Scaling Tied To S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Levels (5/25/17)



  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2017
    What the tinnykitty ?

    I'm considering myself as a veteran, playing for more than 3 years. Sure, I'm don't have a roaster to  battle in 5* land and neither in 4* land yet. But still, I'm at Shield level 72.
    I've always been in SC lvl 8 to get better progression reward in PVE.
    I'm managing regularly to get the 4* reward and usually finish in the top 300, which is perfectly fine for me at this SC. A 3* and some hp is what I came for. In PVP, I play only at event end to try to steal some reward and not playing enough to get the 10* pack. So I'm considering myself as a PVE player.

    And what are you proposing to me ? ennemi at level 200-400 ? Which mean going back to SC7 where I get less 3* covers by progression and less 3* in the top reward ? This will tinnykitty slow my progression and reduce my interest in PVE.

    I clearly understand that this is a one off, your testing a thing. Perfectly fine.
    But simple warning, do this as a standard basis, I will stay in SC8 but enter one battle in PVE per sub event, and that's all. And if I was a PVE player, that would mean... I would be only a DeadPool Daily player. (Which mean, in my opinion, a soon to quit player)
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you very much for this change! I can go back to playing pve more often again. 

    Recently I had basically given up on pve and strictly doing PvP & ddq.  With this change I can start getting more rewards from the game again. Thanks again D3!
  • oBrokeno
    oBrokeno Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    I am not a fan of this test. I went down to cl7. I only have 3* champs. Can't play the cl8 now. I don't mind losing in cl8 I get rewards. Hit top 50-100 depending on time I have. Seeing rosters in cl7 with 5* champs beating me out kind of sucks. And the test is harder for me at cl7 then it was at cl8 before. Losing to the same players for less rewards and harder game play kind of sucks. 
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Chill out guys, it's just a test, is not like they end up pushing the changes they want regardless feedback or anything...
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dont worry, they'll sort the CL8 scaling today.  :D 
  • MarcSpector68
    MarcSpector68 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I went down to CL 7 and the first node of req character is higher than before.  Is thw Devs way of suttlly saying to players stop complaining aboutbthe power curve cause it could be worse.  Steongwr enemies leas reward...
  • Tintaiwan
    Tintaiwan Posts: 172 Tile Toppler
    I just got absolutely nuked on just 2/6 node.    TWICE ... I thought maybe I wasn't paying attention. So I pulled out my best pairing and still got wiped.   

    WAY TOO HARD.  JUST PAINFUL.   (not challenging - just painful)

    D3 dial the difficulty back.    

    Way to suck the fun out of a game. :'( 

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went down to CL 7 and the first node of req character is higher than before.  Is thw Devs way of suttlly saying to players stop complaining aboutbthe power curve cause it could be worse.  Steongwr enemies leas reward...
    I also decided to play CL7 since the specified maximum level was close to what I was playing before (I think the enemies went as high as 266  for me in the last event).

    The levels for essentials and hard nodes do seem to start higher than they did before, but the increase after each clear is less.  So over all, those nodes are a bit more work to reach 4 clears even if they end up at the same level.  I guess the first three nodes remaining trivial offsets that a little.

    I've also noticed that the sub seems to be filling a lot slower: I joined about 7.5 hours after the start, and its still not even a third full 11 hours later.  While there may be a lot of people dropping down to CL7, I suspect there are even more people who previously played CL7 and have been forced down to even lower levels.  They must be pissed about missing out on the 4* progression rewards ...
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    I joined before the news was out in CL8 and did not read what it said. The scaling is quite horrible I tells ya.  :p
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Out of curiosity I wandered all the way down to SCL 5. I had close to no interest in Gwenpool cover, or Psylocke. It kinda is a way around recent "5-clear pregression" change. Most of nodes were super easy, so I can breeze through 6 clears and grab a total of 25 CP, instead of pushing my limits for 5 clears in CL8 and risking getting just 8 cp.

    Although I expect this to be patched, or alternatively we might loose the choice of CL, while being pushed into maximum available one.
  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    SCL8 isn't that bad, so far. And my rooster isn't that great yet (I haven't updated it in a while, but I have no championed 4* yet). The essential nodes with Gwenpool and Psylock are awful-doable, but annoying; the rest is pretty easy. Even the last node with Hawkeye and the goons.

    My biggest issue is that all my characters which destroy special tiles, do so by using purple: Dr. Strange, Spider-Woman, Medusa, Daredevil. Falcon is the only I can use, but I have to abstain from charging his purple power. Level 3* Cap Marvel is too weak for this round sadly.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's my two cents:

    As a long time veteran, I am loving this update.  Way faster clear times, where I feel like I am not being punished for my more advanced roster.  I've gone from being t20 in my initial clear to t3 (sub1) and t8 (sub2).  Those finishing above me have rosters similar to my own, which is a nice comparison to every other PVE where scaling dictates that people in the 3/4 transition always finish before me.

