S.H.I.E.L.D (Daily Rewards)

thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
It there a reason that after 1700 days played which is a little over everyday for 4 years that players are still getting 50 HP and heroic token rewards?

After 1500 days you should be getting random 5 star rewards and 10 heroic packs, LT and 25 CP, things like that. 

Its pretty insane that I sometimes am getting 250 iso, which is literally almost useless and the likes from the daily resupply. :neutral:

Is this something that will be looked at or reviewed, I know it was once before and CP and 5 stars where added... this seems like a great way to reward consistency and veterans Also improving and encouraging roster growth without upsetting the economy and newer players...

Not saying it should offer the best and be a cash cow but at 1700 days played its almost depressing getting 4 stars and 50hp and 250 iso and the likes...



  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is one thing that needs a massive upgrade and talked about all the time.  Why do I need a standard token at day 1493?   It’s nuts.  Also the 5* are still every 90 Days?  Why?   I did the math on this once and we will be 1-2 years from the time they are released until they would drop in the rewards.  Plus no RISO or supports here as well.  Can this please be looked at @Brigby
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't even mind the small hp and iso ones, but the standard tokens at this point just seem insulting. 

    I'm annoyed that I even have to open standard tokens at all anymore.  Just auto-convert them all to 100-ish iso for me so I don't have to.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,221 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, if the tokens were all heroics I wouldn't mind that much, but standard tokens?  Getting one of those things in the daily reward drop makes me want to throw my phone.  

    Also, if they ever update the chart to start handing out riso, or whatever, I hope they make it retroactive.  Riso is such a scarce resource that all players should get it retroactively. 

    Also, the main thing that gets to me about the resupply is that it feels like there's no appreciation on their part for ppl who have played forever.  The daily drop has been happening for almost 5 years, you would think that long time vets would be worth more than standard tokens and random boosts...
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2018
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. The topic of Daily Rewards for long-time veterans has certainly been brought up before in our meetings. While I don't have any updates to provide at this moment, rest assured that it's something the team is discussing and evaluating.

    Don't let them forget lol!

    This would probably be one of the better QoL fixes or updates for veteran players. Logging in to something useful is a great feeling and makes you look forward to logging in the next time.

  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, at very least at some point the standard tokens need to stop.  At bare minimum have a day where they at least start being elites.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, if the tokens were all heroics I wouldn't mind that much, but standard tokens?  Getting one of those things in the daily reward drop makes me want to throw my phone.  

    Also, if they ever update the chart to start handing out riso, or whatever, I hope they make it retroactive.  Riso is such a scarce resource that all players should get it retroactively. 

    Also, the main thing that gets to me about the resupply is that it feels like there's no appreciation on their part for ppl who have played forever.  The daily drop has been happening for almost 5 years, you would think that long time vets would be worth more than standard tokens and random boosts...
    Yeah its like a E slap in the face lol, I've found myself getting salty over it a few times. Like really a standard token...25 Hp... 250 iso... even with the 4 stars now its nice but a bit to few and far in between to feel great about.

    I remember when I 1st start and for the 1st year or two daily supplies were great and fitting for my level. Now.... :(
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,221 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, if the tokens were all heroics I wouldn't mind that much, but standard tokens?  Getting one of those things in the daily reward drop makes me want to throw my phone.  

    Also, if they ever update the chart to start handing out riso, or whatever, I hope they make it retroactive.  Riso is such a scarce resource that all players should get it retroactively. 

    Also, the main thing that gets to me about the resupply is that it feels like there's no appreciation on their part for ppl who have played forever.  The daily drop has been happening for almost 5 years, you would think that long time vets would be worth more than standard tokens and random boosts...
    Yeah its like a E slap in the face lol, I've found myself getting salty over it a few times. Like really a standard token...25 Hp... 250 iso... even with the 4 stars now its nice but a bit to few and far in between to feel great about.

    I remember when I 1st start and for the 1st year or two daily supplies were great and fitting for my level. Now.... :(
    Yup.  Not only that, but I think in the past they changed some of the rewards on the table and didn't retroactively give them to vets who passed it.  One such instance I remember was when they changed an Old Man Logan cover color and ppl were up in arms that they weren't allowed to switch to the new color.  

    A step in the right direction would be to update the random supply list.  As you, I, and everyone else here stated, standard tokens, small iso/hp, random boosts, aren't that valuable to a vet.  

