Dormammu - Recruiting Now!
High Stakes is over with Dormammu U finishing 41st with 16,551 points and Latveria State ranked 68th with 15,238 points out of 20,230 alliances. This earned Dormammu U 4000 , 100 , and a while Latveria State earned 2000 , 50 , and a . Stats to follow:
entrailbucket - 1104
Ratfink845 - 1089
Jameson2014 - 1060
solesoulsorrow - 1039
Morak - 1025
Felux - 1001
VELAIC22 - 908
Bobby Digi - 868
FOAD - 860
Spanntastic12 - 844
952182 (Proximity) - 842
mattyD857 - 836
Neilorax - 835
PorkBelly - 759
blacklist47 - 726
White1 - 698
IronMan123 - 652
Kakita - 648
Kuangster - 428
Beast1970 - 329
captain rex 89 - 1193
SgtSkag - 1095
mags1587 - 1086
cpt. chaos - 1063
bruceway - 1039
Jim1200 - 1030
Ash 89 - 874
Andy9009 - 788
Peblig - 725
windfallstar - 716
Shadowman - 699
Faven - 689
nyark - 663
Pamizard - 635
Orangeboom - 620
M695 - 617
FlyingSandals - 597
Akira2K5 - 560
Redfyre - 549
RobAntilles - 0
Lord of Thunder is next with rewards and the Thick as Thieves event is going on for rewards. The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Lord of Thunder is done with Dormammu U finishing 36th with 15,182 points and Latveria State ranked 80th with 13,882 points out of 20,211 alliances. This earned Dormammu U 4000 , 100 , and a while Latveria State earned 2000 , 50 , and a . Stats to follow:
Jameson2014 - 1049
Spanntastic12 - 1047
Bobby Digi - 1002
Felux - 971
Spider-Prime - 943 (thanks for merc'ing)
Beast1970 - 905
solesoulsorrow - 891
Morak - 855
Ratfink845 - 740
Kakita - 730
IronMan123 - 680
PorkBelly - 679
Neilorax - 663
VELAIC22 - 646
mattyD857 - 643
952182 (Proximity) - 623
FOAD - 604
White1 - 604
Akira2K5 - 532
Kuangster - 375
blacklist47 - retired (let us remember the good times since season 4 and all the success that was had)
captain rex 89 - 1011
entrailbucket - 985
Jim1200 - 958
SgtSkag - 899
mags1587 - 863
cpt. chaos - 806
windfallstar - 795
Andy9009 - 726
Peblig - 720
Shadowman - 702
nyark - 661
Orangeboom - 654
The Dumps - 645 (thanks for merc'ing)
M695 - 614
Redfyre - 606
FlyingSandals - 582
Faven - 526
Pamizard - 425
bruceway - 512
Ash 89 - 192
RobAntilles - retired (good luck Rob)
Divine Champions is next with rewards and the Thick as Thieves event is going on for rewards. The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Season X(10) is finally over with and Dormammu U finished 41st with 178,329 points and Latveria State ranked 51st with 173,645 points out of 28,552 alliances. This earned both Dormammu U and Latveria State 500 , 25 , and a . Stats to follow:
Felux - 11866
solesoulsorrow - 11183
Jameson2014 - 11095
Spanntastic12 - 10485
Beast1970 - 10092
Morak - 9959
Bobby Digi - 9551
mattyD857 - 9188
Kakita - 9164
Spider-Prime - 8945 (thanks for merc'ing)
952182 (Proximity) - 8914
FOAD - 8881
VELAIC22 - 8011
White1 - 7993
IronMan123 - 7799
Ratfink845 - 7799
Neilorax - 7637
PorkBelly - 7310
Akira2K5 - 6735
Kuangster - 5722
entrailbucket - 13899
captain rex 89 - 13063
mags1587 - 11622
Jim1200 - 11144
bruceway - 10813
Shadowman - 9143
Peblig - 8715
Andy9009 - 8706
cpt. chaos - 8694
windfallstar - 8413
nyark - 8042
Faven - 7809
Orangeboom - 7510
The Dumps - 7163 (thanks for merc'ing)
Ash 89 - 7093
M695 - 6901
Redfyre - 6655
SgtSkag - 6316
FlyingSandals - 6229
Pamizard - 5715
Divine Champions is next with rewards and the Thick as Thieves event is going on for rewards. The minimum score requirement is on break until Season 11 begins so have fun not playing as there is stuff to do outside the game. The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Thick as Thieves finally ended with Osborn Academy finishing 15th with 2,527,461 points. This earned you all some , some , and a . Congrats to all of you for losing a weeks worth of sleep. Stats as follows:
