I just need to know are you going to nerf Gambit

Akkon32 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
So i have saved up an additional 300 or so LT pulls and I need to know if Gambit is going to be nerfed further.  This is a simple finical decision, I have spent a decent amount of money to acquire those pulls and I need to know if he will be nerfed before I use them. As I am D3 wont reimburse the money I have spent and the 13+ random 5star covers you get for selling him is worthless,  please  just provide me and others the information to make an informed decision 


  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Bowgentle said:
    They don't want you to make informed decisions,
    They want you to spend now, then spend again later.
    That's why they spring everything as a surprise on us.
    We always complain about communication being bad.  It's not because they are incompetent, it's because less communication is more profitable for them.
  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    I would be SHOCKED if they dont nerf him either next season or the season after he leaves latest legends
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akkon32 said:
    ..please  just provide me and others the information to make an informed decision 
    Good luck. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Even for non-monetary impacting changes we got no communication.  You’re kidding yourself if you think this will have any more advance warning than a day or so.
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    It will be 1 day after he enters classics when it will happen!
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    The policy has never been to announce character changes prior to them being implemented (other than a few days beforehand).  The policy is to make the change and offer a slightly elevated sell off price.  

    Many players assume that Gambit will remain as is until he is no longer a Latest 5* - and that, to me, is very valid because he is, by far, the biggest spending draw in game, and has been so since they introduced him.  And the pressure to spend will ramp up for the next two weeks for players who don't have him.  Once he's in Classic, it will be VERY hard to cover him.  So it makes sense to leave him as overpowered Godbit for now to try to milk out the extra money that can be had.

    Then:  He remains in Latest until 2/13, two weeks from now.

    Rebalances occur (at least, every one that I have seen) at the start of the new PVP season.  The next season starts 2/8, PRIOR TO Gambit leaving Latest.  That means that, quite probably, the soonest we will see a rebalance announcement will be prior to the next PVP season after the one that is coming next week.  AKA:  March 8 is the soonest he will probably be rebalanced, with an announcement around March 6.  That assumes they don't wait even longer and instead are comfortable with Godbit continuing to make high end PVP an endless fight of hot Gambit vs Gambit action.

    So you won't have any official word for quite a while, and long after he's stuck in Classics with no way to reliably cover him.

    The best you can hope for is to go for it and assume they won't destroy Gambit, but leave him as a very powerful character that is worth having on your roster.

    Remember:  The game makes no promises about what you spend and what it gets you.  None.  An uneducated player could spend thousands chasing Archangel and there would be no recourse.  They owe you nothing except that the game works and you get the resources you purchase; what the resources reward you is not promised at all.  (*looks at a recent run of 0/48 pulls in the Latest store, or not getting an Archangel until almost 100 pulls were made from Latest, missing out on two PVEs where he was essential)
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,581 Chairperson of the Boards

    Ok, they're just plain not going to announce a nerf more than a few days before it happens.  They just won't - it's a terrible decision for them for pretty much all the reasons.  It allows the outcry to build up more, it makes people more upset, and yes, it makes poor financial sense.

    I would be very surprised if they do not nerf him for the next season - I know it's just before he goes into classics, but they generally do character changes with seasons and it's close enough.  I was sort-of expecting it last season, but they probably didn't have enough development time for it.  If not next season, then maybe the season after?  Or it could theoretically be months, but I kind of doubt it.  He's bad for the game, and the longer they let this go on the worse it will be when they do it.

    It is also entirely possible he'll still be at the top of the 5* tier after they nerf him.  If they only change his black, he probably will be.

    I understand your hesitance, that's a lot of pulls.  I would give it another week - you have two until he leaves Classics and I would expect the nerf announcement about a week from today.  A week from tomorrow at the latest.  If they don't, they'll probably wait at least another season.

  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    There is a season changes/rebalance announced happening next week which may or maybe not include gambit so i suggest at least waiting until then
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    They buffed Gambit by giving him the AP drain. They will simply remove it and he will be "balanced". No one wants that, but they're kidding themselves if they think that's not the fix. If we even get one.

