Jessica Jones (Alias Investigations) (3/7/18)



  • gentgeen
    gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Shintok17 said:
    I don't understand why people are making such a big deal out of 5* Jessica Jones not having a 3* equivalent released. The last couple of the 5* & 3* simultaneous releases have been under whelming. The only one any of you ever really used was 3* Gambit until he was nerfed. The rest of the 3*'s like Elektra and Angel I only used when they were essential. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting 5* Jessica Jones. Her powers look good to me.
    The 3* release (apparently) isn't for you.  I take it you are in the upper 4star / 5 star land, and a 3star release is for those players who are not there yet . 

    Personally,  I like the 3*/5* releases, even if they are a bit lazy (reminds me very much of Lazy Thor or Lazy Daken).    When I was in three star land it gave me someone new to play.  And the ease of covering new 3stars means that a new 3star can be playable even to a 'early 4star tier' player.  

    I like playing teams/matches that make some "Marvel Sense", I feel like it adds to the overall game.  This is another example of D3 missing out / messing up something little that could easily add to the overall gameplay.   Looking at the Defenders/Hell's Kitchen/Netflix Universe,  you have only 5*DD  outside the the 3-4star land, I just can not see a reason  NOT include a 3* (or 4*) Jessica.

    Iron Fist -- 3*  and 4* (netflix version)
    Luke Cage -- 3* and  4*
    DD -- 3* and 5* (netflix version)
    ( you can even include Punisher, Elektra, and Kingpin, who all have a 4* and  two have 3*  )
  • jym010
    jym010 Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    I love the powers and spread but not sure if really falls into the "legendary" category.  Definitely cool, though.  Doubt I will get her covered anytime soon.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    I have no idea where she falls, but definitely not bad enough to drag down whatever latest legends trio we see around May when it's GR/JJ and whatever the infinity wars release will be.  
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Second pull got me a Black JJ, so at least I'm covered for when she's Essential in a few weeks.
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
    9 pulls in the Jessica store and got a 5* Green Goblin. Wish it was Jessica, but any 5* is better then none. The CP hunt is on.
  • Kojubat
    Kojubat Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Brigby said:

    Avengers Vs. Ultron
    • Starts on Thursday, March 8th at 12:00pm EST
    • Ends on Monday, March 11th at 11:59pm EST
    @Brigby, the end date is on the night of Sunday the 11th (ET), not Monday.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Updated to show that event ends at Monday, March 12th at 1:00am EDT
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    *Updated to show that event ends at Monday, March 12th at 1:00am EDT
    EDT? *Googles*
    Oh, you are shifting the clock already? Nice, that's a pretty sweet time of the year for us with uncomfortable end times...
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster said:
    Brigby said:
    *Updated to show that event ends at Monday, March 12th at 1:00am EDT
    EDT? *Googles*
    Oh, you are shifting the clock already? Nice, that's a pretty sweet time of the year for us with uncomfortable end times...
    Daylight savings time starts Sunday.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    My possibly dumb take: they couldn't come up with a character look that made sense as a 3* to the 5*. She is only in plain clothes right?
    They could have used her Jewel costume and made them different like 3/5 Hawkeye, but that would be weird for the weaker (?) character to be the 5*.

    I would have liked a 3* version, her reveal trap tile power would have made her a decent new 3*. 
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    There aren't any 5*s that use trap tiles, so this is kinda "punching down," no?
    There are certainly some strong 4-Star characters that do though: Nick Fury, Spider-Woman, etc. In addition, you could use Jessica Jones against the Hand Kishu's Caltrops ability.
    Richyyy said:
    Yay, glad she's finally in the game. I know the answer is invariably 'no', but just in case - @Brigby, will CS swap 5* covers received from the Alias Investigations Special Store if you've got 5+ in one color?
    Unless it's Jessica Jones, then unfortunately no.


    Not to besmirch this answer, but I believe you are not using the word "strong" correctly in a sentence. I believe the word you are looking for is "feeble".  Nick Fury, Spider-woman, and X-23, are basically all out of the Top 40 of the 4 star rankings.    Considering there are basically 60 four star characters, that is essentially saying they are bottom dwellers.   I think it is safe to say, that the majority of the people who will champ Jessica in the next four months, will rarely ever face any of those characters, even when the four star is boosted. The exception will of course be in, PVE situations.  Feel free to make a bet with me, you have access to the statistics, although in five months, I am sure both of us, will have forgotten this post.  

    As for the lack of the 5*cover swap, that really makes purchasing her early in this situation, a very bad deal for your customers.  

