Lightning Rounds - Villains - delayed



  • Moon 17 wrote:
    Sorry. I Agree. Don't Know Why Swype Does It On Here.

    For the first few of you posts I was trying to see what secret messages you were encoding with your leading letters. Couldn't figure out what "SIADKWSDIOH" meant.

    I ran this through an anagram filter: ... t=1000&a=n

    And I found
    Had Kids Is Ow

    Swype is simply telling us the pains of childbirth.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doom LR is live btw
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited May 2014
    datKrow wrote:
    I ran this through an anagram filter: ... t=1000&a=n

    And I found
    Had Kids Is Ow

    Swype is simply telling us the pains of childbirth.
    I glanced at the list
    Aids Kids How
    gack - looks like some maniac's google search history
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, and what are all those 2* teams doing in the top 10 while us 141s are duking it out from the start?
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    Got black hulk for 50 point token and purple C. magneto for 250 points. First time see that icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    Locked, was that an actual loss or were you just feeling generous?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Locked, was that an actual loss or were you just feeling generous?
    I tried to see for myself if Ghast maneuver is indeed in the past, can confirm it is, I dropped to the point where I was only giving 0 points, no change in matchups. I don't think there is a team that Magneto can't beat, barring the most incredible of cascades early.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    It felt good to finally lower my mmr.. Beginning the round with 150+ doom on each node was really tedious.. Reach 350 pts in 1h against half an hour normally.. Hope the feast i gave to the horde will be useful..
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Anyone know if this has been extended a day since it was delayed a day? Or is this just a 24hr LR week?
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    locked wrote:
    Locked, was that an actual loss or were you just feeling generous?
    I tried to see for myself if Ghast maneuver is indeed in the past, can confirm it is, I dropped to the point where I was only giving 0 points, no change in matchups. I don't think there is a team that Magneto can't beat, barring the most incredible of cascades early.

    Good to know moving forward. As for the LR's in general, it always difficult for me to place well in them. Unless I play the LR's from 6pm on...but by then I just want to grab a beer and watch hockey.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Anyone know if this has been extended a day since it was delayed a day? Or is this just a 24hr LR week?

    When they've been delayed in the past, they extended it. The tokens for whatever reason last 3 full days long (1 day longer than usual?), so I certainly expect it to last at least the 48 hours.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    It felt good to finally lower my mmr.. Beginning the round with 150+ doom on each node was really tedious.. Reach 350 pts in 1h against half an hour normally.. Hope the feast i gave to the horde will be useful..
    I think even tanking by losing a ton of matches isn't lowering my MMR anymore.
    I lost 25 matches or so in the first LR (got up to 270, then put in my tanking unit and got beaten down to 50 points) and I had maxed villains all the way to 260 after the seeds dried up at 130.
    So unless my MMR is so sky high that losing 20 matches does nothing, I think that's it for tanking.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    A standard token from the Hood's round gave me a red Patch I needed. That also means that my weekly quota of 2 useful covers per an LR week (across standard, heroic and nerftokens) since the token nerf has been filled for 50% icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah..things like LR's are great for those of you with a 141 roster. Was making my way up past 400, then have gotten my as handed to me by no less than 20 141 teams in less than 15 minutes. Not going to even try at this point, waste of time. at least i got a few progressions.
  • I actually tried in the Loki round dor the first time since the nerfing, and managed to get the two heroics (what I was aiming for). First was a Purple Spidey, my first non-yellow Spidey of 2014, bringing him all the way to 5/2/2.... and still terrible. But slightly less terrible.

    In any case, tanking the rest.
  • I really like Hood's LR - games are a bit slower than usual and You have to think about each and every move. Feels like strategy icon_e_smile.gif

    btw. mikedollar - really nice points You got. what's Your team? and gratz!
  • Emeryt wrote:
    I really like Hood's LR - games are a bit slower than usual and You have to think about each and every move. Feels like strategy icon_e_smile.gif

    btw. mikedollar - really nice points You got. what's Your team? and gratz!

    Thanks. I like the Hood rounds too - partly because mine is maxed!

    I was running LT & cmags, he's a beast boosted to level 212. Wasn't that difficult to hit 600, I think the trick is that I only needed to heal each character once over the whole LR so can get plenty of games in.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    I really like Hood's LR - games are a bit slower than usual and You have to think about each and every move. Feels like strategy icon_e_smile.gif

    btw. mikedollar - really nice points You got. what's Your team? and gratz!

    Thanks. I like the Hood rounds too - partly because mine is maxed!

    I was running LT & cmags, he's a beast boosted to level 212. Wasn't that difficult to hit 600, I think the trick is that I only needed to heal each character once over the whole LR so can get plenty of games in.

    Since the cMags covers in the Doom tournament allowed me to level my Mags to non-sucky levels, this is the first Villain LR in which I have a usable cMags. I'm running him with Punisher and I feel DRUNK WITH POWER
  • jaworeq
    jaworeq Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    locked wrote:
    A standard token from the Hood's round gave me a red Patch
    Same here, the first one, for 50 points icon_e_surprised.gif
  • I see daredevil is the new bagman. Came across obvious tank teams from wyp and chimaera which both featured daredevil