    Revenue and engagement is up. Gambit set the bar high as far as 5*, again people are kidding themselves if they think we won't get another 5* that is as powerful as Gambit. It will make them another fat lot of money. 

    My advice? Skip Gambit and hoard for the new hotness. Whenever they come around.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 565 Critical Contributor
    So you think the first "nurf" was a nurf?  I wish OML or, Thor, Ragnarok, 4-Wolverene etc got nurfed like he did.  Yes he will get nurfed again because he is broken and his first "nurf" did very little to fix that, I think you  see lots of people would argue it was not a nurf. 

    When will it happen I do not know but he is not helping the game especially pvp.  The problem is the outcry will be so immense from the people who have payed to level him (rightfully) I do not see it happening in the immediate future but it will happen when they start to alienate the more casual players who put down money on occasions, when enough of them leave due to the balance issue they will have to do something to keep their base up.  
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    He will be nerfed eventually if the developpers value the long-term health of the game, and they've usually
    done whatever was necessary in the past so expect the same.

    Wether you should pull or not depends if you think Gambit will be relegated to the trash tier after a nerf. He probably wont be because Purple and Red will probably remain untouched, he's still gonna be as strong as the recent 5*'s (DD, Thor, Spidey) even then.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm so glad I don't spend money on this game. It would kill me to fork out a lot to get someone champed quickly only to see them get nerfed to hell. Just keep hoarding.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    why do u think they changed buying covers from hero points to CP cause of the refunds they had to give back after the thor - xforce nerf.  so there is no direct resources of buying covers and hence no more monetary refund for rebalances.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    It’s not too much to ask, but they’re not going ever give out this type of information ahead of time.  There’s more than a few examples of us being informed AFTER things go live or are changed.  So the idea that something that most assuredly will have some level of backlash will be put up for debate/discussion with any type of pre-planning is just not reasonable.  
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Akkon32 said:
    Daiches said:
    Your hoard is obviously more important than all hoards already opened by others for Gambit.
    I hope they give this heads up just for you.

    You sir are a tinykitty bag,  just in case you were unaware. :smiley:

    And just to be fair I have already opened one hoard to cover gambit just trying to decide if I will open a second to raise his level, and I do not think it is to much for D3 to inform us of their plans
    So, one, just openly insulting people is uncool. 

    Two, D3 has never, ever, not even once, informed the playerbase of a nerf more than a day or two beforehand. You can soapbox all you like about how they "should" and it's "not too much to expect" but at the end of the day you'll be just as uninformed as you were at the start. It's just not how they do things.

    Also, with exactly two exceptions ever that I can think of, the devs do not read or post here. We only get what they tell Brigby, which is usually just some whitewashed "everything is great! play more guys!" nonsense. Not hating on the Brigster here, he's just doing his job. Just saying that if you expect the devs to tell you their plans line by line for the next fiscal quarter, hooooo buddy you're in for some disappointment.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akkon32 said:
    Daiches said:
    Your hoard is obviously more important than all hoards already opened by others for Gambit.
    I hope they give this heads up just for you.

    You sir are a tinykitty bag,  just in case you were unaware. :smiley:

    And just to be fair I have already opened one hoard to cover gambit just trying to decide if I will open a second to raise his level, and I do not think it is to much for D3 to inform us of their plans

    Oh, I wouldn't then.  I mean, how many levels are you going to get?  On average, let's see, that's 15?  I don't know that 15 levels will do you that much good other than making him tank more.  I like having my Gambit behind his partner, the more he tanks the more damage he takes, and since he is pretty much carrying the fight single-handed I'd much rather keep him alive than his partner.

    My Gambit is 455.  I'm thinking of pulling just a hair more, but I'm going to stop at 458 for just that reason.

  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    As someone with just one black cover of Gambit, i must say it's quite annoying not being able to use red or purple. He basically gains 1 purple every turn for nothing.