Growth Industry Node 2 advice needed.



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,735 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    Phumade said:
    I looked up growth node in the PQ wiki.  The last day of Growth industry is 5x waves.

    Better go practice your winfinite teams.   lol
    Here's the teams you may face in the remaining nodes, based on the wiki and past runs (back in 2015).  Note that so far, the nodes have been identical to the last run.

    First, node 4:  3Thor, 3Hulk, 3Cap

    Node 5:

    Wave 1: 2Daken, Pyro, Kishu
    Wave 2:  Sentry, Brawler, Empiricist
    Wave 3: 3 Doc Ock, Sentry Fighter, Lieutenant
    Wave 4:  2Bullseye, Muscle, Teisatsu
    Wave 5:  Gorgon, Grenadier, Hitman

    All at level 450+ for me.  Edit:  Upon further consideration, I agree that it doesn’t seem too bad.
  • Jarvis_Jackrabbit
    Jarvis_Jackrabbit Posts: 78 Match Maker
    The five waves on node 5 should be easy with Carol, St4rlord, and Grocket. They get going quickly (particularly when using the Milano support on R4G). As long as goons are placing countdowns on the board, that team is easy mode. I used them on the third node with D3adpool in each wave and made it through withount losing any member of the team, even though they aren't ideal for opponents who are all tile movers.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards

    You will sleep walk through the nodes with them after you use Shuri's red. Clint's blue drops to 3ap, so you get it back everytime a CD goes off. Shuri's red will also fortify all the CD tiles so you don't have to worry about enemies matching them. Very fun team. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Node 5 looks like a walk in the park compared to Node 3. This event is indeed challenging and is a breath of fresh air.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Deadpool waves were the hardest in previous runs of the event, but it should be noted that originally the last, 5-wave node had Ant-Man as a required character and the loaner they provided was only Lv70 regardless of your scaling. This time the first node claimed Ant-Man was essential but he wasn’t, so maybe Node 5 will be the same.

    That aside, ~Lv280 X-23 and Peggy along with IM40 cruised the Deadpool waves today.  Last time I was one of many leaning on IM40, Kamala and Super Soldier Steve.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler

    justsing said:
    C4rol + Wasp + Medusa or C&D (Coulson would probably be a good 3rd too) worked well in 4* land. 

    For 3* land, I second the suggestion of KK, IM40, 3* Cap.

    Thank you that was surprisingly good after my usual combo got taken out after 3 rounds.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 296-7 opponents, my 289 America, 282 C4rol, and 281 Medusa handled it pretty easily. America just owns long wave nodes like this if you can get ahead early on AP.
  • Tron4
    Tron4 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Shuri, Mr fantastic and medusa sailed through this 4 times after I failed to find another combo that worked 
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    I like the challenge of this but the reward is a single 4* wasp cover, maybe they could have considered a legendary token or better still an option for 5* wasp as it is almost impossible to get her in the vault!!
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
    KGB said:

    Node 3 is evil.  I've managed to reach wave 4 a couple of times.  But never with more than one character left.  Either I get blasted with whales, or by the time I get to wave 3 the enemy has saved up enough green to Call The Storm me twice into oblivion.  Not even Medusa / Gamora / Rocket could make any headway.

    This is now officially my least favourite event.  Ever.

    Maybe I'm at that "sweet" spot where scaling outpaces my roster to the maximum degree.  Or maybe I'm just rubbish at the game.

    What level were your opponents?

    Mine were all 323ish (my team is 280ish) and I went through with that exact team on my first try losing about 1/2 health. I got Whaled once and Godlike Power once (start of wave 3 just like you did presumably). Now that I know those are the only 2 team powers it should make the repeats easier for me because I'll have Gamora's stun ready to go at the start of wave 3.


    They're level 443.  I have 14 championed 5*, none of them Gambit or over level 459, and a heap of 4* of level 320 or above.  (If anyone wants more detail, search out the alliance Roaches.)  Whales practically single-shots my team.
    did you try GG Hawkeye, Coulson.

    spec GG at 5/3/5
    HE 5/3/5
    Coulson 5/4/4

    We all know about the HE Coulson combo,  but GG's Yellow will drop every counter by 2.

    So get all you CDs out and then immediately resolve them with GG yellow.  Coulson's yellow will also seed more AP.  Its a remarkably reliable win infinite combo with good health and low startup costs

    I think I cycle though all 4 waves in 5 turns because the yellow was resolving all the CDs and reloading HE blue before the turn ends

    Replace GG with Shuri.

    With Hawkeye fortifying every CD he sees, and generating Fortified, it doesn’t take much to kick in Shuri’s blue, which brings all HE’s abilities down to 3 AP. Which makes everything just more ludicrous.