    Statistically, it would require an expenditure of about 7000 command points to have about a 70% chance to cover her fully and you could get stuck with extra covers of Green Goblin and/or Black Panther that are useless. 

    Wait!! Now before you say those are "strong" characters, please consider other words, like inadequate, feeble, flimsy, or dare I say it, uncompetitive.     None of them are Top 5, some would argue that Black Panther is barely top 10, but they would have to mention (If using Thanos) in the same breath.  Green Goblin would be considered bottom tier along with the other green colored five stars.

    To see what quite a few players think of the four star characters, please feel free to check out

  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Her traps seem insane, but they're balanced by the fact that they're traps. Traps can be overwritten by enemy special tiles; they don't trigger if in the path of a match-4 or match-5; they're placed randomly, so you could go the whole match just matching one or two of them. And nothing happens if the enemy matches them. It only becomes insane if it takes allies' trap tiles into account, like Doom, Chavez, Fury.
    No. She makes enemy special tiles. Enemy special tiles won’t overwrite them. YOUR special tiles will overwrite them because they aren’t friendly traps. 
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards

    2. When you match one, gain 3 AP in your strongest color and deal 10,123 damage.

    Does Jessica Jones have to be the one to match the trap tile to activate the bonus or can anyone in Jessica Jone's team match the trap tile to activate the bonus?

    3. Will JJ's red overwrite her own trap tile? I guess not because Patch's Berseker Rage doesn't overwrite Dr. Doom trap tiles.

    So far, JJ abilities are really good. If I want max damage, then I will run 5/5/3. If I'm teaming her up with another special tiles creator, I might just run 3/5/5.
    2. I’d be surprised if she actually has to tank the colors. Wording is “you” match the traps. I feel it’s safe to say that any of your characters’ symbols can be on the tile and the trap will activate.

    3. No. Jessica makes traps on red, black, blue. The red puts specials on yellow, green, and purple. However, her passive might actually put a trap tile onto an existing trap tile. Remember, these are enemy trap tiles, so anything you put on tiles will treat this as enemy traps. So if paired with Old Man Logan, use her red, and if Reluctant Hero activates, the red strike tiles he makes could overwrite the enemy traps she made on red. Same goes for Living Legend. The big question is if she can overwrite traps with traps. Will have to see it in action.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,851 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    Brigby said:
    There aren't any 5*s that use trap tiles, so this is kinda "punching down," no?
    There are certainly some strong 4-Star characters that do though: Nick Fury, Spider-Woman, etc. In addition, you could use Jessica Jones against the Hand Kishu's Caltrops ability.
    Richyyy said:
    Yay, glad she's finally in the game. I know the answer is invariably 'no', but just in case - @Brigby, will CS swap 5* covers received from the Alias Investigations Special Store if you've got 5+ in one color?
    Unless it's Jessica Jones, then unfortunately no.


    Not to besmirch this answer, but I believe you are not using the word "strong" correctly in a sentence. I believe the word you are looking for is "feeble".  Nick Fury, Spider-woman, and X-23, are basically all out of the Top 40 of the 4 star rankings.    Considering there are basically 60 four star characters, that is essentially saying they are bottom dwellers.   I think it is safe to say, that the majority of the people who will champ Jessica in the next four months, will rarely ever face any of those characters, even when the four star is boosted. The exception will of course be in, PVE situations.  Feel free to make a bet with me, you have access to the statistics, although in five months, I am sure both of us, will have forgotten this post.  

    As for the lack of the 5*cover swap, that really makes purchasing her early in this situation, a very bad deal for your customers.  

    Statistically, it would require an expenditure of about 7000 command points to have about a 70% chance to cover her fully and you could get stuck with extra covers of Green Goblin and/or Black Panther that are useless. 

    Wait!! Now before you say those are "strong" characters, please consider other words, like inadequate, feeble, flimsy, or dare I say it, uncompetitive.     None of them are Top 5, some would argue that Black Panther is barely top 10, but they would have to mention (If using Thanos) in the same breath.  Green Goblin would be considered bottom tier along with the other green colored five stars.

    To see what quite a few players think of the four star characters, please feel free to check out

    Wow. Eat a Snickers, bro. Brigby has feelings.
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    D4Ni13 said:
    Well nice that she's in the game, but man she seems strong. Her red is insane for just 9 AP. Her blue is insane as well - 10k damage and AP gain and you have 4 tiles to choose from. Wonder if it works with guys like Doom. Her black is strong too. Easily deal 20k when paired right... 

