


  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    And like you always like to emphasize, about 20,000 other casual players that just want an easy mobile game. Why should D3 nerf something that the majority enjoys, and which does not cause 30minutes per turn non-interactive AI loops like Baral? 
    Well, you have fun with your casual mobile game while you can, because if the competitive aspect of it dies, the whole thing will be shut down soon after as the whales abandon it in droves.
  • Delnai
    Delnai Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Ohboy said:
    EDHdad said:
    How is durdling with cycle cards any worse than durdling with a creatureless Ob Nixilis deck with 10 kill spells?  Or one of those "awesome" events where the secondary objective is to cast 6 vehicles and win the game with 10 or less life points?

    If cycling bores you, don't play it.  But what I'm hearing is that other people shouldn't play cycling because it personally bores you. 

    Maybe your play style bores some other person.  What if the combo players insisted that nobody play control?  What if the control players insisted nobody plays aggro?  What if the aggro players insisted nobody plays combo?

    Perhaps D3 could eliminate all Magic cards other than vanilla creatures with no abilities.  The commons would all be 2/2's, the uncommons would all be 4/4's, the rares would all be 8/8's, the mythics would all be 16/16's, and everything would cost 12 mana to cast.  No synergy, no strategy. No ramp or draw.  Just big dumb vanilla creatures.  Then, as long as you like the big dumb vanilla creature strategy, you, along with dozens of others, will love this game until the day it ends.  Which wouldn't be too long to wait.

    Let's take it to the most extreme case. 

    Let's assume a hypothetical card that costs 1 and says "win the game if you tap on the screen for 5 minutes" 

    The ai cannot use it, but players now have access to a literal "I win" card. 

    Does any event sound fun to you at all? And I don't just mean events running now. Think of the most interesting event you can cook up in your fantasy, and now introduce this card to it. Are you still having fun? 

    This isn't about cycling being boring. This is about the game introducing a mechanic that stifles competition. What's the point of playing events if coming in first eventually means you're anyone willing to spend 3 hours tapping at a screen on the same spot? 
    Yes, this. Well said.
  • Formulator
    Formulator Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    I don't know. I'm still having a tough time seeing whats wrong with it if the AI can't abuse it. It didn't really annoy me that people used Baral to ace objectives, it annoyed me because when I faced a Baral deck, it was in my best interest to just quit the match. If that "I win" card existed, I just wouldn't use it... It would make the whole gaming experience awful... Just like how piloting a Baral deck use to be.
  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    I don't know. I'm still having a tough time seeing whats wrong with it if the AI can't abuse it. It didn't really annoy me that people used Baral to ace objectives, it annoyed me because when I faced a Baral deck, it was in my best interest to just quit the match. If that "I win" card existed, I just wouldn't use it... It would make the whole gaming experience awful... Just like how piloting a Baral deck use to be.

    players who mastered the use of 'I win' card
    would have very little to look forward to in
    terms of new mythics/mastercards and just
    quit playing?

  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know. I'm still having a tough time seeing whats wrong with it if the AI can't abuse it. It didn't really annoy me that people used Baral to ace objectives, it annoyed me because when I faced a Baral deck, it was in my best interest to just quit the match. If that "I win" card existed, I just wouldn't use it... It would make the whole gaming experience awful... Just like how piloting a Baral deck use to be.

    How long before you either

    1) join the pack because you're tired of placing 276th because you lost 1 point

    2) quit the game because competition is now meaningless. 
  • UweTellkampf
    UweTellkampf Posts: 376 Mover and Shaker
    1. Try twice for 3.1. in Trial of Zeal
    2. Realize: Ok, not with my set of cards for standard.
    3. Shrug and take the ribbons the broken way

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know. I'm still having a tough time seeing whats wrong with it if the AI can't abuse it. It didn't really annoy me that people used Baral to ace objectives, it annoyed me because when I faced a Baral deck, it was in my best interest to just quit the match. If that "I win" card existed, I just wouldn't use it... It would make the whole gaming experience awful... Just like how piloting a Baral deck use to be.
    Because even if you're not using a cycle loop deck, other people are, and they have an advantage over you in the quest to earn more points. Even though people are out there playing hacked versions of the game, you probably don't care that much because you don't run into them. Well now imagine that everyone has access to a hacked version of the game, and not only that, but it was designed by the developers and encouraged to use by incentivizing its use. That's what a broken mechanic does to the game. How is that good for the game in the long run? 
  • Formulator
    Formulator Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    The cheating analogy is a good one. I'm definitely not competitive when it comes to the events. I usually ignore the objectives because I find them to be completely idiotic. I would continue playing because I like mindless match 3 games. However, I can see how it really would be terrible for the game in the long run for those wanting to top the leader-boards.