    The 3 AP cost increase to your opponents, coulsons abilities being cheaper and the bonus damage when you match fortified tiles is just gravy.

  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Just for fun I decided to use switch prof X and night crawler , took forever but the enemy never got a turn in once nightcrawler purple got going 
    Enemy level 480+
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Realising that having maxchamped 3* Carol, Shulk and KK has made Team Grrrl Power viable again.  Took our winsome 266 trio into that level 458 wave node... when I left our heroines they had full health and tons of ap, and wave 3 with Deadpool/Thor/Rags had just turned up looking dismayed at their empty ap pockets.  :) 
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2018
    Gamma bomb might also work , 3hulk, 3storm, Kampala
    Also will take long but once you get going the enemy never gets a turn 
    Or maybe 3steve , kamala, im40 and go for the stun lock
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,102 Chairperson of the Boards
    Node 3 was a shock! I thought I had done it after wave 3 and then suddenly devil Dinosaur pops up!!! Somehow I beat 2 entire waves with just Cloak & Dagger thanks to their healing after getting whaled 2 rounds before. Can't t really add any advice apart from C&D are my new favourite everything!
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I took my 5* scaled opponents with the good old winfinite - Grey Suit (266), Prof X (209) and Switch (220). Got the combo off on third try. Took me more than 20 minutes and the combo was broken two times (for 1 turn each time). It was fun and no fun at the same time. Surely I will not grind out the iso left in the node.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2018
    I wish I remember how I beat Inner Space Cadet in 3* land.  I remember it was a huge freaking pain at the time and I basically pulled through by the skin of my teeth.  

    In 4* land it was still pretty challenging, but not particularly stressful with America/Peggy/Mockingbird. I primarily was relying on Mockingbird to trigger Peggy's stuns and punches, but it turns out her ability to destroy enemy AP was pretty clutch, too, since enemy AP levels continue into the next wave.

    If I had to go now, I might try 3* Spider-Man/Kamala + either IM40 or 3* Cyclops.  The key would be to spam cheap powers (such as Spider-Man's stun) to trigger Kamala's heal.  You can also trigger protect tiles while grabbing purple tiles for Kamala's green AP acceleration.  IM40 lets you accumulate blue for more (and more powerful) stuns at only 6 AP, also cheap.  Cyclops' yellow is only slightly more expensive, but accelerates red for one of his nukes, and obviously his black (which gives rainbow coverage where IM40 does not) is one of the best nukes in the 3* tier.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,102 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish I remember how I beat Inner Space Cadet in 3* land.  I remember it was a huge freaking pain at the time and I basically pulled through by the skin of my teeth.  In 4* land it was still pretty challenging, but not particularly stressful with America/Peggy/Mockingbird. I primarily was relying on Mockingbird to trigger Peggy's stuns and punches, but it turns out her ability to destroy enemy AP was pretty clutch, too, since enemy AP levels continue into the next wave.

    It is that AP transfer between waves that I think causes the biggest problem. Deadpool hits with Whales but once you know he is popping up in multiple waves you think you have got away with it going into Round 3 and all of sudden there is Thor with his green AOE that the AI was sneakilly building up but which nobody had used until then. I was denying purple and red!!!! Bugger.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2018
    I used a random team that has been working really well for winning overscaled fights. Half health Thor, with Okoye and an unleveled dupe 4* Deadpool. Focus on collecting TU AP for Okoye, while enemy match damage triggers 4pool's black since unleveled abilities still hit hard with Okoye. Throw out Deadpool purple for even more fun. 

    In the meantime, Thor is gathering red for Okoye's spear, green for God of Thunder and yellow to generate more AP. By the time, I got to waves 3 and 4, I had enough AP to nuke everyone. 

    My waves were level 498. 
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Completed the first wave node with Mockingbird/MEHulk/Chavez - Mockingbird and America were on life support by the team I finished the match, but they didn't die on me. MEHulk eventually healed himself well enough after I built enough AP to fire his yellow twice. It was tough, but felt rewarding after I won. 

    Completed the node today with Bl4de/Medusa/4-Clops - Blade eventually died on me in round 4 when I couldn't stop Muscle from popping at least 1 of his "Threaten" tiles, because Sentry had got us with a 7K AOE in Rd 2 with Supernova, and the Sentry/Ock combo from Rd. 3 have given them some attack tiles to get charged up by Muscles strikes. I stole one of the strikes and some attacks with Medusa, and that carried me through enough to handle Round 5. Thanks to Cyke's blue and yellow, I had built up monster amounts of Red AP and Teamup AP, and thanks to Medusa's passive I kept a decent amount of blue handy for Cyke. 

    Beat both on the first try fortunately.