Felux - 175810
VELAIC22 - 161004
White1 - 157208
FOAD - 151520
entrailbucket - 147870
Jim1200 - 142477
952182 (Proximity) - 141220
Madeofglasz - 140199 (thanks for merc'ing)
Orangeboom - 135534
nyark - 127289
Andy9009 - 123511
Akira2K5 - 119374
mags1587 - 119024
Neilorax - 115186
windfallstar - 110283
IronMan123 - 102717
M695 - 100835
Peblig - 99101
Kakita - 90573
Ratfink845 - 66726
Divine Champions is going on with rewards and the Meet Rocket and Groot PvE just started for rewards. The spreadsheet is update: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Divine Champions is done with Dormammu U finishing 168th with 8,899 points and Latveria State ranked 130th with 9,849 points out of 21,479 alliances. This earned Dormammu U and Latveria State 1000 and 50 . Stats to follow:
entrailbucket - 1066
952182 (Proximity) - 1002
mattyD857 - 774
VELAIC22 - 691
Bobby Digi - 686
IronMan123 - 663
Spanntastic12 - 610
Kakita - 585
solesoulsorrow - 527
Felux - 433
Jameson2014 - 426
Neilorax - 409
Morak - 369
FOAD - 353
White1 - 158
Ratfink845 - 147
Kuangster - 0
Beast1970 - 0
PorkBelly - 0
bruceway - 1027
Jim1200 - 951
captain rex 89 - 918
Tha Dumps - 839
Andy9009 - 759
mags1587 - 722
Shadowman - 661
Pamizard - 597
Orangeboom - 556
Akira2K5 - 542
cpt. chaos - 479
Redfyre - 412
nyark - 405
Peblig - 346
M695 - 338
FlyingSandals - 297
SgtSkag - 0
windfallstar - 0
Faven - 0
Ash 89 - 0
Category - 5 is next with rewards and the Meet Rocket and Groot event is going on for rewards. The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Category - 5 is done with us weathering the off season storm, Dormammu U finished 35th with 14,782 points and Latveria State ranked 121st with 10,436 points out of 19,066 alliances. This earned Dormammu U 2000 , 100 , and a and Latveria State earned 1000 and 50 . Stats to follow:
FOAD - 1088
entrailbucket - 1044
White1 - 1042
Felux - 974
Bobby Digi - 822
Kakita - 814
Kuangster - 812
Spanntastic12 - 807
952182 (Proximity) - 803
PorkBelly - 793
mattyD857 - 730
Ratfink845 - 718
IronMan123 - 699
SunStreaker - 675
Morak - 670
VELAIC22 - 655
solesoulsorrow - 624
Neilorax - 536
Jameson2014 - 476
Beast1970 - 0
captain rex 89 - 1099
Jim1200 - 1067
cpt. chaos - 865
mags1587 - 771
windfallstar - 753
Andy9009 - 625
Akira2K5 - 604
Shadowman - 589
Redfyre - 581
Nellobee - 579
Faven - 518
Orangeboom - 486
nyark - 481
M695 - 413
Pamizard - 346
bruceway - 331
Peblig - 328
SgtSkag - 0
FlyingSandals - 0
Ash 89 - 0
Ask Questions Later has started as well as Season XI with rewards and the Meet Rocket and Groot event is going on for rewards. Friendly reminder, minimums are back in effect. The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Meet Rocket and Groot - 24,973 alliances in play
Osborn Academy - 76th - 891,846 points
Reward: 2000 , 50 ,
VELAIC22 - 86097
Andy9009 - 82424
Orangeboom - 68351
Akira2K5 - 64016
952182 (Proximity) - 63414
Pamizard - 63164
Neilorax - 56851
entrailbucket - 55768
Shadowman - 48005
Kakita - 39845
Felux - 37750
Nellobee - 37275
IronMan123 - 33166
Peblig - 31864
windfallstar - 30261
Ratfink845 - 23272
Bobby Digi - 19957
FOAD - 18302
FlyingSandals - 16396
Jameson2014 - 15668
Current PvP - Ask Questions Later - rewards
Current PvE - The Guantlet
The spreadsheet is updated: ... Yk/pubhtml. See you in Line chat.0 -
Ask Questions Later - 20,347 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 29th - 16,943 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
entrailbucket - 1211
White1 - 1062
Felux - 1040
Spanntastic12 - 1032
Morak - 1031
Jameson2014 - 1028
FOAD - 1020
952182 (Proximity) - 1010
Bobby Digi - 1003
Ratfink845 - 960
solesoulsorrow - 853
Kuangster - 834
SunStreaker - 810
VELAIC22 - 770
Kakita - 690
PorkBelly - 668
