still combines with her black to provide effective denial of AP to strong G/R/Y opponents, if needed.  You’re probably better off with other blue users, though.

    Star Lord has a self-feeding green AOE/board shake combined with special tile/AP steal (which is better across the board than Moonstone’s black—one of the better tile steals at lower tiers) on purple. While still clearly off the top flight of 3* characters, I feel like he’d be better regarded if he was released at the same time as 3* Gamora or 3* R&G rather than when the game had shifted it’s focus to the 4* & beyond game.  The trio of 3* guardians is a very fun team, but arrived too late for it to be a team many of us on the forums had available when we were 3* players.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,182 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kahmon said:

    Besides the fact that he'll always be the first 5* I champed, he pairs well with 5* 1/2 Thor. At roughly the same level, he tanks Black, Blue, Purple, and team-ups. This lets Thor gather his colors without exposing himself by making matches while AA gathers the others.

    His abilities are quite versatile too.
    Opponent close to enough ap to do something you don't want? Use his black ability to slow them down and do some damage.
    Opponent has enough ap already? Stun him with blue and do some damage.
    Down to 1 opponent? Use his green instead of Thors. Or just stun them for a couple turns.
    I've gone from dreading Vultre to seeking him out. I laugh at Colossus' Fastball special team-ups.

    End of most fights, only AA took damage, so just toss him a health pack and move on.
    I'm a fan of Archangel as well. Sure, his Blue does rubbish damage for its cost. But for me, he's my only stunner in 5* land so far (I don't count Thanos). Thanks to his stun, I can take on GladiaThor and/or DD without much worry. Likewise, it's his Blue that allows me to laugh at all opposing Vulture. Archangel vs Vulture practically turns the match into a 3v2.

    His Green also has a good damage/AP ratio, and his Black - as mentioned - can help slow the opponent down. I usually team him up with Okoye, since they have great coverage. Okoye sort of makes up for his Blue's low damage, as well as boosting the damage of his other two skills. I also like pairing him with Medusa, since she generates Blue and Green for him.

    Plus there's the subjective fact that Archangel is aesthetically one of my favourite X-Men. I enjoyed reading about him in Craig Kyle/Christ Yost's X-Force, as well as Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Psylocke. Even before her rework I used her all the time in 3* land. Same with Beast, in fact in the same team together. 4*Lord was one of my first champs in that tier & he'd make her red cheap & easily spammable, then Beast's blue for 4 & his green cheap, too. They also pair well with Carol, especially after Psylocke's reworked blue. 
  • Gold_Dragon
    Gold_Dragon Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Black Widow (Infinity War) - I’ve said this many times: you put her with 2 damage dealers and your TEAM will thrive and she’ll play an integral part of it.

    Kraven - team him with Venom (Eddie). They’re perfect for each other. 

  • Rockwell75
    Rockwell75 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    Mohawk...she's never been considered a top tier character but her powers are unique, a lot of fun and fit on a variety of teams.  Outside of Strange she's had the most utility for me since leaving the 3* tier.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    StevO-J said:
    Quicksilver. Not necessarily that weak, but since he's a 3* he rarely gets a chance to take centre stage normally in 4* play (or 5* I guess, but I don't play that tier).

    I especially find myself enjoying his PVP event whenever it comes around, because it adds an element of strategy to figure out how to get the most out of his blue passive. He puts more emphasis on the puzzle aspect of MPQ I guess.
    Seconded, I love QS. The amount of strategy he offers when you play him is cool. 

    I want to throw in a vote for 2* Bullseye. I use him daily in DDQ (teamed with Ares+Daken).

    His purple is meh, although it's fine at his tier I guess, and may be of use in or against some team combinations, but I like his green (destroy 5 nonspecial tiles, targeted) for its tactical value (set up match-4s/5s, gather AP/remove enemy specials by cascades) and his black (place 2 critical tiles, targeted) is a nuke that can take down a full hp opponent (or two) down in one shot if used correctly.
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    I second 3* Bullseye. He's great in the Deadpool Daily 3* nodes.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Psylocke. Even before her rework I used her all the time in 3* land. Same with Beast, in fact in the same team together. 4*Lord was one of my first champs in that tier & he'd make her red cheap & easily spammable, then Beast's blue for 4 & his green cheap, too. They also pair well with Carol, especially after Psylocke's reworked blue. 
    My simulator team when I was in 3* was Kamala, hood, psylocke. If you kept hood in back the other 2 ranked everything. Psylocke's abilities were cheap enough that kamala kept everyone healthy. I could regularly beat 4* teams. It was super easy to push to the 4* reward in sim.

