Space Gem Season Character Updates *Updated (8/23/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited August 2017 in MPQ Character Discussion
Hi Everyone,

Starting with the Space Gem Season this Thursday 8/24, Mockingbird (Bobbi Morse) and Yondu (Awesome Mix Volume 2) will be entering Latest Status and Venom (Agent Venom) and Medusa (Inhuman Queen) will be transitioning to Vintage Status.

Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) and Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) will be receiving character updates this season. We will also be debuting an all-new way to test out your newly updated character including a way to earn an additional random cover for each character!

A preview of the character updates can be seen below:

Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)

Burning Rubber
The cost has been increased to 12 Green AP (from 7). Damage has been significantly increased, creates 2 friendly Attack tiles, and the AP cost of the power is reduced for each friendly Attack tile on the board (to a minimum of 6)

The cost has been increased to 9 Red AP (from 8). The power deals damage (plus additional damage if the enemy is a villain) and creates a Countdown tile. Each turn the Countdown tile creates 2 friendly Attack tiles.

Penance Stare
The cost has been decreased to 10 Black AP (from 12). No other changes have been made.

Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)

Wilson's Gambit
The cost has been increased to 8 Black AP (from 6). Damage has been increased. Remove a Friendly Countdown tile to deal damage to the enemy or if there are 3 or more friendly Countown tiles, remove 3 friendly Countdown tiles and deal enemy team damage instead.

The Fisk Defense
No changes have been made.

Maggia Pawns
The damage has been increased for each Maggia Thug Countdown created, and the duration of the Maggia Muscle and Maggia Hitman Countdown tiles has been decreased by 1.

System Reboot

An all-new Story event that will run alongside the normal Story events. Complete missions to earn Iso-8 and a random Ghost Rider and Kingpin cover!

Update: Added number charts.
Update 2: Clarified that damage increase for Maggia Pawns only applied to Maggia Thug tile.


  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    The changes to Ghost Rider seem to work (depending on how much damage was increased).  I didn't think Kingpin really needed to be fixed, but his new changes look pretty good though.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Changes to Kingpin seem interesting.

    Ghost Rider has become yet another great partner for Cardusa.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    As always, I await the final numbers, but these are sounded pretty good all around. I'm going to miss that damage on GR's red (him chewing through goons was fun), but a cheaper Penance Stare and increase on green? Sounds like a fair trade.

    Kingpin's black is an interesting change. I really don't look forward to facing him with some goons, but I might use him more.

    Very excited for more supplementary story events! I hope these become a more regular thing. They're a fun distraction and nice little boost of sources.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby Penance State? What's that?  :p
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Penance State...aka copypasta.  :D Nice catch! I've corrected it now
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    @Brigby what else can you say about "System Reboot"? That's a regular event randomily popping up from now on, or weekly, once per season or only for character buffs? Also how much iso are we talking about here?
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Always thought Kingpin was underrated, despite the fact that even I don't use him that much. He's sneaky good with the right team. This should make it less sneaky and more just good. 
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    really love the new event for testing out update characters.

    always bothered me when things were vaulted that you updated characters and there wasn't a good way to get them or test them.

    I will have to see the final numbers but both updates on paper sound fine.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Huh. I don't recall anyone in this dimension complaining that Kingpin needed a rework, but sure. And Hellfire sounds especially nice with carol, plus increases his synergy with Coulson/Hawkeye.
    (Let CDs resolve, or AOE? Resolve or AOE?) Shoot. Now I'll be sad if Kingpin's boosted for a boss event. Unless it's Civil War and those stupid drones are in the way.
  • bob554
    bob554 Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    Ghost Rider/Coulson is one of my favourite Shield Sim pairs, mainly because GR's relatively cheap powers can set off Coulson's CDs and AP gain.

    with these changes, they might take a bit longer to set off, but the damage increase will hopefully be worth it. and GR's red CD being changed to 1 turn (if I'm reading that right) could be good.

    I usually put them with C4rol, but if GR is pumping out two attack tiles a turn then maybe medusa is the better option?

    and agreed with above - much love for the supplementary event!
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kingpin used tp be a really good tank but these days after a year or two of power creep he felt quite underwhelming. That buff to his black is nice though. Also nice that his countdowns are speedier.

    I'm also very much liking the Ghost Rider buff, assuming the numbers are good. His green felt so anaemic even at 5 covers. His red was okay and his black had the potential to hit like a truck. This looks like better synergy between moves so they compliment each other, rather than being three seperate things thrown into a pile.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Kingpin's black is a disappointing change.  2-match powers are incredibly useful.  8ap powers are fine, but it will really need to do a lot more damage to be a net improvement.

    As for his yellow: will be the maggia muscle tiles actually produce muscle strike tiles?  If not, then meh. . .

    Ghost rider should be better now, although hiw much better will depend on the damage for his red/green. The obvious synergy with Medusa (and carnage to a lesser extent) is intriguing.  Dropping down to 10ap for black is great though.

    And system reboot sounds like a new and LONG overdue path to focus on particular 4*s in a 3* ddq-like fashion.  Look forward to more details.
  • bob554
    bob554 Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    shardwick said:
    Anon said:
    @Brigby Penance State? What's that?  :p
    It's the university that Ghost Rider went to.
    I heard they've got a good varsity team. Penance State wins lots of pennants!
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am not really sure what to think about the character changes; I will have to try them out first before I can tell if I like them or not. But I am really digging the new "System Reboot" event. Sounds cool and looking forward to it!
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    I'm going to hate facing Fisk now in the goon nodes. He was already pretty annoying with goon feeders making him spam his maggia every other turn. 
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    One thing with that wording for KP, can you still use his black without countdowns on the board as it doesn't mention being additional damage for the countdowns now? If not, then unless the damage has been drastically increased, that seems like a nerf even with the aoe potential.

    Good to see two characters getting reworks this season, even if there were obviously others with a far greater need that were overlooked. 
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great changes to Kingpin! Now my only question is, will we still continue to see high amounts of KPs yellow TU?! To me it's one of the AL TUs because I have to kill up to 3 characters before the CDs start to go off, and now some are reduced.