mattyD857 - 662
Neilorax - 648
IronMan123 - 611
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 83rd - 14,463 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
captain rex 89 - 1212
mags1587 - 1021
Jim1200 - 1005
bruceway - 1003
SgtSkag - 932
Faven - 828
windfallstar - 818
Andy9009 - 729
Shadowman - 722
Peblig - 721
Nellobee - 699
Pamizard - 627
nyark - 620
cpt. chaos - 607
Orangeboom - 603
Redfyre - 598
FlyingSandals - 594
M695 - 573
Akira2K5 - 551
Ash 89 - 0
Current PvP - Webslinger - rewards
Current PvE - The Guantlet
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Webslinger - 19,355 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 35th - 16,326 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
entrailbucket - 1279
Felux - 1035
FOAD - 1022
Kuangster - 1010
solesoulsorrow - 1006
Spanntastic12 - 931
White1 - 920
mattyD857 - 901
Jameson2014 - 833
Ratfink845 - 832
Bobby Digi - 815
952182 (Proximity) - 771
SunStreaker - 770
Morak - 767
IronMan123 - 747
PorkBelly - 694
Neilorax - 680
Kakita - 665
VELAIC22 - 648
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 70th - 14,967 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
Jim1200 - 1240
mags1587 - 1240
captain rex 89 - 1190
SgtSkag - 1059
bruceway - 973
nyark - 749
Shadowman - 747
cpt. chaos - 738
Andy9009 - 731
windfallstar - 726
Nellobee - 696
Peblig - 674
Faven - 672
Orangeboom - 641
Pamizard - 628
Akira2K5 - 613
Redfyre - 604
M695 - 541
FlyingSandals - 505
Ash 89 - 0
Current PvP - Starfall - rewards
Current PvE - The Guantlet
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Starfall - 19,488 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 33rd - 15,653 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
Jameson2014 - 1111
entrailbucket - 1091
Felux - 1007
mattyD857 - 1005
solesoulsorrow - 989
Morak - 937
Spanntastic12 - 899
Bobby Digi - 888
Ratfink845 - 872
Kakita - 870
952182 (Proximity) - 848
nyark - 835
SunStreaker - 754
VELAIC22 - 747
Neilorax - 727
IronMan123 - 725
PorkBelly - 695
FOAD - 653
Kuangster - 0
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 63rd - 14,441 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
Jim1200 - 1072
captain rex 89 - 1063
mags1587 - 1018
SgtSkag - 1013
bruceway - 883
White1 - 840
cpt. chaos - 816
Faven - 811
Andy9009 - 722
M695 - 679
Orangeboom - 666
Nellobee - 647
Shadowman - 627
Redfyre - 613
Akira2K5 - 581
windfallstar - 579
Peblig - 562
FlyingSandals - 505
brends_04 - 393
Pamizard - 351
Current PvP - Identity Theft - rewards
Current PvE - Iso-8 Brotherhood - rewards
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Identity Theft - 18,086 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 34th - 16,075 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
entrailbucket - 1125
solesoulsorrow - 1075
Bobby Digi - 986
Spanntastic12 - 984
Kakita - 960
Felux - 953
Jameson2014 - 922
Morak - 911
Ratfink845 - 895
mattyD857 - 864
952182 (Proximity) - 851
SunStreaker - 772
VELAIC22 - 750
FOAD - 740
Kuangster - 723
PorkBelly - 659
nyark - 654
IronMan123 - 640
Neilorax - 611
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 65th - 14,656 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
captain rex 89 - 1205
Jim1200 - 1164
SgtSkag - 1078
mags1587 - 1072
cpt. chaos - 808
White1 - 791
Andy9009 - 731
bruceway - 718
M695 - 683
Orangeboom - 668
Shadowman - 640
Peblig - 629
windfallstar - 628
Nellobee - 621
Faven - 593
Akira2K5 - 589
FlyingSandals - 518
brends_04 - 512
Redfyre - 506
Pamizard - 502
Current PvP - Magnetic Mayhem - rewards
Current PvE - Iso-8 Brotherhood - rewards
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Iso-8 Brotherhood - 25,241 alliances in event
Osborn Academy - 18th - 1,826,556 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