     I have not really tried it out since psylocke got reworked though. Mainly because I am solidly in 4* land now and getting my foot in the door at the 5* tier.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Dr Ock

    The one ability I'm focusing on is his blue power: Manipulation. This power has the ability to deal damage up to 5 figures unboosted.
    This ability is an upgraded combination of 3* Loki's Illusions and 3* Daredevil's Radar Sense. You deal at least 1000 damage for each basic special tile swapped and destroyed, but not matched. Spam the board with enemy special tiles and you could even 1HKO a full health enemy.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    STOPTHIS said:
    3* tier:
    Beast and Psylocke. One of the few things I miss about Heroics was finding a weird team that worked. Beast, Psylocke, and SW were a surprising treat with great synergy and really brought me around on both of these characters. Someone else put it best here, Beast is a quicker, less powerful 3* Grocket. His blue is easy to spam and his green does decent damage and board shake for what it is. His yellow is a nice little bonus to add on some extra protection. I don't know if Psylocke is considered weak after her rework, but even before that it was fun to spam her red and black. They didn't hit for much, but they worked together. The 2 of them together could flood the board in tiles. Throw in SW to give you a consistent blue special tile for Beast and her purple to fill in the gap and you have a solid 3* team. 

    Doc Ock: I see some love for his 5* version, but I always dug his 3* counterpart. Even in 4*land I would bring him to deal with tile creators. He would make the then, roster scaling, sentries more tolerable.

    4* tier
    War Machine. The thing that holds back WM is that there's usually someone else better suited to bring along, but I would still to drop him into PvE or Shield Sim with Coulson and Carol. Granted, it's to hard to suck with those 2, but he's a fun character. I love how cheap and great his green is. Comboed with his red it can do a lot of damage. His blue is great to knock out some hard to reach invisible tiles.

    Invisible Woman. There are 2 kinds of people, people who still believe she is baglady and those who have seen the light. Her green hits like a truck. Blue strike tiles are decent. But her yellow, oh man her yellow. Cheap enough to use multiple times a match, gives you some protect tiles, but most importantly hides your entire team for a few turns. The amount of times this has saved me is too many to count. She's a blast to play with.
    Haha she was one of my first 4-star champs, so I saw the light early. Being a blue/green user made her a great pairing for IM40 as I was still in the 3-4* transition, and Medusa when I had to deal with an opposing Carnage or Doombot-fed Doom spamming the board with attack tiles. But these days I run her with Ghost now too, since her and Agent Venom's yellow can trigger the passive portion of Ghost's red. 
  • JohnnyStacks
    JohnnyStacks Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    3* Dr Ock

    The one ability I'm focusing on is his blue power: Manipulation. This power has the ability to deal damage up to 5 figures unboosted.
    This ability is an upgraded combination of 3* Loki's Illusions and 3* Daredevil's Radar Sense. You deal at least 1000 damage for each basic special tile swapped and destroyed, but not matched. Spam the board with enemy special tiles and you could even 1HKO a full health enemy.
    I used to have fun w/Ock, IM40 and Patch.  Recharge, go beserk, and then manipulate the **** out of those strike tiles.
  • JohnnyStacks
    JohnnyStacks Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Straycat said:
    War Machine. I like the Red-Green interaction that floods the board with attack tiles. I just ignore his blue. Often pair him with Carol or Nico, so they can do a lot of tile buffing.
    If you can get them going, Coulson and Carol are a nice pair w/War Machine.
  • JohnnyStacks
    JohnnyStacks Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Mr. F does pretty well w/Captain (Civil War) and 5* DD.  On the team, you get 3 colors to stun for DD.  Mr. F's Blue stun can also set up solid AP gen.  Additionally, if you get his Imaginaut going while someone is stunned, that paired w/DD's Sonar Strike can quickly add up to some insane damage, especially if you get a cascade going.
  • plano78
    plano78 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    5* Dr. Octopus. I love the mini game of trying to trigger that stupid countdown, I just wish it would end wave matches like it did at release. That was a pointless nerf

    4* Kraven - in my opinion he only has one foot in the garbage heap. If his trap exploded into enemy specials that could put Think Like the Enemy to work and/or there wasn't a 3AP/side cap on Wounded Pride, he would be solidly upper mid-tier. Plus his animations are great.

    Kraven was going to be choice anyway. Best way to use him is with Carnage and Nico Minoru. Tons of fun. 

  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Vision is still my favorite "most puzzle-y" character.  Unfortunately, he's really only really fun to play when boosted, and there are usually better alternatives even then.