Game completely unresponsive [Investigating]



  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    mine went away for a few days, but its back now on multiple devices. Sometime 1 device works when the others don't. Support was no help though, and I'm losing out on command points.
  • knartz
    knartz Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    edited September 2018
    Tombstone said:
    Just out of curiosity, about how many of you are still experiencing the same problem after reinstalling? 
    I do.
    None of my devices connects anymore (several hours per day) after updating google play games.
    I reinstalled the app just on my phone.
  • Edgeman
    Edgeman Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    Tombstone said:
    Just out of curiosity, about how many of you are still experiencing the same problem after reinstalling? 
    Still have the same problem
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    i'm starting to think its a server overload. i had a 5pm deadline to complete a round. tried for 1 hour couldn't get in. 3 minutes after the 5pm deadline it works. not the first time its happened, but its screwing me out of points/rewards
  • Edgeman
    Edgeman Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    bm322741 said:
    i'm starting to think its a server overload. i had a 5pm deadline to complete a round. tried for 1 hour couldn't get in. 3 minutes after the 5pm deadline it works. not the first time its happened, but its screwing me out of points/rewards
    I think so too. It happened to me roughly within 30 before the ending of PvP and PvE.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2018
    Tombstone said:
    Just out of curiosity, about how many of you are still experiencing the same problem after reinstalling? 

    I haven't re-installed and I'm still getting the problem on occasion.

    However I do have another bit of the puzzle to pass on. I was playing BOP tonight during Monday Night Football when I started getting the occasional Google Play Games flash after battles which I hadn't seen before. Suddenly the game kicked me out and I was unable to get back in. So cursing my bad luck, I put my phone down and went back to the football game full time.

    When someone texted me and I picked up my phone I noticed that my phone was doing auto-updates of apps in the background. Once they finished I was immediately able to get back into MPQ.

    Now I'm wondering if Android updating apps in the background is interfering with Google Play Games. This might be why bm322741 reports some devices are fine while at the same time another one isn't. Maybe turning off auto update of apps will stop the problem.  Anyone here want to experiment with doing that?


  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experiencing this issue.

    My Pixel XL started getting stuck in theis loop over the weekend. Right now I have missed the last two night of pve clears after giving up trying to get into the game.

    I thought maybe if I turned off Google Play auto-updating based on what KGB speculated above, I might get in. Same issue of Google Play coming up twice and getting stuck in the loop of logos.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 713 Critical Contributor
    We seem to believe that it is Google Play Services or Google Play Games that is the issue, so perhaps we can help with the debugging by posting the following:
    1. Are you having the issue with the game being unresponsive? (users in both groups will help narrow down the issues)
    2. What version of Android are you using?
    3. What version of Google Play Games do you have installed?
    4. What version of Google Play Services do you have installed?
    I'll start:
    1. Sporadically, but not consistently
    2. Android 8.0.0
    3. Google Play Games: 5.11.6556
    4. Google Play Services: 13.2.80
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    1. Sporadically but for multiple hour stretches
    2. Android 9
    3. Google Play Games v5.11.6556
    Google Play Services v13.2.80
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited September 2018
    Android 7.1.1 & 4.4.2 [don't laugh please]
    Google play Services 13.2.80 & 13.2.80
    Google Play Games 5.11.6556 & 5.11.6551

    I believe my issue mostly happens towards the end of an event but it could be a coincidence. 3 times now I have been able to get in within minutes of an event ending which is very frustrating.
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    my current event ends @ 5pm. i was able to get in @ 3:30 to finish the round, but 4:08 and I can't get in [again] 4th time.
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    5:09pm and I'm back in after being locked out for an hour. 4th time. I don't think its a coincidence now.
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    8:45pm est can't get in again. It seems to be getting worse 
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Galaxy S9+
    Android: 8.0.0
    Google Play Games: 5.11.6556
    Google Play Services: 13.2.80

    I tend to lose the game for up to an hour or so. Just started happening with the latest update.

  • fra110873
    fra110873 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    user id:      fra110873
    phone:       Honor 8
    Android:    7.0
    Google Play Games:    5.11.6556
    Google Play Services: 13.2.80
  • fra110873
    fra110873 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    I'm going to uninstall the game but I'm not able to have a screen shot of the details of my account as in this moment (from 1145 until now) the game is still gpg cycling without solution.

    Is my user id enough in case game doesn't auto download my account or the screen shot of the details is necessary?

  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    I can't log in now either....
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    talleman said:
    I can't log in now either....
    Same issue here. I was busy doing my clears in Hulk-PVE when the game suddenly kicked me out. Couldn't get into the game for at least ten minutes neither on iOS nor on Android. Very annoying since I lost precious time (and probably top placement) because of that!
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you lose your account, Customer Service would just need your Agent Name aka Username. If you have made any purchases on your account, they would also need a screenshot of one purchase receipt to confirm ownership. 
  • bm322741
    bm322741 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Is anyone else specifically having issues @ 4-5pm EST. This seems to be the time I have the most problems and its the last hour of the current events I enter.