  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, keep pestering them Brigby. I'm over 1400 days and the rewards are certainly pretty bad at times. 
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a quality of life fix I would also love. It's also a rare instance in which upgrading the rewards wouldn't hurt newer players' development by making their rosters grow unevenly and too fast and pushing them in over their heads, as you can only get these rewards by showing up and playing day after day, for years.

    That said, when these are updated, please make sure long-time players are retroactively awarded with what they've already passed. i.e. If day 1,000 gave 100 ISO (hypothetically) and you updated it to 3,000 ISO, please make sure all players that have passed the day get the difference of 2,900 ISO. Or if additional tokens, covers, CP are awarded, make sure we get those too if we already passed them.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Borstock said:
    I feel the people saying it's like a slap in the face have never actually been slapped in the face.

    The problem is that the rewards are daily. At 1700 days, if they scaled up, what would you expect? You want daily 5* covers?

    You DO get the random 5*. You DO get the random 4*. Yes, sometimes it's going to be a standard token, but how much higher can they really go before it starts getting absurd? If you play for another year, are they supposed to start handing out daily 1k HPs? At a certain point in time, logging in would be more valuable than competing in an actual event.
    Don't take it so literally.

    Its really not that difficult, its already been 3 years of really lackluster daily rewards, the update they did awhile back did help with that and guess what it did start offering 5's.

    All I'm saying is it still needs a lot of love, at 1700 I don't have a huge 4 for  4's I can use them sure. But one every month or 2 really isn't doing anything for me. 

    And getting a standard token? why? Just why?

    I'm not saying it should spit out 1000hp 25cp, and 5 stars all the time. But instead of 4's for those who are over 4 years deep how about a 5 or 25 cp?  

    Just something that is scaled up over all. 

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. The topic of Daily Rewards for long-time veterans has certainly been brought up before in our meetings. While I don't have any updates to provide at this moment, rest assured that it's something the team is discussing and evaluating.
    I don't think the problem is just 'long-time veterans' either (well I guess depends on the definition of long term is. I'm only in the 800s and the randoms are nearly worthless and the guaranteed (other than the 25 CPs) aren't much better, pretty much 100% champ rewards except for a 5* once every 3 months.  By the time I'm in the thousands those will just be champ rewards also.  Not saying champ rewards are bad, I just don't get as excited about them.  The gap between when a cover shows up in this and when a newer player gets to it has become far too wide.

    What I'd like to see is that they switch from a number of day thing to something that changes month to month that's tiered to SR.  So start of the month you're SR 5, you get the rewards for the 1-20 SR tier (even if you get to 21 before the end of that month) and work you're way up to the highest SR.

    If SR is supposed to be a measure of roster strength (which it seems to be but you could argue how successful it is) this would be a better merit than number of days.  Someone super causal and someone super active would have dramatically different rosters and needs by hundreds and thousands of days.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    Borstock said:
    I feel the people saying it's like a slap in the face have never actually been slapped in the face.

    The problem is that the rewards are daily. At 1700 days, if they scaled up, what would you expect? You want daily 5* covers?

    You DO get the random 5*. You DO get the random 4*. Yes, sometimes it's going to be a standard token, but how much higher can they really go before it starts getting absurd? If you play for another year, are they supposed to start handing out daily 1k HPs? At a certain point in time, logging in would be more valuable than competing in an actual event.
    Changing standards to elites after over a thousand days of play is not the slippery slope you're making it out to be.
    Yes, it is. Because there will be another post on these forums from someone else who thinks an Elite token, when they're on their third round of max champed 3* characters, is a "slap in the face". Or that the 250 iso isn't enough... it should be 500. Or it should be 1000 because "it's not even 1 level for a 5* character".

    And you know it.

    It's always a slippery slope. You are literally complaining about a free reward you get for nothing. It is the very tippy top of first world greed.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Borstock said:
    I feel the people saying it's like a slap in the face have never actually been slapped in the face.

    The problem is that the rewards are daily. At 1700 days, if they scaled up, what would you expect? You want daily 5* covers?

    You DO get the random 5*. You DO get the random 4*. Yes, sometimes it's going to be a standard token, but how much higher can they really go before it starts getting absurd? If you play for another year, are they supposed to start handing out daily 1k HPs? At a certain point in time, logging in would be more valuable than competing in an actual event.

    I'm not saying it should spit out 1000hp 25cp, and 5 stars all the time. But instead of 4's for those who are over 4 years deep how about a 5 or 25 cp?  

    I literally just got a 25 CP as my daily reward last week.