PvP Etiquette.



  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    tiomono said:

    All I am saying is you should not have to rely on a 3rd party to perform well in the game. The game should provide you with the tools to succeed. 

    You don't HAVE to rely on Line to be successful.  You could, for example, break our your wallet and boost your characters to 550.  

    Better to just thank those of us that put in the time, money, and effort to inflate the points in a shard so you even have a chance at progression awards, rather than continue to tilt at this windmill.  Just my 2 cents, of course.
    Or, you could keep your copper coins to yourself.  Read through some of this thread and others on this very matter.  Plenty of people reach their desired versus goals without coordination, and without the need for whaling.  To suggest that there are only two options is disingenuous at best, and arrogant at worst.  

    I'll extend my thanks to the people that created and maintain the game.  Please leave the high horse antics and bragging to your line chats.
    Is "for example" to difficult of a concept for you?  If not, your retort to my post is the only thing disingenuous of the material quoted above.  If so, my apologies, so let me clear it up for you:

    Me:  I could fly to Cleveland.  Or, for example, I could drive there.
    You:  It's disingenuous to suggest there are only two options for you to get to Cleveland.  
    Me:  *blank stare*
    you clearly imply that by not using line, that you can't do as well.  you immediately point out whaling.  don't act like that wasn't your implication.

    Secondly, to presume that no one would get a good score without your coordinating among each other is, sorry to say, pretty arrogant.  You have no way of knowing if that is a true statement, and i have no way to prove it false, so it's best left unsaid.
    If only we had some way of proving this.  Oh wait, we do.  The BCs in each shard are well know.  Several shards are cooperative for the good while 1-2 of the others don't have such a BC and has an alliance in them that hits anything that moves and doesn't work to inflate the shard points.  Care to guess which shards reach the better scores?  Which shards progression is obtainable for a stand alone player without a massive roster?  In fact, I bet you could even guess the shards without knowing a thing about the Line community or that we actually do have tracking data on this stuff.

    There's no way to say this part without "sounding arrogant" so I'm just going to say it:  if many or those replying to Daiches on here had any idea of how little they actually new about PVP gameplay, strategy, coordination, underlying mechanics, or the massive amount of player-data that is collected and manipulated to arrive at the recommendations that are typically provided here by both he and other high level players, they'd blush.  While I can agree that you have no way of proving his statement false, to say that "[he] has no way of knowing if that is a true statement" is just plain naive.      
    I am unaware of the shards, so you would lose that bet. 

    or better put, since there is BC, we have no way of knowing what scores would actually be, do we?  that's my point.

    I trust others can see though this buffoonery.  No need to continue down this path.  This thread, and many others, have made it clear that attempting to explain things to you is a fruitless endeavor.  

    Some final questions for you:

    Do you move around from shard to shard?  In each shard, what point level do you typically reach?  Why don't you play each shard 3 times in season events, track your points, and then come back and answer the question?  You don't need a BC to figure out which shards score higher, you just need a pair of eyes and the ability to sort 3 and 4 digit numbers from large to small.

    Some find opinion without an understanding of the underlying facts to be faux pas.  Others may find it to be a desirable trait.  I'd suggest you choose your associates carefully. 
  • ramoramo86
    ramoramo86 Posts: 89 Match Maker
    Keep hitting them till they quit, cry or shield. Its pvp. Hit them till they eventually leave the shard or quit the game 
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Keep hitting them till they quit, cry or shield. Its pvp. Hit them till they eventually leave the shard or quit the game 
    But that's not working, Ramo. Scores and placement mean nothing apparently ;)
  • ramoramo86
    ramoramo86 Posts: 89 Match Maker
    tiomono said:
     There is no reason to try and force others to play by rules not set up in the game, or punish them if they do not follow those rules (that are not part of the game).
    Actually, the entirety of Daiches post was the exact reason to try and force others to play in a certain way and punish them when they don't.  We're all in this together at the end of the day, but when you prove you don't believe you're part of that, it's time to get you out of the way so the rest of the shard can benefit.  Once you've established you're on the side of the machines, you don't get an invite to Zion.  Not everyone wants to be a crab, pulling everyone else down into the bucket with them.

    Are you serious? LOLOLOLOLOL bro its pvp. The only etiquette in pvp is you see points then you hit them. Best way to play pvp is to wait for all the point lovers that are too scared to play like men to coordinate their hops to put out easy teams for each other then hit them all. Ride the wave. Enjoy the BBQ and watch them cry and scramble to go back to hiding. That's why people like you spend about 1500 hero points to hit 1200 because you want to be part  of "Zion". How's "Zion" been enjoying the season so far dealing with the red noded "machines
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Just play the way you want to play and don't give in to the people who try to force their way of playing on others. 
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Ramo stop picking on S4!  But if anyone in s4 wants to play nice S3 it's a great place! I'm not lumpy and like playing nice ;) 

    ps . Sharks have lots of teeth! 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    Wow, has this thread devolved since I commented/ last read......  

    It really doesn't matter if you coordinate on line or not, I play independently (no coordination). Just hit 1061 in the last 7 hours of Loki Versus event. If I really cared to do one more hop I (*think I*) could hit 1200. I don't care to, but that's not my point. My point is it's possible with or without coordination. It's all about how YOU want to play. (I think I contribute to the shard points even though I don't coordinate)

    Back to OP topic. Hit whoever however many times it takes, as long as the points are there. Don't worry about who you upset, end of the day, you're not going to get mercy anyway. Only exceptions are alliance mates. 
  • Beta-Ray Bill
    Beta-Ray Bill Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Don't feed into any of these guys. Been around since the game has started and all that's happened in pvp is politics.

    play how you want to play. If people don't like it they can quit. If they reach out to you form a personal bond or hit them again. This is your game to play. Not theirs.

    have fun with it. Don't treat it like you're in trouble. You don't get anything out of helping other people get a better score than you.

    if everyone has an issue with that than find me on line. I'll welcome you to nameless/no names myself.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    **Mod Mode: ON**

    I do believe this discussion has run its course so I think it's time we locked it before things get out of hand. Some interesting arguments from all sides of the PvP equation but it doesn't look like we are going to reach a consensus on this one. If you do feel you have something worthwhile to add to the discussion, please PM me or another mod to discuss re-opening the thread. Thanks!

    **Mod Mode: OFF**
This discussion has been closed.