Defenders Release Events (8/17/17)



  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
     granne said:

    Having watched the Defenders, I can understand why they've released a 3* Elektra. I mean, I wish it had been JJ, but I'm not sad to get an Elektra I can use (my 4* has a tremendous one cover).

    releasing a 3* Elektra was a reasonable idea and not unexpected.  Release a lazy clone of the 4* version, when Elektra is the core of the 2nd half of the season is just a wasted opportunity.

  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seeing that The Defenders has a vault makes me seriously wonder if the season is going to be delayed. Missed opportunity really, not having a full off-season special with its own Simulator and a full 5 PVP so it would last up to the week-delayed season open. Though, that would mean dealing with the annoyance of dealing with Dr. Strang3C4ge the whole time.
    Okay, thank you for missing the opportunity.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
     granne said:

    Having watched the Defenders, I can understand why they've released a 3* Elektra. I mean, I wish it had been JJ, but I'm not sad to get an Elektra I can use (my 4* has a tremendous one cover).

    releasing a 3* Elektra was a reasonable idea and not unexpected.  Release a lazy clone of the 4* version, when Elektra is the core of the 2nd half of the season is just a wasted opportunity.

    Honestly, it's a seized opportunity.

    It was time for a 5*. Defenders release, MPQ's love of MCU tie-ins, that means Daredevil.

    We could have gotten 5* Daredevil and nothing else. Instead, by copying the 4* Elektra's abilities and scaling them down to a 3*, and reusing abilities (meaning they can reuse poses, speeding up the artwork process), sneaking in a 3* Elektra to have another Defenders tie-in is probably pretty low-effort for them. And it doesn't eat up a spot in the release cycle that a 4*/5* Elektra would.

    Throwing in Elektra was basically a freebie. It's not a missed/wasted opportunity, because the alternative was no new Elektra to tie in to the Defenders at all.

    The nature of the forums is such that people will find a dozen ways to complain regardless, but the reality is that we were given a freebie from the devs that they didn't have to give us.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe I should be more clear.

    D3 is quite good at seizing chances to monetize the game, and its clear that people already know how many 3* elektra covers they can whale out of their respective defenders vault.

    So its very much true that they seized the business opportunity.

    But they've utter wasted a creative opportunity to reflect on the her evolution in comic lore.

    Resurrection by the Hand is one of her personal milestones/markers, and a failure to develop and show those differences in the 3* to 4* comparison should be embarrassing to anyone who thinks of themselves as a fan.

    Anyone with history in this game remembers that Lazy versions entered the game because they needed

    1. to quickly populate the 3* tier.  (the reason why we have lazy thor, and cap)

    2.  to give a playable 3* variant of a 5* char.  (3* strange, thanos, SL)

    3* elektra doesn't fit either scenario:
       --  We have a very deep and wide 3* tier.  No need to add fluffers.
      -- 4* elektra is an old well dispersed 4* cover.  I 'd wage that well over half of the players base has recieved at least 1 4* elektra cover in their account history.

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
    But they've utter wasted a creative opportunity to reflect on the her evolution in comic lore.
    You've completely missed the point in that you see that as an option in the first place. Realistically, with existing characters and known patterns (the 5/4/4 release pattern, MCU 5* versions of characters, etc), we could have gotten NO Elektra, or a 3* version that links to both The Defenders and the modern comics.

    The devs did what they could to throw us this extra bit of Defenders-related material, and your unrealistic expectations don't change that.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:.

    The devs did what they could to throw us this extra bit of Defenders-related material, and your unrealistic expectations don't change that.
    I don't think its unrealistic to have high creative expectations.  Otherwise its just art and story that could have been outsourced from the community college.

    How's that quote go?

    People will meet the expectations that are set before them.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:
    JHawkInc said:.

    The devs did what they could to throw us this extra bit of Defenders-related material, and your unrealistic expectations don't change that.
    I don't think its unrealistic to have high creative expectations.  Otherwise its just art and story that could have been outsourced from the community college.

    How's that quote go?

    People will meet the expectations that are set before them.
    You're complaining that they didn't do more, and those expectations remain unrealistic because "more" was never possible in the first place.