    This power creep is insane. Your balance team is sleeping.
    Not as insane as gaining AP every turn unconditionally :) #couldntresist #sorrynotsorry

    Her traps seem insane, but they're balanced by the fact that they're traps. Traps can be overwritten by enemy special tiles; they don't trigger if in the path of a match-4 or match-5; they're placed randomly, so you could go the whole match just matching one or two of them. And nothing happens if the enemy matches them. It only becomes insane if it takes allies' trap tiles into account, like Doom, Chavez, Fury.

    In terms of a Red and Black damage, they seem in line with the more recent 5* damage, like Thor's Red, Archangel's Green, Ghosty's Black, Gambit's Red (ignore the auto AP generation and analyse it by itself)
    She will be the Scalet Witch of 5* tier. The fact that she will become a possible threat every turn because of her trap tiles is not so casual, especially in a game where you have 3 enemies, not just herself. Not only that but her blue feeds into red. 

    9AP for 11k and 2k worth of strike tiles, with potential to spam it ? From the moment she will cast her first red the tile match damage will be 3k+ every turn. Easily maintainable from there on. 

    I think she will be as strong as Gambit. 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    D4Ni13 said:
    D4Ni13 said:
    Well nice that she's in the game, but man she seems strong. Her red is insane for just 9 AP. Her blue is insane as well - 10k damage and AP gain and you have 4 tiles to choose from. Wonder if it works with guys like Doom. Her black is strong too. Easily deal 20k when paired right... 

    This power creep is insane. Your balance team is sleeping.
    Not as insane as gaining AP every turn unconditionally :) #couldntresist #sorrynotsorry

    Her traps seem insane, but they're balanced by the fact that they're traps. Traps can be overwritten by enemy special tiles; they don't trigger if in the path of a match-4 or match-5; they're placed randomly, so you could go the whole match just matching one or two of them. And nothing happens if the enemy matches them. It only becomes insane if it takes allies' trap tiles into account, like Doom, Chavez, Fury.

    In terms of a Red and Black damage, they seem in line with the more recent 5* damage, like Thor's Red, Archangel's Green, Ghosty's Black, Gambit's Red (ignore the auto AP generation and analyse it by itself)
    She will be the Scalet Witch of 5* tier. The fact that she will become a possible threat every turn because of her trap tiles is not so casual, especially in a game where you have 3 enemies, not just herself. Not only that but her blue feeds into red. 

    9AP for 11k and 2k worth of strike tiles, with potential to spam it ? From the moment she will cast her first red the tile match damage will be 3k+ every turn. Easily maintainable from there on. 

    I think she will be as strong as Gambit. 

    Those strikes are completely meaningless as long as Gambit doesn't get his nerf.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster said:
    Brigby said:
    *Updated to show that event ends at Monday, March 12th at 1:00am EDT
    EDT? *Googles*
    Oh, you are shifting the clock already? Nice, that's a pretty sweet time of the year for us with uncomfortable end times...
    Daylight savings time starts Sunday.

    Not on this side of the Atlantic, so I have two weeks of time-shift to look forward to. Terribly exciting!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    Brigby said:
    Richyyy said:
    Yay, glad she's finally in the game. I know the answer is invariably 'no', but just in case - @Brigby, will CS swap 5* covers received from the Alias Investigations Special Store if you've got 5+ in one color?
    Unless it's Jessica Jones, then unfortunately no.
    Why does this policy persist?  What purpose does it serve?

    I already have a 1/5/4 BP (and a 0/1/0 dupe because cs refused to help me out with the hornhrad tokens).  If cs offered swaps I would be strongly incentivized to buy a bunch of alias tokens: I could get the new 5* and finish up a very hard-to-finish classic at the same time. 

    Instead, this silly resistence to offering swaps for classics in speciality tokens means I will buy 0 alias tokens, am unlikely to ever get any use from my BP, and will just keep hoarding until JJ enters the latest pool.  The risk of a wasted to cover (at the cost of ~175cp on average) is just too high. This seems like a bad outcome for me and d3/demi.  What interest is being served here?!

    (And if the problem is that cs lacks capacity, then I would yet again urge d3/demi to come up with a solution to the try cover problem that doesn't involve CS!  It's been years now!  There is no longer any real excuse for the lack of a fix; the system we have now is the one d3/demi apparently want. And I therefore feel that all criticism of the system is well deserved.)
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald said:
    Apropos of nothing, "defenestrate" is my favorite word in the English language.
    Think of the windows!