Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six - Run 2 (7/21/17)



  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,780 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'll be too busy busting a gut for 40 wins in Divine Champions to play this.  Honest.

    Well there's never been a better time, boss fights have never been easier leaving little else to do. I wouldn't have gone for 40 I usually 575 and out but will hVe plenty of spare time to hit 40. I will just climb and drop using a variety of teams easy for people to hit me back down with.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    It´s a pity that Cloak & Dagger aren´t buffed this time (they were incredibly helpful in the 1st run).        
    I guess I have to revert to my favourite boss team consisting of Cyke, KK and MoStorm.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Since Hulk's boosted for this, I'm wondering about using Hulk, KK and Mohawk Storm. I haven't been able to use it for ages, because Hulk's falling behind and can't tank any longer.

    I'm also going to miss boosted C&D this time around, but I think I'll probably still pull them out for the first few boss clears.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    It´s a pity that Cloak & Dagger aren´t buffed this time (they were incredibly helpful in the 1st run).        
    I guess I have to revert to my favourite boss team consisting of Cyke, KK and MoStorm.
    Easy swap out. Drop C&D, put in Miles. Take care not to give Venom extra webs, but let him get some out and take advantage of it. Other 2 are Thoress and Chulk. Chulk did all the heavy lifting last time, with hardly a single Smite dropped, but maybe with Miles' passive AP gen, I'll actually get off some goddess damage
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    At about half mil ISO free after the latest levelling I'm more interested in CP. 
  • throughsilver
    throughsilver Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    I think one key bit of feedback from the last event was the feeling that it was inappropriate to reward the level of alliance effort with just a ledge token (that could yield an Agent Venom or similar). On the rerun there is still no guaranteed 5* (as we got with previous boss events).

    Did the devs just not pay attention to the feedback or did they pay attention and decide that we get what we're given?

    That aside, I enjoy this event, so am looking forward to it. 
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    I think one key bit of feedback from the last event was the feeling that it was inappropriate to reward the level of alliance effort with just a ledge token (that could yield an Agent Venom or similar). On the rerun there is still no guaranteed 5* (as we got with previous boss events).

    Did the devs just not pay attention to the feedback or did they pay attention and decide that we get what we're given?

    That aside, I enjoy this event, so am looking forward to it. 
    I think you might be projecting. Another "key" bit of feedback was that it was too easy, but it doesn't look like they changed that either. 
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    @Brigby - While I'm sure we will found out for ourselves in the next few hours, can you tell us if any changes were made to the Boss's abilities for this run? 
  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    When exactly will the event start? It's weird not seeing any events in Story, except DDQ.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    It'll be noon EDT. 
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Oh, nice. The all-new all-different Ironheart. With this, mine will be at an usable 5/2/5 (with two useless covers).
    Hope the alliance is up for some work.
  • throughsilver
    throughsilver Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    halirin said:
    I think one key bit of feedback from the last event was the feeling that it was inappropriate to reward the level of alliance effort with just a ledge token (that could yield an Agent Venom or similar). On the rerun there is still no guaranteed 5* (as we got with previous boss events).

    Did the devs just not pay attention to the feedback or did they pay attention and decide that we get what we're given?

    That aside, I enjoy this event, so am looking forward to it. 
    I think you might be projecting. Another "key" bit of feedback was that it was too easy, but it doesn't look like they changed that either. 
    Some said it was too easy; others that it was too hard (especially Carnage). 

    Top progression reward is more easily rectified. 
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    I think one key bit of feedback from the last event was the feeling that it was inappropriate to reward the level of alliance effort with just a ledge token (that could yield an Agent Venom or similar). On the rerun there is still no guaranteed 5* (as we got with previous boss events).

    Did the devs just not pay attention to the feedback or did they pay attention and decide that we get what we're given?

    That aside, I enjoy this event, so am looking forward to it. 
    190 days here and I have not yet seen a time where any feed back changed a single thing. Not carnage, vaulting, et al.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Carnage's second change was a direct result of feedback. 
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sandman feels like more of a nuisance than the first time. Even in round 5, I think I've been hit by 3 of his AOE in one wave.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    zodiac339 said:
    Sandman feels like more of a nuisance than the first time. Even in round 5, I think I've been hit by 3 of his AOE in one wave.
    That was my experience the first time.  I was hoping the nerfed that somewhat.  My biggest complaint (out of very few) was his AOE was way overpowered compared to the rest of the players/moves.  
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    I'm steamed about the doc ock.  Round 4 he was in front of his node, I had an absolute terrible board.  Took several turns to clear 2 of his tentacles, no amount of praying/boardshaking/tile matching got rid of the last 2 before the reactor blew up.  all of 0 points in that battle and no retry.  Man was I hot
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Brigby - While I'm sure we will found out for ourselves in the next few hours, can you tell us if any changes were made to the Boss's abilities for this run? 
    To my knowledge, there are no changes to the event itself; simply the rewards.