I just need to know are you going to nerf Gambit



  • sirwookieechris
    sirwookieechris Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Akkon32 said:
    So i have saved up an additional 300 or so LT pulls and I need to know if Gambit is going to be nerfed further. 
    Further? He was nerfed already? I wouldn’t call a lateral move a nerf.
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    i say pull for gambit...

     and we as a community change the nature /tone of these threads from "nerf gambit NOW" to "lets fix gambit so hes still top tier".
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    • He's pretty much required for 5* PvP right now and having him certainly helps short-term.
    • Thor is also top tier so getting 2 top tier at once (even if one might not stay) is a win.
    • If you're going goal is to champ them all you'll want to get 13 (or at least 7 of the right spread) before he goes into Classics.
    • The first 'nerf' was so light which seems to indicate they are trying very hard not to over-nerf him.  
    • GR doesn't seem to be top tier and neither does AA.  If you don't pull now you might be sitting on those for a while or getting far more meh characters.
    • He will probably be nerfed to an unknown degree on an unknown date.

    I would probably pull him. 

    If you're super worried about a nerf you could always do your pulls and sit on him at 13 covers waiting to see if he gets nerfed or not.  If he's nerfed just leave him at 13 unchamped until you have free ISO and turn your focus to Thor.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    To be blunt, D3 is not required to tell you way ahead of their schedule whether they are going to make changes to 5* Gambit or not, just because you spent some money in game. 

    Since it has been mentioned that changes to character's ability are usually announced a few days in advance, you might want to adopt a wait and see approach. I think someone also mentioned that Gambit will enter Classic somewhere in mid-Feb. Just hoard for another 14 days or so, and if there's still no annoucement 2 or 3 hours before 5* Gambit enters classic, then pull it. However, if they make changes to 5* Gambit after you pulled your tokens, then I think they are likely to come up with a compensation. However, I doubt that would satisfy you though. 

    If I were you, I would hoard the tokens since Black Panther movie is coming up soon and the next 5* are likely to be stronger than 5* Gambit, stat-wise or ability wise. 

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards

    If I were you, I would hoard the tokens since Black Panther movie is coming up soon and the next 5* are likely to be stronger than 5* Gambit, stat-wise or ability wise. 

    If, for some reason, the developers decided that Gambit is not strong enough and went for power-creeping someone past him....actually, that seems so unlikely to me.

    When Gambit was rebalanced/buffed/laterally modified, people started a joke thread (I can't recall the title) about how to buff Gambit.  It involved some of the following, IIRC:

    One idea is a passive one turn stun of a random enemy every turn.  Or just a massive damage hit passively every turn.  (Let's say around 3K)  Actually, Black Bolt does that second one conditionally (4 charged tiles)....so remove that condition.  I suppose you could have a bigger passive AP drain on someone to counteract Gambit's generation (Let's say you lose 3 AP every turn, but the character gains none).

    Do any of these characters sound fun to play against?  Yes, having them would be more auto-wins.  But....

    I find it hard to believe that the developers will decide that the answer to Gambit being ubiquitous is to make more OP characters.  The three that are soon to be in Latest (Thor, Archangel, Ghost Rider) are all decidedly below Gambit, simply because his tool kit it so good.  Note that some of their stats are better (match damage and health), but it doesn't matter much when Gambit so dominates the AP procurement and ability use part of the game.

    So unless they have a super god 5* lined up for when Thor fades off, that doesn't seem to be the idea they are pursuing.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,104 Chairperson of the Boards
    If Gambit gets nerfed after he enter Classics then the sellback will probably be along OML lines rather than those offered for the last nerf rebalance whatever it was they classify that as when you de-power a character by making him better.
  • Qubort
    Qubort Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    So you think the first "nurf" was a nurf?  I wish OML or, Thor, Ragnarok, 4-Wolverene etc got nurfed like he did.  Yes he will get nurfed again because he is broken and his first "nurf" did very little to fix that, I think you  see lots of people would argue it was not a nurf. 

