Which characters have given you an unexpected whuppin' ?



  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Devil Dino. I'd been primarily ignoring because the powers didn't seem all that damaging. And then chomped me for 6K plus to kill off my most damaging character (XFW who had taken a bunch of damage, had a heal tile on the board and had almost hit enough black AP for the next slash) and the others went down in quick succession behind him. I've been a little cautious since...
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    In the spider man PvP, the Carol Switch combo.

    I'd been rocking Red Hulk and Carol thinking that would tank me through it all just fine. But I lost 4 straight matches.
    So I gave up and tried the Carol/Witch combo others had used...and I burned all thr way through to 851 points.

    I realised that Red Hulk took too long to get enough green and even then you'd need to do his AoE at least twice to win. I was getting my 4* butt kicked by a 3* and it was bonkers.