    It doesn't really matter how that quote goes, because it's just wrong in this case. If the devs had to meet the standards you're staunchly insisting upon, they would have gone "Whelp, can't fit Elektra in, oh well." and we would have only gotten 5* Daredevil, with no 3* tie-in at all, and we would have moved on to the next character in the release schedule in 2 weeks regardless.

    They may have made compromises on the creative front, but the fact of the matter is that doing so is the only thing that allowed it to happen in the first place.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe it would have been better to not release the 3* if they had no creative ideas or plans.

    And if they were sincerely strapped for resources, where was their project planning and mgt.  This series was locked on the netflix calendars since DD S1.  Its always bad day when you miss a milestone thats been listed for over a year.

    If we can be honest and say that the 3* char has "creative compromises" made in the face of hard business decisions.  

    Lets really consider where that perspective leads.

    Netflix Iron Fist was a terrible execution of the char and his long and extensive history.  There are many reasons why the show was bad, but I don't think anyone here disagrees that.

    Fundamentally, they made creative compromises (either in rewrites, fight training, cheorography etc...) to meet a hard time line (i.e. make the spring timelne)

    It is probably even true that their are massive penalties and consequences for not making those timelines.

    Fox's Fantastic 4 reboot.  Do we even need to argue that massive creatives compromises were made so that they could release a film on time and maintain their license.

    ABC's Inhumans.  While its fair to give them the benefit of the doubt because the show has not been broadcast,  I think the public has rightfully perceived that hard business limitations (budget, shooting time, costuming limits) have intruded on the creative side and harmed the quality of the product.

    In the above and countless other situations,  We've have seen what happens when compromises get made in the light of harsh business realities.  The product always suffers

    Ultimately do you feel  that the license has suffered for the short sighted decision making?  I know I'm way more likely to torrent the next iteration of FF4 vs going to the theater.  I already priortize Netflix marvel content over  ABC's content.

    If you accept the conceit that its okay to short change a 3* char's development process , then you open the door for fiascoes like BFF valentine day pvp, The 4*/3* deadpool event, and Boss rush V1 which simply stated weren't fully baked or considered.

    Good enough is the enemy of great.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:

    Throwing in Elektra was basically a freebie. 
    Free additional HP spend and ISO spend for limited value!  How nice of them!
  • pabasa130
    pabasa130 Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I'm pretty sure that a character that can completely block an entire attack from the enemy would be great for newer players in 3* land. 
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    A Defenders event with no Beast power-up?  Whaaaaaat?
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    This defenders event sucks. I think I'm done playing pvp til it's over. 
  • Urcookin
    Urcookin Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    DAZ0273 said:
    Elektra is at the bottom of my fully covered 4*s to champ.  Even after the rework, she's still so meh.  Daredevil is too to be honest with you (like both of their characters on the show, just not excited at ALL for the revamps of the same characters).

    I was also really looking forward to Jessica Jones.  

    Oh and this game and (or at least the) forum should be age-capped, so we don't have to speak like kindergarten school teachers.

    4* Jessica Jones (Drunk Detective)

    “You’re a @#&*$£^!” – 8 Red AP

    Jessica has a hangover and can’t be bothered to put up with all this *&%*. Create 4 red strikes tiles of 86 strength, deal 1046 damage and leave her the *&%$ alone. Ends the turn.

    Trail of dead bodies –Passive 0 Yellow AP

    Jessica just can’t help finding dead people connected to whatever case she is on. If an enemy is downed, stun Jessica for 2 turns whilst she is unjustly arrested. Upon returning from being stunned, Jessica is pissed and so deals 2456 damage to all enemies.

    Glug, Glug, Glug – Blue 7 AP

    Jessica gets her hands on a new bottle of whiskey. It’s drinkin’ time! Jessica is wasted and feeling no pain! Create a 3 turn countdown tile that creates 2 strength 56 protect tiles per round. On expiry of the tile or if matched away, Jessica vomits all over the enemy stunning them for 3 rounds.

    You missed the Can't Make the Landing - Black 7 AP that stuns all characters for 5 turns. 
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I think it will be better if the PVP event of 3* Elektra and Daredevil is switch so that the it takes place after people get their 3* reward from the Galactus event. I wonder why this this time is the character's pvp first follow by their reward in PVE.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just realized that the PVP events all give Defenders vault tokens.  I love the vault in general, and the extra tokens are a big plus.  I find the normal store tokens to be less fun than this vault.

    Thanks!  I hope we see this more!