VELAIC22 - 145,810
windfallstar - 137,605
Felux - 136,040
Andy9009 - 135,660
entrailbucket - 121,371
FOAD - 110,592
White1 - 85,528
952182 (Proximity) - 84,589
Orangeboom - 82,913
Faven - 82,760
mags1587 - 80,020
Morak - 78,894
Neilorax - 78,376
Akira2K5 - 75,323
Bobby Digi - 71,635
IronMan123 - 67,008
nyark - 66,866
Peblig - 62,923
mattyD857 - 62,579
Kakita - 60,064
Current PvP - Magnetic Mayhem - rewards
Current PvE - Enemy of the State - rewards
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Magnetic Mayhem - 19,754 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 32nd - 16,252 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
Jameson2014 - 1154
entrailbucket - 1142
Spanntastic12 - 1062
Kuangster - 1030
mattyD857 - 1024
Felux - 1010
Bobby Digi - 1006
Morak - 1006
FOAD - 1004
Kakita - 919
952182 (Proximity) - 855
solesoulsorrow - 759
IronMan123 - 664
SunStreaker - 648
VELAIC22 - 641
PorkBelly - 626
Neilorax - 622
Ratfink845 - 577
nyark - 503
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 72nd - 14,234 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
White1 - 1084
captain rex 89 - 1083
SgtSkag - 1026
mags1587 - 1006
Jim1200 - 991
bruceway - 889
Peblig - 792
Andy9009 - 755
Nellobee - 685
M695 - 678
Orangeboom - 665
FlyingSandals - 659
cpt. chaos - 654
Faven - 648
windfallstar - 541
Akira2K5 - 526
Pamizard - 519
brends_04 - 401
Shadowman - 373
Redfyre - 259
Current PvP - Cage Match - rewards
Current PvE - Enemy of the State - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Cage Match - 18,290 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 59th - 14,972 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
Jameson2014 - 1160
entrailbucket - 1160
Morak - 1084
mattyD857 - 1034
Ratfink845 - 1030
Neilorax - 912
Spanntastic12 - 903
Felux - 849
952182 (Proximity) - 811
VELAIC22 - 810
Bobby Digi - 802
solesoulsorrow - 737
SunStreaker - 644
Kakita - 637
IronMan123 - 614
PorkBelly - 611
nyark - 592
FOAD - 582
Kuangster - 0
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 42nd - 15,828 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
mags1587 - 1100
SgtSkag - 1096
Jim1200 - 1079
bruceway - 1020
cpt. chaos - 1009
White1 - 1003
captain rex 89 - 1003
windfallstar - 804
Andy9009 - 762
Shadowman - 754
Akira2K5 - 742
FlyingSandals - 701
Peblig - 689
Nellobee - 667
Faven - 637
Redfyre - 607
Orangeboom - 601
M695 - 578
Pamizard - 572
brends_04 - 404
Current PvP - Lethal Intent - rewards
Current PvE - Enemy of the State - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.
Edit: corrected the name of the event to Cage Match. Who cares though? Boring game. Can't wait until Beast gets back so I can quit.0 -
Lol, that was for Cage Match, right?0
Lethal Intent - 18,642 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 24th - 18,001 points
Rewards: 3000 , 100 ,
FOAD - 1474
entrailbucket - 1329
Felux - 1177
solesoulsorrow - 1152
Jameson2014 - 1135
Ratfink845 - 1104
mattyD857 - 1099
Morak - 1022
Kuangster - 969
Spanntastic12 - 915
Bobby Digi - 897
PorkBelly - 859
Kakita - 840
SunStreaker - 730
Neilorax - 724
VELAIC22 - 692
952182 (Proximity) - 685
IronMan123 - 623
nyark - 575
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 48th - 16,235 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
mags1587 - 1318
captain rex 89 - 1303
SgtSkag - 1188
Jim1200 - 1099
White1 - 1063
bruceway - 1033
cpt. chaos - 842
Shadowman - 803
Peblig - 771
Andy9009 - 745
windfallstar - 739
Faven - 727
Nellobee - 684
Orangeboom - 663
M695 - 641
Akira2K5 - 600
FlyingSandals - 569
Pamizard - 539
Redfyre - 517
brends_04 - 391
Current PvP - Eye for an Eye - rewards
Current PvE - Enemy of the State - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Enemy of the State - 24,916 alliances in event
