Crash Alert

Horrorshow Posts: 23
Go to open the game on Android.... crashes once Mordo goes away. Restart phone...... open game. Crash.

Turned on the light in the bathroom. Game crashed.

Said the word "trump". Game crashed, then protested.

Lit a cigarette. Game crashed.



  • jwbkentucky
    jwbkentucky Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Having the same problem. Even did a reinstall, still crashed.

    Damn Amazonian conspiracy to keep me from playing.

    I blame Wonder Woman
  • mwc
    mwc Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Are both of you on Android 5.0.1 like me? Having the same issue here.
  • I'm on 6.0.1
  • TroyAS
    TroyAS Posts: 4
    I'm on 6.0.1.

    Tried Restarts and Re-installs. No luck.
  • boofa2001
    boofa2001 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Same issue here. Nexus 6p on latest beta release of Android. Restarted phone, cleared app cache, no joy
  • Same here. Android 6.0
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    no problems with steam (for a change)
  • Arathion
    Arathion Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Having the same problem. I was able to get in this morning and I tried this afternoon with zero luck. It either crashes on load up or the game loads and freezes on the events screen. Running Android 6.0.1.
  • Theghouse
    Theghouse Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Constant crashing or freezing when trying to start app.

    Android 7.0 on Samsung galaxy s7.
  • Frdcnjim
    Frdcnjim Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I have been having the same problem all day as well. Note Tab 4.
  • Wookers
    Wookers Posts: 1
    Glad to see my wife isn't the only one having this problem
  • ECOcrush
    ECOcrush Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Anyone else having the the game crash immediately after the load screen since the latest update?

    I've tried forcing it closed and restarting my phone but still can't get the game to fully load.
  • leoperez90
    leoperez90 Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Ever since the realise of the whole favorite hero new system my game is crashing as a matter of fact it doesn't even fully load it's been doing that all day after 3pm. Please fix it!
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Try the bugs sub forum. You aren't alone.

  • tbeavers
    tbeavers Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Phew, I thought mine was the only one. Glad to hear other folks are having the same problem....but not really
  • skyman
    skyman Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Same issue.

    On a Galaxy S5 and running Android 6.0.1
  • Same issue. Started about 2 hours ago
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
    Ditto for me.

    I opened MPQ on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S6, running Android 6.0.1) sometime just after 1730 CST, so I could preload the Lightning Round. MPQ opened with the "You were a top 1000 finisher in the LIGHTNING ROUND" screen from the just-finished Lightning Round. The "Claim Reward" button would animate being pressed, but after that, it would not be able to proceed and would prompt me to Close/Wait/Report.

    After a few tries closing and reopening MPQ, I uninstalled MPQ and restarted my phone. I reloaded my profile from Facebook, but it crashed. I uninstalled MPQ (and a few random other apps, just in case something was physically wrong with where MPQ was saved), restarted, and reinstalled MPQ, restoring from my Facebook profile. MPQ crashed again.

    I re-uninstalled, restarted, and re-installed MPQ. I missed the prompt to restore MPQ, so I played through the walkthrough missions, then re-installed from my Facebook profile. It crashed again.

    Around 2030 CST, I restarted my phone, re-opened MPQ, and I got the 1730 Lightning Round finisher screen and froze up again.

    So, me, too. No success yet. I'm also sending a copy through the support page:
  • Clamoe100
    Clamoe100 Posts: 53
    Same here. I am playing on a Galaxy S7 Edge with the updated Android, and the game doesn't get past the opening screen before it crashes. Disappointing.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
    And I just got a "Rescue Mary Jane!" notification on my Android menu, but still can't get in. You're cruel sometimes, D3.