    When will it happen I do not know but he is not helping the game especially pvp.  The problem is the outcry will be so immense from the people who have payed to level him (rightfully) I do not see it happening in the immediate future but it will happen when they start to alienate the more casual players who put down money on occasions, when enough of them leave due to the balance issue they will have to do something to keep their base up.  

    Casuals don't see Gambit because they're not in 5* tier. He was the most requested character and they already tweaked him once. They intended for him to be powerful. He's fine the way he is.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think there's a Gambit movie out next year, unless production is pushed back again. So, will history repeat again?
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I think there's a Gambit movie out next year, unless production is pushed back again. So, will history repeat again?
    They just lost the director (again). So I wouldn't hold your breath waiting on that movie.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I were you, I would hoard the tokens since Black Panther movie is coming up soon and the next 5* are likely to be stronger than 5* Gambit, stat-wise or ability wise. 
    I'm not sure what your reasoning is, here. The developers clearly overshot with Gambit, knowing he was a fan favorite and at the top of many player's request list. There's nothing about the Black Panther movie that screams: Overpowered 5-star incoming!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    I should have added "the assumed-post nerfed Gambit after he enters Classic. I'm sure the developers are aware of the current dissatisfaction that 5* Gambit has caused among the seasoned players. The question is when? I think someone theorized that it could be in mid-March? 

    Stat-wise, the next 5* should be stronger. Ability-wise, it's subjective
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,104 Chairperson of the Boards
    Won't the next 2 releases be 4*?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    DAZ0273 said:
    Won't the next 2 releases be 4*?
    Should be, but they go off their own patterns at random and unpredictably.  I'd say it's 85% likely the next to will be 4*s but not guaranteed.  Might even drop it to 80% since no hint was given with this patch meaning we might get another 5 4 5 and them skipping the 4* that would have come out next week.  We'll see.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    Won't the next 2 releases be 4*?
    Should be, but they go off their own patterns at random and unpredictably.  I'd say it's 85% likely the next to will be 4*s but not guaranteed.  Might even drop it to 80% since no hint was given with this patch meaning we might get another 5 4 5 and them skipping the 4* that would have come out next week.  We'll see.
    I was just thinking about the lack of hint/release with this patch.  Wondering if they are tapering off on releasing any more 4* characters and going to go all in on 5* releases soon.  
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2018
    Not every update has a hint;  r143 and r140 didn’t have any character hint in the text either.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,104 Chairperson of the Boards
    The thanks for playing might just be a thanks for sticking around despite Archangel and Kraven.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    “Happy New Year” was not a hint for Kraven...yet there he was.  But yes, 60 stars is a massive tier.  That’s 780 covers and 22 million+ iso to champ them all...
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    I would say go for it.  They already "nerfed" him once and history shows they rarely re-tool a character a second time.  If I was them, I would leave him as is to get people to chase him in classics as well.  As mentioned before, he is a health pack sponge which they like and he isn't nearly as unbeatable as these forums would like you to believe.  No doubt, he is the best 5*, but if he is nerfed then everyone will just complain about the next best 5*.   With the natural power creep that comes, I imagine there will soon be a new latest legend that will come out and be better than Gambit and a 4* character that prevents AP gain from any source but tile matching etc.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Warbringa said:
    I would say go for it.  They already "nerfed" him once and history shows they rarely re-tool a character a second time.  
    100% agree with you, besides there always be strong characters on every game, gambit is #1 on mpq at the moment, that doesn't mean he will be sitting on the throne forever. So go for it and enjoy him, he is fun.
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    I'm a little surprised that everyone seems so cool with the thought of nerfing gambit right after he leaves latests.  That feels like the most devious approach...maximize sales, then immediately stab everyone in the back?  Sure, nothing is guaranteed and it's well within their rights, but it's a great way to alienate paying customers.