    My max node level was 323, which is a good 120 levels lower than normal pve max level 424.  

    So it seams there are bonuses and detriments depending on the player.  The ones that get the bonus are those with more advanced rosters.  

    The detriment is for those with lesser developed rosters encountering enemy levels that are more in line with what CL8 should be.

    Devils advocate: Players struggling in a CL should move down to where they are no longer struggling.  Yes, the rewards are less, but the iso/resource demands are also much less and transitioning too early is a bad thing (as everyone who champed two 5s found out or when, back in the day, I brought one three star to max level with everyone else at 110-120.  Things got ugly fast).

    Advice:  Keep the new system, but roll out CL9 with even more iso and more rewards.  I can keep up with champing a 4* as often as they are introduced, but it also means I've had to ignore max covered 5s.
  • y4747
    y4747 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    post-play feedback, SCL8:

    i am a 5* transitioner with 3 champ 5*, and 2 usable. most (40) 4* champed. i almost always play scl8, where the hard nodes can be a real slog. schedule usually prevents me from being competitive (slice 2.5 please  ;) ), so i end up t50, but if it's a weekend or vacation i can squeeze into t10.

    1. scaling has vastly decreased for me. hard nodes have decreased by about 100+ levels, which took me from a 50~75 minute (depending on enemies), occasionally painful, initial clear to a 30~40 minute one. HUGE improvement in play experience. top is 323 instead of old 440 and advertised 400.

    2. placement prospects haven't seemed to change much... i have time for this event and am currently t2. serious competitors are interesting - of the t10, 4 are 4* rosters - which goes to show that people without 5* can handle scl8 just fine. 5* rosters can still beat them if they're optimally timed, but it seems 4* with perfect timing can still beat 5* if they're 20 minutes late on a clear or something.

    3. i was initially considering going scl7 for the vast difficulty decrease and little reward difference, like many, but now i think the nodes are manageable enough in scl8 that i don't need to.

    4. this will definitely make soft-capping a thing of the past. i spent a long time in 4* land before champing 5* because the scaling was so ridiculous, but now people have tons of incentive to level up as much as they can, which i think is a good thing.

    5. i still think the rewards for scl8 should increase, or the level jumps from scl7 reduced.

  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    D3 are making progression rewards better and with this change it might be harder for people with lower level rosters to get high rankings but that is the way it should be. You should be able to get high rankings at a lower CL than your roster dictates because of roster strength. Most people in 5* land could be at a CL9 level of scaling and dip down to CL8 for an easier top 10 finish. 

    They are basically giving you a choice of go for progression or for ranking. If you have the roster strength to go for ranking at CL8 then great. If not go to CL7 or CL6.

    With no CL9 things are just crowded between 2 Clearance Levels so that is the real issue I think and not the scaling.

    I went to CL8 and can actually use my 4* roster now and have fun with PVE. If I want to go really fast I can use my 5* and finish in 30-35 min. People often loose that this game is suppose to be fun. More and more people are getting into 5* land with hoarding tokens and this allows them to play PVE without investing 60-75 minutes of grueling time battling enemies with 70k health.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    I'm a big fan of this test. I hope this becomes permanent or at least long term. If this was the quality of life game change mentioned a while ago I'd say the devs got it right.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2017
    They´ve a done a huge favour to all those whales with their lvl 500+ 5* champions. I usually play PVE in CL8 and I mostly get a T5 placement. But this seems to be over now! Even though I have several buffed 4* champions (Cyclops, Gwenpool, Medusa, Mordo, Star-Lord) I can´t compete with these guys since they´re clearing the nodes in an inhuman speed. 
  • Barth_Todd
    Barth_Todd Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Games are supposed to be fun, but I feel like recent "improvements" are making mpq feel more like work. SCL8 used to be enjoyable. Now it is WAY harder for the exact same rewards.  :'(
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards

    I only have a handful of 4* character and I chose CL8 and I am doing okay in the event. Sure the nodes are tougher and I would have faired easier in CL7 but I enjoy a challenge. I found my self quitting matches though with a bad board more often as I'd rather take a health hit from a quit then a 11k sniper shot. I mean I will do what I normally do, get the 4* reward and  CP and stop playing the event.

  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    Seems like the test has been mostly successful. Main issue people are having is not getting enough notice before they were already involved in the event.

    Out of curiousity, what do you actually lose from going to SL7 from SL8? It's a few hero points and CP ya?