Osborn Academy - 95th - 2,224,843 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
inadreves1 - 179,400 (thanks for merc'ing)
entrailbucket - 153,278
Akira2K5 - 147,880
Nellobee - 130,931
Orangeboom - 126,562
Bobby Digi - 115,908
mattyD857 - 112,775
952182 (Proximity) - 106,737
Pamizard - 106707
EEEEEEE - 106,028 (thanks for merc'ing)
Jim1200 - 105281
FlyingSandals - 100,628
brends_04 - 100,142
Andy9009 - 98,085
Neilorax - 92,315
KaKita - 91,883
VELAIC22 - 90,473
FOAD - 89,951
Peblig - 86,037
Shadowman - 83,842
Current PvP - God of Lies - rewards
Current PvE - Prodigal Son - rewards
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Eye for an Eye - 19,737 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 47th - 15,863 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
entrailbucket - 1208
Jameson2014 - 1110
solesoulsorrow - 1036
FOAD - 1034
Ratfink845 - 924
Spanntastic12 - 915
Kuangster - 907
Morak - 863
952182 (Proximity) - 859
Kakita - 838
SunStreaker - 815
Bobby Digi - 796
Felux - 780
IronMan123 - 729
Neilorax - 699
nyark - 677
PorkBelly - 667
mattyD857 - 654
VELAIC22 - 352
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 56th - 15,543 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
Jim1200 - 1239
SgtSkag - 1167
captain rex 89 - 1032
mags1587 - 1015
cpt. chaos - 1009
White1 - 1005
Shadowman - 965
bruceway - 958
Andy9009 - 745
Peblig - 702
Nellobee - 659
M695 - 620
FlyingSandals - 612
Orangeboom - 591
Akira2K5 - 590
windfallstar - 587
Pamizard - 581
brends_04 - 509
Faven - 497
Redfyre - 460
Current PvP - God of Lies - rewards
Current PvE - Prodigal Son - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
God of Lies - 17,659 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 30th - 15,537 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
Jameson2014 - 1202
entrailbucket - 1190
Felux - 1086
solesoulsorrow - 1072
Spanntastic12 - 1067
Ratfink845 - 886
952182 (Proximity) - 825
Morak - 802
Kakita - 773
VELAIC22 - 760
Bobby Digi - 757
Neilorax - 738
SunStreaker - 725
FOAD - 664
nyark - 624
PorkBelly - 619
mattyD857 - 619
IronMan123 - 602
Kuangster - 526
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 83rd - 14,031 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
mags1587 - 1143
captain rex 89 - 1083
Jim1200 - 1049
bruceway - 993
SgtSkag - 860
Peblig - 776
Andy9009 - 729
White1 - 718
FlyingSandals - 691
Shadowman - 679
Nellobee - 661
Akira2K5 - 633
cpt. chaos - 616
Orangeboom - 603
windfallstar - 592
Faven - 518
M695 - 513
Redfyre - 510
brends_04 - 416
Pamizard - 248
Current PvP - Unholy Outlaw - rewards
Current PvE - Prodigal Son - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0 -
Unholy Outlaw - 17,503 alliances in event
Dormammu U - 39th - 14,569 points
Rewards: 2000 , 100 ,
entrailbucket - 1177
Jameson2014 - 1156
Kakita - 1129
Felux - 1071
solesoulsorrow - 1038
Spanntastic12 - 1001
952182 (Proximity) - 888
Bobby Digi - 846
Ratfink845 - 734
SunStreaker - 657
nyark - 651
IronMan123 - 635
FOAD - 631
Neilorax - 614
PorkBelly - 607
mattyD857 - 589
VELAIC22 - 581
Morak - 564
Kuangster - 0
Beast1970 - 0
Latveria State - 83rd - 13,328 points
Rewards: 1000 , 50 ,
Jim1200 - 1135
mags1587 - 997
SgtSkag - 916
White1 - 914
Peblig - 773
Andy9009 - 685
windfallstar - 665
Orangeboom - 658
cpt. chaos - 654
Nellobee - 631
captain rex 89 - 610
Akira2K5 - 608
M695 - 581
Shadowman - 546
Redfyre - 536
Faven - 505
Pamizard - 505
FlyingSandals - 504
brends_04 - 503
bruceway - 429
Current PvP - Nefarious Foes - rewards
Current PvE - Prodigal Son - rewards
Deadpool's Daily -
The spreadsheet is updated: Link. See you in Line chat.0
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